Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1961, p. 3

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what council did add computingmachine to town office equipment the town office and the municipal park received major improvements monday when the council okayed major ex dcnditurcs the town office for which a computing machine was rec cnty purchased will have an other step towards automation a burroughs cash control machine total cost of the two machines will be somewhat be low 17 000 a scheme to have 3000 blca chcr scats in the park took a definite step forward when council decided to invest s3 000 in this project other groups are sharing in the cost of the seats which are being purchased second hand and it has been approved as a winter works project meaning that 75 per cent of the labour cost will be footed by senior governments an anti noise bylaw was sug gelled by cr ian cass during a discussion at the end of the meeting mayor hyde urged caution saying he thought council could be in hot water if such a by law were on the jooks the police committee was as ked to study such legislation federation of agriculture plans township program ihuto by peter jones harles mowrev of york p a director of uonv intemaiionalbtoight an msp rational message to members of the i club celebrating their 30th anniversary in guelph on friday the evening combined speeches preservations end dancing for lions and their guests ives many suggestions or hospital auxiliary linen for linseed poultices etc sterile dressings would be very useful ravours and place cards on meal tnjs for special oecas ions christmas lldllowc en etc are a great fivounte for auxiliaries to supply christmas trees too are welcome and add much to patient morale checking of visitors at week ends when their numbers m crease is of great help to the nursing staff behalf of the leaders and cubs of c pack timmv is lea in town on saturdjj with his fmnilv lo make his home hi arizona isil five hos wuc in al tendance and uijojed a pro gram of reta and group games under the direction of ub- mister dave hastings and his on february 14th the rcgu- monthly meeting of the pital women s auxiliary held at the high school john gunn presiding in absence of the president john inglis mrs gunn welcomed new mbers ad asked mrs tom ferguson to read minutes of previous meeting mr- noble gave the trcasur r report and mrs ferguson on the opporunity mrs lois graham cor buy a camera to take picture apondmg secretary read a of new babies in the nursery petter from schneider s in kilch t ihc photos arc welcomed and mtr and their offer of a con purch ised bv the parents and in the fall was accepted this ves a source of revenue mrs bob burns gave a pre some auxiliaries supplj a book unary report on preparations let givin information about j21 tor the fashion show next man the hospital to its patients 1 at the high school mrs miss mclaughlin closed her cldhlls blq bllsin6ss thompson reported on interesting speech by wishing th proposed sale of tickets for i success to the local auxiliao in teen club dance held in hornby orange hall directors of esquesmg fed cralion of agriculture met a the home of mr and mrs m s brown to plan their activi i ties for 1961 j was considerable dis cussion and favourable com ment on the general benefits lo agriculture resulting from the vtfork of the ontario ted eration and especially to some farmirs in the township whose i piopirty will be affected bj the change in route of canadian national railways i another progressive euchre partv i planned for april 15th in stewarltown hall a bus i trip to some places of special interest will be taken durm the summer details will be announced liter and it is ex i peeled that the trip will he a ballet class treat hornby teen club held their popular feature of the year and bert swcezii all of t paek cubmaster jeff drc brook and mrs den saunders of hoi the ev dave hastings related a sinrv to the bo about a be which he hid eonic in com ict ilh during his stay out west i the fricndu bear was known as ma black th evening concluded with the mouse how followt d in t luiuh served bv mrs i i mrs lohl and mrs k roi first dance at the orange hill en saturday night rcbrum 18 with a good crowd attend iii despite the weittm the luckv spot danie win e re manly n rigglcs howson kuddell jov mav and rickv roland keith 1 hi won the wthiliv gift mi s jt mi was socrcth named miss valentine and peter stem mm was the lucky dance pirt ner to find her the dance that program 1nstidte and his starliurs norval young people hold prelenten parties the young people of norval anglican church enjojed par i lies on ihe last saturday before lent in the afternoon 22 junior members of the suoday school winston had a combined tobogganing a visit to a performance by the canadian national ballet wis a treat enjoyed recentlj by diane green woods ballet class they watched the nut cracker suite performed by the company with ang ell lcight aj kraul and lillian jams dancing the lead roles accompanting miss greenwood wire the fol lowing oung ba lie torn anes gwcn lauder vivian perry pamela clarjt sus an macdonald cj nthia hajcs heather marshall ial irwin vernica nem clh sandra walsh sandra sullivan 1 inda cappcrauld cathy macgilivraj rita timms debra crichton pattv anne wright glen da sparrow patricia craw ford and pamela norton thi oioroitown hirald page s thurituy march ind 1m1 how do i save im a working girl so saving isnt the easiest thing in the world buttve found how to make it easier i use the royals 2account plan i like the way it keeps my saving and my spending quite separate squ enji ed in the jn t ahow it was decided to raffle a at liven by mrs stoddard at the next meeting mrs ken ertson reported on pro tosed amendments to the con titution and a discussion was rid mr trevor williams intro duced guest speaker miss me aughlin night nursing super at south peel hospital mentioned miss mclaugh i taricd experience gradu atioa from gait gencal hos fttal from there to christie st iybrook further university extension coures to strathrov hospital then supervisor at pltimmer hospital sault ste lfarie before her present ap kintment at south peel miss mclaughlin s speech was 1inly on how an auxiliary can she all its undertakings smith briggs named wardens at st johns the annual veslry meeting ot st johns church stewart town was held on tuesday ev cning 24 in the church the meeting opened with praver by kev j m it well who gave the church re port for the past year very satisfactory reports were re ceived from the treasurer mrs c a grant the choir by mrs i lena hodge and the sundav school b the superintendent t ii bnggs officers for the coming vca are flov smith rectors war den ippointtd by rev maxwell hecttd officers were t h bri p s wirden mrs t treasurer rcd armstrong vostrv clerk tho warnes choir leader delegate gilbert english thomas warnes strone chairman ot sidesmen auditors william hulls ind gilbert fnrltsh dvisorv board members are t ii briggs chiirman mrs jinus ross mrs i na lodge mrs c a nnl gilbert lin william hulls roy brad i sent i help in hospital work the auxiliary s role would be to supply those extr inces to patients whicl i tune and sometimes money would not permit the regular nursin and service staff ipply first thing to do she bsuggested is to increase mem lership every year because ithere is always plenty of work to do an auxiliary can help fam rise the public with hospital rork allay fears of prospective lents as frightened patients harder to heal and to help jieir stay in hospital ispro ponged if their minds arc not rest the auxiliary could iclp keep patients minds oc pied with the supply of and jnagazines a gift and cari could supply forgotten in the rush to ct babyclolhcs textiles in montreal ua greeting cards auxiliaries have an important mr and mrs sam pennc le in raising money for equip 10 market street have just r ment and repairs items not turned nfter a visit to ollawsa rrered by government grants and monlreil thej were at hospital inadequately equip f tending ihe second canadnn causes dissatisfaction am icfctile conference whic i was staff the supervisor held at the queen flizahct h be consiilted for needed hotel in montreal a varird against farm groups big business is bent on des troymg cffcetivc farm orjan izatioa just as it atucks labour unions exeeutie cch mem bers were told in burliniun last week the ontino goernmcnt is their instrument in each at lck lcier jack hcnrj of the hilton ccf riding association told an executive meeting legislation is being used against firmers and this is i perfect patallel to laws used to hobble unions he said iill 8fi passed thr ouh the ntl bilitne has b the government un preced nttrt powers over imrk elmf be arcl ft was miroducfrd onlv ifte r bik busiiuss interi ts us d iverv p ssi m ins of pr ipi ruin thi b irds hid thited t i folk mr ind mrs dou 1 is mi nut mrs ken hli m irnc t how den llred iii den ind jack simpson wire i chipi rones an it her danee planned in two weeks the hornb orth 411 home nakinj club held then mi i tin on siturdav iflirn it the h nue of ilh el the the m hirs prisent f tht tmv unit is i 1nilies k rre it was clicud pres i met irriin icf hin nt and valentine parts a few of the more daring mothers ode down kussell s hill with the nurserv class in the evening the 13 mem lcrs or the confirmation class had ihtir last social event of the winter season they also went 1oboganning on hus sell s hill afterwards they were tht guests of mr and mrs tvm tinnamore who provided a de t licious lunch and a special treat of strasv berries ice cream nd cake trn the urtr i m i mi ind lnd reporter next meeting n if c irol icslie w ill two re ons i wi i car it the th the it s ihe rich man who doesn t hate t i ask the store clerk show him something cheaper rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wedding arrangements corsages a specialty cut flowers and funeral designs 32 albert tr 72952 we wire flowers i use a personal chequing account to pay bills my sfloings account is stnctly for saving tm really get ting ahead now i ve stopped dipping into savings theyre budding up earn interest too it worksl the royal bank of canada the bank with 1000 front doors georgetown branch w f bassett manager insurance travel walter t evans co triangle 72512 28 mill steeet serving your community for over 40 years our neck is out a mile randa to that fin represi nt ilcnrv sud lered on tl phn hi xr dingers tin david mdir iilh thi mi isles thn thi nltrcts mr attack is cen hog mirkitin nd yet it n orramzttion cnnrahil ition to chirl i nne br idli v dnirhlrrs mr and mrs lohn lindlcv ii in won lirsl and third a i il ii iihhc speikini contest it ihc pic f ire m rrv sehiol list 1 hur which ri the i a dona o tnn rkelins mi ietock bill allows the cm r lo control irbilnn ion of a firmi r ecled marketinc bi ird cin rvin throw out the h ei place it wilh ar heir rum ni i his pirents sampson ii no we are not going out of bus ness we are ust getting ready for a good spr ng clean ng and make room for new merchftnd se we purchased at the jan uary turn ture show m toronto ths year we struck out and our neck is out a mile frankly there s no place to go but a good old fash oned liquidation sale because we ve got to make space fast there are still lots of fantastic bargains liquidation sale i miscellaneous n of 10 00 college inward bitirr d nt ministers ad both inurnment wis moed by t ii now it is tninfi to f it brirs and mr maxwell closetl the ho mirkelmg boird di the meeting eclors to adopt sales prnccrlur i bised oa whit the hip me packing companies temantle li fnre a committee of inquiry i in october 1959 idtd to 1 pint nt simpson wli i the ii imitltin attend meeting for s- mrs it iph kyid i 1 birth of their son oi 14th lo mr and mrs dining room reg price sale krug 7 pc walnut 399 95 350 krug 7 pc softone elm 299 95 269 chrome chair 5 pc metalbronze 99 95 85 chrome chair colonial 5 pc 149 95 1j5 kroehler 7 pc country wal 349 95 299 candlelight ceremony enrolls guide officers living room itipment i promotion and maintenanct good public relations be hospital and communi j significant function of jii iliary she said it should let false rumours sproail ptl if legitimate prieanccs ar vercd they should be tak to the proper kmedy 1 mending of hospital linen tfcjr seem humble work but i t very important to the nurcs third of the linen is alwas use another third being aundered and the remaining ihird sh6uld be mended quicklv i be pul back in iue hospital alwas collects ny floweri and nurses can wt spare much time lo arrange ind look after these held needed hotel programme was tour id tnide is extended and firmly the deleg ites eluding a fashion show of t jii adnn fabrics and stjles akn a pre iew of the new spring hits iiiht seeing tours were also arranged during their overnight slay m olliwa mr and mrs penrice uthoratj forlfd ilh mr and mrs or dun tee former genrgttowners now reside in ottawa itleliahl ciremoi rranged for dclrex hall ust woe hit st johns hornby cubs combine for party in observance of lord biden wdliai fowejls birthdav t pflc of uiric ihe first eorpelown tubs ers were hos s to the cub pack ihr of hornby last thursdav cct also theirg at a games night held could take over this in the hall of st johns united and also collect vases in church ivance of a hospital npemns the oening opened with the for they are not iridmted in rind h wl followed h a pres glilr hospital supplies dus- entmion totimms anghl by oaw be tupplied and old ubmater dave martins mrs b scirlctl and mrs i mackinnon will work wnh th znd reoretown brow nit ink n and mrs xi rncman and mrs ih j pijnaull seill be with ihe 1 5lh georgetown cejmpanj holj p crobs division j the division trainer mrs r canmll ntticnlcd al thi enrol ment preen t were the i v ision comniissiont r mrs reel of norval the dcputv division commissioner mrs r wvit the district commissioner mrs 1 cirmichael hallon division trainer mrs a hunsdalc glen mi re s mpathv irs lark 11 vet he ttcilh o mr uaij14th le ii rnbv irden partv nnltte held th ir first mi i i on wednt n evening at home of mr and mrs kenl with six present they ned the girden pirtv for 1 the chairman for each mittcc w s appointed and i ford is to he eon the tilent the set for feb kroehler 3 pc sofa a chair 279 95 braemor 3 pc fr provincial 299 93 kroehler 3 pc sofa t chair 269 95 snyder 2 pc sofa a chair 239 95 kroehler 3 pc curved sectional 389 95 bedroom nrlrd next meeting mary 26 kroehler 2 pc chest t bed kllgour bachelor chest kroehler 3 pc dresser chest le meuie ideal 1 pc 169 95 44 95 299 95 169 95 99 39 2s9 149 sixteen 3rd c s and trtentj nine a vlilnr frnm the hai area mrs a cloke w n attendance miss i at mchaj graduated i list tridav afternnon mm the t ertified nursing school pativ davenport ltd toronto pal t qualified certified nm coffee tables 9 95 up step tables 9 95 op mag racks 2 49 up wall clocks to clear oossip benches smokers hostess chairs platform rockers 7 9b 9 9t 2 98 15 95 24 95 25 off all pictures table lamps floor lamps hassocks free delivery hr assistant the world day of prajcr scrsice wai held at ashgrove j words of the wise united church on friday feb- imary 17 mrs harold lear- i irtue i- mont was the kej lady with have a memhers of the other district emmer chnrche taking part in the ser v- yojuma- th only reward of virtue the onlj way i fnend is lo be one on l son opek friday til 9 pm 14 main street south georgetown easy terms tr 72522

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