Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 29, 1960, p. 3

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halton member makes important speech in commons tawfll hill to taiutfc ell vuli- mj uawy iua was a bf frk fiua r kit ct- tw c raw mr hwi nk m it twwj u r- ur spaaker i ahould like to make tome brief cuiuuuruu on hill no c2 which fc before ua at uua women i jhitfiiiftjj important iuaurr l uivlkth in my opinion ha captured treat interest throughout our country wi have heard thia alt r noon three muat interest ing apteche on thia matter 1 i ee 1 tli i t tie pe e h u t he tnme minuter w mo l miw erful eipuiliun of thr b ii that u before u and ei plained m great mriuff the bopr and td u to the futuie part lhu council fcaiirbl play in our counlo i think mr urrr all plea veil aa well to hear the tliiuulat nj and llilerrtiii imh of the bon uirmher fur niagara als uut uauarlu in thiv her hru a perch m ihe lloue o common hc certain pit en ted her idea in an interest ing fashion amuiij hrr re marka 1 noted the thought n preted and i u lit e this ata lenient wa made the other vrtimj at well by the hon member for ottawa weil mr afcllraith that we ahould perhapi nut connrct too c lovely the itritihh productivity roun cil with the council wr propose to ealablith in anada i can only lay that it would we in ftmtu indeed if our government did not compare our proposed new council to tome eitrnt with tain liar bodiea in other coun trie around thr world it would be moil amaurig if we did not do that the hon memlmt for niagara falli made remarks to the ef eel that the hntivh council waa etablihcd to make more goodi available and that there wn no problem of unrmplo ment at that time ihe conlinu i td that we had a reverse prob lem here in anada vie haw many good lo market but we have an unemployment proh lem we have men and women left our mi to peak it sretn to me that surely thrse two matters even if we admit lo the bir truth of ihrm are not i far apart at all it arema to me that the crucial problem in canada in order to make more job i lo do things belli r more cheaply and fami r and that proccv in turn will make for more employment and thai j thti thaucm in turn i partly the responsibility the idea and the reaioning behind the pro- ducth ity council we have in mind i of course these two plans are not o far apart the plan or purpoae of the untuh product tvity council it not so far apart at all from that or the council we now have in mind the hon member for niagara fa vrent on to lufgest that tech nological progreu in canada can make for ufieuiployiuent and decriad tfccbology oo tiut uua to bi tbii sugeuioo utmi to u u example of rl rograde thinking- lodged u tms to ea thit we beed lo aell more o tuaxe ihict mors cheaply omr rapidly ed lb better quality thit it the key in th long run and indeed in tta khurt run to mure eu ploy ment and more ulet thr oughout canada arj outud pur country x well 1 do cot think thia voicing of opinion on the part of the lion lady u compatible with tha extremely projtreivtve con ill loepcy fioin whit b lu comet i believe it u uiuch oioie coin p libit with the idea and the i unking rigid and infltaibe it u of the party utu which lm- hut fallen i noted the other even i tha iriualkk of iu hull nu ii im r fui ottawa vevt w one vlae tie kjid tbat the liberal wrt had voiced njpport in hie hnuve of meatuiea and ittrat of a mimlar ualuie he uienliont d that ubl kprmg the idea it all w a l ha t of t he oppo- 1 mil 1 jl erl part no men i tun wt mjr of course of w hat lh tion ntemtjer fur vancouver centre aaid ur the ideal voiced by hi in at an eat lit r ttae in thu houte 1 lie imu mrinbt r for ottawa v el went on to uy that thu idea of a pio ductivity council w rtll taved on the 1ft vi campaign ilatform of thf liberal part lie added that it actually came from lomethtng called the lrarvon plan aupplemented and bolitered by vuiont of the hon nieinter for kfci x y mr uarlln he wav r all giving moit grudging approval to the measure b fore the houve it uit biioal but it wjii kurn in nu iri ml rr tium of inihei it wav approve in moil minute amounti it lee mi lo ui on i hit ide of the houve- that oppomtion may have at least a partially aular effect on the i tberal part however it p utiles ui and in iv i omc thine t h- t hai boen laid ctrrr how it happenv that aftt r a gi nrra inn if forming the t rnmrnl in thu country theve new idea have actually popped up from the other ude of the houte only when their partv i in op povitinn and thai after a gi n ration of having authorilv to bring in new measure of ihiv tort we tea them now giving grudging approval to the many new plant that we have hrouih forward kn the lavl few wrekt and monthi ai to the ld a of prmlikliv il itself mav 1 sav that i 1 one which ha been p rhapv loosely defined by various bod lei it la an idea which u perhapi difficult lo meavurc in terms of figures and in trrms of what various group and variout people think or wivh to call it i believe that one of the purposes of our new council would be perhaps to devive some definite meana of explain ing what productivity figures really are since i have come to thu house and 1 am sure many other members are faced with the tame difficulty i have rd bxy varying aud cwuifcdirtufy rurii 4uut prdtuvity tbry ka frtya uumjt orgiialia aiitiuiacc unng fgiiiija d vruu grtmpj vtufc buy kave rubr different lcijw- tlia auiu i uld w64r thai ww roucil would kave u oke oi its pur lisrrt utii4 bf4jj j ability to give rjlij daal gurs as to piuruil ui vfcjiou mduvutfs nd uiuu typ of activity tkjugtout wu touo try wxdurlivit lii uu de fined a well m viuu ivpuft on uf ibrtii tue oxiu0 cut dua toiuaiiwuu trijt i ua an inleievling ciptf wi tla vub ect and diku w i o kuiue detait k rttii lo pmlurllv ty i lie 11 o tj lfcl tuput lu output oj x lo dik tu a tike ituwm up ol ubour to luee tru huv dome l uojutl ot i iveii industry iu a iua be re larded a ibe ulpul aud the inpyl ihe imu i- r of man uuun eiapiuved ll- j try lit the eai in v wtb tut divtiiulioo o i uieu rg ular hmiiv d oit ue bourv 1 bei- e j 1 l iwrluxli and lein b wlli uiuilurtiv ity ur le land and ex ainined in ulttf wuivl we ie italu l i ir at- ut iron d metlir prw1ui m r mn bout rflli ii i ue umvl expuuati n to uui ttim piu ductivit uhv do wt v llal the prx i ductivity i imihtrtai t m t an i ada thu i peihap an ot viouv question and tlte anvwers are rquallj ibnu u e ar a country o tfe men luv im porting and eipoiting nedt land capabilities in a eountry s small a i nala wnh our ublhinhke ppuut n and our tieinrndti oitf lolin rm pfixluhisil in j t br a kevvtonc lo a healthy and iuttujui ec ononis it veenis to me that in canada pn1utiit rrally must mean e flu unci it must nrin eflirrnl iludion in olhir wor is ttl nrv must te aim st s tit with the term pndu i lis u r mh prolurliv its m ir mtt rnal market wf ae tared today with a heine it 1 to c rmlrnie of immirte k k1v from ilritam f viripe and a i th nk that challenge m u rrtw and will i ol dimin h in tt immediate y i ar ahead 1 he tremendous necesmtv tht se has r for theve gimxlv u ne of the rea ions product iv my u w import ant to canada i hive mrnln i td that we have a tniall rw pu tin n we have lieniet 1 us d lribution tovls ml thee thing make for a lai te nsirhiad in canada indeed if we ate faced as we lomrtimn aie by re t net ion imposed by ether fountriri on the incoming of our manufacl i ured and other goods and if w4 uust dpcod tutirrly fed local or dooielac caaaxiub tnar- krt frur overhead may uidd w urg ad axmd aju vry djficuil for may canadian iattuiatwrra sd potu id olbw builbeas id srkl lidcjt tbe uruud slavul fur ex ample uikbour j ours his a ratikfer diflejrat pn4tlrta tbair depeawac an uporta aid liuporu u perhaps rougtly oji unlh of curt a artur luiaelhiag like tt pjjaiuo ratio belwea our tsjo toua- 1 triea twir uemeadouj popu- latioa and per ha pa littla gnat er diuributiuo cou auks fur an osrbead that is not rwa parable lo utai faxrd by siany canadian buuocaunen wlx spcajier what uukti foj grtaur productivity in canada tb prime uimaler has stated previouxiy that wt have ia a revurg are in the war tors ountnei of we item ljrope and indeed japan into the roiu i mrrrial markets of the world 1 might u that in a itrang i uol productivity may be bo i ught about by war itu 1 a horrible thing but we have teen int ieaw0 pruduttivtty lanu- av a veondaiy efleit t trnb e and detructive st i win se we have keen tin in ume outlines of vtrilrrn i uioie 1 belirve it 1 t tie coo n u of rrnotniiiils hut iff j lam tuuiitriev w huh d d not sutler tu b terrible raviin of i heir homeland and imluitnet i have niuie troublei lodjy pr r hap in ibeir induitliri than ihi re aie in the induunt ol olht r untriev which were more c mplt trly raxed by the war ue base xeen a penod of lesarirnie in ctnuiij thr ouih the com pu hi on uf ihe liiius and ihe faclk of idr t i many had to rebuild rnuh ol her basic industry from the ground up thu terrible lull wai paid in a senve and a de tailr or 15 yeart later through l her dt pendente on new plant row ruarhlnery and new idea that eountry and other count tin like her perhapi japan i an example have tieen pot on a lompt utive i up enur f noting with other coun trie of we tern hurue and indeed with ourelvr here in north america war ll a ter rihle thing hut it hai t xecon dar eflect and a very direct efli 1 1 on the produclisit of a country in the years that i i few tim t f ik mwiu hitiihie ttit sj lamiey 1 ru it vfxajts jkco one of 0rgtuwu a vorvi br diiiitrrs ia aany yars wrwkd a local grocrry and bihtat uore and left two faiailiej buuxa wk fir broke out early lasi wednea i day smnxii daaaaje euimat ed at vaiq sax caused to buck i hue froodi and lb two apputaujila above and there waa umke dvmage in iw ad uimng ucgilbon hotel as well ur al zersvlev won a lur key and ut a new club recwd at the lucky strike last itiuxvday eight when ike bowled an altaoxt perfect game mix iceravlew irored total of ioa la one grame breaking hr pjeviou record of mh bowled by hugh uwkie lat year withain hud hyde wn ut ui and urt wiluaio ii d jueen m had his r i g ti t irg broken in an automobile utidaat early y nday nimint wlfu the ar he was diivint skidded off ihr road and tiuck a telephone pole is years ago auemunce prizes are given at union ckuitri tm union ckuifdi cixrutnxaj party cwcmber sajtk open ed wiik carol urging fi 1l tollowuig tike greup tl rciuuont vrl gjcat by ikavid i other thine of course make for product iv it v the ttrenuou cunirtilion that iv fating u in anada todav might he xaid i to le the very lifcblood of pro tluctivily lnmmtitlon mint force increaved produrhsits and tnin iv realll what we ire fac inc in canada today j the liberal party talks alxnit i leehnologv and how inneaed technology would reiull in more unemplovment i ay we need increased technolok and we nerd a en at di al if it mr martin last hrn ilirl the liberal patty eer a that mr baal the eompetilion we are facing in canada todav is forcing our hand vn must continued on par 4 uuurn uf i tie kevall hots and girl conies at llohtu lirug store were tnls ht itlby uitchell 2nd uaie torn in 3rd iauline tyer 4lh junr llilher iu ut j lot ukriiiir 2nd itov smith 3id liryan herry 4th onion king eorgetown intermediate hockey team got into ad ion lial week when irru weather made the arena ire ideal thr i forget own i earn played oakvtlle and came out on ihe short end of a 3 1 score uned up with the local team were goal alcolt defence an ih my and 7iiiitner a nlrr lost ing ward and tiippi iub hall sargent and kiddall last saturday afternoon hief w marshall r rested a laity from tor onto on information from thr local branch of the it ink f montreal that he idmii re the description of a wonun who had cashed forced chrnjrs in several banks m the 1 urunta district tikes tw uuucaj aucjbbcra bid tkseur turn bous clare douon aasd rourt vrs t per formed tfcoftiioa fcoio- tb piano beat took tkse liawa- tight wills solo by cwcfirfioly uifuotaild skaron ltuie kiary doiu and aiargar oaraawur in addition to playing tkse piano klii ovtrander lag lur tw gatikfring tfe impromptu entertain meat c4ucludd with tke ita i ox uivvioo hand reading a cbritinai itory and singing carol prise fur per feci attendance iu tke senior class went to hditk uruonald and joweu fclfcftlonald while other attend aivt priaei la thu cla- were a war vied terry luie and ui lnikr urkane i in the interim diate la joii urlojald and kenneth lti reeeised ihe iertect at teiuuoce pnte with uarian young and skarun lcslia r rising other attendance pure in the junior rlas1 jwendo un lidionald wv the sole win iter uf the pf fleet attendance lie closely followed by hat lotte young niablv to china the us million rituem of ontario lavt yer eonvumed al mot as much electric energy a the t7u million people of mainland china pace s thg c0certow4 meftalt tkueaauy dc4u- 39iio walter t evans co we nrvcfly kop rri vr nw year uiert in much hpturti for you rd rvvw ra of litag peace and rjood will for all tfv world mill st gforgttowrj rkx mam after what seemed like hnur a while rob d doctor eim rieil from the examination rimim and addreved hlinelf lo mr jones mr jone your wife ha qoimy my gosh vaid jones tie fore he fainted that miku lb he rd ng in tu style let l fjivt h m the royal vwcl- fove here o a iunlx new year of ejood tier arxj good tor tune lo you hutchs smoke shop a very happy new year georgetown dairy ouuttl tf wit for 61 we v a wivh i ncero for you arvd thor who vou hold hear may thr days of lis commrj year brirvr o peace and joy and all rjood cheer richardsons hardware ftgrjk 15 mom st s tr 7 3501 bcl wishes for a bright new beginning a chance to get thing done ui 611 here i to all your plans and pfo- pct may they all come to fruition may you be blessed with good health good fortune and qeal happiness this new year vv v as you open the ga ly wrapped package contain ng the bnghl new year may you find d rich in the promise of all good things lor you and as each of its 365 days unfolds may that promise be generouily fulfilled m health happiness and tuccc the georgetown 5c to 100 and staff the staff of scottmotors

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