Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 23, 1961, p. 7

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imaui study fan financing final operation thl last bucket of cement to be used in the georgetown memorial hospital construction is lowered tnrottqfln iftw nrod for pouring as members of the construction team look on it marked the end of the longest operation m th wptafi erection peter jones msatmai opportunity sale nets hospital auxiliary 438 op tilt huipilal auxiliary porlumty sale wjs hold on sat urd ij reb 4th at the dclrex hall and was comened by mr tom ferguson aided bj a iora mittee c mposed of the follow ing ladu b mrs listair mac in tosh mrs bob and mrs fred tucker silvers dept store gave many other members of the several boxes of new clothing before i returned home but this didn t deter me from slut fing my plirsftand pockets as well with all manner of shells and pebbles 1 learned after ward in a gift shop in victoria where the were on sale that i some natives of the island make a nice income from col the hospital auxiliary exec i lecting these pebbles and pol utnt nnd members would iiwl i lishing them to a smooth color to thank various merchants ful beauty no wonder we and other persons who contn were so entranced by thtrn convener and committee work 1 in hard to keep these what council i study reqpest for 750 grat to lad request fur a 3331ft mrurn tto ml bfywtt and don wttigrove managers of the kayd nd downtown com- tawce bunk ranches at tkmdgd farm finance con tannic last wednesday in at0ph the conference wai ar ranged iff the ontario ag rictfitaral college to give managers information ab out farm financing which vmgni prove useful in their uwdiouie institute ms music festival jits jade roughley presided jr she meeting of llmehouse- jwcmos institute at the home 4tf mrs charles meredith on uritamaxy 1st members sang theres sjoue long trail awind1ng to qpon the meeting with the juras prayer following there wmsre ten present and roll call vs answered with an amus- ang incident tn my childhood ch was voted to send the usual fltmatian to halton music pes- totart letters of appreciation ffor gift boxes were read mrs s jtoscpatnck reported on the anaraihon euchre and also pres- oded far the program as con welter of historical research and current events mrs harry brown told about christmas in s860 and mrs g english talked oainut suspended sentences for georgetown citizens ituiif fcanfl tnrffic control mrs kirkpae was received by ouunmu totm i rack spoke on port credit as a day in a letter rxun slig stag tty louublcn orsarazr amfi ffupe current events were reviow major for this nuw toiumchi va tiy mrs e karn and the ib mrs hstair mac and other persons who contn were so entranced by ttiera lanottn keep your enthusiasm mrs george hewson buted both goodb and work to hven in their unpolished state r i fl vnur hirthdavs was 3 burn mrs john ord the sale they were things of beaut in the monev wtf h i 5 read bv mr t sivr nnt mtf heed cost of new uhiflmntb l fwm i v auxiliary give valued help the week before and during the day of the sale and this helped to make the project a success the sale was very well at tended in the morning and much feood new and used cloth ing jewellery and bnc a brae was sold the sale of handi work made during the yeir by nd girners harrington s and llcnrv s btores also contnbut ed generously simpson scars give remnants king cleaners gave dry cleaning for used items free of charge and beau mont knitting mills donated mens and children socks mr jack nicuwhof made and donated display signs and miss members of the auxilnry was marjonc nazcr made a poster also well patronized by the barragers cleaners kindly lent public i a rack to hold clothes farnell s during the sale mrs john store gave paper bigs and del snow and mrs frank smith rex developments lent their sold coffee which they gener hall free of charge for this sale ously supplied and doughnu s at the end of the sale boxes which the scotch bakery pro- of unsold children s clothing vided at cost i were made up fir the lions the gross profit from the club clolhinf depot and the sale was 476 of which only i balance was given to the sal i8 was expenses due lo the l vation army deed i new how often i have heard peo- j pie remark that there arc no now frontiers in canada this chap i wonder if his soup was as cold as mine faced a new frontier from my observations while travelling the length and breadth of canada there are limitless opportunities for div eloping tourist mcccas in ever province on the dominion it just needed a few intrepid souls like the man next to me who said to his friend youve gotta pick up land whin it is cheap a few years from now land at campbell river uhifinrnth will ism mitchell bers would raie- thu oallimw tf a pleasing feature of the af the monev themselxs i a v mayor hyde sau ttta- mngacbl four from georgetown i attend hardware show the men and women who stock the vast array of hard ware and housewares to meet local demands were in tor onto february 6 and s for the annual canadian hardware show among them were four from georgetown district with some 16 000 other mem bers of the hardware industry local hardwaremen will set the pattern for some 400 million worth of hardware housewares and sporting goods buying this year with the purfacases they made in four days at the hard ware show attending the show from georgetown district were eric helllwel margaret helh- wejl lloyd g foster and e h taylor confronted with some 15000 different products from an chor bolts to wrestling rings displayed by 430 exhibitors the hardware dealers walked through a quarter million square feet of displays that filled the industry building and east coliseum of the canadian national exhibition grounds in four days alone they wilt place between 500 000 and 1 000 000 worth of orders based on their estimate of what householders in their ity want this year and ca ford to pay for each item a growing number of hard waremen coming to the 56th show are from shopping cent re locations the canadian re tail hardware association who sponsor the show report but the farmer is stilt the hard re industry s best customer and cooperatives are putting more hardware than ever about a third of the attendance were retail hardward store people had picture in toronto dairy star see a familiar face in tues days toronto star sargent rd residents jboukl be nodding their heads be cause one of their neighbours mrs norman infuso of 57 sargent had her picture prom- th georgetown i page 7 m ineotly displayed on pa mrs infuso modelled v a hair style by joseph of brampton which woa i prise m a competition toronto hairdressers uoo convention mrs k karn bless this house posed dxteisw btfhwi tor h to been asked foc b a small j i 0i tmc yearly grant nwte u mhe ola d c ens tend lor bh ewoi mtb at the girls pipe banal una- rinfl was voted u olbomdn e- eral years ago now we see on txn ftow itrno citizens bandbt said uila- imrj- reeve sargent sand tfhr ofl rzens band operate ihd ulchm bv dorothy barker the soup was thin tasteless the only roads are the ones and not very hot altogether they build to et the ior har this was a dismal luncheon all vest out of the bush roads around me tables for two or have no continuity we were four emptj of any customers j told and seldom go anywhere whatever crammed tht huge the one that winds along to eist pec have skyrocketed hes prob- its 1500 budget ami wiuijfl the ablv right at least one of the in difficulty if the- sthuii flranfl largest super market de elop ers in the country has the same idea there s a sign on the main street that reads somc- hing to this effect this a the site of a new shopping cen tre to be erected soon how soon ma j be the salmon know split i would pcefsur ftn w a plebiscite vote fjttrr 5tts lhimn too was his oputtmn the recreahon- aammiciw woo asked to study tiur deunasaa gordon sampnore amfi wfuwrn or the croibs and hopes of sunnucks were aepnttnfl this world will influence its members of tha onuctcujl orrm development celebrities are misslon on recomramnmcinri jfl known to have a high tourist attraction value as had the sport of fishing ballinafad hear plans for union of church groups junior chamhmr tb 0rnn- mcrce restaurant now and then a waitress would wander by with a trav full of cartons of salt or sugar lo replenish rec eptacles on eich of the tables otherwise a hush had fallen over the elaltlr of what had been the no n hour rush there were now only three pbell river on coast of the island is not the recreation cimimkjwwa asked to deal witto a dwonrh f ot 250 expenditure gnr amotts ffnr youngsters wo wait pjimjidie in the bantara bxnnwt norn- ment during eiiiic wutb walter atbnin ol imnfic hostess for the february ihe request ah atftjirfl nihul the mceling of ballinafid evening mavor lssue a pcotrftimticumi tfar auxiliary was mrs r short ill i the week and bm nrnmnuwirfn tb eleven members were prcs- erect two bigtowa wrnw snr cnt and roll call was answered advertimnj thebe vn nwoutaks with a fivounte poem were granted mrs m norton presented the macular in fact after our trip devotlona and a christian tit to squamsh b t and our mem mnh arilcle enm what nnv nf unil hn fi ihl hfllf ory of what the malahit drive from nanaimo to victom was like this venture wis almost devoid of scenery an i excite mont whatever but it w is not removal off tweive dtniiu ttwes i various town- tlianfeirm twtafi wmti ot of in the cife two men sit i without interest at the next table to mine so i mlr firm close i could fairlv feel them along the wa breilhint don my neck nat unllv in all the stillness i could hardly help overhearing their conversation most of it was quite uninteresting to me until one f the men si id he had taken his entire fimilj by train to the west coast during the surrmer what a country he exclairmd you d lit rral izc the vastness and the varied type of terrain that constitutes canada until you hne nmlc fie trip cross th ise prur es and through the mountains there was more praise of the ourne the scenery and the weather and then the voice behind me said yep i wis so impressed 1 bought some land at campbell rivy on vine n ver wind nl e ir 1 plin to build a mold out there and moc the fim v to the cmst i cimpbdl rncr the name was familiar heeii e la t sum j mer i too travelled b rail way to the wtst enst ind vtsi ted cimpbell it ver this fish civilization has meant to the okaveet at 110o0 canadian eskimos ofslotooo northern canada mrs c beaton prepared the instructions ow iurfi nr topic from the study book en preparation of a hjtiw iflnfm i tilled the ecumenical move- s ue dmwntuwm w wihich were scattered mcnt in r to i nity will benefit ftorm a nirmwra of them in missions mrs e snow parun unpen vimwrr iilh snnll orchard others had gave a report from the meet quested b thw hubimrnnnh s an oversized hen house behind mg neld m port credit on the association squat bunilows it was hard merging of the several wo to imagine that these were a mtn s organizations in our sometimes b umtttocw aftie source of income for the in church a length discusmon herald editoruik hufl trmngla hibitants the bus driver told followed concerning kerchiefs 1 want to compllmwnc oihr wfli us many of the residents were lnp retired folk on pension and only gyis supplement their incomes by the little that cm be eirnered b hr from lhcse postage slimp size e j farms whv d hinj crosb and bob hope choose to spend some time each jeir at campbell ri ver we asked we were told it is because this is the most fam mis salmon fishing round on the west coist wealthy men have established super deluxe fi lung camps thfrc and for a fw weeks it the hen it of the seison thev and their guests compete with the hurdreds of commercnl fishermen for an exciting catch in theae produc live waters i ittlc fishing bo is weri all ored the div wc were there ullire is irn ut is fir as mem bv slern bow hv bow traffic ean travel north from they bobbed in the tide their nanaimo i had included it in i inboar 1 motors silent wedidnt mv tincnn bin use i had rount them there could have heard romantic tales of film been a hundred cr more it celebrities spending several j wasn i hard to imagine the wpeks thcrp eich vear t- wrn thousands of tins of salmon curious lo know what ihe at i thev were responsible for hv traction was producing the raw ingredients the trip by govcrnn ent fern the smell told the slnrj from vancouver to the island j now as he chap at lhe next is a short plcisant one which i table elibnrated on the tourist makes excelle connections p sanities of campbell river with a bus service mv vacation and his faith in us future i compinion ind mvself had remembered two women pick planned to rent a car when we in their way along a money arrived we tho ihl we could bcich their high heels digging ballimfad cubs and tonal m last wwfei vawc said mavor hychn norton mrs f snow he was refermim th flhnr p white were elect mis omicvrning a mirtrrmc ta the committee for our husim vsntg and ot n pitr- annual smorgasbord to be held dnwnrmeir ronnhafcrrm march 18th proceeds tn be do nated to the working commit cr wdliara f ffiurhm- wftwfl tec of the recently organised w detailed uac off wottnr mo cub and scout groups all are arrears and waa tom th or invited to attend the world bob burke that tth wmriml lhe day of prayer on february 17 available ut few wwwftx mfcm at 2 10 p m in the church water billing shifts ttn r the meeting was closed with machine ac t the benediction followed bv lunch served by mrs f short ill and mrs n sinclair assist cd by the hostess miss miv mosop daughter of mr and mrs dan mnssop 104 miclph street has tn en iran fcrrcd from the kodak plant in mount dennit to the new kodak plant in vancouver bc and is lit make her home with her brother donald and his family a going awav partv was given in her honour bv her sister jessie mrs george dukctttcttdalr she was pres ented with a necklace and ear ring set as a parting gift monuments cemetery lettering ycaoons memorials xi kins eait m tr 79573 comprehensive coverage state farm mutual j for full details dtap 9k and see eric beard 21 rexway dnve tr 74814 state farm mutuj automobiu insurance company hud offku twmn cwui m qik fatjgjfaolfood joswl 08 huron sumutotomo every cargo calls for banking its destination may be bombay or oslo or even fabled timbuktu but wherever it is bound chances are that a chartered bank m helping to smooth the journey services provided by the chartered banks sxm plify the task of those who bay or sell in distant lands who often deal in unfamiliar markets languages and currencies with a network of representatives around the world the hanks provide onthespot contacts and useful facilities wherever canadians wish to trade or travel every day services of tht chartered banks help to move the cargoes that mean so much to so many canadians the chartered banks serving your community drive rifjil around the island and com out in lhe lcimtv of victoria we found there was no conlinu us r 1 1 in fact the west mm of anouver island is mill ilmosi ent relv a nlo slimv trecn pebbles were searching as all tourists do for sea shells i found two bciutiful stones for the grotto back home they weighed ab- t on a pound eich and would wilder mss pcjplcd b loggers becomo a burden in my luggage concrftt gravh building sand road obavfl fill and top sou stone work tom haines cln william tft 73302 youcamtt bbew coffes on the street but shojriirrcfl sot makes you edtj these teysv ftfta vgiu ward to take rs rn worrm cheery afintaphibi wnh a hot drink ants bh to eat come to hsirrit rf it ttft remtncls ycni a mamslsfmm

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