Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 17, 1960, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson hewsfawtt umjteo kjtutcatlon serving ih cotimunitis of gofqelown glen wilharrtt novat lirrvohouie hornby strwrt1owr bhmafd aihgrove te7aj cot l a f page 4 novemkb 17th 1960 editorial comment urge children read afore tiff 11 nohm rj viii t a n v ire r t cad n d vicii p cturri wtii only o nor m jtcord thin yoor j co a la tiork vy- wl m f u 1 y hiiktj tr- i fnii u i5ih o d l ly lie 1 ii el ry l d ci tie wh iiiadi a 01 y t i lor ct tcitfi bid i 11 i jti ill a j ot tii jo ii v 111 every hjf ipt t i wic g iv t o four iai for le ui tea 1 1 r and il rt itlr wh th ilvaj d uu wii nmthli lot paitoilfc lo1fty vw ic 1 of lujjeil you it tow wa 0 tv el iw tij 1 jjii1 h il iwleu 0 v e j i ffjjljid 1 1 let 1 t re n l i f it i j n i- y i 1 fjitf 1 i i e lv i ff aafl h i r i llri l a ki ii h r r i l rtf n 1 lould u i n i be 1 a tr i m e vv ai m d i h i o t e h i r te yc j j a 1 j r k e4 t iraje ntote reah r y ij tt j a l hom lw i i 1 i i j t ff k i p ft e 1 i a kji aihk lt rl l in i j in- ilo present location the best erin commuat teuhofm rjimjmiy office fc actom xctufi theatzv will b ckd t november sblb wy uaer murray llv n ws wfurmod ui lb iw ufct week tb th- tv vk btnril losing uuay aj 1 jfei t wuy w iw sroi ajm w is j i fc w f- all a ufuuj liirut u i vi fc- the fifth republic t ptopt u n cflon k by th dpf of public vorl1 n t firit itrp lo lxii on 0 a 1 in lovvti and w ii jf 1 a jre ii e pre nf mt oil e 1 build nj wtioi uffuli i fo irtollif t typ of p blic t i 1 1 quril nn ny dc or a i i l half bufi id build nq v1 11 i i d for n fof mny nionllii a j llly unilrabl ll hf ll ng p at onp tim tlir ai a p i tbr bu ming wou b if i cba n ilorc but tht d j 1 1 n 1 failing ucb a dnxfltion a d b an ip- no fate m hol lor it 1 ix- 10 pitliculat at lo mi i don l n ck a on w ai w would l to trr liapprn v o t i i fof th pmta author 1 f lo p t tl i ll h d0 tttriq property wh ti would 1 pply a pl park rig tprr om of th d iai 1 k of fh ptitienf pan off r a d viu1 a ifltgr bui dng 1 mdetf h a v j h build ng at tie rear oi aer ever ii o ld bt iu f f do not argup that tn luhay a id not b a yoo1 on o a v controversial corner i j 10 a fo hic i jo 1pj tr i o ie a hi 1 f a h idd v 1 lo reiterates views on frills in education in j ii ir to 1i till ii t uiik mr twn turrm i r tlut he dikikrrctl uiti til 1 ij 1 i n un di mhjtvt of a lr t r ir- 1 k j rjlil in mlm ih u i pi it ihe j t t r nn u iiui hi an xlij ttirr iuljr tuiuh u jx i lmh i ll nainluinl ii h s h mj ha1 n rt i li nl they work we can help if you mi ui hive a lrfrrptrd in ficxkey ttien yo of grflttude lo the tporl nn willinqly g ve up trie r n u llep in to cofl h n at i je r t ervise ihe hundreds ot ho key crowd tr e ite fro 11 7 j in o 1 not all the frtlhr ri hav ah tim lo pnr for th program but there n e fr ha time to lutn up to watch ti n j if 0 j haver i fl oe a yote log thf rjanei reiolve tj n wl o not only will you i c n g i ft irofli vriown e a id m p yoi ii le iikjw ng tne nei of i u wi n 1 n pre ate the r eflorli ft tc f graf led hiai a e a i ty or volirwer unleivh i k et th en in id i q no fun to gel op to arly 1 t o have j a d h nt r a leini into ui to 1 boy puy hilt tp do nf of amf jo io n tutu uiunter ge til of ujfn unit it r jfttr ih jt uik muliir nidt to th jui uilh u iijljtid ami ijri biutjl s lhe cm if uj in jit n ilh 1 rjukorj of jmmlir hll puniiulije by dciui in lhe i k to ijiom- uhu btronlv nn 1 un cup j hinishtnt nt n kunlh m ol tin tr n i u im li to tnn th 1 tails vt jmt tin and tht four il ltd in ditpie i n jinn 1 i alht inuidtrid a that ctirk ltn iu priaonr in an am nu 10 and 2s yiast ago echoes 0 and 3s viars ago from tka f tka ucxj nov is 19s0 and wv m lli 10 yafi a h j ionard sflf will takr over th pmlort at kt ox imbvh run ukdlarul in jjiiiiar ids depjrturr will rn not onl a ins to urwl fait it i r i tin a vi ell herr hr h 1 lw i n ret rrjlional director for tuo jear t r n j d fc i t pua rirwj s tw i u a ptvuu biut lb a sat ljn thomson pensions president yw lljid s uwiitr uy inrf ryilty sad fcutury j uu wnk ia ltmttioi jt l s rrcxit tjoodon 4 pi diii tf tu vtimutm hu iuu corjr kti bw or lk iuyii ir up lo klp wf print n and tlwu u ihoiuon u lh hr ci1lij evr to hd u4 irfctjon tlte foruirr prw mj nti of ttturti uwudl in jinne nniuur kj lion nuthofv mcli at ji it un knii lp me sir u himukl 1 li 14 n ration iiiihr ij ii li 1 alrex uy foundations for new oalrville rlaza 4kiru irrlupmflld thl uk jftikti eotiktrucliob ot tb h pti- of their aw ibob l 1 plkia at the mfclnontuu v ir trr rd on in oakvlllt aruj irk of the alrei contfaetlnj hnn reoiivtown hav bca li itc foundation fox tb i u ldnis to come ff lu h 1 1 l n tiil thj w h ftrntial to a ixid thta 1 ifcpi e w 1p1 in thia column i i p nchool spirit and iiipptne1 a fru r ki r trainino jmpjr frmi 1 trr that tin writ dad 11 akii 11 t ii 1 ahi rtiaii ob it q b it miuhii li op i in r tttll rday ut on dedication speaker has distinguished career of intcrrtt to peopj uho uu i kt membrance ii tin outline pf th- jut st apeak r nf that of th for ijeuteiunl jt n rj firf enluled in the arnn a a nn intw r atlian f xpt thtittnup- mirrh lillll whi n iu tt t n t jrn tif djt sun 1 uilh the rxi i pi ion of a tf four wirs whin in ti ndinc colli at h h is eithtr uith the hi kuut or the militu in thi autumn of 1dk 1 on rsi j with hit i r t talinn and btt r i rtil noncrtmmksiuiu i run r ranee aiuiki rinai 1110 he us dtinohili 1mj1 moii ui tin lutinu ami nda ft iriiht flwdrd ki c mem tan ii he ilun miliiiit and mhhi m fa 1 r ol uj tin unil until rtiohiut n on iw 1 t nihi r 1st ifim 11 whu h tinu hi vt is si iiinr major ami nn m i onil in tthnnund 1111 c t 1 nl riln in prtit titled in ovi r 11 with lis ih 111111 nt in uhirh was 111 h ui it u of n the f it div 1 hi in i i t 111 u 1 ii l0 and a 11 i itt r uas pro 101i niuh il to f 11 uti n ml olom 1 and it 0111111 nidi d his riiiiiint until idj st p i ml 1 lhj mr wis tin n niv promqetl to iti u ulu r nut a- po nh i to n 1 1 ti 7lh ut iwi ih in tin ir i i v v mi in ui hit i111111v inn h u s 11 uisli 1 i ui tid hum lh tomniaiiil of tin llv 111 7lh limk kit in tin ki uimiiui in m i11i uitn llrunli lul tominn i ui dcd that inrnialioii 1 wa appointee deput chief of th tenrral staff in charge of trainina arwl at the close of the uar ua trankfemil frm the i eiitrat staff to the ailjutanl tmrali llranch at riepu ad julant i neral in oeinbtr lwt he wa jmfcte to kiulind a- sinior c analian arnn tti ter in lndon v iu re he remai nid until ottolxr 1w in ifwfl hrijiadier raham va promytivl to major enrral and appointed ice hirf otxhe htnirat staff in ottawa nt re jtnainrd thort until fehnnrv i im1 uhi n he via appointed meneral offuer coinnundlnj command with hr id qinrhrs at oakmlh on st p ti inhir 1st in fr was prom id to i m til ti uit c neral and ippointtif hi f nf th i in rl s- iff ii tin iju in su th enral raham wan awh tltsl the distinguish d vrvice rdi r and in operation m hmi in the winter nf 1wt 44 waa awanlm the rar to the dso in ma 10f hi wa jwerry menagerit later in the same ear entt rod 1 ricfjun and part of the italian osgood hall from whuh he rainpucni iiluatisi with honors in 1021 in the jirnik of 1m4 intral mhm he was created a rr ham r tun d to ud and i c thf arti f ilrituh fmpire and ha liei n lt hhi honoiind h the unihtl siatts by walt uliny mimmnt uith ihe award of the ujpon or merit and hv the french government bv the ap iwuntinent of the ljton of honour and th awird of tha croix de uerre avro giant stirs a further bbrrlnj to life of mattona uiant avro aircraft ltd waa hinted at by sir roy dohgon chairman or the parent company a v hue canada a nrw aircraft mihconlract lamer than any received since the death of the arrow 1 peeled- to do the trirk new employment will be neo piiiary but sir roy hi pot yet announced the extant or elab orated on the newi no agreement has been slimed he laid but the coma- uny coitbtant fforta to round up piore business may toon mem new employment for the alrcrajt dlvialou they took cat hu meter he wouldnt pay biav 1 turn to t om tn n int m itelv atijuaiutrtl iliis s iikc me a a pathitictlu wk att 1 tnent for furl hi r wi aketiitn the alreadv thrt uti 111 d triu lure nf 1 dm in n bail of p rob lm it doe how ver iti lost a run of icw rt panting nthnol nni whuh forms th tia in sit of our probli in tins i thi pop ular n ml o view antonst 1111 n uiint ptsople and v m aii ult that education must sold to student attrartivtlv pikii ed like a cereal i hat the a lull taxpavink public must dii die in r and det per in o iu pm ki t to providr more and more mod orn single itores well jjlasstd imautlfulb decorated kcihmik it must proitle more labor ilor and it bran facilitii biki r kvmiiftsiiiiiu larger mil in tti r ciuiiptd pi i mg fn ids m re of cvirthui nul in tri ih r arictv hivinji dom ill this we must thi n tr to t 11 tht ivtutl tnts on the idea of education uc mubt tn to m ikt stbooluui so atlru livi th it ountt r will ill rush in atli ml lot of dunk i hi is a tot of bunk suite turn stai tt d kiiilt th hav e looked on oiliuation manv of thim at leant ai a bore and a chore and a nuisinic f vt n shakespeare wrote of he acliool hnv with shininn morn inn fact t rt epinji liku a 1m ut possible snail vmw ill hit to school s ailultit w ci rtaml hne a dut to prmide the brvnt edu cational fncilitiea possiwc for our children let us renuinlwr two tlilnni lt im rcmenilmt that ihe real purpote of eihica lion is lu train the futittioninj of the mind let 11a alho re me 111 iht that to try to make etluca tion nniveruullv attrattlve n ilk eh to undo its main purpose and ia in any ease an attempt o combat tbo inevitable ai kmu canute found outthii can be a very em barf ass i nc expit ience path he showing ktnu after the pathetic fihovuni in u10 lltub school ex amlniitiona b locaf- ntudpnla thi our few pihplrnmjujd be looking for further non acad emic diatractlona iluttr wilhin or without norma kciiooi hoiin anoltmr look at capital punuhmant followltifl tltq execution of two men in great llrltaln ihe outcry bcainxt capital punlsh- mttt hai tfalrnsd renewed vlfi- our tiuj two tin wer ewivic- jail in 10v he waa judki insjnt afti r n in ujn in w t nt t i t a forma w in re in i protithint ed am in 1dvj pi an man khot and killimf tvi more men jn a ios anii le iia aft r thu aht u found 1 vain and nn ikim toiibin a ah art tune i1i1 r he was ii j tilud lane and wai utcd to i atand trial aiti a ft w wttkiij lati r he inurdt red a ttrbnuian at tin atvutn he w i n ndmt i for tr iimii nt nu 11u r kilhsl m far ftmr avoidabla it 1 mv opinion thit itirtt of tht s ttatliawin av idahli and were tine entirt lv to cu stup 1 i or nmjrui led rli sii t n the pirt i tf somt psvchntnsts an 1 otlur medical mm to provi that anv rwvdi who oonimit murder is insane the impniunl question in thesi cis t u w hrthi r or n the iulltv man w 15 nit enough to tiifferentiate im tw 1 n nht and wrong in this cis ajv parentl he w i no ditarrant thow who are agnnst cipital punishment fnquentk mitt 111 support of their vnw thit thi deith pen iltv it no deterrent and doi s no retlim tht iium tvr of murders st xt time thev are ntxiut lo use this art 111111 nt 11 would he wt 11 to consult r the im of i inns athi v ii id this thnit to sot it t 1mm n h minuted in 10v tbrte iiinix 1 nt murder ictitna might tv alie ltxta 9 ur ink is due f r 1 111 dfori town thii a mn in last week the c lnh t dini to uw the artificul ut in thi main rink thu ear and arrangement hav been made for ita uw esery thur da j an i idjiimii a ixc ir ttort ami work it now in inx 1 to add tin prt mivrt for innlv mcupiid im duffv ft r 1 ir 1 fit to tht floor of tin sj n 25 yir aoa jack tin ljn pvm was master firimmuri a he vmi ur t oniiw tition untler the tts of tht m oretovrn hind in the cregor tfe- alre thursda nijh the win tit rs wire la s i havmond johns i lhiitionist marv t n thltrt vwal fcolois- lass li t and ijii gui ai sis km unison davidson and apple itxi kimtansts las 3 r larki r tt nor imloist frank carter tannct jmloisl f t a tiridke partv lat week miss nnmtht marxellus th alt u marie fleck aj h uid of 13 pade this is a i vt rv r ire occurrence and wr kn w onlv of one kinular ce 111 inrijtown when stimr rin ajn tin litt lr heath dealt j r mukeiui tht same suit points need for county museum i ty aw im aka mim cttamplm j taw kni t m ui cut haxiaq iom of k inu- txjme uwy avaj t wl wm u rundllan of a vul wa c j ha i ktu hhry of ontnioi fauw i fae laraj ca rf amas l ipjy lvfdayd dtxnbd and u 1 i tiit kf kz or r idt n htirsevhoe uri i tkr buss hus li n rv hi r i inrludes eljlhl thnv- w in minop m- i r7 ir n pj from 4 000 to 4chjoo inww j 4 rs ami new ma on row i jhi uon a srjsit te viartr- cjrpment thr rt iidrnti call tsa awcata jv z le crrrks pouring w a er fronf the heauands 3 tlw lixt lror husmevi and rfininif rce j indtistrv iaj fans ittci l i j tajwn j- oriaxs th fenlurits of inti listing hll tor oow cutrrvsi twf m 1 mn of 1tltars wkrth of develop ment rt k4r nj tiev tr- hirstsrl bv thr growth of na tion w t tui raev- fhurvx ft uipn led nature where earclura ma firul tfc pwjfv aaj j ie wile con rait to with out rrtlj l halon si pcvvitv v ps v vi ai antl tspeiiallv tha past 10 his iirc a- a j i iu t v a di tail h ii been mil d as i s orv 4 1 csit 1 nn tv thrive and hoomt and tuakts a rtomr fjc v sia vi to coast u t muwun rl or wskj la hfsrn tst 1 1ne verv impirtant prt of uiu s 9 jsr i has twen left out of th wonderful ps urv lliznr i thi countv is without a ult- ahe musru o t 1k- pav t t t wn ttow jlutut the people oj eslertas and tlw v- li eh laid the groundwork for toda prusrvkiv shtk s c m thame irv x bl je ii luirhnston rmiseums of iorta which ti o a on oi- r sose arras hut what of the real of thr cxirt lv ji iictp sj tn sm ass case covered in dust and h i ir t t m s be m lion l urt house sufficient to f i i fi 1 to a vinu vors no one sisems eaplhla of lei n 4 le coo i fltftv vi ti 1 si un im 111 dutch ertt tiuia v rlois st a vm e e n u cum of halton histon vil tfierw kiii fcr fcviwl rk to a soung man who llee in euritisn wjiaj dmui john tsh- s a toit aho hs h nl tht spare time o tha list 20 arv ml la i v jcvvop iz the most intert slinj prewrw tatitmi oi tw 1nlii in his pjrt of the countrs he ia williu to dale ti vlhv ftl h s 1 e to a counts museum jijw a k rv in t an artifacts hi writing ahdu fie tidn vs seoe thi while mm invaded halton jntt hs uiia1- tihsk tw p m ntin tins storv to a liatener are trtjwurv awatii ijw v of this nccesan facet firm director the presidt nt of smith im stone i unit 1 ti ling i uallnit lso mt has been elected to the hoard of directors of can adian rood products 1 un ited it waa announced laid week hntf wallace 11 pros i denl of canndian iltts hurgh industrici i td and a director of canadmr limited salada kherriff horsey limited as well as other compani the eorgi hmn hocbe lub held their firvt meet 1 11 of the season in the na on mondav night the offuirs for 10u3a are p lllickburn pn sident f j otintv imuncil umirni- kn unformed as et hta to im- answered iet u 1 dealt i hind of 13 of f hnu s llu wtu cvhii tti hiimi tion authorlt ttanc inv a cs turicol siicirts ts- a juc ion mlficr to o attjjrt at mfioi ani john s cu ifxtn- v ind 1 ril a is uhuh lu pcrminallv du up from rux hd1oii 11 r ruht hen in halton county are a prwvlvvt start w muum vdd to tis the jnan dor mant antique chtfv-tkra- 11 lie in tvw nit ills attics garagea and turraikbi iitw t irskiitiv nd i lie ft u articlt s now on dliptas huldell tcse pn sident har- 1 miumrrcub aaj ocxoicvs scre ant l hi re on the map ant a cure kini aecrelin nathan 1 mueuru om silvtr trensunr and exirge ttaar vkecw tthr itiddall executie member cvurdai t jjat mkw lcnink the histor o halton 1 thrihih ttu iwus ess cjis banns that period jesuit mission georgetown herald e- publlihad by vhonuoh nawtplpcrt llmitad gooreotown ontario walor c blthn mnnuclnc keillor girnald l mcollvny prodnclion siujcrintinilent ohlce stall ailncn rradloy terr hurley john olhvlcr atvvertliilnc plant staff i m clark davo hasting 11 duskcrvlllo uylo gtliott bob mneartliur membor of be canadian weokiy nwlpilporb asoclatloiujuitl the ontario dlvlilon at chi cwna contest float projects decision to enter a float in the santa claui parad and to conduct a chriilmaa decoration contest for local homes was made at a mcet- iiili of the chamlwr of com merce executne last we4- nesda ilaruld hairktow and jaik crichton were named to head the 11 oat committee and jark arimlronj and murrav henlc will take chaile of the flectiration contest which has been a popular chamber activity for several year a genural iiieetiiiu u planned in januarj when mombers of three tlutrtct chambers have been invit ed to ait in on a panel ditcusslon which will b slanted to ways thai a chamber of cotntnerce- cut best serve h uomtaumty v arte trom ojuv asj1 l5i ihe indians in this area and mad i monthly rvport- 44 vnv ni in montreal whenever a runner wa goan ilut a ts vt in montreal until a boat wa fiojng to tsancv ami it wmkjw lvtk two sears from the time of writing for ttur rvpolftj- 1 tvjch lyanct thesv wrttliv wv ssfsocms purchased bv mcxiill unher- mt and hruusac ti coaada ucre ihe were translated and th hiiton ot tdi- cuaarxh ujs d was pieccxl together the wntiajrv iv sajrtijax hut correct as the jesuits wrote on is what th mw it wis au uozi s4tel hai canadian artsuciogisls began tfarhiioks on ttfcrfur ftvnjbc vnd mi with much reading and a lot of supputatuml aaj rjunc lagetht r or the little pieces john is oaw- taaxt a ut5nawsd f lie 17th ccntur of the area nr trwrx us awv r f the counl s earl das it lm bwiirnssl tativs qlbe jruuiis mijht bae stood on the nu gara ltarjrpottm krinr m ue xstsur 1621 the tell of standing ooa mhifiiit aiul ij4ar asrd ihe large body of water pre siuad ta iw lajxki- jtaji it u tta jobtalklf iau1 lhe great explorer baniucl cham- plan mih ooiv koivie jsauvs ihrouch halton the huron tribes located ttoeth ol ijhrtsliji i midland neruirtedl held champlai xv butae uu wux3r tfftu- ivmie f his flight south in the united mates- aiwf hi rrtnunn imj varl arc not definite but he may haw poasi this war la lt a jwmuc stumuirs wrote of a neutral branch of tin- lroqiums tajw ltuac m ikia district under 1 chief mined ishuristtftt le wad bv ivswjrr mser sfl village and did war with amty tnbt jxtat urjs be u supposed to have wd war with it oiloat t ftniwtl hta fuwls tt hard to believe after t2t iatiw jieiitut listed s3 towns between toronto auj uiullt but ubi asaa6hr txi w tt the avaluble hlatory of the loesj ikbtrikt jhatua aukkutf u tenal 14 aottps in a five mile fedim right a b awnu- i f course u tibt being made public to fco ube srbc kbaadeav away these peoplo aocoisdinr to jisluk tat kffrackacwlocists but go ruahing totf bariadr dx bn aaaal tkmu vaeovtai kom trftaaure alajrvq i

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