Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 17, 1960, p. 6

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churches unfno st jarx b fcav las at rumlal luomti utrnioa xkct mtt kluie director a ctwrak taifii wtn twer suotuy school j100 ui- j unit cotreiuoii 1100 urn uanum wuruiip t un l wy twfmttr t 00 p fa tviunjj wuruup rrf uiiiiwr oravr villl fctwriid coji to wwibtp lesv to wrw v akvw uud toatuir av hi uouiuibvu ttd uv ktort ujuiiitu 45 ate susday schoj 11 u0 a tn alurinx wurihiy had btmnn bun iciiucj tiwsxj pswl ctwv uv uod n u a bu willua 10 ftw usxibip kfik il as- 4uiiliy cku 1909 operator dialled first no letter call jertip um firi teroti to i afur mr tlor teamed lhc ut tclrpboitl ul ctuajuicuy itoilmjj w tuovtd i ii township w 1 tu firi onr u hu wtrr i lie tjj lirtl tnr wajt bo mr huurl tjw llclun jl nit nue uj ull on lm jiriwj ui- lu kjndrnu iwd rati mucriur pt iilrhue idj w iu iivv0 bell ii naw uoj uibj look shortly ulor the telephone oj on dulj ll- firt ell ui lu v- loojiii b rb iu no ilun lor hi tnkjojc vlooj of v lorij lly k dihtll r of lit lle irdr urniii ji00 d mouth ick lldiii mr tdlor v 1 r union ulrphuie uwn iii nuiu1 1 fllll tflvpl iiqihl cjl cuju wrlor 1 11 ivuli0orj in vchora ij hu4oo ltd led hoi trr 1 lr i lolrr j rl wore in iwyj t1 sui ht 4 diiiud vorki win j s or lu blila 1l fim io mil u till i n of no ir in for tnr pace tm ciokgitowm uuu pons completed for young radiant you perfettly styled for november c p tool w4lrf iwng nui a buk p in inv gcil nj bo oh lo hjid on you h r ll u g j cilo kgp you young v d mi t tin ooi of tiooii mhijyfcui jtfim perm v 5550 itrlrttu 00 cv i eiriciytikty uni ng tof o jfio tiidygfl mtivt a i w fi d t civ i dfuic collfge t anno if wt l tkc four i by ii e ideal m tl io 1 il t y iw4 ui- 0ji jh i 1 1rr tn tlplny wn a nt ot tt r i t iltujju don lt t t 1 aitu vayof w ai jif oov l o j o ii ml ol j couny yvfcsc feszvcjs de beauf l e jii 11 ii i ii 10 ux worship vrur 11 am unds vhool 10 13 01 sunjjy vhoo 1113 in worikii limc htesaytekiah uinlitcr hrv alri j cldrr i1a iii j orginut llrv flcr doulind l ctiuirh scbuo 10 a m iubhc wonbip 11 im uinlilrr ur alrt j cald r 11 11 d 130 pm sun lav ii 1 1 sso pm divine uunfiip hra j urtlftrt itev g l hul 10 00 a m sunday srhool si 00 am divine wonliip iso pm sunday school 130 pm divin uorihip ahclicam st grfe 1 crelwn slnday nov 20th und sr it iti fore adw nt parish ammsity iav im 8 00 am holy eucharist elliott represents council arnprior defence conference ixm j i uui tillur j i ti 1 ii tt l ulir i i i im i iii in m jul mm i t i v 1 i ii tin lii l nine i oi ui 1 1 runilo wli 1 t ii cmuiiii ii ih it t 1 in arnj rn r la t ui t lctur divcoiion tin t uili 11 1 n ti rimtnl liv t t l 14 l i r on an in 1 set january date for little theatre play nllli lullhi ii 1 1 t i1j 1 11 1 1 i i iii l i vl aw ii ui h i 1 i j m li 1 i j 1 notice to creditors and othiki i i in i i il i mn ii hi v ill i 1 1 1 1 i lli ijti vrtiiu tl ii tuii i livl in i nil ill ruvmiinv on vjrinuv ji i plism 1 1 i mil 1 im r 1 m v ptjn i r tiuil jl all iivik o ivirn 11 tin lit i hi in t ivvi li urrr i i ilrv itnl 111 nnlv lo 1 nil milk ih j i full id mil 11111 ml 1its if v il mull d pi i nijl i ivvo ill s 111 in lul i in 1 nil pri iv nl 1 n v n i jl in 1 i m iiniini ip 1 1 n 1 i vni 11 lli p ilv mn i irr nf 1 jiiln and hi vol p il nvultir wspeni nil i ir ii luliidl 1 mh ii ii ii n i id an ii ii 1 i 1 ii lli jitiii ii if nloi 1 hi ml dl il uelln itul tin ii lidn annv it dlt unli mi h i ii p 1 1 di nuilidr ursiviini mil i pi hi i i dl i dntrlnrjjl in 1 i v 1 i ii i jill i un- r ii mr m i ii n h ii i r ij lo i i l i iv i ii i it i ii r i i l i i n llr it lj i t i 1 ii i id r i r tn tin llr i nv f 1 i d 111 m i lit tn id i i l i rdlnn i til ii ii r iiiini pldiiniui fur i in t i v h illli dtvil urlfan r dii i ii i ii nftlii n ni i hi im thi statu oc juv1 tni fi bin iu all idfn livnv fid mi tt d i ufc i i of jlliin jtit i i ik i u r i f 7irii f ieoi it rl ilv tovin i mti i of iiwtin d ii fivl vdl irjhl ulo 1 rt on of ftbout 10 tlir tlr mth ildv ij junr 160 pr n ivn y n t rl o idnd drtiru t if in r to ur niwlmn1 i r 1 n tl i- jlltt liv i i 1 i i i u 1 hdl r vl l n i i tl i r vi ii id- l ill li v llil i hi n r i onlv to tlir 1 i w ijuili of uhtl tl un irnunnl j lifll in ihr hon i im i 1 i n i uiilrnikiiril uill not 1 lnll 11 i dljl 1 f cllim 1 s ii- til iidll 1 ii liv nlrr i 1 i h h day i kamh 4aj maui i op1 ivninai m yuuiay sntl friday ihoill iop appoiflillji ip jjvft jays photo studio wtodincj m child stuus kttaiy cofv wow coumltcial h0tocalihy fast ioii film moctssino phone tr 7 oj02 i aaim north l in i i n i in ul 1 in 1 t i 1 vlltll w ii i i r j r- i i ii i hdlil i n i l i v vi llllh jldu mn h 1 iv v i 11 1 i ii jail b m vv card irrnr imrrbtn di 1 mr alb it jiuph j t n ki rte mnln ilk 1 dli i i micunill k mai ijtrhv r5 itich 1 st tiitvnln l ii a r arv i trjat on i erpi who in rili uak nsurance travel walter t evans co triangle 72512 31 mill stieet siv rrj your community for over 40 yean muscular dystrophy 100 a m holy eucharist f if i i i i i so holy eucharst seek funds to fight tamily srrvice j 30 am church school tirade 4 5 t 1100 a m matt1hs 1100 am church school lleinner pre school cradei 1 2 3 1100 am infant care 630 pm evensong sermon tha right ravtrtnd r s dean dd hishtip of the cariboo 7 30 p m sikibi hour her thupiilav 1000am holy eucharist irajen- for nek tka parltk f stawarttewn and hembv itc j b maxwell itector st jahna church stawarttswn 030 am morninr lracr 2nd sunday of the month holy communion 1030 a m church school 730 pm tvensoni ut sundaj nf the month m nin l r 20 will nur hk op ii r j lav oi hit ix i m i 1 r mil for mu ruljr dv in h a nk ion earnpaiirn f ir fun i l h me heal ifinr dt ft it ci i hiitlsijllrtil wattat mutclrt if n n mu iljr ilv t h li- i jl r j i ir n o i l r i i i r i ui i t rt vul in r in i i j i mitim s i ui k il i rr pirl v mti i i n i r faul 11 i vl n 1 ii jiiku al i ttu ii jh 0hk mti i v i r l t lh n li 1 lr i i i li i 1 end dtvv i ir ilv ii i t r i h a i 11 ii il i i 1 h 1 v 1 i i tv 1 jfk lr t ii t v j i it mil i w 1 m i it s 1 i nlj business directory i i ii i ii ii ui ri i tin rr in rll m i i t iii litljnci ilv 4 i 1 1 tv at jr v v li v lv mjv tvr a u il tn tl dfpaitirvcnli i i tin irvi i lull i tlni v ih r 1 in i will 1 1 11 words of the wise 1 in i i n n t i v1 r i 1 1 i f i i i it v 1 v1 tl i i l i u 1 i i i i ainu oaviis a 1 s t a a ft inlanl and auditor 1 tnrlph rorfrtnil til 73331 oil re llnuri 0 a tn 3 p re llomlava 10 rnda dabst symbol ih i i r i i md ilir l il k ir ti fr i 1 i 1 i-t- l i i ir rhll in 1 i n jr i n p i i i i t in m rs ihnm iiul iii mi uv st stapkant church hornby h r vvtlfil urn i n n m 11 00 a m morninr iraver and d r of tin m ik f ittin ts t vln church school 2nd sundiv ami iiiimimtik likt in r fai i of the month holy cum mumon baptist plrtt baptut church rev r l whan da r t choir direclur doujlai peck orgamtt mr w tuwnend 10 00 am church school 1100 am worship service 7 00 pm lvcninj worship 800 p tn wedntmlai prajer ueettne everyone welcome the i t v r i in 1 n i irnr must u jr ivtn p t hi r n il il pi nls ma n iv on thr i n unl an i quahlv nf r lairch thjt mdvl ran i f ford i x ur his october increase r most significant ak 1 lir in li a p t p hi hi ntini si paul baptlit rev lv a pitikriton 11 uinutrr ifiatlne in the georce kennedy public school weber end duncan drive 10 00 em rltile school 1100 em morning unnhlp rrr ispiiou- iii i 111 ml t i 1 i sivi i 11 in it itr iv h it i tipl v n t il r in tli lull i im ri t i i i i r in i nv i i tin mm inonlii 1 1 v i job wirr i iinil ii i j 7 hi v thtnbi i niinn in i in 1 tt p i pli il it i it in rinplnv in nt in thlotur doll a tllli li tin i i 71 i i id run nlv livi n ii i ruh inonlii sdi i t liili i i 1 iplivin nt t iimniiv i bill tin o t b r n i nrvv in i iliiv v tin t vvl olo m rv mr i- r i p ml i i it i- r hit i nr lour month i i hi l i in iiimiii v hnl nv j i hi i on lln pn tun nniplov in t v i im rd i in i ii v n i viituilr in i i ul it v s vt h at i i ill i vv v ml i bv 1 fill i i 11 1 lni n ir nun rr t in utdweek service ucdnciday p m a friendly welcome aueili you crece eepliit felloushlp in ioof hall rev bruce woods da m th 0 era bible school 11 00 i m moraine worihlp 700 pm kvenlns service cotuiia prayer meetlnm wedaeitux evening et 800 put mnt1costal holiness zien yebernaele ss uuclpll street rev a gauntut minuter 10 00 a ih sunuiv sliiuoi 11 00 e hi xlornitti worship y00 p mkvanceliatic service itayea- uestlnk tuesday el christian reformed church mbbter rev d c ul 5s main st north jo a hi knuluh sen ico 8 00 pm dutch service tin i tlir urn ml vi i iii end nf ilir iiin frm r r iislri il fi at the corn spmnlii vnr 11 i ml drop ul i r sw 1 id j work tlnn him 1 tl i i on u 3rd 1 2 i0 v i r p i tend for work kii more than at the end of si pli mix r lonipiiid to i ml un o r 1010 the irimptnn offin unrs chlneuaeouiy calimlon all of dufferin county pari or en qesini township and eorce- town as well i llrampton llilfget factor in recent em ployment i the arrival of new induktriis in ilruinplon ihcw his bet n oiitsijndmi eoopt ration from i u h oin raul mr vrasir c have bei n askei tn find personnel fnr ex etutivr il pusition as u ii as the more routine he liaj found that wherever possible district people are behie hired rhe npenintf of mastox has also lud tome effort ant vir luallv all tin offue stnfmor am imiin lolm s is distrjim pi r iunncl capri n lid un holtl 3cabs3 radio equipped reliadi e drivers glen taxi operated by jim bell service every oay including sunday tr 72432 i i i i i whats dehydrated heatings oil uuiiil n itc un impurities icunii itc in all stored i il rumpel into dlir t ink in this condition without tnitimni i ik w iter mil impurities in the oil will cauu i ink torrisinn uid wsteni fouling to climin iti tlit nsk of mcss ind cosik tini lcivife mul to ml in thi tkptnjjblc perforin mu of jour licit ing svsitin ivlij one of our trucks is equipped with the csiumw m ii m mm iimrauiu i 1l1i r hu ikhvrs tl 11 si mh pissis ihrobph this tltlijili itor nut lilki on its w iy to jour tank issunm mm of tin purest most v lurinc oil ever ttchvifcd a spiti il inuliliint in ii 1lsi 103 s pfliimini atklitivc ciiuiimiics jus ubscqucnt comlcnsnlion in jour tnnl c uisinp it to piyt harmlessly through your burner and ktoine c ipor itcil iu mill smooth troublefrte per- foim irjve mil inliniiilj longer lank life lot of peace i i mind lor sou t wallace thompson d ovulon court ci tr jv51 1 kobt t hamilton to opiomttcls olfire lloun 10 am to 8 p m daily vrnina by appointmrnt c loird saturday co main north til 7j07l v maulici manoerson oc ttamvlrr l snlicitor tl mill si tr 7 3u4 hoxy thralre dldl f rw rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wedding arrangements goruejee tl specially cut flowers and funeral doslgns 32 albert ttt 7j9s2 we wira floweis levci hoskin chartered accountant si main n brampton glendale 1wj4 44 victoria st toronto phone km 4d131 for ixrckt cyi cake cuinn 1 o t walker otuiim prescriptions filled hearln0 alel clattae ij ljin st s rtramplon 1 t 4474 ret 1 16243 ii nrs t am g pm dailv irtivuamtoopm rvrninj in appuntmrnt tomvaosicklerba arrular selldler natai 30 main s ih 711 llr uilliamv uldt i dr j burns milne dkstai sltigion xily mill sl til 71871 s m faiilsh o optommnist mcnamara jewellers georcelown dale bennett latimer baines barrittara a selicllera doug1as v latimep terence f baines titian le 733g1 j i mill st tcorfictovvn dr john r kerry precllce ef dentlttry xily ttuanfle 7 3ci1 mam st georcetovra georgetown animal clinic j t lavlrt dvm v zavlli dvm im guelph street clinic open 7pm 0pm mom wed fri aflerneona by aspeialmt only ulallil co cm five ou litis frtv i vtt t nn lulum mrvnc vvh not mart tvikini advinlacc of t call- w7h kentner son 45 quaen st rear gorolowri triangle 72851 saves you up to 20 dr p w w kuryllowicz danlal surbeen lln mouthalnvlrw ltd s tr 7iim frank fetch uclsstd alctionter trompt senice to doi 411 til 7 2864 georgetown hewson ord a a helton berniura a selicilera 10 mun m s itrnle knot lhurrhi ttllttl l 111 wson joiin d oltd hthlluilk iitusovi til 7 jmb til 77s1 carretal building 116 mountainnrw til 7218 dr k w mccauley dentist 0 m mn sttieft noiit1i ih 7lli41 tt w h c ar r frefeitlenal knelneer 41 ontario land survever eorsctuven ont 116 mountain levr rd s iltiatible 72ju ilea phone til 73300 words of yhk wish if tltlnfia are ever to move upward someone muit b ready to take the ftim alep and an sunn the ris ot it william i juntei f re v i n y chimney fires uufire chlal chemical chimney claaneri o eliiiiindie soot and scale from our stoves and pipes the smaller the flame the more toot and carbon kor use id ou coal and wood tired unite or tale at halton coop surruli monuments fouock t camfkeu designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery fhone 621750 63 water street north a a it printing op distinction urrteriitdads m envelopes m statemekits wedding hmvitat10ns georgetown herald jr wmri

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