Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 23, 1961, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson newspapers limited publication serving the communities ot georgetown glen williams norvl limehouse hornby slewartlown batlinafad ashgrove terra colla thursday march 23rd 1961 editorial comment didrit hurt the party a story in a toronto daily lest week drew local resentment but didn t hurt the success of the club midtown party which fealuied a celeb a ted migmg group on fnday danny and the juniors proved to be 9 big attraction with young people who flocked to the rose room to hear the v si tors and to dance to ihe rocking consuls ine toro ito repoder angled his slory to make il appear thji adults were cool to the mvaj on arid such nonsensical state ments a every available pol ceman will be at the ciance and councillors areii t making any ai rangenients to welcome the group m gi i have added to the story s colour but ertmriiy had no factual basis the sau e paper apologized the next issue wit quotes from mayor hyde who with ni w fe attended the da ice along with other senoi citizens the mayor summed up local views when he said some people have wrong ideas about teen age rock n roll dances the young peoples club which organized i this dance is en asset to our community v we agree with the nxayor for we have heard nothing but good words about the midtown group which has been providing entertainment for he teen population for several years dances as lar as we o leam aie well chaperoned and theie is a minimum of trouble no moie so than there might be if tne dances were spon sored by a church a ymca oi a service and wn le adults may be astounded at iney gyrations of the rock ng teeners of today most of us aren t that ancient that we can t remember the charlesoic the black bottom the big apple or aoynunj ber or eijually energetic dances of past decades automation- means education sugar and spice by bill smiley the need the facility never has eel ication become more important for you g canadians man n tl is age of automat on in industry the world is undergo ng ust as drastic a change as at the t me of me mdustr al revolution and we are rapidly reaching the stage when pnys cat skills and the s aeat of ones biow are not enougn to earn a man his da ly bread it would take more of a i eronom st than us o tell what tne next decade will bring in the f eld of industry li is obv ous tnat machines when only a generation ago replaced tne horse are now replacing i an where building foundations were oue dug by man a machine no scoops out ne earth n a day or two office work o ice perforn ed b stenographers is now a od for an elec tronic mach ne bowling alley pm boys have felt the pmen dictaphones have dis placed short iand stenogi apners wherever one looks t is an age of n acm icry wo i ders wnai s tne ansver for you ig canad canadian national railways toronto terminals yard protect mo technical school the mail bag tr e cn s ic i q a d a go ge o l par i r e pioposed ioig ole u s fsr i as 90 hams da ly jv ii i e ro d t o g m- id more educa o i o co use necessary tor all terminal hoi d o s j niagara pen nsula o ct a cif i i e trades machines are only as good as tne mean a vast en pa is on a a 1 men who serv ce them and a ne go ipi increase the number of if ue a c j i e at on of men tra ied n manitiniirs must the benefits he mi n arise to cope win these manpower saving rst novum hiiirf i accru 1v r vv monsters ing to a comniuniti fr m a pi l we ust ha e ii ore teatr es and ve j macm ule is th thl must na ye more er onon s s i o w i i sn ci vv in i cinploird il the vui ii i i tne fluion at on ire id a d sek was to coiela e ti s w m the n en d spiacej from obs aii en- a i used o do we can o srpoosiogl o ojnq lh u l ppop e to slay m s iool as lo g as pos 1l in wrl n n sible to apply themselves to the r stud es ihtie will in in i n ni i who will be h- il to ear i learn learn ihi point rx peeled paimll i r i ii i r han half a m ukii do i gel trunk rhfn and dram r month ir- scheme and i gel prhcc j llpa nf al thi m ni from private eiici pi icr in l ho want o put a wiw ma hr cainrn h looking al junk ri can be helped 1 i hi i ii build school ito mm know what wrrr get link im a nation of wrrp illiiu hi l a nlliii of him win luppi i- ik jursinulh i hiii imkmiiiii a tut ndumatld j in tin wtioh iimnlfd busin when the ncient hbrwi began ftoffng their oti thy built themselvat a golden calf nd you know what happened then were in the process o building outlay a golden kid and well deserve everything that t coming to us when the i lord grows tired of oursilh 1 7 i i i i hi a il miitirvk tliild 1m n i i i mii bniim hr i- t in m hi v m int tn bo the professor said for in stance a child is vent on an errand with the admonition to 1 bring bach the change theres an insinuation there thai the worst is expected of him slowly he buildi up this image of himself and accepts himself as the black sheep of the fam r ily from there apparently i it is only a hop step and a switchblade knife to a criminal gang n i ii ilnili with the afd f the rltdw digest end liberty w nw have more amateur peycholtig isti in canada than we hav unproductive gold mines and theyre all agreed that it isnt the fault of thechlldrenpoor things ifs the parent who re to blame it never mmi l to occur to these modern iwamil thet there might be anything wrong with the kidi not chance children now occupy the position of mingled retpecf and avf once reserved for such dignitaries as the royal family and the devil i and ihe kin ryl in it of cminc there nothing i mod ern kirl enjms more than hav- inj an old man who drinks or an old ladv who runs around a bit it qualifies htm al once for the broken homes club and gnes him an open sesame to an kind of conduct he feels like pursuing nr longer ik he lu had mannered surh gree- h or ill tempered he dis turbed all i can say is look around you chaps there are certainly some children who have rough deal and are upset about things but it has always b my contention that kids aro tougher han asmtycont steak and if theyre not look at all the rich emotional experience they re piling up ni rlli ik- ti n j i m i v i ne ilnnr iurk dial ii s the parents 1 want look al the are the motionallv disturbed of our time the worn- i should be enjosing the delight of joung mid- gaunt and haggard a i iambic for ne aacn- o henp around the feet golden kid the torn worn out falhfr riesper- rvink to be a chum to children it to ihem i hctrt goes out an il n frfll itlv peierl 1 nl 4ihi mploiid in the fi igl ui r f vi hoi iili p and n er mark rv f he nn f lie 1 ti 1 ne an 1 n i in i it used to be that when a 1 i i i i k i i child was a mean little beast ti i ni l i ii t i that nobody including his par hi it i ents had any use for every i hi i body steered clear of him and h i l i i i h i i i he grew upto be a busmen ty ill- eoon or a great artut or joy ot discovering brilliant politician or just a 1 i 111 ill i pr hir in i plain ordinary miserable ad of hi murini lhe 1 u that nobody had any use m h n f hi i for hep hr n n- says tax dollar buys mai 1hrnughfie iplliiaiin raiilvllv hnn- n im hrr n h it a great deal of things zrl zjt z r z v v the mail bag 5fi mepih re ergelimn dnl th f- r dear tn a a he i ibrfii bnard mi i s 1 as aiming a smal s ui in- n disi issn our in pa rihiems 1 mirori m 1 k p f gi n le men frin i n ai me f the aiic- i r rne f ie foot lots ml ihi clothing housing foihl enler t f u forefahiwuuh mjle for the prnleg of paiinx tax ihes fought fi h wmi d i jht lo provide for ediualmn or all children through laxe a m lattver than continue the s tern of education foi ihe child mi of ihe pitrpf on thi av ie of iht kk oner mamifilni wimt iifit e n fdll h iiil mm wwcrs ii essay subject prompts remarks on alcoholism m j4 i i s i v kcip vur 1 e r tnld n i n hiuc h n ept thi h d lurhel i in i uom for ii h tmlloin lo i he pilti llr i dont know maybe i am lust ealous because i born thirty years too soon i was never able to hate my mo ther for more than twenty ures even when she walloped me with tha yardstick nor did i ever feel rejected by my dad because he never paid any at tention to us except to give us a dime once in a while and i thought he was dandy father perhaps it i d been a product of a broken home i might bave amounted to something r ne ver ol a chance to be emot innalv disturbed until it wae m ih b h liiil n cut anv capers bul ue i didn 1 have the tv doesn t mean thai to denv niv children e of being delinquent i fight with the old lady he pn i he stnijglpd to nusl tltlll lip th ou- garbage collei loi anrl i 1p nh hifiush taxes al a 11 hedp r rale lortai vm i ir lighting o provide nuiln i n ihrnugh puhlit r iihi i h rough pi iv ale chniiti is old piomde ihem 1 n 1 oils 117 m ue wink i pluviil in realms oih i ihtiiufattiinns 1 t m i ph lies mine m m 1 i ishmi nt- ami n ihm1 m hi slrs p r v i s nth i n e n oih of mi fib pi p i t ami hantii far more s than i could net a tom if 1 fih t hoini f ihin f r private enlmprisi i ii m v inner j t umiii taxe- p leu than a dollai and t i the propaganda dly pa i r h dollar i kl foui rhildin ediitaled i 1 had lor mi purs tlcsr thi pntiii pi n ihe imi 1 u h n are thi protecttnn water and i heiihole m hou id pa v h v as but akii g 1 niv ga liagr olieufl for lhat doll and mn r moved 1 i i poln and fiie piotniiun piik- h i ii pi on their propij mil i proilui u pusiiadi lhat v r is ant do thing i khedulng if i idition lo rl ii a n hole rn ii 1 v h ion f i ii i iii uih th patliiu of j nun dh elahhsh il onl r pl lining i pn- dallon f hi nth f p v le the pie far reennan nnw mtv lo iiwii oldter from town tn erse in korea with ihe pnnrtm al li 1 are pat in wounded in action ill t mini iii spveial week ago hr wa flnvti 1ie mown from puin tn tokvo and i ir alnliiilu ii in a rnikh armv hospital it hi lher there t wrrfs 1 it thi 25 years ago i inn 1 1 his rek saw the instal 1 hmi tntion of a time hock in h ii nil at rcorgetowns new pot or- on ujumlhs fir and cumom houie th u lv vvni dink which isreallv fourflockfl 1 f s uroii i elecliicallv controlled h a 11 it v masiei ihtck ii vva installed tn ini whin tx kiimi wh11 ttr in vpand th public m loi of i hi a iinir tf ifll i cl j art rrsvrh it can happen to you otecttnn eath2r mmoi al rvihvl lli i v ui lcid in price ihei j fr he the ear around i g 1 lib 1 ain and planning icivicc to build id n pn edihie fad that lector of the economv i merry menagekle pi inci ease d pi ice ivate sector of ihr ihoul nun h rem ni ga goes up by wolt pitney 1071 llllfoil foi is th mn did this ha pi n child ha moaned inlluli to hilf if h happen it sou seventy caovti with inlv in wn auscs l lar li il flifsnt hippm utlenei ofln r nih drnie of thirtv in run one lhu ml irin itn it in imu hruc il iff rut if the n rri p11 al us ji 1 hr vine 1 lh1 help rosi f education m leases or ripptm polo mil il le t help ihis intmitlv sdc wage go up for municipal em problem ihe crippled iiiiil plosres and so taxs musl he belng llf l hv ate li son and the onlv tl when vou c u zz j z zm arporrarbe r al home on thnr hands v 1 jkj f l hi the fad lhal pi 1 ilvll i ll lo j v like lllllis if abnormaltiei elarderi child tieio abundant av all with thnii tan icshfi burden of guilt gifl itiilh eaihn r a lilluult 11 th i it pi i iiinrihs enrephal umwtnftonyffoijr 1 h f h e id indrrmandmg iid less than tor lhos re nrtered hi t y inn is private indusirv roinpti leh ei i apes ns pi rhap- hoc ause our n s ladio nut iv rlon 1 lell us educanin tmpafgn conducted through ihee mrdiums mih hi lp in i he i are parent even i gel our thinking straight it liv cainuig in addition to m nh uo make u rea7e that burdens we all carrs a hurd siill mote saving mighi be af i kuim for having produrfd a i b i f fccied wiih more efficient mun telarded child what did i dr ihv crv fiom he depth pr lmmin of their despair thev did mth luditon know vmh all the sorrow thev ph m lkr hllh ps ihes ask vo i pa v li additional vni row lhrnumr h im hj vmi lave w a smile but i hnum hc rdrd mihmailal l nl lh pevcil iried thu and thej demanded some causes tl tm la ti pe of h i ii il helps lo know some ot retardation 1s imminent ti n in in i lh i ohei r ikin v tl s luuiii in i the th nc lo cb 5t lci hr indu and self assertion 1114 tf sicm m hohol limn in i in e in 1 n i pvrlin i b i n f th v dilrm hv il rihiij v 1 10 and 25 years ago echoes i thp paoes o ihe herald h 21 1951 and march 25 1936 i 10 years ago i yi lnuiif lit i nr there wa a laigr altend- ance al crdiin rebekah lodge birthdav party held the arena last fndav when is popular lodge celebrate 18th hirthriav euchre w rv were mi r shnrttll mrs nnev mi wehh and mn s k i ns the lucks number nner vvrre lr rohert er- n and mrv brnomhead a number of feorgctovvn penon who failed to puf- chae a radio lieene were ken tn court one rfav lat ek and it coit them mm georgetown herald t published by thomson newspapers limited eotgelown ontario walter c biehrt managing editor garfield l mccllvray iniduclion superintendent i holoi oflie stilt ailcen bridles terry harle npal admiiiistiation w uichni uk ure in ii port int rttcct 111 1 1 s thi h i il r du 1 s lion is it atlo dea dens the pall on of inal 1 pimi tvh ihi dh seen iking vvh ull til qui te proper thi s s v lhv riu e llsnhng pianist who 1 ni mbcr of si ccor- dlinik nncss is ctmsianllv nun k s thunh hoir will tp- uoned a an extenuating faclor pear m recital al ealonf audi- in the courts- it maj not init itonum on laturdi i n h ti- l i mii of hal m in hi the kaii ihiiu t u ph incs ire now ii- m ieorgetnwn ihcf plant suff hell 1 l phon t ompanv q dlvb hstln8 an increase or r bkerville myles gilaoi bob micaxthvir member of thi cuudlftn weekly n auociattbn dlvlslob

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