Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 30, 1961, p. 3

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hospital news llama of interact about your hospital with march just about end cd there is only a scant two f months trom the opening of the hospital yes the date has finally etued on june 17th and with painting in process and construction supennendent ha rold walls predicting the buil ding to be totally completed by the latter part of may this ihould be quite feasible h is hoped that many promin nt figures will be present for this great day a committee ha been set up to arrange the official opening and it is hoped that this will be one of the biggest if not the biggest even ever held in town with the completion of this needed facility in our com munity we feel that it will usher in a new era in the dev elopment of our town cer tainly a community of this size now needs a hospital and it should as well add something positive as a reason for indiv iduals or industry to come to town lo locate and we say this in all sincerity as todav industry demands all the facil ities of a progressive commu nity before they locate and a hospital is by no means least of these facilities the writer of this col will be the chairmdii lor the arrangements for the opening itfae board of directors ex press the hope that there will present that day every sing ie citizen of georgetown and district it is hoped that every one will take the opportunity of seeing through the building and it is hoped that arrange merits will be made to have aome one of the directors or staff take groups through and explain what each room is for and the reason for the various installations anyone who can come would find this most in teresting and find their visit well worthwhile frankly to try and visualize the building of a hospital in georgetown took a great deal of vision and foresight by ihc few who first became interested to finance it was another hrge sttp but to visualize the actual building i completed and ready for use is impossible the only way you can realize it has actually aimed is to vmt and see thru it you owe it to yourself and your entire family to do this not onlv ii it a building that will provide a vital serice to the community but one in which every citizen can justlv i be proud of having helped es tablish the board of directors met last thursday night lo approve the final draft of the bylaws this was very necessary as to night at the annual meeting they must be approved and submitted to the hospital com mission for their approval as stated last week the annual meeting was held onlv a short time ago but due to the com mission s regulations must be held during a certain period of the vcar therefore tonight s meeting became necessary to ratify the last one we should udge thit there will be no other business than this and we urge anyone who can to attend certainly there arc many who must be vilajly in terostcd who have not joined the hospital association and they are asked indeed urged to become a part of this vital group another groujfmhc auxiliary to the hospital becomes more and more invoked with their various projects to help in any way possible this group head ded by mrs john inglis wih a group of dedicated officers and members has been instru mental in raising very large m sums of money for the hospi tal the ladies havr certainlv been and will continue to be a vital factoi in the furnu ion of to boipttal and wt feel sure will play even a greater paru when it is finally in operation the treasurer mrs wm b hamilton continues to receive donations some large some small but all equally apprecia ted just lately a number of pcaple have given in memor- iams donations in memory of someone who has passed on very fine and very thoughtful way of keeping the memory of a loved one we might add once more there are still many items i ded by the hospital that would be very appropriate for the remembrance of a loved one a number of rooms too are still available to any person or group who could see their way clear to furnish them this of course is a beautiful gift and one that is certainly greatly appreciated the administrator president or any of the board will be happy to discuss anything you may have in mind with you at any time quite a number of people have enquired about various matters pertaining to the geor gelown and district hospital and from time to time we have attempted to answer these que ncs when we felt they were of merit to readers if you hae any question you think of gen eral interest you are invited to contact this column we will be happy to try and obtain the information and print it just phone the writer lei clark tr 7 3078 or drop us a line if from lime to time this column would seem to dwell on the financial needs of the building and equipping of our hospital we hasten to apolo gize but while we certainly agree with the old adage mon ey isn t everything certainly it is most essential that we have a sound economic structure and as from time to time the board has adopted a policy to send out reminders about pledges coming due we hope no one takes offense each week we find enquiries as to when an individual pledge is due and one reason for these cards is to help clarify this situation another reason is of course that with the large number of canvassers callmj on ciliztns h was inevitable that in a lot of cases this vital bit of information saving what date to be paid as left out and the only wav of clanfvmg the situation is to contact the person making the pledge s your pledge becomes due von may pav it as any of the three bank branches in town or dir ect to mrs illum hamilton reid court a final word it s yolr hospital and you alone can make it the great success and asset it deserves to be j ihoto by gene green showboat star tom darcy who delighted last years show boot audiences will be back this year when the rotary minstrel show makfcs its annual run here april 28th and 29th and may 5th and 6th bigger and btler than ever says the advance reviews t i it v- by dorothy barker rcccntlv a well known t the pjit when i re id lint an personality and hir friends other beloved camiliai minor were on a whirlwind j unit o is to il niemon ilizid on mirch pans france when thtv spot 10th of this jcir postmaster ted one of the historic ciu 1 1 illnm himilton has an noun well known landmarks out i tid th it on tint date a st imp mcmblr of the parlv w is hi ard i will hi ismu d to nmimimnnli lo rcmirk if the liftcl tow ihc centennial of th birth of r were in toronto or v incuu ipiulnu johnson f imed m or thev d tear it down tojhiwk poetess born at chief- mike room for a parkins area wood m ir bruitford ont on how true but during mv march 10th 18dl the si imp travels 1 hive discovered cm is dcsignod to show miss john dence that their ire still pub sons two piroinlitics o ic ic spirited persons who nher hrnn 1 idv ind inclnn pnnnis ndividualh or collcetuh it wjs designed hv b j riddu through well org mired sond of ott m md i- of ihc ic us ha prexrved for ill turn rtt n mini ilion 1 litre will be muth of lmada s historic imk j 000 uoo topus punted i ground tin j is s philitelists stand special 25c delivery new post office service tom hunter cfiarivs hunter thti georgetown herald nan whilcy and joe scllors thurkuy mrch mh brimplrfh page 3 canada s postmen v ready knock twice will arrange for an additional call for peo pie who are not at home when the letter carrier arrives it was announced today by the postmaster general the hon william hamilton special srvic the special supplementary delivery service for registered mail cod items and short paid letters goes into effect april i 1961 in all letter car ricr post offices in camd certain item the postmaster general siid hat certain items of mail re contact between the let tcr earner and the patron sometimes the letter carrier arrive when the householder is not at home when this happens he puts the mail hick lend and tries ajjiin on ihctnext delivery two tries up to the present when the postman failed lo mike con tact after two tries he left a card dt scribing the item ant explaining that it could be col lecled at the post oftice call personally s svslom remains in effect hosi who wish to cill p r son illy for such mill but the letter cirncrs cardwill now i telephone number which may be called if the patron lies his mail to be bv the spcci il suppleme three georgetown brothers survive brampton resident rdncial si rvice for mrs jearl black 148 queen st l brampton was held at the david mcclure rum ml home match 14 mrs bhek dud at the bertram nursing home march 12 after a lenlhj illness she wai ml born m tnjalar township near hornby she n sided there until her ulat n i to alt x black when she c imc to clung uacousy township where she and her huslnnd fanned jor many years in 1946 theyre tired and moved lo brampton mrs blacky was a member of race united church surviving ai e her hush itfrt alex one son william and three daiuliu rs lillian lrs leonard manson june mrs william wilson and m innn mrs gordon burton all of brampton also surviving are three brothers jack isaac and cliff hunter all of genre town one sister mrs m bel whaley of slicetsville and 11 grind children i he service wa5 conducu d jointly bv id v b r rnnils of grace united churth and rev well of hornby anglican the man from mutual life a family nun allied frirnd he lulns b kern interest id irmn 4 litlitirir luinil lo hi neighbours lie uvrrr of bml babic anil bicycles expert a life mnuranrc rounncllor a few weeks ago i wrote of 1 liju at irtil post offices purchase 17000 shares in livestock enterprise farmers allied meat enter prizes continues to grow rap j idly in hallon countv prov i incial director archie r scr i vice of milton reported this week he explains that to date hallon livestock producers hav purcimed s17 0o0 of hallon s 24 000 quota of shares in the new marketing enterprise and more farmers are still subscnb inc trafalgar township went well over the lop and sold s7 100 worth of shires while lsques- ing runs a close second nas sagawcya continues to sell shares and burlington s canvass is showing good results even though only one canvasser is working ramr canvassers hope to plete the share selling by march 3 1st eric i harvit and his fanulv lo obi un comer of calgarj alia who h n c c- ierh ijis this annotitik mi nt tablishod the gknbow round a krcat interest to me be lion to collect prcmrve ami t use lil miihiiii r 1 w ilked displav nnternl deiling with lhr lv 1 rk the hum in ami naluril hislorv of western cimdi bv the wa i misspelled their nun an unforgmblp mist ike for an experienced newspaper worn in to make the harvies h vi made a wonderful cmliibuti n finimialk him ruilh md ir listuallv to their adopted jir onlv a ftw in nth io th home of sli phen hituk m the -shore- of ike c imlii chin near or ilia ont disinlcntuu into a sli nhl of rollin wuude n sulu md old shinties imrun who lovtet 1 ie wiittm wlirks o ibis rcit imihin hum i t imdiriook lo nstorr his rr i denei ind pn serve it n 1a i service at a cost of 25 ccritt cannot promise mr hamilton said the pos tiee cannot promise lo deliver i particular time of dav but ii mike the spend cill on d ij when the addressee will be at home since june the pnstmsler general not ed that a supplemental dcliv erv senicc for parcel post items hid been in effect since june of i960 and had proven very popular most patrons he said fet that the 25 cent charge was less than it should cost to pick up their mail person al optional however the postmaster gin eral emph isired the fact that the new service as with the paicel post arrangement was nplinnil and an addition to ex isting services for the conven lenee of patrons who chose to use it jut chur tir pallbearers tte re ews hirold black six ncph hoy jilack j the mutual life assurance company of canada j headoffice watimjoo ontablft 4n outstanding record of high dividends district representatives john t armstrong clu 19 mam street south georgclewn ont tr 7 9621 office phones tr 7 2454 residence michael t armstrong 7 gibbons place georgetown ont gl 1 34b0 office phones tit 6 6785 residence words of the wise modest egotism is the salt pf conversition you do not want loo much of it but if it is al together omitted everything lastes flat van dyke j trees removed f pruning 9 landscaping tr cultur lnsuranca in bin in up to the pr ibn his h is be e n paceful with our i bdive w m onlv re ilue whit our htntij is l cxper itiuu the thrill if stinding tin pitific totsi iiki reidin w rds i tins effect miv ihtn ntvir be mse to close tin e itis hrtween our two at seminar horace toml1nson of brampton is shown hcjht with iijwi ui uionipiuii 11 mown irignrj wiim thoma w mernn president of babion bros co chicarjo mr tomlinson was attending a threeday tonganoxte milking system training seminar al st charles 111 sponsore babsott bros co manufacturer of suro milking qui a sitnll cork licked on the li irk of a piclnie fr line will prevent a dirk line forming on wjllpaper or w ill thinns t hand r ii iliburt n created sun sliek in one f the fe w roiniiniii 11 h 1 1 in nova scon 1 it is m w known is ii ihburton mn cum ind is smiilmlic of the forturi f a number of our first in tocnlic fnnilips an eloquent remmrtrr of the cul urc f the province more thin a centiirv iaev the lranl old w mien house th it stands on n wn land granted to i winds ir cit iren by his m ijeslv km eorge iii of lulv 9 lfii wis built after ihliburlon pure 1 jsel the nn pi rlv in i 11 1 irv 1831 hundreds of visitors come e ii h ve tr to vji v thi intiqui to ve e the illustn tions of ii iliburtnn s hot ks which are strung like a mon diy s wish on n line thit ex tends from one end of his studv to the other it wis lure haliburlon diet iled his tiles lo altendints the government or nova scotia his tiken ovir the house its care and pre st r vation not too fir avvjv i r 1 t k house is presided ver bv the memhers of the ioim h 1 c m duct sisitors through the fib- some like it hot wm lika ulous rooms thit onrv echoed it hottrl you can end all home to the laughter and giietv of a heating worries with a sociallv consnous- fnmilv i smarts feirnace thar- think it was the downstairs statically controlled so that you kitchen in this minor thit in may raise or lower the heat tngued me most the trc it with your fihgv tip fircplice with its hur spu home heating 1 wm muii low oparating cost low first cost m built to last on which the joint hid mi ted while ncirh huge incs moulds held chilled hcadchiese j jelly made with nrc old wine 1 cast rrnn skillets in whin pan breads hid been tossed and the most lovelj old chini wear w hich had be n ihc hclti service nee led little di rr p tm itvish meiis hid jrrwniirtihwwiiiiriiwiil been concocted bv cook uniaeke house when it er was attorney general of the province i was reminded the other day of these two lnvelv old homes and the mistv maritime dav 1 ipment i pcnt listening to echoes of r h thompson hardware i oil av cas hcatinc hardware ft plumbing trungu 7 2971 tirfon the all nylon tubeless tire that is has all the advantages of tubeless tires plus nylon r construction 91 stronger race tire construction endures 40 hotter pavement harley motors 31 john tr 7 2591 make your selection easter lily hydrangea violets rose bushes spring pots spirea gloxinia snapdragons roses carnations tulips daffodils narcissus rosedale floral 32 albert street we deliver we wire flowers triangle 72952 oooh just for me her very own flower to admire and love and then tucl carefully aivay with the robins egg shell and the smooth shiny pebbles to c- for hit day hen she just might need them susies daddy is saing for that day too regularly each wixk he comes into our office and adds to susies account you see he figured that if he put 5 a cek away for her at 4 cumulative interest there would be 5300 in 180 months when shell be ready for college or for her vqry own j8fc ask about an account for your child vx your focaf trust company halton peel trust savings company head office- oakville 113 church st vi 4321 burlington 451 brant st ne s1028 brampton 11 queen st e gu1s3b5

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