Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 5, 1961, p. 5

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flalton member endorses increased technical aid speaks in parliament on vocational grants increased federal grants for vocational training in second my schools receded the endor sement of halton mp sandy beit when be spoke in the house of commons recentl during a debate on the subject following istbe full text of hove a longer tradltun in lech meal training and a much larger labour pool c lowly allltd canadians for the cong vr this measure of cour e tics n as well with the mo t in icresting mention and presen tat ion of a productivity cuun cil for canada for technical training is closolj allied to in creased productivitj and great mr bests remarks in parlia phlhinllttlh culture and production of all ment dsei sorts within our country i am mr chairmafl i am delighted jh9elkisjblh surc thls p council to rise in support of this most hwi9 will wint to work closely in important long range measure h u h the future wlth am 3vslcnl have listened with interest llaflhhjjfiah syblems ot teehmcal education am sure oflfers bave to the tm on a municipa prov or hon member for hull we sandy best tederil level these arc some have no difficult whatsoever of the things which we arc of coursk in hearing hm his l we c in canada l dv t todav oce drries ver well how f j madr we havf brought to canada er if did hate difficnll m m lt hs slrl tnioplc from mam other lands undcnanding just what he government has aided the stei has pointed out said anov what relation it had in o p t countries i to the prteent measure he a neld mlcn a he cotl of ooursf have certain differ discussed njfcnv other subjelcs slruction industrv and in burnt inces in programs thev ire i i feel lhathe measure now building whuh our tvvcrnnient older countries with longeri before us coulfl hat tremend nja jided so mueh in the last traditions and perhaps smiuer ously beneficialflects on un tnree we tn as ias and a growth that 1ms emplojment on industrial man np rue ai al1 of home build been more stable over a longer power and on protluctiv its in ln he flow as it win in period of vears but not 30 d canada in the near future andj lh mdustrj goes so does a namic as is ours these coun indeed over the long rangeefillildenhle amount of rmpluv tries have the institutions and years ahead i can think of nmljlluntnipjqi merit in van l facilities tftth which to few measures more vital and aus areas that result 2 at tram ihtir young people- and tore contributors to advance ura but mhiuuhh these indeed to train their unemploy went within our count rv there pqple are unabk through lack for lh minister has ment ar a number of importan oi skills when home building ioned that as well as the joung problems facing us today and hn taught up in lc 1 n art is people ther wilhahe changes in technology as ll hi- to some ct nt at into effect some schei in our present world and the 1 to fil eer narrowing horuons of our lid world todaj trained manpower ca training and skilled people are of para should like to commin mount importance to our coun me other rem irks madi hj the minister in this dirtc i he mtntiotu i tht fact that all effect of this program 1 am largi numbiri of cer ain will be of the utmost thet jlcrirteicd kiinfcs ore part of the cnnndtnti pel cro9 nnvs assisting trip republic of tie conro in cm tbllihing hnrtnr hmlth mrvicef tliev ht- cxnrnintiif 11 sli e wilji ii lerint tiilture being- shown them b ft congolese jab tei-ti- 11 in in oquili itilk loit1 left to right the nurse at mil jjjuinna korlu of hi into ills denise beimiicu s h imauld quebec mis mar ie xctrntilt ste anne ip uellvu qncbet miss hne neau ilontrral nd liss jutpullne mnrnnd qutbtc lily l ivork of hie v inuua mtenialiun it iiiedinl t urns no v in into is being coordmalf 1 by the world hialtb oriilta s me 10 who spettillms uro also on dul thloutuut llic htiiimie man of tte n are mu nls if vvstcin bethifi iniintrirs inri pre r nuted for- servi c n up upo ie inn amorinrt initi r ir nil ho 1 regi nit tifir ir anin ns unrein he 1 jqurrlirt are in vvjinbinjti n uc te gili sunshine school presents nativity play concert o some into uh a four act ualivity plav hih n artis pvople themselves we must puf uthttd tht christmas concert jobs ik uttini thrw time sunn j program bv means of which to train and as 11 wtrt almost to rehabilitate for in treascd unefulntss in society some of those who do not have jobs and positions the words and robert ross spoke for the associition thanks was txunihd to ttathirs mrs lef fnts and mils mitchell mrs bikkntr of acton mrs lnlish of jeorgttown mrs gtorgt mr chrisknson of owe set of oplnona on ttio war and in some cases such nt that of montgomery you arc really touched by the modesty inasumch as he practical ad mlts that he was u10 smartest genera of them all and we 11 admit this column is a poor one but that s an oc cupalional hazard at this time of year with little or no news 11 hte vears ahead when one studies the figures lxka and mimin ummplovid importance one notices that in he ranks f of e skills he of the unemploydoda7thete i has rmntiontri ind 1 have wl enro 1 are people who in many instan q tht fitt thit as to tht ces are not specificallj trained untrained- jobus- js it utrc in a particular skill so m to be the ranks of tht ummploved able to fill certain positions in are swelled bv thse pt iph to his speech as found 10 hansard a much lar extent 1 think of november 25 pages 231 andl should be trulv trmblut bv 232 the minister of labour these figun- i thought n of this prohlem of unemployment remarked in the ranks of the interest to note on p it this problem of workers fitting unemployed the unskilled are233 of hansard the ministers into sptcific postions will en approximately three times a fi indicating that some 5 large our oung people and numerous as unemplojed 1 pr cem 0 a peope en our people of all ages must if workers who h specu rolled in our secomhrv schools possible have more basic lech nud b the pupils of tht north hilton sunshine sthool the hit ment of hlkhwav os tul church was filled with par tnts and interested fntnds foriuliott tlu program as tht childrtn i lilti n pnsenifd a dilihtful conctrl j minv gifts were rrctivtd bi similar to those sctn in pub the school this christmas in lie sthool eluding a five pound box of readings singing and dine cundv from milton pharmacv ing compnsed tht program 1 s5 in treats from hornby i with each of the childrtn tak a gift for each student from ing part in manv was at the 1 harris stationery a beautiful conclusion santa clius arrived i wrapped j ft for tich child nlarges and as the and handed out gifts and caiulv from the blair auxilnrv of st 1 ml stinliv u hill davids iresbvlcrian church in present and said a few ampbellvillc as canada grows and as ou proportion course of ttchnical progre- increases not decreases ft sure it is increasing id tint fie training or skills i are taking a technical cm think this is indicative of the prtlr ppoblem before us and the gov school techi eminent is taking steps to bring canada about increased assistance m figure means this regard s enrolled in we realize that education in ac or pi general comes within the sphere our m s jo these in of provincial action but in col ures art rpa low thev in laboration with the provinces f jvt i w in countrv i am sure that the government i canad t a ciunlrv urh js can advance at present and nave n re w a snil rill in toronto and m of tht m m ikt oiki n 1 lnu as an in t cresting sidelight we wirt amused to fee that one of tht mflit successful nf war book authors and of bis own vivt 1 meal training in order to en naoggv wjr cx r encos is firming in ble thm to have a flcxibihtj v3gji by lej8 c luum coull ici- stulnls mi shift frm on job to an v r s i psuint this othtr rt the job training lhinvll mjl w lhc books are stilt hmng a umfc some 8000 ire while usful and whle most of 1m1 offlt m ip and are alw 1s in swt straight ttchnical impt rtan in manv instances ograms apart from mit be backed bv bac ho mlv at pn nt stotk we ols these 1 tranlig in a varttv of tech i there will be 1 rood turnout have noticed a few suh a cl fieds that cm be applied lila niwtins thero msson compuhd in i w tng notice to creditors in the estata of harry pur- kih deceased all persons hiving claims ag ainst tht estite of harry pur kins lalo of the town of geor gelown jn-lhc- county of ha ton who mfed on or about the 30th dav of november lflbo are htreby notified to send particulars of inte to the undersigned oror before the 2th day of jaiiuiiry 1961 after which dale the estate will he distributed- with rcgird only to lhc claims of which the under sijiicdshall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liahlt to anv person of whose tljim sht shall not then have notice daltd at georgetown this 4th div of janultr a d 1001 bf angilt- puilhuiji administratrix of the estate of harry purkins b her solicitors ifewson ord helson 1 19 georgetown onlaiin notice to creditors in the estate of luke jan ssen deceased au persons having claims ag mst thefstale of luke jansson me of the vilhfie of 1 une house 111 tht countv nf hilton who died on or about the ii2nd diy of ottobcr 10 are here bv notifkd to bind pirticulars- of sunt to the undersigned on 1 or before the 28th div at janu j ir lkil ifter which dite thej islati will be distributed with n gard only to the claims of which the iindi rsiifned shall then havenot ice and the un d rsincd wilt not be inblc to in pers m of wh st claim she hall not then hivi notice dated si giorjlnw this 4th rhv of jinuarv ml 19fil kunolllr nitosjwssfn fxtculnx of tht fstale of i uke janssen j h her snlicil rs htwsnn ord helson 1 19 georgetown ontario page 5 thh oeoroetowh hbralo thuriday january slh 1961 j ontario driversi state farm cuts rates worlds largest car insuyer announces new- savings of 384000 to ontario policyiordersl iryounsraieattul driver you too may save soxontact me today i eric beard 21 rexway drive tr 74814 state farm mutual automobile insuranct company canadian head off tin tpronto ontario jays photo studio weddings child studies portraits copy work commercial photography fast roll film processing phone tr 7 9202 45main north business directory sintchi 1 andfn even more so in the future the bon like important cause of technical oxer education in our countrv manv people have come to canada the last 15 jears sa a mater of fact somewhere in the neigh bourhood of two million i be lieve and we have tried in most instances to bring to can j ada those with specific skills who could contribute something to agricultural and industrial production and other important projects within our countrv we rcitrfor caledon girl p ipulati must d pend v to do thin bttt more produelive f rder to compt n w narkcts and w th ot und the w 1 t a vanciv and widt sptclrui nf jnhs as technicil progress continues i am sure that the ort of move proposed here to on will be of most fundamental importance in solving our un ibil t mpl imcnt prohlems in tin i in ida and indeed in the positive n in sense aiding in increasing the nh r prodiittivitv the usefulness jnd 7oun the happiness throughout the hith whole of our land 1 pute of less business to come up the onl business there is luiich will be served im nil in i i it time in s art iff i ni tnin r hip cam pjie11 thtrt are hundreds ex strvicinien who could ipprojihi i and sureh e mid mince c h dh p 1 seek heroism award notive born canadians who are unemployed and who because af lack of specific training and knowledge to enable them to be fitted into our increasinglj com plex industrial situation some- tunes cannot avail themselves of the jobs that are open and waiting thr ar jobs the minister pointed out in h speech to which i refemd earlier that while there ma be numbers of uncmploved there are jobs without job- takers in various areas because of a lack of people m the par ticular area who arc sptciticallv trained i think one of our problems in this regard is per haps a psychological one that our eountrj will have to face in he present circumstances and in future vears prefer to the recognition of the drlnilj and importance of tcjjin cil training for our people we are conscious of the tremend ous increase in high school and universitv education andiri the need for plant and other facilities and more teachers and professors but we must also realize that with the in creasing raising of standards i in universitv education and the j increasing volume of enrolment not all of our children can make the best and wisest use of that sort of training in other words technical training at wnm level of cwondarj edu cation in the high schools and indeed at the ae level of um versity education ma be a much wiser course for man young people who are coming of age as it were to follow the minister has pointed out the interesting fact that in the next five vears i presume up to 1965 more than half a mil lion young canadians will enter the labour market this er large nutnberjjf voting people coming forward for education ai and training must in mv ppm ion have in front of them an increased scope for learning and acquiring the skills which 4 in to highly ncessarj in this day and age it is because of this that i feel that long range attack on the son nf tedaaological unempfofment tat to j 11 tin briikh whole mid h nl th 1 1 fu membt rs art reminded tint the s0 50 hin for the hospil il mirsha kasit imbrv uu leider bv lohnnie johns m mil of couri i iinhuslers ind fnemv coist lli id all air force storn s i tin n thtrt art th nail twi ks wilktr k onun mi 1 of i minder dealing with the nivv be md a aumtjer of erman mvil 1 ae imhiks including one written bv a sub ciptain who finished the war 111 retliville nd an excel it nt storv it w is too with tht innv there act hundreds of joodorreftmlr icing cvtri part of the world ind cvtn plnse if the wir soirn of tht onus ralph dav1es ac1s fa accountant and auditor ml guelph- georgetown til 7tvj1 offite hours mondas 9am 5pm tofriday a cab don rtsidrni hi start ed unwinding rtd tap to rt cognize the brav er o a 13 vear old vitlaae fc mrs chtster is ndini a pi tin in to the it val anadian humn t s oniti m in hamilton asking that il pn s ent an award to mm nnt hischer who made sevtra trips into her blaring honii on sun dav nicht cc ittfirr 17 to ave tht lives of hi r list vouner brothers and sst rs mrs glassford aid she re membertd 1 simil ir 1 xpi nenee th a hoj the flamei jo rescue the child t i n she was burned on the irm and 1 gs herself but man iod to take her sisu rs and j lintliers unhinned to iht ar mr tussfird siid thit when worl her parints drove into the vird w 1 mirv ann was in a state of ut xhaustion and could not tell niun him whit was the trouble mr iischir then ran to tht smoul l dinng house and smashtd h window the houst burst into his dimes and mr rischer was nblej vu 10 sivi onlv the washing mach jb me fvtnthing else inclinling som get tickttt from e undtrsln d that the i i is goin to le iskel to in ir support lo 1 st wintir s progriitinh in a small and w in ne th it thev do so it will he4the com it as a whole ual onts are the n iked isl a storv of an us-ie- 1 ow eilutid bv tht japs at sinjii pore the horned piston in oseape story from gernnnv as far as dtbralt ir vmgod li c r biscd in hilv ind thtre ire of cour 1 iiinumi ribl sets jd memoirs most f i hem well worth read in r bv evm allie i knenl who could wtiti ind need a b t of pin monevl this roup of books includes works 1 alinhrookt montcomi r hn in horiocks dempster i is er the hididiv enhower lrsdlr iml m inv know thil little foreign 1 others mts of them ire wnrlh after ab nit in hilf hour rciding ind give quite a div t thit wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk commissioner tr 7 2963 tf robt r hamilton ro optometrist office hours 10 a m to 6 p m dally lemnjs bv appointment clostd siturday 60 mam north tr 7 3971 tp it vlt- lever hoskin chartered accountants 51 m un n brimpti n 11 endile 14824 44 victorn st toronto phone bl 4 9u1 for expert cuns eye care lit o oculi t w t presen a l k e r ptions filled hea ing aid glasses 12 mun st s gl 14474 re brampton s gl 16243 hours 9 am rndav 9am fvemnes by 6pm dait too p m appointment maurice manderson oc t barrister solicitor tl mill st ttt 72444 roxy theatre bids 1 toravansicklerbj barrittar solicitor notary sq main s r tr 7i54l dr williams bidg used i that will th hn stic iht the familv s chn tmas the win n to m asked alorton minister of knox i mt d chur ill in3 edon to vr t mm nni s heroism arm h his re lvid th f h iwinl rv to h r miry nne s partnts wi n at a neih or s y n she notict d vsmk discovered thrt chunntv wis in flames running to thi child ren marv nne grablx d hlin kets and made stvtral trips into merry menagerie lost the hi i pr tnls tu overheited woo fiirua blamed for the fire i then mate priority for him ibw long are von infor tonvict asked his new cell urn 11c on the kv i 1 r4mcd o s sorrut time thit fycd orrechl was mnnv nlifimn intillin id 1 in a gton posts ttiire wintfksirei how di i von nge it rred is second yrot ilm ir the dominion or you take the bunk near the ior 1 m in for 99 by walt disny lnrkiiion aiwyvs hiinr beefl a heivv reader w it h an av eragi eon sumption of sevi nl books a i week litelv we have been bujinr quite a lot of books dealing naturally enough with i the wir ind memoirs of h 11 is surprisim bow the thinking i bjhnl itiv once impugn can vir is ieh einrnl puts forth his r tsi n in hin i the pirtieulir i mratecv invoh i ind alio whil might have imn if onlv om of the most readnble 1 and void of all pompoiisticss or heroics was sir william slims defeat into victon a blow bv blow description from the re treat into india to the fiml victorv bv the taking of hin goon in burmi anil the subsi qwent japanese surrender we ire alwavs amazed il the imdr lvin2 tone or ittitilde of uritish mrfit iri leaders attitudes tow irds their am 1 allie ind 1 dow pronounce you mouse and wife eilrtmst iranspirent imusc nl toward i s romminders a at minj of whom ihev rtf garded at amatcmrs in the art of war we recommend this one sttrongh for anv one interested there is itpjseirt a falrlv good dock of wnr bo ks pirtiularlv bhtish ones in the book more travel notes 17 da jexcursjpn torontolondon 331 by propellor driven planes 361 by jet available to john r barber s travel advisor john l trbr agvncy insurance travel tp 7 2- mill si dr j burns milne ufcatu simrua xra 11 st tri2871 s m faib1sh ft o optometrist cnamara jewellers georgetown dr john r kerbv practice of dantlttry xry thnngle 73641 main st georgetown georgetown animal clinic j s zavlrz dvm v favlfi dvm 10b guelph streel elinietptn7pm 9pm mon wed fri afternoon by appointm t dr p w w kuryllowicz oajtra- surgaon lib mountainvicw fid tr 74125 dr k w mccauley dentist g maim stri v t north tr 74641 tl trank petch licenstd auctioneer prompt service po box 413 til 7 2864 georgetown u w h c arr 1 profesnonal 4 ontario lar engineer d surveyor j georgetown ont 1 11 muuntainview rd s j vtriangle 7 2211 res phono tr 13300 g w corbett dc chiropractor 16 duncan dr georgetown tr 74666 atvls thtjks st evcnthju by appoint nt printing of distinction i ftterueads i fnvelopes 0 htatrmlnts 0 wedding invitations georgetown herald dale bennett latimer baines barrlstmt solicitors douglas v latimer terence f baines triangle 73381 23 mill st georgetown i hewson ord aid helson barristers a solicitor 39 main st s fboside knox church gorge c hewson john d ord frfdfrick a helsoil tr 7 2246 tr 70781 carretal building 116 mountainview tr 7 2218- -t- monuments pollock ft campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone 6217580 62 watex street north galt licenced auctioneer norman c uddl 9mcnabbt tr 7441 3 prompt curtou swrvfoa no account right after christmas when santa has beat k comes the bills when funds are depleted

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