Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 17, 1960, p. 2

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canadian farmers in london inn tji ill s it i laik yakino look i- n i 1 t ul i it i tw u iiiiim lii t i i i i hi i dlr wiii im111 in ii lirls l ml 1 i fir mk ii it i l t ln i v work ul i k i jl l iiiplfll i til i in i luilii i 1 luiarn uhu kiif lum mi a in mill v uml in knljin fulfill ilrsiri iini i mil i aimliaii ijiiiuis i uh lour till wsllnl j lltlllllllil l ill is m fanl both ljtt am mill ihiuujioiil llnl mi lt i in jn ii 1 i lltlt ill ii r of llnisli tjrninit mi iixlt hit mm it mandril in il 1 si lii n in llnljin ftrsl luiul liiiti cutiiirlirii iiili jiuui 1irnis jtlrii ulliif il lum ami tits tint nimlrrn memorial park is dedicated impressive remembrance service guest speaker was army staff chief imlil u tr1 pi i in tfi lal sun i ihldrvlm- t u dfcl hi ll jiiii s nut ml tlir lit ntniirii i sin i hi in situate s it i in 11 i irl ii trn of geontuins lik 1 mil i t ihr nm lit mi iiilirji irl ii a prrfrft stiim- lr 111 u r i r i lfcmonil ih ii il i m i eeromont ms uriinjlk nil 1 lint ulkl lo tik i ll r 1 and ti ii hi i ii i r li cerrmoi jpi n il v deriilnl in mini m ii 1 i the cm m mi slitltil with the pailrr i llraiich lu anil chairman tif tht virtui hi i kennhh hichir is n mi um m th unkini nl o i iiuiu tin we folltmisl in tin in in i tha wrtath b msir i rn lil and dae apirrjil i mavir lllt ih n ri il the rhanlain il llr n ii lu i haitian 1ejiun in pr k i il 1 1 tin in ii ill in tli imr tint i i i jll tu ami v s ii in i i- link iii ii iiik i h i jpt unit jtiil tii 1 nm h ul lis ii links imijii iiiishil mirt ii i i ii i in n jn i tp i il il him h- 1 n n l 1 iil us hi j ik in nil h r i t is ttin i r r i lt hi 1in i i nlt l i lit tut i u jll u i h r mi 11 is iru ih i i ii h t i i i bylaw no 6017 town of gtohgiyown a by law lo ptevitja far k ubtnllino ol a quailton to lha cltclott of tha town of gaorgatown at lha nast antutne annual election ht rt jt thr muiwr pal nun nl m n iiukr appliral tin lo lha ii i i ii mini ipl iuir1 for ihr t i i il ihr mull r plit into i i ml ii il h i i m ii ii jl i 11 1 ii s i ii i i 111 ii ih nh is hi i htrli tljst j i- ih ii ii ii 1 h i i i ii i 1 1 1 ii 1 ml j i ihi i i k ni l mill in nh pi s ut al hi n r in in i rt tuilis if llmnptun v illit hi f i r 1 mis tishi th n inlri luii il 1 i i in i 1 ii 11 11 1111 i s i i h i ij1 llsd i ii ii t in i s i run r i lurl il si 11 i i s unit hi i ut 1 i ut r il lrhjin ilii is n u i niii linn in i tls j ijiii s i lllls 1 i ipi il in i in tin i i in s of ih iiil p riln thf hrilirjluin uf tht 1jrk hi mr hirhanlsn ihtn tirtntll ik dedicated ihi prk inil tallit tli u tuts in inili- upon fjil tipptrjulil irt si jini tin uinii it im h i i ri i n in i riant flranrh lu t mm il tht mill s i n i h ho in s n i n memorial iljnu this ful tin ir iniiiils tin imtil t n wad hi miniiirul inurs anil ir ilul iltil tin tnitn in tin in all loinrtl in thf i nrl s irmr in n inns turn ml an i im i pir vrr apprnpriitf ri in irks nit mini thil in li r t in were made in ins urlnp lit it hl i im nm inn uiihi jor hull uhi sji t thai hi im t il hoflwby 1594 recipe answers roll call at wi ilt i l ii ii r i l ih in u f i in i ii in i i i ri 11 n m in f ii i4 i l i snr llit v i i i mai 11 til 11 ii i v mrli h i nrl i rri n lit inn shi l i 1 i i ui in i- irl i in i i ik tii i iiim i it 1 i n ii 11 m hi n ihr i iin th mi h ihr t un tn ih iunli n i nn ii h t if tli i i i is pn v nt id wix t 1 ii j ti ir hm ttum 1 llllhll 1 ml p nl ml i iiih r i i n i h r u11 i hi 1 ii ihr miiniripil il ii t i itivihi- in 1 n un uf tsr r lir j thr iat i i h i jt tlir nrxt i it rlti n oil hr hi in il mjkini f h 1 iv mim of thp iuniriia im n of ntur ii m cf ih i ir ni ntini in iv i s of i r i i i 1 im f urm own hii l iimm j ih vain hint nl i th miiii pi i jv ihr iiixt mu nm ut mini t ial lrr i n fir hi im niti is th m inn ip il tvinnt mil th it p ii id un n i hi r jppinn ttt h i iht on stiill lake ihi i th fntlivaini iirs food ficts ermctivi nov ir u i v wf keseivf thil kioht to iun ouarrm tablerite beefrounddp i taui cuudrn it v uue fcl iw tamuaa kounjt aavlji asiiaikatia wliwa steaks or roasts or rump roast 83 itk oh ctupo m any riinkku l uwsxl i wln swrl taoru uuwta puro pork sausogd lb 49c pifn u n bailkftue slyla swift wieners lb 49c swift i ciyovjc ffnmed cottage rolls lb 59e talilnpiln rndlall slitrd side bacon lb 69c iga avud colorl i oj cul slolsly rrojn j ih big cheddar poly cheese uf peas campbell v sv tc 48 oj ir 49 is 49 t tc 48 oj t n v8 juice 33 aylrkf 74 o r strawberry jam 39 119 2 49c iga dlu sv 70c 10 o jr instant coffee 4r oh i ii pviji jewel shortening callfotmias flnist taue ctah s iii no i cbatk emperor grapes swifts lunch tongue 49c tontilo or vcjetabl 10 o imi aylmersoup 9 99c bef of brf grvy i 5 ol t m pard dog food 5 49c 3 29- garrn f rwih cf ip nd t dfr u s no 1 lettuce 2 29e valeocia lfq t j ry oranges i stflnt poacjpfpd 3 ih pig pet milk 89c no i grdo mushrooms ricli ii vilam n 0 s 48 grapefruit doz 49c lb 49c 8 45c now on sale volume 10 golden book encyclopedia t r ur f ii l il l in i i ii h i i ti ti mi 1 i ml mi in mrs l j hi own w is i s lk1 ill ilil s t irs for llu sow mix t in mtii i 1 1 t or in of ihr huinhv in n lnh hirili i th ii m tutr hrhl on th lit h hit pi s nniinlmi 7 irient mrs u arrun js in charcr uf thi iiiimih ss put mill ltirtlmlit mm mu npenril thr tin i tim- in ihi hmi it 1 ith who mil h manner tin lailn uiri i oltl on sow inhi 1 1 minded of thr uo cuum s rnt ihi 1 o t ths h ul nil slllirli villi oriiiki hilt linn i llllt of tall lis i in i wi ii li s r smith prink fr 1 kim iiisln mid ih i nliis h h r ii kusliiii llnnihilli jhr m n s ln w won ht lto wilson iixt low in 11 kin i ii this v mtrithon 11 i m in h int hi lit w r oth r v s iminl i i w nun aplii jt on for ht tli on o ih mum pjhu into ii i j on ih mh 1 i of ih crin l r im i th h nr of 9110 o lot k ii the ftin nikiii thf m imi oi n in ihim r of ihr mini il jhtint il fur ttiat pur p s u r milutioii hull atirml it hi muhii ipl ruintm r nr h pnrp i of jpp intin and if i in do so shill ap ioinl wnlnik niitt t him to mimii tn aitmd 4t thr ip nf ih votpi t i k mil nnr jmrson to i r a i niimlbiiimi i i id it th linim nf mr mrs inn hamilton m i in luniiii sow mh i h in ul mrs i rl llintlrj the nnm t iitftrt v th jl tin ittind i1 rirh pullini pla on n unlit thiir if ih p rsoii iiiiirrstitl is win- nt and promolin thr itr in lu i firm iliw on the qui stum md j iiwi nutnlt r on rhif nt d h m i vims intiristnl in ind iiiomnlin hi olr in thr ni ya l tic on tin qui stmn t on thr mh tav of lirtiin ik i liwu jt th hour of 7h it h k in h aft riukin it thr mitnn ip 1 i luinth rv in thr rnwn of in j u thr i u rk of the s ml miiniripali hhill at tend i iid sum up thr o1r sivrn in tin aifhrmaliw on thr iiurstton jml in thr m natiw- on thr qnra ticill it taw rrad first second t u and kuk mklbj to br mrltn rt downs who w hunt- j hamilton thrrr urrr bald thli tnunlh iiij mar mindm inst ur k n p indus uttvnduift and tnd third turn and final pai the historical hrsianh ton tuimil hunu on sundi tl r j ki rrv jrpson uis in d this 13th da ftf june lwlo ventrs crr in thaar of thi shnotin om numsr and lu r nf thr iimcs and con k t iiydk laor proeram thr roll rdl i let uf drrr ihr paru hr was hun i unrh uus mtvmi h the c c hkn1iam clrrk historical intrrrsi within iln jiik with kt their count l host ss 12 1 inf ultancr of on home with fird hridiii and ktl hatlty rr w map if poihk and a ncipr turm d home uu sutulu uith fyora an old fashioned rook nut a in r boolc thi proved quiti n ihuiii lrslir krn id trttinu mith a numhrr of unj lhmc lluhinsiiii irm un sun plicri mintionrd and u c n s da for munitmihn isuiml to a f mtlarvw csw from books of 1m7 i0ut ami trj tluir link d rr huntniu f kovqi w llltgl rolf one dated 15m mr p m rn ramtndad thr ladu thai vim miss anj jones and mr siv disimt men an- at milton mr stark had tat midlown president on teen club executive mulutl wiiih prsidrnt ot thr lixal i lub mullinn hat- ikh iu rt l itx pirkitlrnl of ihr va i strrn ontario twn llutu j uith thrr membrrs of ihr mulloun rrrntir hr atlrrfilrd rtmli n nrc al rurl krir on sjiurdav and sumtav vihrrr j hr as chosrti lor hi iifw of nt musi of ihi rluh frpirsrntrd ait pon- ri1 h viiii tluhs or ut in t adult groups and am aimiii nl was i xpnsstsd a thr siinrvs of hr torkrtoiaii group whirh oprralrs under lt own tirn nrcutivr and his a mrm i tw rhip of approximatrh right liuntlr- t luh midloun rxtrndrd an m nation to hold nrxt rar s i ronfrrt ncr in d cornet on antl i it ui ptihlr thai minj proplr from mam oniann rrntrr ill miinrnr hrrr tht n mnntuts of the croup v ho urn al thr t unfert ncr w ith mr uillinjiham wrir john urn ham irr prt ndrnt tom mar uham iir timi ivarlura laistv i and martiarrt asjutrn thev taed at ihr roval hotel which it operated h a former local reaident tjarrnre hrnlop promote 9th line access os district prizewinners un sun z at royal winter fa nd mr siyitji dislrut men an- atmillon mr uttm da was rndav am n ad uunrlv of oakv ille visited with a the htiial win wheat and liarlo 2nd 111 the poem god id our ratlurs mr and mis john hriduj on i fur urain aiklvtfiiiallt- r fisher 1st in oals 2nd mn kiiij uavi the hishrv nf sundi l rninri i wh ant harliy mr hrown- the qurenk own llilles who n ndue 3ixl in oats celebrated thrir lkth anniver thr ladirs of hornhv united w o nrownndik- of town ii 3ixl in oau al ieorvctown stark kiahr grorfff town wopjftval for a 0th line acrati to 401 llikhuav will b dnrusrd uiih hichwa offinau omrtlme aftrr ovrmhrr 211th mavor llvde told council mondav that halton mpt stan mall is arranfiinr a merlins with thr minuter of hiehwaji when the town can itatc its cat for a road which ii felt will be valu able for future- tndmtnal drvrlopmrnt council and industrial commission have atreadv swung their weijht for the plan and last week del res ratepavers association rndoned the proposal toronto roinmutm are sol idlv in favour of a new mad which would save thrm travelling time to work splinters on the ladder of uccets are much aharpr on thr uav down scotch bakery mill streit ona lftcatiaa only our bakimgs miat pies sausage rous christmas isnt far away christmas cake christmas puddings and shortbreads will loon be on display in our window watch our windowa for saturday spaclali come in or phoie for your order 10v discount to organized croups caltaa mail to ordar sr wddlnl birthday partial ih naut to canadian isolan phone tr 73481 par bazaar 1ist sillirs mada battar with tmjttar wrlla maria pratar 40 huran straat tanmla otttahio oiiam pkat atamtntim admpwm mam tum aaaataa barley a demoniitration un uiakini a uith a pmur anil wplconlfd klns nriiumriihia liilnalt1i lat hooked ruu a nuilihir of iho nrnw thn find a cnod al a nrominilbr hail 5lh in lro v j m udlta lrld ihea hand at this tendance and ropurt the after- wheal jim fuller 7th and nell- wheat jml oata amfbarley th umtink closed wllh the i noun quifp a aurceu stark sth allan auo took alnilob ol ihk oueen and a del h plure in oatil anil t j rly nrval neilson stark iciou lunch wu wervedhi lrs li and mrs juhn iiusm ii hiodridu bill mccarrud and mnt brown js anil suns llrun mill ilium mienl nelun mark inuk 2nd and lated by mm k may lnfc wiekeud at nuiaru kulla i pniea for fleet of wool tv yurk i lie iuiue eointetitur iitit- 8t slophona guild held a ium winnen ut a number of rummace aale at the iook- a nnv limine is under un i iliitric1 fairs al velun mr vbavll lb milton on friday nov strurtiiin up the kllh line stiirk had kt in whent and nat v taller 11 the tea bake table near the- hasettne a ileluur an in baile mr risher unit m the rummas u wab ai i lias hein made through tho in wheat and oau ltil in hailey jtajtrartocceuv horhby coinmunlly park it j urownridja 3rd lit oata earlier at the cnk harold irly nerval and neilaon stark usun fourth price fur hheaves of uralu entered uiuler rsqueitinu aitrieutural society ami with thu help of jim fiaher auo won 24 tn die oien tlaui the typleiil familv mail hat a billfold full of picture and no money thank you the praildnl parade marahal andomitra f urahah im vlitt to thank all th eroanlaallmia and indlvmuala wh joined in t mak sunday- barad auth at auiaful imm parileular lhanlu are do the youth nreuava in th tam and uhsel children vha lunwd sut in uch lanj numbara our thanks alas to th niaonllussnt turnout af twnapanl t a th combined bodleatlon and feomomhrane lorvlao branch 120 canadian ltgion alld th ntari0 motor league and in no time at all we wflce on our way ivm1 ta4wtwuy looa vwvks ulwlmiftl ku hui ty 1 wmaam oml caa- aaai4mbtht why ktvlhv watlililargakl fetmlly ol halortih wit kkorc u ut 4ik iivwo4 od poucha f mtbimil earl olwn u morton ciouant latoauildrown oeftawo m44 doug dauphin dundai hipjirmy tafhr-

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