Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1961, p. 5

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itimate high school here ould accommodate 1800 pupils nitial action for superschool should the need present it if georgetown district hih hool could someday contain ixty three classrooms suflic ntto accommodate some 1 800 upils at a meeting of the high ool board with mr barnett the barnett and riodcr firm sxcbjtecta monday plans of e ultimate school were in ecfed and tentatively approv i ed the high school principal i j l lamsert and vice principal mclaren baxter sat in on the meeting also accepted with minor nges was a plan of the pro ed composite wing which wrl include a second gymnast- 1 lum no estimate was made of the cost the original addition inchid ml three class rooms and a home economics room the parkin addition account ld for u class rooms and 2 science rooms the latest barnett and rieder section includes 10 class rooms 2 science romi 1 ahh and the gvm and the proposed wing will include 5 specials 1 class ro6m 2 science rooms 1 gjm and 1 cnttcteria ikvond that tuturt expansion allows for twenty two class rooms and four more shops the next step towtrds con struction of the composite wing is an estimate at cost so that it may be presented to council for approval and then to the department of education and the fire marshal s office oni suggestion made bj irun lee douglas latimtr may solve two problems in the present building if the idea is carried out a girls locker room would be converted to office space for the board aecrctar and pos sibb the board roam itstlf thi sccrclarv ern porgrave ts pnsciitly without an office and lockers in separate rooms are not as favourable as in corn dors the school s attendance offic er hirold mojtr reported to the board on truencj in the school which he said was neg ligible attendance has been excillint by leslie clark the securing bond on the secretarv treasurer was mcreas ed to s5 000 on the tccommend alion of the auditor hospital news items of interest about your hospital with arrival of the hospital bv laws arc mist and are administrator to take n duties a major step has been taken in the preparations for the active opening and use of t hospital our hard working treasurer mrs bill hamilton took a cou pie of das to show mr gil hooly around and to introduce him to people about town he urgtntlj required i a number of organizations are working very hard just now raising funds and indeed at least one report of a mone raising project is detailed else where in this issue and soon the weather has obtained a house here in changes more and more people town and is settling in to do will be seeing ihc outline of what we confident expect will the hospital as it nears com tw a grand job of work in get plelion this in turn will stim ting the preliminary work and ulate further interest in our business setup operating hospital and will be culmina ted bv the krand opening a a further step was tikm it little liter this will he an e recent directors meeting it enl that we trust will be atten which applicants for thi poi dert b every cituen in town lion of director of nursing ap and district peared for interviews i since then tiro pwition has si me the adminislntor has been filled and plans for thit armed a grtat manv people department will be able to pro- have visited him regarding po ced details of the new ap- sitions in various capacities in pointment will appear next the hospital while it is verv i week true that there will he quite a umber of jobs available it is incident all news editor cquallv true thit its is prema i terry harlev in one of his cap- ture lo start ipplving for them tions on a picture has us open j now we stress that as ing in ma much to the sur thev become aailable each prise of construction supenn portion will be advertised tendent harold walls among then and only then will apphc others and while wed like to ants he interviewed and per oblige we are ver much afmd sonnel selected that well stick to the origin il 1 target date for the grand open tog early m june how close the opening ami ultimate use is exemplified in the news that painting starts in march this gives some d a progress thit is beint made in completing the build log the picture recenth in this paper of construction suptr h walls signing the last receipt a qui st ion we hive ben asked quite a bit is this can 1 renumber a loved ne with i gift to the hospital that ma be recognized bj a plaque or in some other wa without 1 spending a vast sum of mon iv the inswcr is an empha tic yts there are man wavs and minj items tosuit our fmincial requirements and to ktp the mimorv of a loved om we would surest thit vou contiit anv of the direc for cement used in the hospitil ors or anv hospital member indicates the stage of construe and thi v will be hippj to show ion the hospital is at now and von the list of appropmte it if further proof is needed wc is of furniture and equipment suggest ou lwf the piituie hat c in be ver appropnateh in last weeks ksuc with the ufd for this purpose and ai cement truck in the foreground of the hospital it indu iles that before lorn all i ont nic fjon will reach the finishing stages ited hefore the cost em a modest few dol icrv substantial sums friends fete bride ucht gretchen bradley mr this was particularh brnt to mind as we sat at a ilirec tors meeting when a reprec0 tative of the bell t k phone was present and epla ned the type of switchboard and phone system his wmpanv would rec chun on sauirdlj februan mmend although the hospi 181h j tal i comparatively small sixty j mm manl dockor wa jjtil v i when members of the w ski uuh honoured her nicholas smith cfrctchen bradl v was with several iffairs m nuur prior to her mar- st george s anglican a great deal of thought h go into this and at present it is being given intensive stud y the planning committee the bell rep mr duke gi some interesting information bout the problems and various e of a switchboard for a hospital type building and also tom of the various merits of vitchboards and sfianual boards and the dif f r kinds of plfine service with a linen shower mrs minan mair was the hostess when memhrrs of the staff of it inert s and anderon held an office partv and pr sentation for the couple misses sheila mmett audrev andrews lce martin and barbara hams girls ith whom the bride shared an apartment were rosl sses at a miscellaneous shower for the hnde combined wilh m sherrv part in honour the treasurer mrs william of the grooms mothcrwho had hamilton 8 reid court ask- just arrived from england for us to remind all those who have the wedding edges that thev mav pav neighbours and friends from the same either directly to her victoria street georgetown or at any local bank and we surprised the hnde with a mis ought remind any newcomers cellaneous shower at her moth to the community that everyone j er s home mr and mrs g is asked to take part and if l meclmlock and their dau you feel you can the hospital ghlcr marv and mr and mrs ommittee will be most grate r k thompson and their dau ful at present another committee is studying and getting ready i present the hospital by laws bis is being done with the ac 4ve cooperation of the medical frhtcr margaret king street both entertained the couple with buffet dinner parties for family and friends miss glenna doherty entertained at a buf fet dinner also for a group which included many of the last thursday night s meet ing was a good om with some nlnet members attending a fair amount of business was taken care of the business portion of the meeting was over in about forty five minutes i tickets are now on sale tor the anniversary dinner taking t place on friday march 10 be on hand for this big ivent unfortunately we were not at the meeting but hear it hid i its ups and downs a motion to hold an anniversary dinner on march 4he 10th in celebra lion of the thirt third anniv ersan of branch 120 this was approved unammousl after the meeting a special 10c sale was held and when the writer arrived things sec med to be in full swav that hard worker ralph hawes who is fast becoming 6ne of the best entertainment chairmen 1 the branch ever had served hot chicken pies with the trim mings and there were 2 films shown the evening was a good one and was enjoyed b all the old time hockev star before the writers time of course what sav scorty bill durnan was on hand and added something to the affair seemed a very pleasant sort with a nice personalitv and should do well in his new line of endeavour he is now asso ciated with one of the leading breweries 1 it is discouraging when one tlhds that one of his most avid readers has slipped a bit and no longer takes as great an i interest in our ramhlings we refer of course to our old and i we do mean old maker of sit uations jollv john who for manv ears not onh helped to creite the news but al o was willing to write it therefore we wire most discouraged lo find one saturdav morning that he said nothing about a recent item concerning him and it wasn t till last week when we ran into him again that we found out the reason however he gave us enough news that night to fill several columns if we could onlv print it this on lop of solving all the conn trv s problems at one fell swoop that was an excellent report given al the zone meeting for the branch and the president and his executive are to be congratulated on it just he cause others don t bother is no excuse for us not to and looks well for the branch the next zone meeting will be 3ield i in georgetown and will be the election of offieem for the next two year term we feel that with the convention coming so close after that it should have been held earlier to allow the incoming am commander to make a few trips around and size things up in the other hranches while the new incumbent assumes office onlv at the end of the provincial convention in i june he should have a working knowledge of his zone before then a few weeks ago we had a chat with a great laion mem ber and nnldier who was at one time well known m town we were at a dinner at toronto and arriving a bit late squee 7ed into one of the last remiin ing sots seated across from two eldprh gentlemen one of whom was vaguelv familiar it was onlv when we herd snat ches of the conversation that wc realized who it was the one chap said come on now handle let s hear how jou won sour vc the other replied well it was like thi i didn t drink or smoke at the time and i gave the boya in m compan mv cigarette ami rum ration so they voted it to me getting a good look at him we realized that 11 was handle geary vc we had last talked with him as a pall bearer at col gordon couscns funeral although affected with extremely bad ees as a res ult of a war wound he still is sergeant at arms in the ontario legislature he asks to he rem embored to old friends localh as readers will know he tradi tionallv bears the mace at the i opening of the legislature and his duties are of course to maintain order under juris diction of mr speak- asked about the unholj row in the legislature a few days before he showed a sense of humour tn saving i rattled my sword at em without much effect 1 m afraid summer camp scenes are shown at dinner cubs and their fathers of 1st georgetown troop had a tur kev dinner on ruesdav feb ruary 25th in st johns united church hall as part of the ci ic bration of thi 104th anniv ir sarv or the birth of ixird haden powell tom forgravp wis dinntr chairman and introduced hi ad table guests who incuded cub- masters david hastings and mrs trarev barragct trevor williams chin man of the group committee and othir cub offi t mrs jean lav man roberta hawes bert swcezie and ar thur sweezie i after viewing two inti resting movies some coloured slidit were shown bv avne fioblg of scenes al summer camp and a cainpoiee at the park ah well as some tak n b tom rorgiave when he ittemled a jambone at valle forge jim jones expn ssed thinks to the ladu s auxihan which catered for the dinner mis cvnl tngleby on behitf of the auxiliarv presented iifts to mr hastings and mrs bar ragcr and thanked tin m for their work with the cubs announcement wis rnidc of cub camp in julv when a iari percentage of the bovs will be spending a week of varied ac tivitj more canadian content planned in new readers poetryfmphasis noted in books m job ti mastery of the raech thi ottorobtfowh hiralb in but a refine mini in meth idcnt more canadian com enl 1 ing included in new rendu criteria for a good basic read lc l include that stories appeal certain age group thai anlcs of word recognition and stories are deliberately simple in junior grades there is great er emphasis on comprehension mr mcburney said that con ent of readers at the grade 7 8 on the natural thursday march 2nd wl page 5 interests of children of this ag adventure stories sports hi ographles selections of good lllerar quality help to elevate the taste of pupils for puhllc schools and then the niovi gradually from easv is more emphasis on poetr acno difficult and that reading cording to miss gertrude bt r skills have an orderh devolop l v of london teichers col mint in primary grades the like she was one of tht at a mctting of haiti of the international hi adirii i the estate of mary alice association which met rihni baily dscsaied iry 201h in clenw a school i burlington puhlic sihool l notice to creditors all persons jiav ing claims ag jtnst the lstate of marv alice h ul late of the town of milton widow who died on or 1961 chers numbering ovi r 125 from tho whole count attended j miiion widow who d ed on oi under the guidance of ex i j u i about the 5lh d i of januarv ptrls on reading the teichers tdcred the best usi of thi leader in various grades miss rervi deill with crudts 1 to 3 frink birrett a copp clark executive tailed about i hi next shne griidi s and r mcburne of iakt shore teachers collide the senior grades bv the end of gndi 1 most children should b rningth dppi ndi utlv said miss berjtv i but it is of major cnncirn tin thev should be coniprehmdin too not simph sa mi words i she desenht d new filmstnps v ulahle for the teaching of n id ing mr birntl a former prov incnl inspector and oni prin cipil of brintwoor sch ol in oakville pointed nut that un nnjor ehmges in teithin methods have been made in 25 herebv notified to send particulars oj same to the undersigned on or beibre thi 25th day of march 1961 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard onlv to tho claims of which the undersigned shall then heva notiie and the undersigned will not bi liible lo anv person of whose claim they shall not thin hive notice ditcd at georgetown this 2lst da of februar a d 4961 tdward aichibald baitv ind p rev rohert bail eixicutors of the estate of m irv alice bai by their soliutors dale ben ndi 1itimer st haines 23 mill street georgetown ontario 3 9 join the crowd follow everyone to the thankyou sale at macphersons meat market so many bargains await you and at rare once ina while prices see our circular for prices it will be delivered to your door 12 main st south m sad tht djrectora tbesawbride a school friends deal hcrk i the tradingstamp erase hit a new peak when a greensboro i funeral home advertised we give top value stamps th dail nmhs grsaosboro nc i ws cant give yojj free car service but we will give you a real chance to 4p save money on car service because starting march 6th i forty stamps come to stonehouse for every dollar purchase on service ga etc well gve you ore pinky stamp you ii rece ve a catalogue of gifts from our man at the pumps and a ready made wallet for rhe stamps ah ready to start collecting stamp first week special grease job 119 plus 20 pinky stamps all you have to do is pick up a lubrication card at not the si ghtest extra charge and there s example 29 pirvky stamps wih get yow one cigarette lighter stonehouse sales ltd 51 guelph street f tr 72247

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