Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 23, 1961, p. 8

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if js tgi si whats cooking and how do we cook it peter jones georgetown whether to extend their culinary reservoir or ust to watch a master of menus in action hundreds of local people went back to school last week the fun fair cooking school held in the knox church hall this sample crowd attended the thursday night demonstration top public school speaker for third successive year yolanda goudeketting chosen for finals yolanda ooudrkcltiti a tirade 8 pupil at wnssleuorti school was chorea bcit public speaker in a competition feat imng two winner from each of the foe local public schools it was the third ear in a row that yolanda hai wun the con test and she ull spta in the north halloa finals on march 1st represt nt in the town at etinst three other student the contest look place in the auditorium ot risrlcsworth school on tut sda r ebriun 14th with school ho ird chair l edwin wilson as mister of cercmonhs previous v i uh school hut bad its own ciiiupetilioi nh students chooii their own subjects from a list prepared fey the depl of rducalion hiss ooidiktltm cho c what it me n to be a canadian lid was coinplimenlcd by the judges on her oiijnil develop ment and presentation the judges duufilas latimer mich ael pelesehak ind rc h a pinkerton uutl honorable merjtion to i- ltpeth macintosh whose subeel w is kam and pamela clark who reviewed the eirecr of dr chnlc best oth r speakers and the ir subjects wen t an v st if his toneal iort i- nt pauline ann itage canada s northland mi chael baker span triel in la kin const r itn n jintt chainberlun hist r of kin ston barhara hildebrmdl hu ronia and j mice bikir sir lrntsi me mill m legion i resident bind lap perauld and 1 eslic ci irk i past president presentee a uiophs to the mnrur as well as i mhool tropin to inntipil william kinradt or wnus worth behool the lejion had also prowded cups to winners in eaeh school and these were presented to janet chamberlain park in da king chapel tlspclh mac mtosh hirnson yol mh gouile kit liny ttrujcwoi th and barbara hildebrandl of kennedy those who plaid second in otcii school rttcned tirlifit i tts fioin the school board which were presented b st in rinlu to p line la clirk park pauline rmil ic ctnpel mtihjel hi ker harrison i arr suif wruekswnrth and janice bik parents mark anniversary on daughters wedding day on salurdav riorum 4th 1 nelk pool d uihlcr of mr and mrs dirk pool i um house became the bride of irank vines vi on of mr ind mrs 1 uins vis amsti t dun holland rt v i c i os olticnted at tht double nnc eircniem in the liristi m rt fonmd chine h md mis m dtrbir w is tin or mi t the bride who w mn m nnrnac b her fitlur woil i kown f while 1 in mil orin d ft itiirn i time irt ion late tram anil nu tilil fit luif slttm in the htu i bod lee htr i litre i eil ft i from n of pe nls su w n while lo md whi musi nte provided durinj hie tviiun in thoirs fr m tin in ms sebools directed b kenne ih ii h irnsim a h ipt i st stn dint lucian tom uit plavcd itcor turn mlicliins the competition wis jrrm ed in 1o2ii macd in id as is t int principal at ii imsoii school wild ipri id ui ink- is um imiiiiu indid to iluse who hid helped in irrmi huh lit elt d pumps i wi i din bouiiul wis of wbitt or duds eallj idas and fr t n milron of hum ur w is mrs hiili horn m wh i wort i mil of lihl blue laet md lafltla wild whm icits ont hir i r sue wt of iht bin iik while with pink tarnations tin mru bn i ml j uds wir im vii i bl uk pil telephone 1960 expansion largest in bell history the expansion nf telephone fatalities in georgetown durin 1960 was typical nf the situa ton across the teiitory sen d by the bell telephone co mpany of canada it was re waled m the company s 81sl annual report issued this week last years telephone construe tioi program of s208 million was the larscst in the com panys historv the report states ud 184 130 telephones were added to those in sen ice in georgetown evidence ot uk company s improvement and expansion program i een through the addition of some telephone s bringing the total number in sen ice here ati years end to 44o0 said l denby bell manager tor this on according tr thejreport net income totalled sllto far last year 3228 329 higher jtfcaa in 1959 earnings per store amounted to s2 52 or tour cents hrgher than in the i previous year i i dividends for the year total led 220 a share and surplus was increased bv s6 072 867 to 13232733 or 2 47 a share taxes totalled 64731 000 o- 564boo0 more than in 1959 i and salaries w 1960 oxklled 159028 668 reflecting a slowing down the national economic pro revenues were onlv 7 5 ber cent higher than in 1959 the report states expenses increased b 5 5 per cent this relationship points up the cf tecuveocss of sustained cost control the two major revenue iponcnts local service long distance service increased by 7 4 per cent revenues rose b 9 7 cent at the years end the num shareholders was 171 of these lj6 627 or 97 3 cent reside in canada and s3 per cent ox the stock si by far the largest body in anv the am mb- tclegr holds only 3 per cent of the compinv shares of the eonipnn ii 1 1 ui standing lon lenn d bl of s580 million 88 per cent his i been raised in can uh orchestra part of music course next september n orchestra will b put of torgrlown hil1 school of pink mi i bin white free bsktt of pink nd h io il lift t tt silver medal for miller brothers cow elected to the preside nev of the canadi in dual purpose si cietv was wm smith uolph also elected director wis ir enc peacoek milton 1 it while guclph contmns is cretin all of hit six ii idiut duil purpose shorthorn shows in canada showed an increasi ov er the previous vear 4m h id in i960 as compared with the 1959 figure of 325 top herd a h mccibbon milton was the winner of a beautiful tro phy for top herd production tn the past vear for herds of 14 cows or less his herd averaged 8 696 lbs milk four lactations a sliver medal for 40 000 pounds of milk in four sutccs sive lactations was awarded to mrs harr snjder waterloo for her cow wcslsidc rosebud 5th a silver medal also went to miller bros fonewiwn for their cow sihcr holme rose mimosa another miutr cow bcnlal gips qaulified for ad vanced registry rating classi fyng very good on tpc score and producing ove 20 000 lbs in 26 months tour r ei nu guest sp aker at the annual meeting of the societv was r c armstrong tceswater recently returned from a tour or some of th farming areas of russia while thc tiave made considerable progifm tn rmpio- ving their crop yields particu larly in corn the speaker de clared that their livestock were extremely poor there is a real opportunity he said for canadian dual purpose short horn breeders to promote ind sell their cattle in that conn try lint of thi gtoi gctown ind l incl hith school board luesdiv mhl the announce ment wis made that the school s music progr tin would bi exploded to include ins rum ntil instruction in htrumenls will ht purclias ed ibis summer dr wilson of gulph who is ciirrtnlh i ithint mttsic hen a hilf da a wk will dtxote two full dijs to thi locil music el ss whe n tht new pro m un is in indurated hurt her sketch plans of the schools technical wing wen studied by the trust ccs- hut no atcion was tak i en more advinced plans will be available by mon day bin e h kit haul i mm with j ii bd nit uslki i 1 and lobn ml ituu pti n of both dints with tl mrs ihdv i i bride ind room wr biotb irs md sisters of tin bnd i ih in i i own md th l iwir f th hti mi nits md rnu bt i rt rs suit win all m ide by lh bnd shorthorn breeders will purchase bull at the annual meeting of the ontario shorthorn club held rcctntly at guclph r m gard lions milton was reelected as dinttor of the board of the i ui idian shorthorn association also elected canadian direc tors wire c w thorn gait john ilukiid newcastle rc 1 nker watford and j t- mctarlauc ailsa craig nw officers t officers for the ont ino sluiithorn club arc president i met himth oshawa first vice pri ident john kitkard new t istlt second vice president w mekcnzic tceswater si ere ian mrs l c gove of guilph ontario approved plans sorn 200 shorthorn breeders wire in ill ndantc at the nice lin md ipprmvd pln to purehisc an outstanding bull b volunlirv subscription for tin iisi of club members tn bull wis pud lo the showing m id bv 411 hit mtnibers with tin ir shorthorn calves in the pist v ir judged show gin st sp iktr w ts r g u llioise milton showing ni lur s t ik n in art mina last whin he judged their nil show at palermo also pnurnnme was profes i- rnthbv oac out ch hu s in the bull per inti i si policy shorter pi nods villi be used he with more stress being i on lifetime gains the ih twei reet pi out it w is he i f ik i norval norval presentation honours recent bride mrs herb louth was hektess to a group or ladies last thurs day evening il her home in nonal progressive euchre was plaveet m the recreation room after which the group adjour red to the living room mrs payne the former linda white a recent bride was the guest of honour she received a blue quilled bedspread and i pair of down pillows the dining room table was sel with candelabra blue tap crs and was centred wilh a brides cake white frosted with pink icing and fluted edging i petit fours completed a buffet junch i the high scorers m the wmes received novel gifts mr pavne mrs l white mrs caseley mrs morcton mrs taylor and mrs a gray mrs 1 payne thanked mrs louth for 1 her hospitality and all the lad jies foe- their lovely gifts and united them to visit at her i home in brampton w is held in the m morifh ii ill when i i brill in with fru mis and retahws hon on rt both th bride and croom and mr in i mrs pool on th decision o their twenty fifth annivetsan home heatiw som lk it hot soma hka it hotter you can and all home heating worries with a smart s furnace thermo statically controlled to that yoo may raise or lowar th heat with your finger tip f low operating cott f low first cost m built to last ramsnsbsb r h thompson hardware oil a gas heating hardware 4 plumb ino triangl 7 2971 for dependable sales and service plymouth ciutysllk valiant fit faigo tnicfo iiiui national tiuch come to maveal motor sales limited main st north tr 73611 churls angcicah st gwrfw church rev k 5 g richardson lent u w sunday feb 26th 80ft a in holy iucharist 030 am holy eucharist 83q aarn church school grades 4 5 6 1100 ajn mattins 1100 am church school grades 1 2 3 preschool a kindergarten 1100 am infant care nursery guild 30 pm evensong wednesday march 1st 630 a m holy eucharist 74s-jtt- holy eucharist student business employ- ccs lenten service and breakfast r thursdays 1000 ajn holy eucharist intercessions the parish of stewarttown and hornby rev j e slarwell rector st john church stowarttown 930 a m morning prayer 2nd sunay of the month holy communion 10 30 am church school 730 pan evensong 1st sunday of the month st stophons church hornby 1100 am morning prayer church school 2nd sunday m union of the month holy com presbyterian j knox georgetown i rev b a nevm ba i interim moderator organist mrs edgar gowland church school 10 a m pubbc worship 11am ltmohous 1 30 pjn sunday school 2 30 pm divine worship norval and union rev b a nevin b a interim moderator 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am divine worship norval 1 30 p m sunday school 230 p m divine worship christian reformed church minister rev d c los 55 main st north 9 30 am english service 3 00 p m dutch service united si johns georgetown be un u fleming kenneth harrison arct rut music director a church with warm heart sunday reb 26th fti5 ajn sunday school 1100 am junior congregation 1100 am shattering the gates 130 p m adult bible studv 330 p m church member- ship class 700 pm doubting vour doubts gideurworsnip leave to serve vst andrews united sinclair avenue at mounlainview road rev madden 9 45 am sunday school 1100 a m mornings worship and beginners cun school 730 p m evening worshipi norval pastoral charge rev lloyd n jfreejjbatd 10 a m j worship sunday school 10 am v orship service 11 am sunday school 10 15 am sunday school 11 15 am worship service baptist st pauls baptist mountain view road south rev e a pinkerton minister sunday 10 00 am church school ministers bible class 11 00 ajn morning worship tuesday 630 p m explorers for girls 800 p ra young peoples meeting friday 6 30 pjn bojys club 8 00 p m ffibte study and prayer meeting welcome to a growing church in a growing community pentecostal holiness zion tabernacle 95 guelph st rev e a gagnon minister 10 00 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 7 00 p nv evangelistic service the georgetown herald thursday february 16th 1m1 page 8 first baptist church rev r u whan ba bd choir director douglas peck organist mrs w townend 10 00 a m church school 1100 am worship service 7 00 pan evening worship 800 pm wednesday prayer meeting everyone welcome maple avenue baptist church fes 81 maple stacwkaaawv avenue east rev bruce woods ba mth temporary meeting place i o o f hall wesleyan street services 94fr am sunday school lljdo am morning worship 700 pm evening service 630 sunday night prayer meeting monday 8 00 pm young peoples wednesday 8 00 pm bible study and prayer meeting friday 730 p m christian service brigade more than one he s a mastoid of cerenron- s you mean master of cere monies a mastoid s a pain the neck that s right he s a mastoid of ceremonies rosedale floral flowers for all occasions weddino arrangements corugas m spfldalty cut flowers and funeral designs 32 albert tr 72951 we wire flowers business directory ralph davies acis fa accountant and auditor 122 guelph georgetown tr 73351 office hours 9 a m 5 p m mondays to friday wallace thompson 3rd division court clark a commistonor tr 72941 tl lever hoskin chartered accountants 51 main n brampton glcndale 14824 44 victoria st toronto phone em 49131 dr j burns milne dental surgeon xray mill sl tr72871 dr john r kerby pfchca of dentistry ncray triangia 73641 main sl georgetown dr p w w kuryllowicz dental surgeon 116 mounlainview rd s tr 74125 dr k w mccauley dentist 6 main street north tr 74641 tf orangeville the brst coin operated dry cleaning machine off the as sembly hne ot the monarch master manufacturing co was exhibited last week at a press demonstration in toronto the company produces automalit dryers at its orangeville planl robt r hamilton ra ojptometrist office hours 10 im to 6 pm daily evenings by appointment 60 main north tr 73971 for expert eye care consult o t walker occulist prescriptions filled 12 main st s brampton gl 1 4474 res gl 16243 hours 9am 6pm daily friday 9am to 9 p m evenings by appointment s m faibish ro optometrist mcnamara jewellers georgetown georgetown animal clinic j s zavitx dvm v zavitx dvm 106 guclph street clinic open 7 p ra 9pm moisl wed fri arnmtooni by appolntmt frank petch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 72864 georgetown w h c a r r professional engineer a ontario land surveyor georgetown ont 116 mounlainview rd s trjanele 72211 res phone tr 73300 printing of distinction letterheads envelopes statements wedding invttat10ns georgetown herald tr 731 maurice manderson oc barrister lc solicitor 61 mill st tr 72464 roxy theatre blda tarn van sicklerba barrister solicitor notary 36 main s tr 7453t dr williams bidg dale bennet latimer baines barristers a solicitors douglas v lattmer terrencet baines triangle 73381 23 mill sl georgetown hewson ord and helson barristers j solicitors 39 main sl s beside knox church george c hewson john d ord frederick a helson tr 72246 tr 79781 carretal building 116 mounlainview tr 7 2218 monuments pollock campbell designs on request inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phone alljjm 62 water street north g a lt licenced auctioneer norman c ufmtf 9mcnobbst tr 74413 words of thi wise when a man bume other for hit failures ici idea to credit other wttbj suc howard ton

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