Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1961, p. 11

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bv dorothv barium j admit 1 wis is prejudiced i if th westsfn farmer u to sur is uw next fellow 1 turned vive japan has become one of n ssjijz hop over and if they had our prosperity in another way made in japan stamped on as well freight is the life blood i refused to buy last pummer i was fit to be tied i bought rwo dresses on sale 6n hot and sticky day when 1 started to alter the shoulder- line i found a little tag stitch 4 into the seam made in japan the thing that really jarred me was that i had re marked to a friend how much better made these canadian ready to wear articles appear ed to be the scams of the of our railroads grain movei to the coast by rail if the citizens of this country mould look back a few years they would learn that japan in early post war years bought far more from this country than we ever purchased from it that balance has changed though trade between the two countries it still in favour of canada w e williams president of dresses were all pinked the the toronto board of trade boulders taped tm hem even who recently returned from a and the material charming i trip to japan with a trade mis hadnt purchased an gatment sion believes that japan is the as well made as thev were ke to th tire asiastic eeon since the last war and cheap omic and political situation in 1 bought both for the huge cent speech to the can sum of 900 adinn and empire clubs he possiblj i should hac known said unless we iftnorth am for certainly never berre in erica and the world let japan this period of inflated prices sell enough merchandise to us had 1 found sucka bargain i ihon she cannot sunive and can remember that 1 remarked f herself and tw 000 000 lr the bovs were entertained harold henry heads local fund raising committee the first step in launching a campaign for funds id build a new school tor retarded chil dfen in north halton was un dertaken this week with the setting up of a steering cora mlttee with harold henry as the general chairman of the cam palgn the committee consists of jack armstrong ted gorth tom nlven harold bairstow tom ferguson ernest ball boyd garland george hewson bill bassett and mrs al curne as a result of this campaign which is slated for the middle of april it is hoped that the bare site on the seventh lint just north of hornby will by next spring sprout a new school to house adequately these children who ask so little this school w ill serve all north halton with the tusls shared bv all milton has t ready had a highh successful campaign thus assuring its share what council did insurance for liability not accident is reminder etallinapad special features held for boy scout week social and personal the town s comprehensive in sura nee policy is not always understood even by councillors and on monday insurance agent john r barber explained that it is not an occident policy but nther one which protects the town against damages aris ing from negligence insurance bobbed up in two pirls of the council meeting robi rt mcncilly queried council about compensation for 1 ounjslcr injured in a game of hockey saturday morning while council will check it was revealed by a spectator shil liur and iflso by cr don barrier that parents had slg ued forms accepting rcsponsi mr and mrs h hut- 77 sargent road entertained tor onto busmessm in mr m bos this past week has beenter and his wife on the week bllu and it is not likely they irt cmtred in the town policy a claim for damage in a sewn backup on hewson crcs ceitl list j car had been turned clown b tlir insunncc firm itul mt itirlur said if anv iuknci could be pioduccd hi it i hire hid bctn previous l limbic in that locaht he would be gltd to reopen the observed as boy scout week end throughout the world and scv i era celebrations were obsened l and srs joseph bro by the newl organized cug and chu r r 2 georgetown hud scout groups in this commun m v mr ity thev attended the annual e am district church parade in st mr johns church in tcorgelown mr and mrs last sundaj afurnoon and thi- jni1 bkut sundiv thev attended the tr nephew ice in the church here at of quctnsbor liu simir tiid bern ird ll nr limn ins who broke her arm in a side walk fall was also turned over to the insurance firm the all star support group was granted permission to hold a tag day mart 24th and 25th when shel lawr requested this recent remarks by cr jim emmerson that he thought georgetowns industrial pros pects would be better if occu palions were more accurately listed on the voting rolls brou ght a letter in humorous vein from assessment commissioner joseph gibbons georgetown records no lab ourers on 1u rolls the letter said cr emmerson said that many employees at smith stone are listed as electrical workers at the mills as papermakers whili their individual trades would be more advantageous in industrial suney inafad uniforms were worn jj valiev b the cubs and scouts to school wt m u u on februar 22nd which is the ubl w their daulil birthday of the founder of the lo allrnfl j scout movement lord baden pcr of tin mn powell and on the same even he bin rritiul prlsenltd b the aludu vcstiailn mi iimhilc n sliiljtv bl i imii of o ok to clnrn- hut rciduit scwir bnck up sitmdav caused requests for advertising signs r 1 000 ii cord j lo be erected at maveal motors submitted h the new brewers retail store who itemized and a highway sign for the l a- knqulrlnsj rtporttr what do you think do you think communist china thou id b admitted to hw united nations mrs w pope maple ave yes i certainly do a known evil is better than in unknown one doug latimer main st s yes i do mrs e ball main st s yes i think so you can t ignore a whole continenfof people ross norton victoria st yes get them in where ue know what they are doing marius camman rnylawn cr no i don t want anything to do with communist nations th1 oiorgrrown hbral thursday march 2nd 1961 page 11 10 m friend whs vou could people are not going to starve j with slides and films shown bv o second in school not een bu the material in as a matter of principle they mr ed jojce of milton and h4 mi- d linage in their bise graham bell plant were turnet lover to the planning committee r claim from a lady 1 for recommendation arnold rathburt representative sun life of canada 12 gower court georgetown triangle 74792 fast local cartagf and moving anywhere in town hanks cartagi these dresses for 9 00 per haps i harboured a cunning thought that the shop might have made a mutake in mark tag the gow ns and including them in the sale 1 remember hastily made my purchase and hugged my parcel covet ously every inch of the way home aboard the six p m tram now if i had reallv had the courage of m convictions 1 would never have worn either dress fortunatelv i happen to include in mv rosier friends several public spirited citizens who can see beyond their noses their knowledge rf the nation s economic prob lems is not all befuddled by outraged loyaltj to their coun try as mine appeared to be he id of i in hvmcal i due lion he part men i of the school and wus responsible for the choreogra phv of thi nm mi a i open house mik no i hi s r case h rid ii n m wli mb i im u cae tan n mi held in c 11 j u ictio open iiii 1 or a i to 111 rip nil hin imith i mr j rlt1 mr c jim tl i m din i quell have only one ofher place to who was assisted with he pro- 1 go and that is back to north jector bv mr soper reprcs korea and red china w here entativa of the texaco oil steel coal limestone and an companv cookies and choco- unlimited consumer goods mar late were served by the mem ket await them bers of the evening auxiharv i these people have contribut the cub pack demonstrated i f rftij ahnl ed much to the beaut of van the opening of their weekly f juiebcl cauvers gardens canadian born meetings and the scout troop japanese youngsters have in closed the evening program filtrated into eastern commun with their closing exercise ities following the forced move of their parents from the west those who attended the an coasi during the war thev are nual meeting of the halton contributing their natural born presbvtenal tt ms in milton talent to factories and artistic last tuesdaj were mrs r w endeavour in this counlrv they shortill mrs e mcenen are becoming a challenge in a lawr mrs frank their native output to our in miss beatrice hilts and dustrial sumval that is true j black the speaker but it is not too difficult to afternoon session was rev i wou m reason that if they are to eat lona general secretar of the m and so i listened intentlv to we must make it possible for united church of canada 0 lnc their explanation of why in them to live with the west mrs beaton was hoslcs to mri this era of trade blocs and in i rather than turn to commun the wms on vcdnesili ar tl ternational commercial restrict ism ternoon the roll call i ml ions japan appears to be snap it is a crazv mixed up world answered bv a verse trim in ttl lag up as one of canada s most and our enemies of vesterdav last chapter of proverbs kn n desirable overseas markets in are our customers of todav as the women chipter mrs the trade lanes of the world certainh i would rather the beaton gave the top fr m tht x you cannot sell without buy japanese return our deluge of book tht ship tnder the u in grain with a barrage of baublts dialing perhaps mj thinking is now and merchandise than a show enical movem i more flexible than the average er of nuclear fallout i along c the meeli housewife s who might spurn with hundreds of women who lne singing made m tafiari goods be- j spurn that certain stamp on nral nri cause i have crossed the great goods from overseas must learn canadian prairies manv times to help our breadwinners put from mv train window have their best competitive foot for seen the acres and acres of ward be broadminried wheat that must find a market i learn to live with the tim in the lhur closed wilh hvmn and praver and the hostess s rvui cup of lea inh mr id lh nch tin h p idj 1 and do ighnuk and mr and mrs willit ited over lne wei kend i albert with their son di wilhtts and famih don hornby mothers are guests at explorer banquet iilum mrs garnet how den won the lucky door prize at the mi lion bradford game in milton las friday flight her priie was two tickets to the maple leaf gardens on saturday night i the oimg pe iplc rhirge met i elmg in th harrison leads norval moulin ten goal splurge the hornby united church explorer girls held their first mother and daughter banquet at the church hall on evening february 13 with every member and ibe moth cr attending and im w a cat ring to the group trysha owendj k acted as chairman for the program mrs hill leader of the group we1 corned ever one miss heath ex prout of st james united hurch islington explained to the girls the stars badges and color of the explorers uniform nancy garret proposed a toast to the queen darlene leslie a toast to the church and audrey murdock a toast to the mothers mrs j simpson expressed ap preciation on behalf of he mothers at being present mrs n shields placed the guitar and sang two numbers mrs l sampson president of the r yu j vrm to be the w a commended the girls and their leaders on their work on sundav mr briton and children a compinieil bv miss jnti liv are vi iiing for a few div ih week al tu r h imp in heidi berg group no 1 of the inslilule sponsored a vanet concert in the hall at stearttown on sal urdav night the hall was well fred harrison led the point getters as norval registered an other overwhelming win in industrial hockej sundav toronto were the victims this filled and those present en time as the norvals punched joved the one acl comedv dir home 10 goals while absorbing ecled bv mrs flwood snow onlv a pair it wis real hill bilk siie suit harrison uwd the game to ablv called comin round the collect six points on 3 goals mountain and thr charae and 3 assists ken richardson j ters were mr and mrs t en had 2 goals and 3 assists and jamieson mr and mrs t gib hams scored 2 thompson 1 son mr and m n sinelai and 2 assists barber 1 and 1 mrs a lawr and mrs win brush 1 and hunen 2 assists mclean others who contn for toronto plourde gihbert billed lo the program were mr and sackfleld did the scoring don rnham sot out from hilts and nowesilski picked up the btirch mrs mi ftal elocution nash and mcdowell plumbing and heating 9 water softeners water systems repairs alterations tr 72842 fire t no only assist toronto drew penalties and norval 2 superior foods and corahir two leai that are anv eompetit each other sundav bat sandra southvvood introduced ted t 4 a wth ht df i 0llsl tnl9air mice marv rfhe guest speaker miss mary thomas of islington she was a home economics teacher and graduated from the united church training school she is in her first year as jeacon ss of islington church and superintendent of the c g i t he conducted a sing song singing in the african language miss thomas then spoke to the girls about imagining them selves as ships being launched into the sea with christ at the wheel barbara preston thank ed the speaker this is my jathers world the explorer vng was sung and mrs hill closed the program with the benediction milton junior farmers pres en ted their plav the gton fled brat at the percv merry school last r ndav night with a good crowd attending mus ical numbers bv mrs n shields john wilson junior farmers girl trio and the junior far mers mixed quartette were presented the evening was sponsored b ihe hornbv un jted w a and had a candy and tke sale as well as coffee and holdogs mrs stan mav and mr j 4iecarron attended the local training school for the next 4h homemaking club unit feat urtng fruil urn c unphelh from c tinphcltvilu oiilliv ulin i d daiirr she w is at thr- piano u- mothi back lo our local as mr and mrs who sang ducts illr and aln art ferent marksmen handling the scoring sheatcs dickenson ward and mrs cottle scored for the combines o rourke favoured with and fisher jarvie hall and lm solo accompanied rinpiuiitl hrr grind and lenl there i shorn ii and kemshead for superior food webster 2l dickenson jnd ward assisted on the combines tallies and fisher jarvie bludd and gibbs set up the superior foods markers each team drew 3 penalties sw indlehurst kiren her teacher explains use of music in school mrs bucjmer director of music and rhythmics at sun shine school for retarded chil dren demonstrated the use of this art when she spoke to members of the sunshine club of first baptist church at a recent meeting mrs ai robson presided at the home of mrs harry shortill and members sang sunshine in my soul todav to open the meeting a bible readinc was given by mrs william cump- sty and mrs don hancock led in prayer mrs shortill was assisted in serving lunch after th meet ing by mrs cumpsty mrs han cock mra douglas pek mrs sweenej and mrs john emmer- mother jesse and frnie enerj added a bit of hilarity to the program with their sing ing of an insh and scotch num ber suitably dressed for the occasion the cotton family whom we used to claim as local talent also contributed two musical selections it was a very successful evening local it i on tv representing the tetv a former town man jim emmer son was member of a panel who interviewed ccf leader donald macdonald on a cbc tv show last wek mnj local viewers watrhed the show and were impressed with mr emmerson perform ance the all nylon tubeless tire that is has all the advantages of tubeless tires plus nylon t construction 91 stronger race tire construction endures 40 hotter pavement the man who came to dinner bntrir nnncting infnrm- uni miiii lining visitor jrr- its kiiuluk m bundled- of noi m low n holms usi in iiiik loi diiinti it s ihii tiled ind uumid imnd counselor ntd hindi to tin i mills ihc iksssp iiki als is sure of i cordnl wel- iom evei iikinbci of iinih circle is this pirtic- ul ii s imioi i k s ins ind to is ti nishi oi ihrotisjh ick i k his so niuch to ihoui sshit isiisbody ss mis io know ihii his rcgulir sjmis ue looked loisvud to tliorouyhk enjosid by loilll thi st i llll till hkt one h id 111 conckut okavn iuiidinq and road orasr ru and top sou stonf work tom haines aim william tr 7401 availabu at harley motors ii john tr 7 25v 1 youll congratulate yourself you see how fast vou get you ii congi ltuliti yourself want when results on our wisdom in using a ad to sell or bus georgetown herald 22 main street a century of printing triangle 72201

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