Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 23, 1961, p. 3

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iton mp gives views pension amendments sandy best who is fast becoming one of the most prom- nent speakers halton county has ever sent to ottawa spoke to the house of commons again on february 9th on a topic pertinent to war veterans the amendments to the veterans pensions act here is his speech as recorded in hansard mr chairman i want to speak briefly this after noon on the amendments to the pension act now before the bouse remarks have been made by many members about the excellent prospects envisaged by the resolution and the impor tance it will have to the some million and a quarter veterans throughout our country first of all however before discussing the measure i should like to congratulate tile new minister of veterans aff aire i think we all must pay tribulo also to col brooks the last minister a member of the house for some 25 years during whose period of approximately three and onetialf years as mm liter of the department many importantchanges and improve ments were made ttie resolution before us at the moment is i think an ex ceuent one and comments to that effect have beenhuade by officials of the canadian legion and other interested bodies across canada i should like to rofike some comments on the purposes of the legislatipn following upon its announcement in the- speech from the hrone it is proposed by this legislation to increase the rate of pensions payable to disabled war veter ana and to the dependants of those who lost their lives m the service of canada incidentally the number who lostheir uvea in the first and second world wars total some 104 ooj canadians t than is one objective of the 4egislation provide for lncras j they continue to render serv wage in 1910 waa 1900 about on a par with the pension granted at that ume the com posite average wage baa been multiplied four times i think this is a measure of the plight of some of our veterans we are most pleased to see our government taking important action in tnla field benefit of doubt it has been pointed out by several members during the last two days that section 70 the benefit of doubt section as applied by our pension commis ston needs some attention the canadian legion has indicated and these figures must be av ailable to all that nearly fify percent of the cases heard on appeal during the year 195859 were successful 1 feel that this rather extraordinary record pomts up the difficulty that there must be during the first jieafing and suggests thal some change is needed there should be a clearer inlerpreta- turn of- section 70 m order to give the eteran the benefit of the doubt indeed i think the benefit of the doubt should not be interpreted in favour of the commission but must be high school teaching staff increased by four soon the georgetown high schpol teaching staff will probably be enlarged by four next term at a meeting of the georgetown and district high school board tues day night the principal j l lambert accompanied his budget report with the announcement thaa- least four additional teachers will be required by the fall the new blrings would bring the- total tnumber of georgetown high school teachers to twentynine ex cluding the principal and viceprincipal a program of insurance proposed to the board by georgetown insurance ag- ents present at the meet ing is under consideration b t ta and may be adopted the group were accompanied by mr boyd of western british american group of can ada international director attends lions anniversary when the lions club of georgetown celebrates its thir tieth anniversary this fridaj a distinguished visitor from the states will join them at chapter and past vice president of the york toaslmaslers he is a graduate of rider college trenton n j the club has invited drama comes to town given to the veteran himself dinner dance in guelph which living barter members to join not unnatural that bfecand its mirnose it to pro- ice their service is not just certain cases perhaps judged charles w mowe iattnereiselin the maxi wartime they appear to on the medical evidence alone pennsylvania who aanmmnfctforbuml expenses i take part in virtually every some doubt would remain aa tor of lions intern 3smnej the amesenl mmunty activity that goes to whether such njures or the dinner in zt th r ion m my area and i am sure complications resulted during that is true marks the occasion charles w mowery of york a direc tor of lions international wih grants will keep pace with mltar payments for veterans acro canada who dia in our treatment hos pitals the purposes and ob jectives of the legislation were outlined in some detail by the new minister of veterans af airs on december 12th 1960 as found on pages 734 and 735 of hansard a third aspect of the resol ftuon deals with canadian cit jxens who served in an allied force during either of the wars it is proposed to bring in an amendment under which they taay claim entitlement from the canadian pension com mission- when their claims have been rejected by the government of the allied force in which they i think it is important payments to children fourth there are certain know what our veterans are doing and not beside the point we are considering at the mo ment because if we know what they are doing we will know better what they need and what their wishes and requests are and 1 think that has a verj important relationship to this legislation we have manv im portant veterans organizations such as the canadian legion the war amputation associa turns and various ex service as sociations across canada these and other organizations presen ted to the veterans affairs com mittee established in 1958 for which the government must be congratulated briefs and 1m portant requests as to what should be done with respect to field such as medicine this sort to of doubt is only natural and amendments which will affect our veterans affairs legislation payments to children as the minister pointed out the rates are to be increased in addi tton there are certain techm ctl changes involving the month in which a child becomes fcaeligibe for such a pension dunng the sixteenth and sev enteenth years a further am endment wih also provide for equalization of payments to all the children of a family rather than the present procedure whereby a greater amount is paid on behalf of the first child i on behalf of the jecor1 made contributions in my own county for in stance there are some 2 000 to 3 000 members of the canadian legion we have important and major branches of the legion in towns such as acton geor getown milton oakwlle and burlington in these com mum ties our veterans and our leg ion members in particular have made most important contribuboins in my ovn home town of georgetown they have recently contributed some that such doubt should occur m a large number of cases is only natural if we are putting the elimination of doubt on this basis of medical certainty then it is onlv norma that with them for the occasion they are harold mcclure only charter member who is still active in the organization ar thur beaumont daid brill harold cleave tref imbleau the rojal hotel he is comp troller at the u s naval ord h feller john d kelly how nance plant at york ard kentner gordon mclin mr mowery has served the tock arol o neill h redshaw mount rose lions club m all and w illiam p thompson offices and his district assone charter members also includ- chairman deputy governor and ed the late william f brad governor he is a member of lej charles bumside david the executive council of heidel j crichton william v grant berg church school past pres- william h long h r minims large number of cases will be ident of the national machine j j8 mackenzie and edward turned down however if the accountants association york mcwoirter etcran were given the benefit of the doubt i think e would reach a more equitable solul ion this is one thing im leg ion members are requesting appeal boards phptohy charles trot f adam oakheart gordon hunt hie stalwart blacksmith s son is reading an emotionpack ed letter to nell e mrs vera mecdonald his ever true maiden and her sweet old mother ann cariwrght while mookie paul baker the fa thf u i hired hand looks on intelligent ly jt s all part of dirty work at the crossroads first production of georgetown uttto theatre rhts friday and saturday night n wriggles worth auditorium the georgetown herald thursday february 16th 1961 page 3 present parade float trophies to winners reviews life of rock of ages author ving a delicious valentine cake and a cup of tea mrs 11 woodcroft moved a vole of ijj thanks to all participants ant ta social time was enjoyed truck over bank completely wrecked mrs j b hicks was hostess for the park group w a of st john s united church on wed miss harcl harrison took as her devotional week theme favourite hjmns and thc truck dmen 1948 fargo panel truck was completelj wrecked whin it plunged over a twelve fool bank al at the base of elm st cups and plaques won in the the next request is for some santa claus parade were pres change m the appeal board sit ented to prizewinners last tucs iration perhaps tn the way ot j at the dinner meeting of balancing the composition ofi lions club in the legion j the board wih a doctor a law i a the truck driven by yer and a layman thts point doug ward received the sev fpsalmt which are albert crahame of ft r 1 gcor has been mentioned to me on j r barber trophj won gelown as proceeding south numerous occasions it mi be dy georgetown district scou- j giving an interesting and approaching i culvert at the bastt of leorgeiwwn at uuuiti i hvmni ters for their float while walter um f uiefeof augusi biehn presented the george- t lid who hymn the steep elm st hill when it town herald trophy to hank rock rf age mlss hwtlson i the road the truck land i u c van f lhc b sh staled that topladj was con ed on us left side and came to case particularly if there is enlrj in the parade verted lht 16 when rest on the frozen surface of more than one doctor if the j koury club was a dou he an evangelistic ser the criek the driver was un composition of such boards ble winncr rh ursel re- vlce hcid in oid bam m injurpd were changed somewhat it ceued the chamber of com j jind lnd years uter was cst ron rankin made the might be that a more realistic merce trophj fr0 alex black ordamed m minister this investigation application of existing laws weu whllc cure francis pres- favorite j hymn all ages a ented the lions trophy to the i w sun m ciosmr yime club for having the best j ro cu was inswered refjuce on matters that have been floal lhe panide membership fees brought to my attention by the um i cbu w in m un fle read a most veterans in my riding the lhe chair f the first part of inte letter from would be made thtse mr chairman i am sure that these and oth- 10 000 to the new hospital in ar amendments will do tnu i every community in myriding to bring a greater measure of and i am sure across canada fairness to this most important legislation i am sure that some of the miscellaneous amend ements and procedural changes in the pension act and its ad ministration will also have a beneficial effect on our veter ns and their dependants many gave lives in this legislation we are teoncerned of course with a tit nnnd itlt they are most active in child rens sports activities such as baseball 4 hockey in my com munities with a population of from 4 000 to 10 000 or more one finds that 300 or 400 or more children each week are organized into sports activities by members of the canadian legion in the town of milton in my riding they take part in portable hospttal equipment details regarding pensions other matters future teteran that without a whct mta ep laying many members of our j ment available to people their homes community spirit new legion building laying many forces gave tbeir lives and ma ny others gave their health in all cases they have given a considerable period of their lives to the protection of all of the town of burlington in my ns here m canada and indeed i riding has added much to that of the whole free world the as an example of the numbers of our canadian vet community spirit and the con erans are very considerable i tmuing service which has been mentioned earlier a million and three meals a day v- j lhe cnair f the first part ot letter from rev i a are delghted at the prospects the meetmg wlt lion chief uonald rlchard of norwav 7ehl but for changes in i this ltgialalion jim jon takng over the final house gmgan insight into sdirtouh form and we are indeed looking for rtion of th business k bjm life there of the varan i la ward to the spelling out o the annmncem was made of h wnght rtad several n d ih the pensions and he estab of the ed pocms wriuen by the canadian me immediate pnes memqnai lr a per poet b carman and gave man en t reminder of the ser- many interesting details of his vices rendered to the club by uf mrs wright had the pnv the late mr pries a lectern 0 meeting this famous as presented for club use person while on a hohdav down bj a member fred zorge east mrs r macarlhur read jackets will be presented to an account of how st vakn- thc club sponsored juvenile tine s dav is celebrated in other hockey team and ernie bod i lands after which each mem nar was given pernission to ber received a valenune and to wt thr meals a da and still conduct a small luckv draw to vai asked to read the verse on t lose ht if vou wish to reduce raise money for the jackets it icusih nd sensit 1 ro to vour the club is droppmg its st mrs j wvatl and mrs niel re gtore nd ask for the naran patricks dnce this year but sen assisted the hostess in ser llli gala event gardening ideas are exchanged by panel at the february public mee ing of the georgetown horti cultural society held last wed sdaj evening in the howard wrigglesworth school a panel discussion on new ideas in gardening for a new year was the main feature of the pro gram mrs geprge ironside as mod erator introduced the panel ded that i t had alwavs to do i heard eht ensilj and i lent 1 av to starve i feel so much bet ter nftpr 1 wing veikt i hope fiverweitrl t pe nle will tr the arun i ian 1 nm re thev vili be pleavd as i a mrs m i althban lort arthur coins without food can be ns had f you health a b over wtijthl you can reduce in a safe keep your hair in lovelier shape all winter depend on us for ha rstyl- ing that s fashionable and flattering to keep your hair looking its loveliest regular appointments will make sure your hair is protected against the weather all winter our special permanent price continues regular 10 00 550 delrex beauty lounge karen and marie open evenings on tuesday and friday phone for appointment tr 73326 quarter people the figures appear to indicate that from world war 1 we have some 240000 survivors and of this number approximately 49 000 are pensioners with disabili ties exceeding 25 per cent in the case of world war ii the figure is 826 000 and the num ber of pensionr s is some 100 tv trouble call tr 73376 remember with w1go tv is a specialty not a sldehnel antenna installations of all types planning february 24th when the thir tieth anniversarv of charter night will be held at the rojal hotel guelph clarence kennedj who was back how to protect and prune roses where to get the bebt pockets rendered by these veterans recall a few years ago when a school burned down in the town of acton a portion- of the can adian legion building in that town was immediateh turned over to the school children for their classes winter works pro- mi i k jects arc playing a part in the information from books how to vn legion activities and funds control red spider how to get have been contributed towards a hodo plant to bloom etc 000 or slightly over 12 ptr various such projects m mj v to these pensioners we area the veterans acting indeed owe a great deal we through the legion and work cannot mea ure what we owe mr community activities them of course in urms of are doing many th ngs on a dollars and cents but we must prov and national basis try and the process must be a 0nc example of this which continual one in order to bring comes to my mind is the eje shout an increased measure bank i also believe that about m fairness in c to 75000 0 80 000 has been paid tfcmb for whatfthey gave to as lt e year in scholarships millions added to children going to unrversi i think we might look brief f in ontario these are of the contributions they to kitchener last year was miller mrs w r norton mrs wellington wilson and mrs l a i devnes each member dealt rest at the meeting and uv n turn with questions from the ciub uro- moderator or the audience on t kitchener and put on a pro- such topics as how to have a gramjor the lions there green thumb without an aching good at it too i does your wife aelect your she only picks th ry at the past record during the last three or four years the record has indeed been consid erable during colonel brooks 4 occupation of the- portfolio of veterans affairs some 474 mil lion was added by consent of the house to the amount being received by our veterans in disability pensions and war veterans allowances and thro increases to widows and dep- endent parents educational as sistance to children and in creases for hospitals this ts indeed a considerable figure other things have been done as well the resistance re quirement for allied veterans was lowered from 20 to 10 years and additional funds were made available for the veterans land act as well as in borne construction loans for veterans in summary i think the record of the last three and a half or four ears been considerable and impor tant continue sarvlca one thing that strikes me about the many veterans in my t riding and i am sure this is true across the country at that have made mr chairman disabled vatorant what do our veterans ask of us in so far as this legislation is concerned and perhaps with j respect to future amendments or administrative changes in talking to the veterans in my riding i note that the first thing they request is a substantia pension increase to disabled ve terans i should like to look briefly at a recent issue of the legion ntagaztaie the legionary for january 1961 pages 4 and 7 we find that some of the financial problems facing our disabled veterans are outlined there for instance hi the per lod from 1920 to 19s7 and in deed until today the annual pension of a 100 per cent dis abled single pensioner has been increased from 900 a yearto 1 800 the amount was doub- 1 led m that period o about 40 years if one compares that as this issue of the legionary does with what they call 1 compos ite average wage from the year 1919 to 1956 one gets a differ ent picture this composite movie film entitled four seasons showing the beautiful gatineau park at different sea sons of the year was shown the president chris walker as chairman of the meeting thanked the panel members and brdfle hariev as projection 1st for their contributions to the program lucky door prlics were drawn by miss a lash miller and mr h j herder refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by the social committee notice advanced farming systems ltd kitchanar ontario builders of doane designed 9 poultry houses heifar barna 0 pol barns for baef a dairy animals 9 machinery shda 0 hay faadwrs a other farm buildings announce the appointment af horace tomunson surge dealer as their representative in peel a- halton counties for information and details of these low coat buildings n call f mclaughlin rd north brampton ont gl 1 1275 travel notes easter in new york oo n tkain o air wifk chow of hokh lav tfcunday ev g march lorti turning sunday night ri a 95 from otr turning momty night r i im r s from john r barber tiwvwl adviser john ft barbs agncy insurance travel tr 7 2214 mill st fiat in fact with a rat 600 everything goes a long way money tor instance buys a great car plus loads of extras as standard equipment a gallon of gas goes a long way 50 miles or more parts go a long way practically never wear out passengers can go a long way too in four seat foam rubber comfort and you ii go a long way toward making driving and parking a pleasure again suggested retail price eastern port of entry oistributeo by chrysu maveal motor sales ltd 40 main street north georgetown triangle 736t

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