Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1961, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson newspapers limited publication serving the communities ol georgetown glen williams norval limehouse hornby stowarttown balllnafad aihgrove terra cotta page thursday march 2nd 1961 editorial comment noteworthy milestone thirty years of service to georgetown was marked by the lions club on friday at i anniversary party in the elizabeth room of the royal hotel guelph since the night in 1931 when twenty charter members attended a dinner in the georgetown inn the club has almost tripled its membership to 54 and behind it stands a long record of activity including major contributions to the town as mm twfmming pool the park bandstand a drinking fountain on main street and a substantial pledge to georgetown hospital and eve mare important the behind the scenes help to families in need to children ding glasses and maor operations the helping hand quietly at the right time the santa claus parade was an original dub prefect which is still delighting a new generation of children and adults numerous sports have been sponsored at various times the girls pipe bend recei ed a boost when the club tooktt under its wli i fe ew years ago through the ye4rs the lions have made many men wealthy not in money of course but in the sense of the good feeling that comes when a job s well done the cljb roster does not include many of those early members thirty years is a long time and only the cub of the or gmal group as harold aacouref described h rnijf at the banquet is still an active member but members themselves are not so important as membership in general and when one worker departs two more are there to take his place georgetown has been the better for the lions club we wish fh club continu tng success in its field of public service regional planning vital we endorse the views expressed by mayor hyde m a mail bag letter last week in which he points out the v lal need for regional planning in this area wie mayor is anxious to keep george- town a ccjrnposite community rather than being engulfed in the suburban develop ment which has spread out from toronto nd hamilton eliminating municipal boun dsnes destroying the individuality of com munities and leaving no green belts be tween all of the town planning in the world k of limited value unless municipalities co operate in their ideas and get together on a regional basis georgetown for instance could be he bestplanned community in ontario and if uncontrolled ribbon development were to occur all around it we would eventually still be only a community within a larger com munity talk is easy of course and there are glen in the news another severe flood at glen w ii jms put georgetown s neighbour on the map for the weekend daily papers featured the news and television coverage even extended to ine cbc news wh en broadcast tne pi ght of i village tcr me large network aud enee the flood drew spectators like bees to i hive and so greai was the frafic jam on day tnat roads had to be barr ceded for a t me to let rars untangle tnemselves tne ice jam was spectacular and rha sight of streamy of waer runn ng n un familiar p aes was loth ng h rh aught the farcy of ruiie be g- who are fways impressed by rh u jiua endless problems to be solved along the way and perhaps the whole subject is too big for municipal officials and must be taken on by a sen or government disappearance of the n agara fruit growing land is a case in point only when it is too late to salvage them has this received any attention fac tones and homes have taken over where peach and apple trees used to dispense their abundance and someday there will be a costly proect to convert other lands to growing use or to restore the once fertile niagara land to its original state ton ght able to hear controversial corner 10 and 15 years ago echoes j cars as tjuitkk is children it seem such a brief time since she wai a fat dimpled infant next thing i know shi 11 be telling ugar and spice by bill smiley as ten she spills gravy on her new grows skirt she get water colors modern clothing stores m this the from the pages of the herald feb 28 1951 and march 4 1936 problem can 10 years ago a verteran georgetown bus iness man who had from a small beginning created one of the largest and most ill over her fresh blous and sha doas it all with tha most j maddening aasa mnd uncotv of ontario hyram silver i toronto on monday i reeve w g marshal cele- irt of ontaro w i be mp ih finfi to hive a hah l bratcd his 70th birthday reaonal olanmna can alon wlth thl s another uh a famih paru at his i lf good to have m daughter feature that keeps us all on home on queen st last week pi sh when a panel of experis discus wh our cn was on edge kim is constitutionally end members of his family ses the subect at a d nner in knox churcn be- way i d have bean happy unable to move slowh with another son but i we al starts down the stairs ways been glad it turned out somebody heading for an air we dont expect any pat solut ons to to b a girl a girlchild opens raid shelter and is as like a the question but we are anticipat ng hear whole new chapter in life not to wind up in a heap al for fathers and mothers who the bottom she ncier saun mg the views of men who are interested dop h daugnt mi walks or strolls she bob- in developing our prov nee in the best way i ing something important possible i bet cracking you people she presented him with a signet like nil in honour of the occasion a clifton pat patterson o ii a referee who often handles games in georgetown is purchased a farm near nor she crack i r only a backyai and produce a so she dances who bounds as a full of isn t filling dow imall fe ing something o iprings she suit if she she s knock our- cost is a but much as we m ght del grit in the excitement of a flood we must remember that its no fun for those caught in the mid die of it and we ran sympathize with those res dents who suffered severe darn age o the r homes by the flood ng waters the flood points to tne value of the plan of the credit valley conservatio i author ty io eiect a series of dams which w ii forever end the flood ig wh rh in gieater or less degree has con e to be ex pecfed as a yearly occurrence by river valley resmeits they i ist be looking for ward to lie day when the flood stor es w ii be only told n v llage folklore and tne r spr r g can re as dry as ours o h gl ft ian i cart s ind inspired many a hoadirhe nil tht re s promise it pli iil of tin sunt in the future but she his ilso been i i sourer of const int jov and i pw asurr in the list dteide sh s in odd mixture fury ml run ml ii rni in nm lit rcil ilic anil serwblt the next i ui v thdt tlu wmi in m her georgetown public school board entertained the members of the teaching i i staff at yellow briar inn bra mplon last thursdav teachers misses wilma and rowena slull miss a rowlcv miss nor ma weathirhead misa mildred fason miss beatrice hume campbell miss sh lot of b to eat with for years didnt est enough to keep a butterfly stout just sat there mucking things about on her plate pushing pickled beets onto the tablecloth or knock ing over her milk anothkr look at fluoridation now that the conclusions of the provincial committee to in- veatlgate fluoridation have been made public after traro jwi of intensive study one can only hope that those who violently- oppose treatment of municipal water supply with fluoride anjr they are many will take the trouble to dlgeat the findings o this committee its conclusions will at least serve to cut away some of the underbrush which has grown ound this highly contro versial question one conclus ion the presence of fluoride in drinking water at a ratio of one to one million strikingly reduces the incidence of den tal caries tooth decay when such water is consumed over the period uf tooth develop- rrfent and that the effect ex tends into adult life another conclusion no illeffect results from the consumption of such water also interesting two further items in the re port are also most interesting one is a recommendation that municipalities be permitted to authorize treatment of water supplies without a referendum vote plebiscite the other he blunt statement that water treatment is the only way that the severe health problem of decaying teeth in children can be overcome as adequate treat merit of the whole ontario population is beyond ufe res ources of the dental profession the committee points out quite sensibly that the problem of tooth decay is one of preven tion there is clearly no cure for a decayed tooth effective harmless finally then we arrive at the only relevant question which has to be answered it has been established beyond reas onable doubt that fluoridation is an effective harmless inex pensive method which can be used against a major health be justi ficd ethically or is it a denial of civil rights and individual liberty7 that is the question only basis this s the only basis for ob jection which now remains and you may expect the opponents of fluoridation to kick it ar ound with real vigour and dc termination m fact they have already started however they do not impress me i remain unimpressed for two reasons first many people spout enth usiastic cliches about ci il rights and individual liberty and jet live a life which con tinually denies these rights to others i wonder wh the rights of a human being to lne in dignity and respect are so im porta nt when it is time for ira pressive speeches indignant editorials and portentous con versation they are so obvi ously of little importance at other times secondh why can we give up so much indi vidual liberty to achieve noth mg and yet raise violent ob jections to fluoridation which may achieve a great deal achieve nothing those who do oppose recommendations of this com mittee may take heart tha matter has become so contro versial that few municipal councils will be eager to tak action on it even if legislation is passed to permit them to do so restrictions will hot curb alcoholism once again on the provincial scene rev a w downer mpp and member of the liquor control board said during a recent debate that restrictions on the sale ami consumption of alcohol are certain if the pres ent problem of alcoholism con tinues and i wonder what this will achieve mumbo jumbo in view of the fact that the provincial government already has a virtual monopoly in the sale and distribution of alco holic beverages in view of tha fact that the present system is already cluttered up with a lot of stupid pointless archaic mumbojumbo which goes un der the flattering title of legis lation in view of the fact that provincial finances benefit to the tune of over sixty million dollars a year from the liquor sales operation and federal finances gather in over two million from the same business in view of all this i read of rev do remark with rising suspicion red tap it is most surprising to find that a member of the liquor control board that beehive of restrictive practices and red tape is still of the opinion that more restriction will alleviate alcholism drinking is not the problem nobody much cares if mr jonei who they have never met and who lives in timbuctoo decides to dnnk himself quietly death any suicide is tragedy but it cannot be permitted by the law makers major problem drunkenness is the major problem and it is against drunks in public places that the arm of the law should be raised if instead of talking about alcoholics the rev dow- would disclose the percen tage of all crime which is com mitted under the influence of alcohol it would demonstrate where the biggest problem rests unlikely to cure alcoholism is a problem no doubt but it is a problem which the liquor control board is unlikely to cure long as this hpocritical body continues to insist tha a man a beer parlour must be res- i j ii x it trained from doing anything v but milling beer in a l the soft little dumpling who t used to toddle over to me and put up her i up hugged hed alack now when she favors me with an embrace its like being attacked by a young kangaroo she doesn t toddlo any more she leaps and pounces she seems to have four legs and now she eats like a hnlih child but its worst than etr when she s cutting her mot we all duck our hearts and hunch our shoulder anvthirte j is inble to fh in anv direction kissed has a dlm prklc m he bul i aura scott miss hazel liar which contained the essential j f 7 v rimn miss martha broadfoot ingredients 1 would like to de po ll mi1 j mvs max langan mn joseph cde whether or not mv foodv to encoura drunken- lwer and mrs ii c wng should contain artificial colour i tng preserattes flavourings direct action conditioners dning agents liquor control 15 years ago k lnwiici i board and the provincial gov lesworth ter to a baked potato into pie and she still scores her milk vhemer there fresh tablecloth processing chemicals insectici tjoara ana ine nuvinu i des poisonous and otherwise eniment realne that nlnetj there are at promt 32 woud ulc to breath air which p f 0 tl people vrhs r i 1 in ha i minated with 4t dink are responsible civilized carbon monoxide people and maj be treated ai w i ie taken heids of families 112 de was uncontaminated mt i pendents and a single per i omlc dust the son a total of 150 on relief an other nauseous matter i nth in eorpetown 792 was coun like the shores of our ashed cut ads if slow sales dont do says iga exex don r grimes head of th wre thn 5 000 iga torea told executives at the group j financial seminar that cutting ads when salrs ar- ahrw tl one of th greatpst erron de in business today tvtien advertising ipice 1 deduced so is store traffic he continued certainly ou beat a business slump bout volume you cant hae ume unless you advertise company large or smih bich starts to economize on advertising budget it de ting its main objective business mr gnmes also told the i executives to stop refer both ericlivelj ho said the mail bag asks ma 1 1 bag letters published in one place si 1 witild hk xrhip the hi th editor itl p- a way tint alt liltirs would h er than disbur h plimt the spurl t igelhir rnli tk d throughout h ing of smith and stones aside from these light da- 1 foreman svlub was held feels however she dhght in the hotel mcoibbon on tues ful creature to have in the day night with over fitly mem house sh ws as a witch bcrs and guests present presi it mil rur dm sh h nature shes dent fred brooks was chair tir iihiirn hiir i stubborn but forgvng she man and the guests were wel v ind a fihu i shes comical in a com ulc pletely unconscious way she s wholehearted in everything she can does relief bill in february i province the regular monthly meet clear lakc watcr instead of be- mo an open cesspool of raw y thlt lights l ii hi turns 1 at school ing an uch until action directls against the remaining ten per oint who drink too much kill people on the high- beat their wives take to fromcnm or become problem coholic until there is soma that those who cos rights age and waste oil ships what of the civil and individual liberts imohed eidmee here these liberties hae tr1 lquor arc primarily lnte been lost j mnr th but the cnation of furthir health hizirds thi nddi ion of one millionth part of fluor think the i iquor control boai a goldarnc can mhr slk nd srhiol tilrilikd a in il nli un ihuul lite ids hki w she st fim ind think thi cntriid r jit ri t as i hue sid knowing not hum ih ut thi printi rs trials ind tribuhtioiis this mikhl nut hi possible i would lik to ixjifls hr my thinks to one mrmhr r of thr ronncil in pirticular who rose and spnke on our he ninf a writer finding stoi written ibout thi imple is les thtt shf housi fdi uld like l n sje lake a i half at nt att of a g to the monev we spend pnimkcd no end al havine thi t of th format i r 4i fr printing of let r rs f frustrating ex cisn resl will thr- insir very type an i lnr pv hl wu ilu thai m of publication that i s k kn hl1 mr but we must be honest while good naturvd on the whole she has inherited from her mother a roaring irish temper and some day she s going to set fire to the house or murder her brother with mn axe actual flames hsve been seen to shoot was back there my fathei from her eyes while in thls mood the fellow who marries her without ever having seen her in a rage will get a ur prise that i d love to be there dy by tftiifred ford of one miliiontn pan oi uuui wr james mckinney haside to m drinking water eems hl to tulp alcoholics or nnltd his blacksmith shop a very minor threat to indixid alcoholism m norvit lo mr harry ual liberty in mew of the ben start wbare wtll continue the buscfit to my children s health ing prompt service to i urthermore id in 1 new customers at tikmg cilcon ami nmninr n reasonabk prices l drinking water one ingredient that thi consideration of dm less will not be suf i enness as an extenuating fa mv tor in our courts of law shout watt t for anyone who asks wh e start action against th i am alread nd chlorine inpnhlems of alcohol i sugg m ftottoet hahiel from france and i wish my father is in t thi e nf m i iff starring joan crawford the cay disor t tree starring tinger rogers and srel- astairc widow from monte carlo starring warren william and dolores del rio advertising as an expense t us place we ii conceived ad ising in the category of a und investment where it htfully belongs tne iga president said it is that business executive familiar with two key advertising and fin i hi hi to what h i stor report reading chopped into mnumer able segment and continued throughout the publication on sari ms pages while i woul4 be the first to admit that i know absolutely nothing about the problems encountered when computing the s t up for a newspaper or magazine it more businesses have suf would be a joy to me if one red through their lack of i started to read an item i ledge of advertising and could finlsh it without leaf in to obtain adequate financ- than any other reasons he 1 never rniiv nmchino i d two of the greatest tenal forces we have in our today are the power of lerest t heart in the opinion ihil should be consult i we noh i hat he h xpresmiif r- mallei flintier lhi ll tir nidtht r thing she s ilhi r nils a slop r is one of these ho nn wear in out a swmp anrj come d i for hnunili press and security f mbn vm jdu who progrmmi through the page and often never really finishing it either losing interest failing to find a or as does happen occasion ally seeing another item which catches my ere on the way i through and forgetting what i behalf of v d pi rhaps a ft w of our mtrt ent members of ihe roinuil ight be more prone to speuk e on betrainf intlmduals a- 11 v on generalities sincerely mrs grace irwin words op thi wis rool kids w hi through i ittlelord ntt so kim she totilil ih pi in d all cleaned up in a bermi tirally sealed ham im r if highly polishett glass and mirgr m twenty minutes iim k hi as flinugh she d been worknil the night shift in a olhcr fathers of daughters roil mine it s fantastic and will excuse me for going on it almost drives her mother ihappy man who work- a small smoking store with billiards my mother is cruel to everyone she is drunken and mean she whip us all and fights with father i hate her my brothers and sis tars are rotax my bratty bro ther of 5 fessmlck my bro ther 19 parlentrome another brother my favorite one he loves me very dearly i love him dearly and last is my sister merallenna i am not very pretty but i can make myself lovely if i feel like it and so on a tough lite eh about loss of libcm be abandoned forthwith merry menagertb by waft insane if she tweara leotards they are wrinkled and baggy she lose aproximately one button a day from htr clothing she public office is a public trust scuffs her new shoes she falls william c hudson i io th mud in bar new coat like this we love our sons just as much but it s a differ ent rciationship because they are males and not so goofy all i know is that i wouldn t trade my ten earold female child for a new cadillac fonr billion dollars and a oneway ticket to heaven georgetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c btehn managing editor garfield l mcgllvrav productlon superintendent office staff aileen bradley terry harley john ollimcr advertising plant staff l m clark dac hastings r baskermlle mylea gilson bob macarthur member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the on 1 division of um cwna

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