Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 6, 1961, p. 6

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7 two local dart teams enter district finals a georgetown dart team saturday march 25rti eitab tlshed themselves as the team to watch when the district dart finals roll around later this rnonth in hamilton the team georgetown d made up of bud hill roy rudigor art hall and bill ranahan ran off with the laurels in a zone dart tournament held in brampton which was con tested by approximately eighteen teams from all over the zone including three others from lown one of the other local teams georgetown a made up of ken derose harry bottoms dave capperauld and alcx korzock will also qualify to enter the district finals by plac ing in the top four two brampton teams nailed down the other two qualifying positions raiders werent the only barrie victims collecting novice hoclfey team wont in clude the brampton tourna ment honours among their 1961 trophies tho novices were eliminated from further compatltlon by the aecond teem fond in the brampton affair trenton edged tho locals 2 1 in their first match but george town cam back in tho second game saturday afternoon to tlo tho round 4ali an overtime j period produced no scoring and by a toumamant ruling which some thirty two teams will fake part in the finals whete hou on wl ucd a doubles and singles championship will also be contested n h wnn a don schenk rink wins saxe curling trophy georgetown won tho gam tho overtime they outshet tren- ton 7 to 2 on monday barrio took a big load in tha two game round by beating tho locals 7 2 george town fought hard in tho second game hut only scored three times to barrios 4 barrio won the round 11 to 5 industrial bowling stxuen teams of curlers from draw was the one skipped by the loeat club scared off last wray bewy ills team was saturdav lo compete for the ash bob burns and k in hobertsun this earned 25 dave saxe tropin this is a pom and picked ufy the sels trophv for local eurlers that of glasses has been in competition for a third team was skipped by scores in industrial leasuo number of vesrs hrn curry with 23 points help bowling action this week were a nnk nf junior curlers from ing ern were ken hunt hwoudj off lt mark but the high school enured the carnev and george wingrove bl ls worth noting competition to till out ihi draw ihev took home the lie pins and th oung fellows sure and cuft links gave the senior curelrs a run consolation prize winners for their money thev lost the were the junior rink with don first game in the second they curry skip carried the game to an extra pennock end before howina to de ft at the were the third game tho reallv ash tra- larl with a 143 34 handle ranger defense star dean prentice will be on hand satur ly when the georgetown bantam hockey tournan ent w nds up prentice will meet the young pucksters who have elu ded elimination for seven days and when t a all over w ii present the grand champ ons cup turned on the old tr a erged as winners the rink skipped bi schenk was high point for the das and thev wti ented with the dale sa phy representing the curling chatter do i country club curlers take notice satur day evening after the midw storm police visited the club to request the members to park in the parking lots not on the roadway it seems there is a by law that prohibits parking on the roadway in esquesing according to reeve cam sin elajr the parking ban is in effect the jear round so be no wim and don t park on the road llai don barraer 9 deorge leave ft fnn currv 12 bill rohinon 6 nds robinson b vtrn arehrr 3 slu phillips 10 perr cleave 7 thursday march 30 sam mackenzie 9 ivan haj 5 gar lace 7 coldie burt 4 stu young 8 j jick illnmsn 6 in the ii o clock draw it was week the don sthtnk rink that lined into don up for the barometers others winner on the rink were cec orcen e pn s slade paul barher arid bud xt tro- varoi thev earned 30 points club second top rink in this draw was bob ostles with harvev an incident thai went almost happe bill mackenzie and j unnoticed was an aecirii nt that mel i hapman throwing the bofell bud moncktun in the first thtr rocks 1 lies amassed a game when sweeping a rock total of 26 points- and took rttrrrtiehofrre h f h h rtieets of giases- third pne wen to mir mac kinnon and his rink of i- in ihompson ted lvans bud moniklon tho hid 22 points le clrpy- and cuff ryder came through single which with hi op becomes a 377 the score was good enough bob bingham john nud dou hartleys single id dm mcnally w stood as seasons the winners of the h sinct ptcmbi r 21th when the plavolt- start this saturday film shows popular at legion one of dcorgctowns grav eo t deficiencies in recreation is the lack of b cinema in an effort to alleviate this branch 1 20 canadian legion has been holding a saturday a m film show at 10 sm each weekend this has brought quite a response of youngsters and is open lo the town president dave capperauld had this to say bo far its met with great success al though weve had pretty poor crowds hsi week and this due to hocktv however we ixpcel thev ii start lo pick up next week when we start off with home good films including swiss iamil rob inson although the 15 cents admfsmon doesn t neajlv co ver the tost ef the picture its good recreation for the kids and won t hreak the lt gion in faet wo n ivin them pop at 5c less than it eosts us th firtltun an cooperating ami destrve nun lion as thev have a man on dutj at eath film branch 120 is eoiisidirini purchasing a projector if the experiment wnrkr our- thi oloroltown herald thursday april 6th 1961 pagl fl lady golf bowlers febtthweek of playffs team i skylarks missiles high triple 1- loss tracey 700 marg burlington 072 high singles jewn stamp 289 marg burlington 283 allien teague 272 high triples with hdep moss lraccy 826 llble swan 799 high slnglss with hdcp aileen league 322 jem stamp 321 weekly high triples tlsie swan b85 marg burlington 872 weekly high singles llsie swan r 245 lorraine marchment 15590 15193 i egion len ib 4 1 83 33 48 79 28 2 15 league groups of fou th prizes up for grabs eich group standing team w i provincial 58 23 silvers h 27 len o 3 51 30 plt team high averages s lver 7 delrex 45 36 44 37 in fie urge barber prov tom graham silvers don wilkes silvers pts prank ferguson silvers 117 bill anderson prov 128 george wibster nien 3 121 jim limleck silver 7 104 harry brandford prov 102 doul kartliv dury x 94 boh harris cottons 233 225 i is seeking placrs for a team in the southern ontario league ail interested pla ers phone lrry nolan 710w at ton or be at the acton mca thursdaj 8 30 p m or bundav 2pm for training anyone 16 yeers end over for dependable sales and service pl ym0uiii cur ysler valiant 1ia1 rj r neks iiihnnlmin j 1 11 li come to maveal motor sales limited main st n tr 73611 glasses were in hts hip puckti ep bud is due to get a new set of spectacles the winning nnk in tht 9 u clock draw was skipped by vern archer with c eorye con ling harry sanderson and leilh bradburv on the nnk thtv amassed a total of 29 points and eich took home a barometer second high team on th provincial bowlers april 3 inks farl olsen 9 wi igrui joe chapman n oliver hi harold dolson 14 ted bludd bill basseu 9 john cornelius team ro duncan i loyri bovd er 3 k weston han chappel mkn consol ition prize was picked up bv bi i schenk with tom mccee i ee hint and ben mc harfi throwing the other stones i sh travs were their prize varian bowlers cents weekly high single sportsmen outdoors by tred darby 1j 14 28 ron iri orje 265 238 mils 11 4 to 1 o llirold hutchinson 2 ri friday march 31 ort nelson 5 high s rge barb r tracev dune in npltl id i t last bonspiel for the bill schenk 14 local members was held sal urday there is another one irn rehei this saturday but it is an open no score affair and outside rinks will be mac mickinnon competing along with the local rinks v bess bill robinson 4 george clea bob omlev last week four local men r n took a tnp to maniieiuhn is land they did not get in anv eurlidg as the naturnl ice hd thi cone from the little current ulmi arena but they did buj quite ofls a few cattle while on the out l p e ins thev reported tht ac midi eommodation jus needs the traveller old cleave ben snow and nels robin so s ire 14 duk high george barber manns dalfan ross duncan high averages george barber ham brandford trev williams i difs high singles jean chappel kav iedwidc barragr jwn hernnjin high loan uemngton lean t hjppi 1 kr i edwidge hiigh averages jean hippel tie kav ldwidge ng joan hi mnjf on schenk the last n and th progress will be pla unf illed plav f h di the top team will pla for night irhuis meet executive to make baseball plans of th 1 pan d lher the annual mtetsri curling ciub will be tuesdaj apnl 11th of officers have been by th executive at may be nomina ed from floor before the ball it 1 members are expire t 1 the club earlv v mi j the besl gmiu tf t hi before th d nn r tickets can be obiju i club or from memo t j executive gel urv a nnk that si rr d a 1 of jack w latarest in the bmspi 1 hn saturday was a nnk from the j hhuld high school thev real h mvle u hunt a crediuble showing with the nnks thev plated against nexi u season the junior curlers should have a chance to comple in kir mora fame pw taut weeks sc res wp h follows n kt mondey march 27 j john cornelius iirrih dolsrn 8 l k murt allien 9 imk harold hutchinson fi 1 nri up mils drd monday thun errg low bast imii execuli tn wilh the a week to irn nil upeomirig mjv this wek the group revival of iwll intermediate detnk of the i some time rkink for the here survived weekly high triple paul barber harry has lock seaion htgh single tom graham george bent seaton 1 high triple tom graham norm ing season high single with hdcp ham has lock wl deorge bin high average tom graham paul barber harlie jenner bill mcdonald ladies weekly high single kav magdv ann vv ebster weekly high triple mar mead w6 haj maulv seaton high single 17t marg o haherly lfifi bea hurst iw snwtii high triple jean grah mi itj hurst season high smule with hdcp marg orliheriv 141 41 i ilhan crawford fi le high averages hum 17b magdv t 71 ra h t rn hf standing 252 758 60 668 223 211 207 248 ho2 5m 15i 7jfl 322 237 on april 18th lft47 the menilwrs of the canadian house of commons and members of the canadiin senate passed a bill known as the national wildlife act which alu aside the week of pnl 10 of eieh vear to le known as the nalmml wildlife week a wik when the peopu s of canada arc asked lo concentrate on the importance of the conse rvalion of our wildlife and nat ural hewmrees when this act of parliament was passed in 147 all cana dians rejoiced to see that the bill moved bv the lale john r macnicols conservative l and seeonde- bv joseph hradelte i erall now lenator had won the wholi hearted approval of t social l red ft and the lci- pirtiis wnh the result tint ifter tht usual dobatenjn the floor of the house it wds the first bill or act since i onfederation to ik- passed unaniuiouslv bv both the members of the canadian house of commons and canadian sen ate the week of april 10th was un inimouslv chi sen to honour the late jack miner as this was the birlhdav of tin i ite c an idian naturalist this wa a womurful unanimous tribute and national memorial to the iat jack miner this canadian naturalist who did so much b his lectures writings his books and bv the 1 xample of his bird suictuarv to awaken public interest in our wildlift he ave bis all for the cause of conservation while he was livine he had received hon our tributes scrolls ind nxilils whieh fill a room in ins 1 he reside me and in i94j a vear itcfon his death the kin of tnglind betowei upon hi n the ob order of the british tin pirei with a citation that read i or the greatest achievement in conservation in the british npirc national wildlife week is a in ing monument tribute and thinks to t in uh s greatest and beloved natur alist and throughout the civilired world laek mmirs migrators bird sajicluarj at kinfsvlle tint is a living monument for conservilion the springs here and were ijere to help you get ready for it lawn seed no 1 mixture lawn fertilizer 1064 5 lb 3 75 50 lb 3 98 80 lb 4 95 halton cooperative supplies 45 guelph stmt tr 72271 free delivery saturday mornings 726 irlrl inn mini ml spukin in niemor tw push- button service on all appliances thf our policy its far rnore important to be able to rely upon fast dependable service than to ge a socalled special deal call us if anything joes wrong we ii pop up ust as though you pressed a button yes you can really depend on wigos service dept all appliances all makes jr 7337 commercial and domestic refrigeration r w pis 8 mcdoiald t 47 zh 108 written f jak miner tin finale surprise was when in lowi and ajain in iw the nuors of detroit i s in those eara issued two proclamations to honour the hie jack i miner in the same manntr for in entire week no other inadnn or p rson in n fu id of en i iv our in fanada or elsewhere in the world ever ricuved such m honour jcspetialh after jack muur hid been de id tvs e lv and fifteen i f vears rtspectivelv i i would like to end this smjll tribute to in one of his now famous savings man vsa kiven earth ind over all livinfi thlnc upon it balimir lnft with man according lo the le of his mtirl tlure is an epidemic of cimer imonr the rontmetils trout the iliseise threatens the existenee of these fisii in streams ind lakes if it cannot be controlled the sport miv k- wiped mit this situation was reporled hvt week bv dr mielnel b mkin assoei do direetor for fi id dtudie- of the nitional can institute it st iltersbur hi tin immednte impid of thi epizootic iiiiiiul t pidt nucj is n mix lr shunkin said o direct problem to hum in heillh jzereza senile fix you miner with iminion over of n iturc is doi vv 1 par lacej bill ba- ii fa jatk williamson 10 larl ot en fi sun mackenzie 7 1 joe t hap n n k gokh burt ii td bludd 3 stu young 9 ivan h 5 tuesday march 28 wray besaey 9 dick hawes 5 harold cleave bui schenk no soore don schenk 10 bob coatlej 10 mac mackinnon nash and mcdowell plumbing and heating wafer softeners ft water systems ft repair alterations ffi 72842 w 78 m 40 8li i im di fined win a new falcon station wagon sponsored by the glidden paint co nothing to buy no jingles to finishi jim a simple question to answer drop around to your glidden dealer and pick up your new paint folder and contest entry blank arbor sales 107 prince charles drrve 78 it 42 t z5 j 40 hile the earner oatisi im corn lot ed with reienl wlof pellets in hatchem s nknomii iht hij do yours at the canadfan bank of commerce

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