Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 23, 1961, p. 11

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irtht ftftdlm mr am mrs oft don brown norval rt hip py to antouict thi arrival of thtlr daughter barbara aut boa helen at pel mem rial hmpltlt brampton on feb ruary 2nd 1901 crasby mr and mrs gcorgo gruby nt pat wlllson u elizabeth street are hippy to announce the birth of their aon stephen george on feb ruary 6th 1901 in guelph general hospital janssen mr and mrs harry janssen glen wu liam are happy to announce the birth of their son luke jeffrey on tuesday febru ary 14th 1961 in south peel hospital cooksviue ljddle mr and mr nor man udsje b mcnabb street are happy to announce the birth of son paul frank lin a brother for robert and stephen od tuesday febru ary 14th 1961 in guelph general hospital thi mail bah regional planning vital importance to town mayor marriages mr and mrs h bishop hamilton ont announce the marriage of their only daughter jacqueline emily to mr char li memenemy hamilton ont l on saturday february 18th 1961 at st margaret s anglican church the rev r berry of bciated diaths abbiss leslie e suddenly on monday february 20th 1961 at the guelph genera hospital leslie e abbiss ot georgetown in his 42nd year beloved husband of doris carey dear son of mr and mrs e f abbiss and broth er of richard of england resting at the h c mcclure funeral home 34 edith street service wednesday at 3 o clock cremation in lieu of flowert donations to the georgetown and district memorial hospital would be appreciated in memoriams aubin in loviflg memory of a dear husband gerry aubin who passed away feb ruary 27th 1960 someday we hope to meet again someday we itnow not when to clasp our hands in the better land never to part again sadly missed by his wife dolly aubin in loving memorj of f a dear father who passed awav february 27th i960 we think of our dad most every day the things he did and the things hed 6ay and we think of our quarrels laughter and tears we think of those many h precious years sadlj missed by billy linda bran and gerrj beaumont in loving mem ory of matthew beaumont who died february 23rd 1951 fc alway remembered by his wife and family i bennett in loving mem ory of m gramma ethel bennett upright and just in all her was faithful true to the end of i her days in silence she suffered in patience she bore till god called her home to suffer no more ever retnembered donna bennett in loving memory of my dear wife ethel who passed away february 26lh j i960 the sudden way you had to die i shall always remember and wonder why to know we never said good bve brings heartache and tears toj my eyes so if my soul i weary and things go wrong i can hear you whisper bill just carry on i miss you ethel more than anyone knows and as time goes by the empti ness grows tears can be wiped away but heartache will stay when i look at your smiling picture you seem to av don t cry bill you know i am only sleeping trust in god to help us to meet again some day her husband william bcnnctl hill in loving memory of a dear husband and father chester hill who passed away february 24th 19m though your smile has gone forever and your hand we cannot touch we have so many memories of you dad we lovfd so much lovingly remembered bv wife cora and family schertzl in loving mem ory of a dear husband and father john schertzl who passed away february 22nd 1960 gone dear husband gone forever how we miss your smiling face but you left us to remember none on earth can take your plxce a happy home we once enjoj ed how sweet the memory still ibtiesah hisierlrxtonelinss 3tm world can never fill dly missed and remem btrad by his wifa and bwuly dear mr editor 1 would appreciate the op portunity of bringing a must important message v the peo ple of georgetown through your valuable paper on thursday march 2 there will be a public meeting in- georgetown which i feel prob- bably pertains to one of the most important aspects of our future way of life i fcol every person residing in georgetown has chosen a v ay of life the natives most certainly through the yeai s would have moved on lo green er pasture if this wav of life were not desirable and at th same time the newer rimdeiits most certainly mubt have chos en ths as a desirable place lo live and raise their children am i trying to suggest that georgetown is perfect most certainly not there aro many problems which we musl try to solve there arc manv things that must be done and all these things will take time and money and so long as vour tax dollar which s verj c favourable compared to other municipalities in this irea is wisely spent we will overcome our problem and realize our needs what is this wa of life that we hae chosen and lhat we must cherish and protcif it is friendly slower moving safer for our children heilthier and much more economical and sound than our poor unfortun ate fellow man that through his bonds cannot break free of the big city we have less enme prr cap ita less penalties per capital less delinquency per ciptla less traffic casualties per capin we have no stums nor smog noi slench how can wt pioucl imrvchi and maintain what we hiu chosen as desirable living con di lions we must first select a dts irable population figure mv thoughts are 25 000 one lhat will support every hpe of bus ness everv utility and evrr service that is necessan for good in ing and secondh the area necessary to gic elbow room and green grass to this proposed population and third lj and by tar the most import ant is lo have a green belt sur rounding and protecting this plan you mighi sa what happen when we have achieved all tin will we stagnate lertaink not prom ihis point on w 1 be the real progress we will have a properly balanctd mun icipality that will jit continu ally belter instead of bigger in all the above 1 have said we meaning we ihe people of georgetown bu certaink ihis includes all municipalities in this part of ontario how can all this be accomp lished in this way only by the province of ontario assutn ing the responsibility that it should have assumed long be fore now by overall provincial ilajining and if this is not done in a fifty mile wide strip along the entire shore of lake ontario and if you feel this is wild pessimism just look to the south of us where the egg has already started to go bad where you drive for mile on mile without gelling out of 30 mp h zunei where you cm be in and uut of a muiiicipahly without realizing where the otnindotjet re wilh all the above preamble u niilht su what ean we do and all i can say is the old adage mighty oaks from liltle acorns i urge vou to attend this meeting and bring your quest inns we hav a terrific panel and speakers and 1 hope sonic of the answers j lime 7 pm thursday i march 2nd 1961 place presbyterian church auditorium i dinne- 52 00 roast beef yours siikcrclj mayor l t rrn hyde golf lady winners 1allinamb ann shorthill wins gideon essay prize congratulations to ann shor- till whotecently won an essay contest sponsored by the old cons for grade 5 students her chosen topic was from the gos pel of st john chapter b ihc healing of the blind son and she wrote wonderfuly well for i a ten year old ann is a pupil of spcyslde school and also attends balllnafad united chur ch sunday school the pine won was a gold bound new testament this yoar marks the golden anniversary of the bid cons 4 members of the institute en joyed euchre on saturday night at ihe home of mr and mrs i co jamieson the winnns were mrs percy white and mr cam mcbnerj the winner of the lucky prue was mr cam mcenery mr archie lawr had the ujis fortune to lose a finger while working with a saw in his shop lasl week he has been quile ill from ihe effects ot medi cine he had to take but is now recovering satisfactorily mission band met in thr- bine ment of the church on bundav morning under the leadership umehouss of mrs jamieson and hr j mfenery mr and mrs clayton bei wick of hamilton visited rcc cntty with mr and mrs donald mclean it was ihc occasion of both couples wrdding anni versary on teb 14th miss beati lee hilts has been visitmt wilh her niece in wal erloo for ihe past two weeks mr and mrs j black attend ed the annual meeting and dm noi for ihe shareholders of the millers mutual insurance ompinj at wenlworlh arms hotel in ii million on ihursday visuuis over last weikend villi mr mid mrs 1 co jamie i son and famifv were mr and mis colbuuill jx i4inooo j i in vy imin cnjovedheir unmnl i ot luck nipper on tuosdiu night when the n trruinid llun husbands and fimih the roll call was ans w red bv hniijjng a valentine foi vour supper partner mr and mrs mid mclean were presenird with a lovelv cake on tin mitt ion of their wed dinr inniwrsarv woild div or piaver scr vue was hrlrl here m the i hurch f n rutin mrs prank smith was ihe k v wnman as sistd in mrs i marshall mrs r i shorlill wilh mrs suit l ur sinjjng ihe locely solo 1 he h ibe junior team champs the junior boys flasket ball team earned the dls trlcl title for oeorgctown hijh by virluc of a fine 35 lo 27 win over acton lasl week the juniors are now waiting the results of the northern district play offs to decide their future com petition smoke causes 2000 damage to home smoke damage may go as high as 52 000 as the reaidt of n fire m a young bl home last widncsdjy meht tlie chief bob bonlicld slid the blue at the home of mr and mr bill mcmurdo 7 young was confined lo a bed but the vmokc was so heavy lhat the entire house will prob ably have to be redecorated doors blistered by ihe heat will also have lo be replaced the fire was discovered at ahoul 8 o clock bv mrs mc murdo cause of ihe fire was not determined the origin of fire which burned wnes oft a ear owned by don rllison of tlen will lams is also a mystcrv 1 his blaze occurred thursday nilhl when mr ellison was leaving his shift at smith and stone his car was parked on the smith and stone lot and burst into flanjcd when ho at tttmpted to start it an extinguisher from the plant was used id kill the dames beforo firemen arrived the alarm was turned in at close to midnight thi oioafjitown ht thuraday february lttd page 11 notice please take notice that after this date tcb 2jrd 15w1 i will not be responsible for debts contracted in my name by any person without my written con sent john davidson 134 iiielph st use easter sea flpcmppidcffl in memoriams brwmt in loving m n n of our dear mother rlhrl bcnnelt who pi sed aw v rcbruary 2fith i960 she would noi wish t r s irw nor would she wish for ti ir but jusl to be rcmcmhciod bv us throughout hie t n i oved and remembered bv ihe family lumblewecds 67 sinkers 64 i nluuehables 54 hopefuls 29 hiflh averages for the season mrs murrav henley 182 mrs ron hilihcn 17g mrs lvn brandfoid 170 high single for week mrs c braudford 285 mrs slu young 234 mr llairv shiilill 217 high single for the season mtuwr spit i h mrs t brintlf ird zt mrs ken mccaulev 280 high triple for the week mrs c brandford 716 mrs harrv shortill 583 mrs btu younc 5b5 high triplet for the season mis c brandfnrd 716 mrs rnn hitchen 703 mrs ross duncan 638 prizewinners at i fair board euchre mrs max slaffoiri 11 charles st and miss mane barbour john bl ctpprd i hi lathes pi izes at ihe lscitiesing gn rulltiial sociciv eiuhre in the sltwarltown hall lasl rridav evening c litlord mcdonald and h d ir r lcr wire winners f r the men mr sler winninij ihe cut irom lhtter rarl for second twtnlvthiee tables were in pi t and sandwiehi s tkt and coflee weie rved at ihe dost nolher cut hrc w il tn hi id on rnday march 241 h to top ofl ihe euchre season marathon euchre draws good crowd despite inclement wcithcr and roads on saturday ccnin a fair crowd attended the wl marathon euchre in limehou e memorial hall winners wire mrs ceo maltbj and o mof fat seconds to mrs george burt and ccorge burt and lone hand prizes lo mrs nellie ap pltvard and teorgi maltbj mr morlan a itudi knox college preached at i lme house presbyterian church on sunday mr and mrs a c patters tn and jo visited the ross pat terson s in guelph on sundaj replace water screen in no i town well if you were wondering what it going on at no 1 well on maple avenue almost opposite the waterworks you ean stop wondering town engineer jeff bhgh tyi the old screen et the bottom it being rimoved end replaced with a new one they ere hoping by developing this well mort water cen be brought in mr bligh alto dltcloted the new tewag ditpotal plant will be in operation shortly at the moment there are onv two employees mr c fiddy end mr phil carney cards of thanks carly i would like to lhank all those who were so kind to me while 1 was a patient in freeport san and since re turning home 1 would like to thank them loo for ihen cards letters gifts and flow ers they were vorv much appreciated oliver carev 1 ong 1 would like to thank my friends and neighbours for flowers and gifts while 1 was a pati0nl in pec mem onal hospital and since re turning home mrs john long vhleilr mv smcire thank to all the kind friends and relatives who sent such beau tiful card- gifts and flowers and for iheir visits while i was in st josephs ii sm 1 and for all the km inc s showjj me and ihe children since rcturninc home thanks everjone mrs lna wheeler congratulations mrs rl mcbean 9 mary st won the canary and cage in our lucky opening draw see our new lines of millinery gloves purses we rp n ihe ha id est upot n town do rung ihe downtown municipal parking lot sh0prite stores 53 mill street tr 71601 california red dave williams registered bonded matter electrician all types of wiring gas and oil burners sales and service tr 73332 19 elgin st if hamilton construction general contractor brick block concrele and carpentry work tr 7340 i reid ct tf pianc tuning repairs fully qualmcd technician recommended bj toronto c of fliisic the barber piano and i organ company franklin prorise motors ltd 1961 car clearance to ttert the year off right we offer good used cara et reduced price se these speciali lwn bulk 2 dr lid tp ant radio 3150 60 vauxhai i super ric luxe demonstrator 1747 59 morris an 1195 1958 buick century sedan fully equipped 1995 58 blick special sedan automatic lt95 58 pontiac 4 dr auln radio 1695 57 lhev deluxe 2 dr aul 1395 56 pi vmolth suuon wa 895 w pi ymolth 2 dr 495 1955 ciilv belaire 895 1955 clllv de luxe 795 55 rord station wagon 895 55 chfv sed 795 54 d soto riredome v8 automatic ps pb 53 pontiac 2 door i ht 53 piymouth sedi 52 pontiac sedan 56 buick 4 door hardtop lutomitic ind ridio jstl sedan 495 195g i ontiac lauren fl pnmtiat 150 51 pontiac 50 hillman i pontiac buick vauxmau 6hc open evenings triangb 7932 diract llm to acton tr mud its the latest a portable automatic dishwasher by spauldi n suggested list pnca 14900 cfio k our price ioj c t o p i stop the drudgery of j i w r i washing dishesi call for a fbee demonstration no obligation of course enjoy pure clean water with an aquasoft water conditioner protect your home and family with aluminum windows and doors free estimate on eny number from 1 to too noralum products 63 main street north georgetown call tr 79215 georgetown ontario pricei effective thuweekend feb 23 24 25 we deliver deep cut special prince edward island potatoes 50 lbs 159 pot ready iooi bagi cello spinach 233 235 cooking or eattng string figs emperor grapes 2 33 deep cut special devon brand sliced side bacon 63h birds eye 12 oz plcg frozen peas 239 schneider s 3c off cup fik shorteni 25 35 allen s 48 oz tin apple juice deep cut special five roses all purpose flour 25lh bag 179 king size 30c off 0xyd0l st29 libby s cooked 20 01 tini spag 13 9 235 campbeli soup mushroom or vegetable beef del monte 20 oi tin fruit cocktail 33 brunswick in oil sardines 3 hostess pkg of 100 tea bags 69c cheery morn ox jir ii instant ceffee 69c

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