georgetown herald a thomson newspapers limited publication serving the communities ot georgetown glen williams norval limehouse hornby stewajtlown ballmafad ashgrove terra cotta page 4 thursday march 30th 1961 editorial comment all the neivs in a recent issue ihe ottawa mentions a letter it had receive provides the basis lor at least journal d which libel actions every one of wh th would be successful it quotes part ot the letter m which the writer says you appear to have men who know the elements ot stor jes and know how to write them but they apoear to never go very deep into the facts or else they fail to get the tact boi skim over the surface of th ngs just a few days ago some me nbers f the sun times ed tonal staft ve e d a cussmg what would happen f we publish ed all the news all lgrced me ssue would make a sensat o no all ngited 1fiat the aftermath would be oo ho rib e 0 contemplate the journal is not the only one rn has the same compta nts f om correspon dents indeed there s probably not one that is immune son e people seem to consider that a newspaper sl5usiries is to publish everything to suppor the r private drudges to print sensat onal stuff based on hearsay in short to be a sort of dumping pile for everythlhg they are afraid to jay over their own signature and they kick most vigorously when tt refuses to be made the goat a newspaper s business is to publish all the news that is worth considering but tt has to do a lot of weeding first it has to consder is the story true next is it interesting to anyone third is it tn the public interest and when those three quest ons are answered in the affirmative the stock of newt copy is much smaller than at tne start fven with letters wh ch the writers are will in to sign t has to exercise some j censorsn p there are still such things as jibel su ts and no publ sher wants any on i n s hands tnough the paper if it has used due care and judgment usually wins so f anyone th nks the newspapers are not publishing all the news let htm consider dd ust hat uld happen if they i i sound sun dispute in the mao clinic sugar and spice by bill smiley i public library benefits an increased gr rary is in keeping w to tn i lib- the tutrent fend to realize the even more impoi tant ro e mat education must play in this modern vorld the library is a pudl c coiwer e ice which has been steadily grow ng n com munity stature over the past several years a steady improvement in qjjal ty of dooks available and in quant ty has been marked by an equally grow ng numbtr of patrons particularly among the younger eg e it f the popular on successful venture an unheralded venture in ra al frat mization is takirujpuce quietly n aoout two score cities and towns where there are universities and colleges writes leslie wil too in the financial post the venture n working so successfully as to astonish some f the professors and college adm n strators who are involved in t some 3200 students v is black brown or yellow tmes suffered every hurt with the child are enthusiastic about the sunshine school for it has i lived up to iii name and had i brought a little sunshine into i lues that were dreary indeed the meeting opened with the ava lable the reading of a poem entitled th plans to in- achievement which u really i the theme of the school of the library after he meeting when improvements j groups were standing around i heard one woman sav i al wavs thought there was aorne- thine wrong with but i just kept pushing the thought aw aj how much heartbreak in that simple sentence now they are facing the is sue squarel and it is not only tenefitting the child but the parents the load lessens when jou find others with th same problems at lcat that ls what they told me for myself i ilon t know this is not a plea for money although it will be needed be fore the new school on the th line above hornb can be the maior ty of canadians are fitting well f started this is a plea for un into ca lad an college life these are stud denuding ot both the rctar i tied child and their parents ents from the 100 or so countries terntor ies colonies and former colonies around the the mail bag hch are usually described as un- these boys know with more money board ca i now cont nue ciease tne un or section wh le also making pnysic when are necessary to keep the building in op shape parents whose children are not library memoers are urged tosee that they make use of the service arid they are reminded loo tnat a i brary is equally ready to serve sen or c t zens as well with a f ne var ety controversial corner this is dancing i this is the fag end of the year winter has retreated a year sullenly as a rattlesnake with an ulcer summer is as remote as heaven and the cit izcns 3f canada are at the end of their tether in most northern countries winter 1 the bad flma the finns and the swades and the lutiiana do most of their suic iding in the melancholy of the long dark months not canad ian we are too busy curling and going to meetings and wat thing th hockey game on tel vision we jet through the win ter famousb it 5 around the end of march that canadians begin lo brood to draw in on themselves to cvt each other durkly about this time of year though an outsider would nev ir suspect it most canadians are as mid as march hares whatt behind it all firtt rt must be remejmbered that we have oit come through a fivemonth liege by a fierce determined and implacable en emy we have fought gallantly and well but our nervss are frayed our galoshes holed sec ond though the siege is rais ed and the enemy has moved off the relief column is at least a month away our starv ing souls mutt feed on some thing and theres nothing aj ind to eat but people there are terrible scenes in our homes as men and women chew al each other and child ren snap at their parents read r al so we went along to the teen town dance at the rom room primarily to squash the stupid implications contained in the tilt grams now notorious bit of imaginative reporting it was quite an eveopener it has alreadv been establishes that the voung offices bosses snarl and secre people were well behaved and i will only brie flv confirm lhit this j tanes weep in schools teach was so in fact it appeared as though cpl bimxirrow razed ers run amok and burl hem vith more suspicion at attending members of tuuncil than anonc sthes hdfuat blackboards else or was this my imagination the march madness takes traff c squad and see these ap many fomu honest upstanding palling figures transformed into c spent hours crouched in mud ngled corpses the silintion over ineom ux f trying might be different to dlddl n govmmmt el two thing two things about this were remarkable to me noise leve1 1 affair one theres nothing unusual bj out all this ifs simply the residents of flits 1 hive entered that mistral wet cold frustrating dismal season that delight in name of spring glads spring we might e well honest about h spring tn thhj country is a hideout nightman that may lest from the end el march to the middle of may because ve ire people 1 ed to doing rather than t ing we find spring an isting experience theres l thing to do curling is ibonj shot and it s too early tor boatf ing gardening golfing or fisl ing it s the mating seasonj presumably but everybody so irritable its rather a waste m other springs this wattinj period this spell has resulted in neartragedie around our place i have 1 myself pick up a coal shoves and barter a harmless old fuaj nace with it until i from exhaustion i have 1 my wife trembling with homfl cldal intent on catching chipping pieces of coal wit my nine iron when i was sup posed to be cleaning basement in some countries spring maj be a season for tight for love for song and laughte and dancing but in the f north strong and freezing ica a- grav timr of waiting of dej pair of the march mania you cant have a light i when you have a heavy fueb bill i defy anybody to fall in love in canada in marchf your song cant be above th howl of the erim the only people who are laugbj ing are being taken sway the boys in the white and ifs pretty awkward dent ing when youre up to the absolutely deafening and would have adequately filled a hall ten times the size of the rose in room my poor shattered ear i di drums took several hours to re- 1 in cover the other remarkable formal thine wa the dancing if that would partial solut some part led lun in i he ng it lawful fur ounger to dmi onlj cars of horsepower and per e such legislation 0uler soon produti a cir of couritrv derly ladies stumble around snapped their backyards in rubber boots and kids peering wildly at the ruins of last year s herbaceous border i m all right i haven globe derdeveloped for an educal c with canadian la ally described as they come to this coe i not to learn how ft mix college students but the th their signboards 27 pirk ven march 23 1961 bditor hose sk n differen olour from former a doubted id th nevttable byproduct of rhe 19 process is an un a visit to sunshine school reprinted at the request of the north halton association for retarded c inldren by anne lurrie s went to a ladies auxiliar meiling the oth r niglit and came away with t feeling of guilt ind sham in this was the auxiliary for the mihun sunshine si liool fur the retardexi nd my shame was for tru lack of uatunce shown tm normal children m the face of the calm mailer of fact patience of these muscles mother of rearded children as in other schools the chil the meeting was much the wme a mikst nuetmgs of fund dren n names were on the raising organi hut the atnnmhi rt was mo de blackboard with varying num i wr of itarg be them how some of these children in most school a piano and rhythm instru ments are jq integral part of their training mrs fuckncr i wife w an aoton psychiatrut teachea eurythmtcs that is dancing and moving to music freely with no et pattern i i this is not onlv great fun but i helps the coordination of the is what it is called to my this type so that our jaundiced ee there was onl would be able lo stirt one rhythm and onlv one step dming careers but wou i pattern during the whole time i wondered what had happened j to the waltz the tango the i rhumba the slow foxtrot the s a rub a and so on the grace of movement the changing dance patterns the variety of mumc was all that made dancini the advertisement on the worth while is all this to be sides of the wall of buck s lost is dnncing going to de food store is not chum iipe generate into a universal shuf tobacco we think the sign ilwig twist performed to an that was rrased b sandblast interminable four four tempo ing was stac tobacco or i think it will be s great pity cigars if most of our jnung people are yours truu to grow up in the belief thit a hugh hrrwer uwris dancing it will be- a piu if fewer and fewer of them outh their i r nen drive far into the nd sit alone on a lit bridge bitterlv watching rainbow troul leaping up a little waterfall other women enter the higtmavs v th halr start n the spirit of competition md ranticlh pamung their kit invado this is wlnt kills j ens but looking rathei sinister these davs and som of rrn neighbours are begitraingj to act mightv pecubar don t tell me that old 1st who tried to push me in fronfl of a moving cart at the stored the other day was completely sane in the spring everj in this countn except me gol slighth mad mad f tell i mad hee hee hee vlnch dear public outcry n inriiislnal accidin resiitts in fnrn death often produce a public outcr for unproved snfeiv measures lour thousund dtathi ich jtur oc cur n tin hisjiwavs dnd vet many ptople including those who intluencepolice activities are more concerned with the poor ft how w ho was fmi d f ir speetiinj and wontlenng if tin- was rrjlh flur note congrats d 4 h ejtp the pleasure first guess was the right m the sign advocated the ving of slag plug tobacco nth the moth 1 more uninhibited their children progress to them mist mil things like combing their hdir peaking a little more cle irlv a lit li aild learning to read a little mother some can read quite wt ii dm to tic ir to the infinite patienei and lo of their teachers mrs lefttr and mrs t mitchell mrs mi english of weber drive gn speech therapy classes 1 impel important work cake speech for grantid the j ehildre lonf hours even years of p ing tin neither d oh while it is npl procress time op 1 a kre it jo taking effort in teaching thtse children to talk clearu scarcely be understood ar ijili fr mi had gri it liffilultv spiaking the sehool is a tiny two roo md aftair with a mnall kitch in t one lime it was an off in ih spiti the drab setting it d honiev inside with drawings on the h like an kindergar can h i mihough the drawings ndiwork are of a much high calibre than any 1 ve seen who look and act quite normal ih hav hcen m public 1 these aehooli befo coming h some m grade 1 and some as 1 1 far 2 the extent of this ordeal mav be imagined when vou realize to them every day was an agony of frustration trying to cope withv problems cumpletel beyond tiieir caps oilmen alwayk bew the slowest the dumbest in the room to these children the stars on the blackboard for achievement are not chalk stars ery precious jewels little georgetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited georgetown untario waltar c biehn managing lditor garfleld l mcgilvray production superintendent office staff terrv harlev aileen b idlij news editor accountani mel beatty advertising manager plant staff t m clark dave hastings b baskerville mvles tilson bob maearthur member of the canadian weekly newspapers safer placa our police have radi itual regard which lnt f ihe purpose of springs from the abilitv of two toretown t sifir pi j people to move together grace hope the wtll 11 e fullv and accurati h through common sense discret a real dance routine pcrservt ranee mori imp rt int i child af midnight n lhv wl11 in s0 hnut i one aspect of this gathering i f or favour which is open to criticism al the am a jumps on the though not a criticism of the bandwagon teen town organisation was tno amcncin m die il assoc- ithe substantial sprinkling of his now jumped on he fourteen earolds and voung i favourite witch hunting mnd icr i don t think 1 am being 0 all such ngiish old fishioned when i sav that king assnciatie mythical claim 1 joseph beaumont has 1 the doctor s loss of freedom making quite extensive i is a m thical claim as far as provements in his i c in see state medicine es 1 and knitting nulls in glen 1 tnhlishcd two important free- lams a large new up to data doms freedom from untreated mule has been installed l illhtalth and freedom for the other machinery added medical profession to help all i already well equipped mills those who need it private 1 enterprise health measures res nit in abundant suffering both phvsical ind mental state medicine results in doctors ser vices for evervbodj i believe u tht this is what most doctors eing want of course the medical i associations lost a lot of power ul and most of their function this an i suggest 11 no great loss to at a meeting of the rovaj winter fair held in t tp last week col g ensof georgetown was elet 1 a director of the w inter fai 10 and 25 years ago echoes unw tc 7l t i aoclalion and the out ond th m who hv d1mon rf thp cwn is there a need eaf j fit ki ibbs8 jjht- j present sunshine school for retarded children on can rhii tpnc be- filled wfh new one thafs the question 1 street milton a growing enrolment has made rhe facing the north helton association for retarded children ovta su building nwdequate a tint has already ben chosen north of hornby favourite ngiish from tha papa of the hsnur social i march 28th 1951 and april 1st t rtince hall however well run i niedicme apparcnth a is no place for a child at mid hill has been introduced in the night and one oclock in thejii n repre sontitives to morning at fourteen a boy jjrjrovide paid ht tilth benefits for girl is a child phvsicalh and t agefl immediateh the mentalh and at that time of lt m inns wrciimni night should be in bed d 3 the loss of u 1 doin and mission to these functions cun bv tht hedtral mvirn should be for those sixteen and mp atl ihe nd witchhunt over except for the met that ls on agun i wonder whv the some of the younger ones would n camdian and mt rican be nnmihg the streets if thry i melictl tssocntions fight so roulrtn t get in the dance hall i hard or fought so hard tgainst at what aob should i national ht ilth plans 1 also j wonder if they trulv speak for lajontv of doctors very clear ould have thought tliit it leir they drive a lady of this town said to me a few week ago tm wor rted stiff about mv son he s sixteen this ear and i dread wai the day when he can get a dnv j adequate education of a nal era licence i wonder how ions children was onlv m nil many mothers across canadi possible with thn mtroducl have the same fear i have oi la sponsorship whclhcr continually maintained that the j vou like it or not our educilion driving age should be raiscdjj1 svstcru i undiluted socnlism to eighteen and figures recent and in fact wasn 1 releavd bv the insurance companies stronglv emphasize the need for thu action in the 1618 yearold age group the accident rate is seven times as high as m the 45 vear age group that u eleven accidents per million miles in one and one and a half accidents per million miles in the other il70d if 1936 10 years ago j rrinth 120 canadian ieg ion elected their officers sunt is thcv are presid ent i eslie t lark past presi dent dive bowman 1st ice president jim bell 2nd vice president he nrv shepherd se cretan w allace fthoinpson treasurer william roney ex eeutive charles dav harvey arvin wilfred hillis fred mccartney 0 e v maccormack has been appointed issuer of hc- enses and motor vehicle permits tn town mr maccor mack will have a permit office in a section of hi mtn street drug store 0 mr alfred barker has ac cepted a call to georgetown baptist church he will commence his duties here some time in mav following his gra duration from mcmaster uni versitv enquiring reporter what do you think darn until it wis si providing adequate educilion is universal accepted as a state responsibility surclv the mtion s health is equatlv im port ant 1 don t think that people a h ilth should be on a profit and loss basis or that a the tjiorgelerwn baseball it should be catered for on a ctob elected its officers f treatment according to i for 1938 thursday night question de you feel 1 ontario sales tax is w ed r wjatt main st nortto yes- i can t see much wronfl with it other provincial ernments hav e been doing for vears sargent 33 charles st governments have to rals money somewhere and i thlr this is as logical a wav ma 1 however i do think munlctpi ities should be exempt mrs e hyde ewing i yes 1 think its justifa people are demanding so tow and it has to be paid lor peter jones 1 ohelvin dr i feel there probably a bette svstem of budgeting than ding a sales tax m manderson tyers ae jl in view of the unemplo and the effort to increase 4 sumer spending i feel the in position of a sales tax would t a hindrance 35 years as other figures show that 16- 18 income il is not reasonable the president is harold mar- eax old boys comprise only lo expect doctors as individuals shall honorary presidents dr five per cent of the drivers to suffer the los of providing i h t paul mr b stone vice- but are involved in twelve per essential treatment for those president e v maccormack cent of the accidents these who cannot afford to pav nor re shocking figures but don i should those who are sick and seem to shock anjbody into poor be denied adequate med action to do sometlunr about iujical care anvmoro than educa if parents generallv could serve tion should be denied those in ia few months en the police the low income groups secreurj treasurer walter mc gilvray executive committee c kong c benfcam w g wf harvey walters j beaumont joe hanson c most important classified advertisement 1 1 alberta newspaper the heading ot lost wot the man from a nearby f who picked up a fur coat the arena after the hock game on tuesday nrght return the blonde that was 1 it coming to 1 much if th i