Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1961, p. 6

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fflosf meeting held for united presbytery wms wlcouttwith liijer qmnk group w m s mmbbcis halton fnalwtenal wt the united mi of caaada nt for their last iilinc not in st ratttts lotted ctaatk milton felk list- b w a- lovcb rater day whch added much the happy mflaciaalion of fcovksip tacrther dunns tstnimm codtee was served has wats aesowed tar a hymn tint fed by mrk j oalgleish streetiribc lbs n magec if mqtoai mas acoflbbpaaisl for the day bin r k twaanbr the new presadru of the prsrrierial tended aad welcomed the prthenng mrs k o poster d xttfoa akuhary added her ord of wefeoaae slating that the first nrectas of ilahon ftesbytenal had been held in ft faaffc chwreh uihoa thirty dx years ago- mrs k smith if waterdow federation led in motions readms the scripture eroaa luke h stressing the theme sect w ibe lord hde he say vet be found iv treasurer mrv j hunt reported the attorauon of fultoo had been raised with m balance of 900 far gbx this amaaat wsb be used in aar the work among in fltcaa young people at moore mount mi and aw for rem cbco ib radio ami literature mrs- f jlrkeajm of free too prveced be w alloc j a foe 1wi ari will be 4fi laavim with extra for ifh a th- special projects lexe nttmrd tn mr mcken te ffl a rajrj km warming and mpresse ccaawr ben clos jtng with nrraiaae the ladit before the tnrooe of grace in ftajw miss albee kiochird of ham fitott cottfereoce branch hrou jght greetings asj words of lpwiitt mu b miss blanch rd roedarted mm- election and two of officers for 1961 and os assisted jot mrs f w harbottec chairman of the noaunatusg eocnmittee the bteratore tpiy was very ably kiadted by mrs j d uiqs secretary aad a roost in teresting acd eatnptebonsive coverage of cur bools and literature was jjveu mr mills i staled that we can only da our best wurt wfcwa me have know ledge f i- bj a book then read and tare i dtrm mrawo t me mrs toombs reca ed man of the highlights f wmn artivitv in the pat rear- and railed on the pat prvdent nhn ncrr ipresent t coe jward ka h preened jlh a intelv icorsae tav mr- l raham ilhose peee -k-ttv- mr ii arnott mr f a ilarbntllp mrs- j ciipacaj mr piekard mr w brmrnndcc mr- ihn tach in tarn pote a few mords remtn ifaetn over pasj tpenencei the focow ei pwn wai rrad tr a bteiaortaai f j- he four hsen detraf it nf any filar c be a annual tberei an open gat at the end of the road through which each must go alone nd there in the light we can not see our father claims ills own beyond the galr jour lovtd one linds happiness ind rtsl and there is comfort in ttu thought thai a lounj god know lict a duet b mrs k rosier and mrs c s lockic lome holy spirit wis espeinlly beautiful and brought a pk is jnl interlude afternoon saion after junch had betn smeil a drantatic premutation or i fplay jthe return of chandra was very ably given by the kjngsay lamb ton dramatic socict and sponsored b i heir evening auxiliir i he ii depicted an episode of life in n indian villas thi n mit held bj the mnicnti iain st all christians uid bronchi home to ladies that urn ik it in socalled chnstuin couniru our example in lhiiiuni lu in is nut all it should bt hi pla was most acctpl ihk mil thought provoking and sspu lalh uell present trf hymn 241 wib then sung an i the offering uas received and dedicated by the ballinafad hv emng auxiliar mrs a harris introduced the guest speaker rtv dr v i long d d secret iry of tht gemra council of the unttid church of can ida w e irt meilinf under exlraoi dinars eirciimslann s to d i si ittfl ir long tin re i so mnci confusion m i minder l nullum and tnislrusl m llu woihl t da wt nitd committed kaclcrs iters and hvnun 92 years old mis marl in l kenneth foruirl tiachtr frum ine itoigetinvtl distrut and a rcsi tltn o halton cmltnniil ma nor for thi pisl thrtc ymrs inamtett htr 02nd binhdaj last thursn at ihe manor smith bradley vows in candlelit church ceremony reports 308 profit christmas tree sales st george anglican church was softly lit with tall taper and the altar was decorated with white chrysanthemums for the marriage of gretchcn mar garct daughter of mrs a lieu n bradley 22a main mreu south and john nicholas stmlh son ol mr and mrs j f howard smith dltiij lngland tht ceremony took place onj satur duv tvtnint fcbruury 18th at sewn tlnrn o clock with ktv kvnneth rtrhaulsun ofluiatmg mrs w i bradlcv the bride great aunt wus the organist with a friend mias gltiina doperty the soloist mrs biad clj plaj o king of ellaven as a processioml 11 indcl s largo duniig the mgttlug of the regis ler and iht trumpet tunc for the recessional mus doherty sang brother jamt version of llie twenty third psalm the bride who was given in in in i im hv htr hi other brock chose a lonj gown of white ddusteied alm fashioned uith a bill shaptd skirt sli li s bodiee with an ov ot lieavj t uipun 1 ie tucked front panel edged with petals square neckline and very bouffant skirt her head dress was made of medallions of pcjal pink guipure lace pink shoes and short white gloves and a cascade bouquet of tljl mums and white hi a elnih petals completed her en scnible graham talor was the k room sum n with geoff rev hunt and jon mathias as ushers all of toronto and formerly of england a tape recording was taken of the wedding and commpnlon servlce to bt sent home to the groom s familv and friends in lnland the wedding reception was held m the oak room av- del rex restaurant where mr bradley received for her dan ghtcr in a mink shaded ensem bio of crepe and chantilly lace with a taffeta and flower hat and a purse corsageof talisman roses mn smith assisted in in indiin lace sheath oxer er bodice soft pink satin with a soft on which pink tulle cloehc her i send clothing to moosonee indians indians at moosontc n ci four hundred pounds clothing this week of the georgetown catholic women s league a member of the cwt mrs vieuwhof instigatid the project after discovering the need while vacationing in the nor l hi uid lat kuinmer ar r iiiki on nts to make the con tribulnm win made with lie children aid officials there however the recent shipment contains garments for indian adults as well as children the drive to collect the article st irted three weeks ago nn all the clothing was the 0ior01town hiraid thunday march 2nd 1l page 9 drj clmnid before being sent b train tell some people you cant get along without them and be fore long you cant gat along j l usee astir wmwifl t ru vp fj i incut ul tht i x kill t l i uapulhi ttion t the locil elnb h is a i n ornmeiid ition distnet prt snenls house uf di in tht puhlu itmr fcst no conn from the to clean member great great great i torsagc was of pink sweetheart m iiidmother s moonstone andioses folit brooch htr finder tip stveral telegrams and cables mil of illusn n i i e fnim awere ro id at the receptioi ti ir i of guipure i ice modal from frit nib in england scot hi ns ind orange blossom the land anil windsor cisc id wtddmg bouquet wasi mr and mis smith of pale pink briarcliff rosea their hwncjmoon skiing at j mrs barrv tunleck was her mountain collinswood sistir in itrott of honour in travelling the bride wo a prlil pink silk orj inzi gown piece pucock grtin ige of pin m jtvj 4 ym wi p pff jl i iicr ceasin i christian living lrd seven dij must reach on taking up our cross not bt cause we have to but bcciuse c want to and be tilli ri willi a loe lhat makes us true lis ciples speaking of the new move ment that is coming in in church dr long made it clt ir that it will be a great challenge and will me in a change m our associations and fellowship in all levi gntzation its aim is tn bav sll wonun of the church rehltd to every phase of the church endeavor we must he reirtv l to learn how to witness and make sacrifice dwillmg on ibc fntan situation dr i out stated tint mm st and upn tprririin fe ired tht re irai triced question and then followed thank tii f r on id the pronounced bv ri thus the list mett ton prcsbjlctial w to a close lcnin hik s many happv memories of past and a look to the fu afocoren chairman of fsqa i c ti vid co georaor- repeser a vaer c were pr aerva win th aohj- r xj j t ih yerw b- j t s- aja iltin j f jwii was caaat ttaaa of iht fra kiri- d lard i se board airf v lvjr the es quesix repce rece ved an appoe a crchjir man of tar i t iu- rds 1 board gtar2t r s o htr j reprrsefi-a- te or he a mho jlty frei m k-i- wlls at lie pria aad jtec irauob haart crwiur of port credit ws sitl aulvinlv chairman lr 6i jd alb it wheeler ol lrsr vjr chair xaav the eereri trra l 4 the cvc 3 nrss etm fcot wi refrain itjelnj aa actie pri fanul ajettoa in hating the xoad servxi he trra coita cottsemtrab area declared a hwlaaaai irt road at ihc aeetma the beld officer c f rispeann rvpwied on the pro cress bene aaade to this end wvosvuag channel private propertj ia terrai ootta were aired at the atjeeftbz and it was decided aa contact the owners concern by artter tafotmung them of the department fifty dot i bid when latenal tor i at picnic ublrs 1 bad submit hj m ili lumber co by th rwh4cchjde8 authority farm planing end of the ten into workshop spiu i r tin work crew bids hav j been invited on sish tiki l1 ing and log sidint on thi p ilion and log siding on hie change houses a toronto township rtpns enlalive ft k li m 1 1 mi pi posed that the aulhonlv con sider a new approach to the operation of the booth at tern cotta and the resullinl motion resolved that t- f axkjl and recreation advisory board be authorized to accept and award the tender for the booth the tender of w w kcelcr and compan for the supply l and installation of fixtures in washrooms and kitchen of the refreshment booth wis acccptid at s5s2 0o extensive stone work on the old walls at belfountain pgxk was reported completed at much below the estimated cosl flood nds w ii hihlv in slirttil in lll in i compltltd over a ptritxl of lj or 20 ears th authority h is bet n cir ring on tilk with mtmbrrs of hallon counts council on the proposil of lociting in histon cal museum it the duff alex ander property on the kelso dam site near milton inform ation his been sought from the milro ind grand ltiver author ities vihiih hive similar pro grams tender for the concril con trtit on the heist dim project are to he opened rehruarv in words of the wise nothing can be made of noth inj he who has laid up nt nnternl can produce nrt com bmation joshua rcjnolds notice all hog producers ry county under the hog marketing plan will hold elections on monday march 6th at lo am for the purpose of electing coonty members lo district hog producer committees your county meeting will beheld ati union hall pine st milton halton county nomination in the morning with electron to foltow in the afternoon the agricultural representative in each county will act ai chairman w you require further information contact your agricultural roprl4utiv vofo in the county wnr you produco fcop ontario farm products marketinq maro

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