Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 6, 1961, p. 12

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events i tbe show boat r instrels 4 bis rights a mar showboat gets paint job wat t6wn resident cast learns new routines clinic legion audi georgetown first four ef every month 1 30 except statutory noli tf auxiliary for children meeting nth at 800 pm st church mrs helen will speak on home dance and social friday april 7th at township hall steu- 830 pan sponsored balton jersey breeders admislon 50c eerjonc 46 p attention each f 10 aon movlas are t hi legion avditorium april 15th th nh swj fam- all invited i united wa are hold or annual anniversary mdbake sale in the i basement on saturday llospa cry tutkome tea 35c vanety night presented rnorval union young peo- apnl 12th 8 is nerval parish hall pro- i includes alloa jr farm i production of the ugly adults 50c j fls hair styling whj- be closed saturday april 8th and will reopen i ay april 11th acton teen town dance sponsored by the mm lion club friday april 7th as april 28th the opening date of the rotary minstrel show draws nearer the rehearsal tempo quickens the mainstay of the show the chorus have been re hearsing for two months and bid fafr to rival the famous waring group while the endmen are digging deep into heir harvest of cotn to provide their own brand of humour skits blackouts and satire ere all to be found tn the script however any similarity between the script and the performance may be purely coincidental in addition the world renowned georgetown ballet company is working out at the bar surrounding jack gunn as mr interlocutor will be endmen bill fisher ross norton bill hamilton bill carr garnet collett and john ord there are at least six nights of performances ahead for the showboat apr i 28 29 and may 5 6 here in town and may 12 13 in scarborough t club midt0wn 6v dar hi and welcome to the pad it was 1 59 a m tuesda mor ning when 1 said to raself i shani go to bed until thia umn is finished well it was 235 ajn when 1 went to bed you ma sav to vuurself bui to canadian bandstand to the rockatones it is their i first appearance in town and i don t know too much about them but i hope vou u be at midtown fndav night and rate them or voursehes club mldtown has some big plans for the near future in about a month we will be going again and a little later a roaring twenties dance will be held at the old club house jx the foundation is sturdv enough almost fifty years only hve months after her husband s death mrs solomon dewhurst 75 died in st jos eph b hospital guelph on sat urday she had been seriously ill for several weeks theforaier eliza ann sayer she was the daughter of ed ward and elizabeth sayer and was born in hinkley stephen westmoreland she came to canada 48 jcars ago to marry mr dewhurst and they were married in st georges angli i can church she bad been a town resident since then mrs dewhurst had been a faithful member of the wo- man s association at st geor i ge s and was a former member of the true blue lodge she leaves two children frank of charlotte north ohna and harry of town three grandchildren rev kenneth richardson of flciated at the funeral sen ice on tuesday at the harold c mcclure funeral home and in terment wrfs in- greenwood- cemcterv georgetown pall bearers were walter brandford da id wood roj w eston of aliltou a nephew harvej dew hurst and two grandsons roger and come for lunch by helicopter hotels motels helicopters what next othe men in the white jackets haven t started chasing us vet but by the sound of that first sentence they might have a straight jacket ready taken for granted are cars parked at hotels and motels but strangelv enough few have seen a helicopter parked at a motel final it has happened two toronto businessmen en route to armstrong brothers gravel pit on the sixth line of bsquestng tuesday noon glan ced at their watches and real uted it was dinner tunc there they were stuck in the air with nary a landing strip in sight ed white and andy hudson of the federal equipment of jan ada ltd forgot to tell their wi ves to pack a lunch and the pangs of hunger had overtaken them spot monti a lunch counter at the mo tel just ahead sighs pas sen whv does it take so long write such a scruff seurvj col umn if you will lake into consid cration mv li mted amount of then the summer will bring the and lawtencc dewhurst talent imagination knowledge rodeo dance street dances hay and he vast amount of tune i ri bu trips and mam other spend da dreaming of editing a w1 and wo occasions to world renowned newspaper with adc a i sp to your i picne berton as m copv bo stick with us crew were and gordon sinclair as im tvpe- going places setter ou will sureh realize ml hitsvule bound discs this the numerous complications in j week are where i fell in iajc b the capns and big bv link eddj and com three become kinsmen volved this week well be roek licenced nursery intended to open june lath located on mclntre crescent capacit 35 to 50 chi clrren for further informant n nird ing registration phone tr 7 2932 afttr 6pm uttli caesar the consuls all tteenagen welcome lop sand ever dance m hour tv service knxy day of the week tr 79541 er ours oaisw er wont ti tsi til 7w7 er tr 73222 tf daffodil tea sponsored by the canadian cancer society georgetown branch at fhe home of misses margery and jean mackenzie 10 valleyview road from 3 5pm saturday april 8th everyone cordially invited admission 50c dance sponsored by branch 120 canadian legion friday april 7th legion auditorium debcjnaires orchestra 200 per couple proceed in aid of hospital fund club midt0wn of georgetown presents eot the first time in this area the rockatones from toronto frm 8 30 this friday night april 7 ithe bo the milntte rider of the week is one that realh comes out in a thin spra us l nder vater bv the frogmen watch 1 t its big w ell that s it for another week 6ee vou fnda night at j midlown and remember don t worrv about finding jour station in life somebodx will be sure to tell jou where to get off be good take care keep smtl ing and mav your house be safe from tigers goodnight mr and mrs h goodnight m l india missionary is speaker at union the easter thankoffenng of i nion presbyterian church wms was attended by 48 lad les when it was held on good ndav at the home of mrs wilfrid leslie president mrs h puckering opened the meeting reading a poem the lnftmshed song indies sang the hymn ride on n majestv and mrs clarence anderson gave a scripture reading from luke mrs herb dolson took the prayer and an faster poem was read bj mrs r s les le bettj jean anderson and mrs j a mcdonald provided special music for the day mrs leslie young introduced guest speaker miss ida white who is home on furlough from rhil mission field in india she gave a clear picture of indian mission work pointing out how the fields support each other in different branches of the- work her closing thought jai that it is a privilege for an to belong and work together in prcading the gospel mrs g f leslie closed the nectmg with praver after the hi mn all glorj laud and honour was sung it was initiation night at the kinsmen club last week when threi new members ernie micfcm zie jack fin i at and bob bradlev became kinsmen the ceremonj was conduct ed by jack spence assist ed b clare burns during bantam hockcv vt eek the kinsmen are running films two hours ever afternoon for the bojs and the need for vol untecrs is urgent the club donated 120 to a needv famih with a blind and re tarded child the team of dannv hew itt and rob gibbons won the kintest efficiency aw ard trev moores was the indiv idual wnnner the next meeting will be nom mation night monday is blitz day canadian cancer society used l0l 245 regular meeting tuesday april ii at b pm ioof hall wesleyan street tv sets at vert much reduced prices v 3250 lll 4495 i wigo 32 main n tr 73376 wn arena rose room proclamation an energetic group of north halton cit zens has been do ng f no work in operat ng the sunsh ne school at mjlton next week a campa gn w ii be launched to prov de funds for bu id ng of a new school on the 7ns line wh ch w ii serve retarded ch idren res dent n north halton to help public ze th campa gn i have been empowered by the town counc i to procla m april 10th to 15th retarded childrens week in georgetown i hope that all c t zens w ii take th s opportunity to fam i ar ze themselves w rh the need for such a school and to support the fund appeal with generosity mayor gefed vliile as he lucks aiio- thcr notch in hi belt good remarks pilot nd hudson as he dip the helicopter towards the clearing in front of the edar springs motel on no 7 hufawav wett of georgetown within a matter of seconds the two men were alighting from the plaue as the whirling rotor blade still kicked tip a bit of dust in the dmewav nothmg new the proprietor oswald bert rand and his daughter giselle glanced out the window of the coffee shop and then tun ed up the burner under tht coffee pot just as cool as cucunibert unusual for the helicopter to hp in at vour door tep n i lo this couj it the hehruptcr an i two n n u n f nnlnr the had bun m for lunch he fort f requilt visitors in the area lh ci mpam representatives 1 ad st pptd ari us linns while motoring and on one other oc casion in the helicopter driving through town minister dies in car dr alexander nimmo a for mcr moderator of the prcsb tenan church in canada died last tucsdaj mjht apparently of a heart attack while driving on nu 7 hirhwav near here his wife sitt ng bisule him managed to bnni the car to a safe sttp dr nimmo 6 wa the m n s ter of st vndrewf i resbvteran church a vtingham in huron thetyrinjtoqcfiiri ju from 24 as refreshing as a spring breexe n the changeover to one of these handsome new mid- weight sport jackets that you ii wear in comfort and style from now to midsummer come i from our wide selection patterns and colors by the rackfull a silvers mammoth men s department over 400 suits and 200 sport jackets always on hand to choose from i count he had been visiting friends in toronto and was on his waj to conduct holv week services at acton he had planned to have dinner with the acton rotary club on his arrival dr nimmo was elected mod erator of the 85th teneral as sembly of the presbjterian church in canada in june 1939 lie leaves his wife the for mer ilhel ma mac can of dur ham n s whom he married ru 927 a daughter margaret the wife of rev george malcolm a prcsbv tenan m ssfonary who is presently home in wingham on furlough from formosa and three grandchildren his only son stewart was killed in an automobile accident in the mus- koka distnet in 194 rotary dinner host to hockey team boys iast monday night the rot arv club of georgeown enter lamed rjhe hockey team they have pons ore d each fcar for the past several seasons the bovs were entertained at dinner and an excellent film show was seen the business part of tbe meeting was laifcly devoted to the discussion of the forthcom ing production showboat and it wa predicted that this will be an oustanding show the members were urged to all get behind it and push sales of tickets as this is one of the main sources of income to pro mote their work uch as spon soring th hockev tt am and pawn their pledge to the hos- j pital a whole store full of savings during bob g0uge0n brings you new styles new colours hundreds of outstanding valuesl a del ghtful se eel on of ust arr ved turn ture for every room n your home pr ced to save you real dollars dur ng th s great spring fair event you ii f nd many attract ve all new room group ngs put together ust for you by mcclure s decorator spec a ists see the latest and save money too v s t mcclure s show two generations of service bob gougeon carr es on the same f ne mcclure s trad t on of top qua ty fair pr ces end outstand ng serv ce home decorator service at no extra charge mcclure s decorators come r qht into your home to a d you m making the best select on at the price you want to pay tfcctwit- top dollar for your tradein s offered because mcclure s operates a complete trade- n department thar always needs new stock has steady turnover no money down 2 yrs to pay use mcclure s budget finance pla its easy to pay lust a few cents a day w ii conpietely f rn sh a room or a home at mcclure s 14 main street south georgetown ontario triangle 71511

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