Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 13, 1961, p. 10

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best hike ever for nineteen cubs nineteen cub of the first hornby cub pack with their leaden geoffrey drew book and mrs irene saunders had the beat bike ever as some of the cubs described their day the spring ramble and cook out was on tuesday april 4 between the fifth and sixth what council did weber sargent road improvement slated spring brings birds and flow ers and road problems as councils down through the years have com to expect so it was no surprise april 3 to have questions by a ratepayer about what is planned for east georgetown roads this year ted turnbull who introduc ithl georgetown herald 1 thursday april 13th 1961 page 10 second best peter jones georgetown odstock who won the b crowfl at the bantam tournament were also finalists but missed the grand championship losing hy peterboro at left is woodstock coach allan taylor lines above the coyne side- 1 himself as a spokesman for road bach six made their own dclrex ratepayers association camp fire and cooked their own kcd for relief from dust in dinner i the subdivision and enquired what ratepayers can expect on mr and mrs howard brad the four main roads delrcx ley visited with mr and mrs blvd sinclair ave sargent thomas given and family near road nd rexwav drive acton on sunday phe dust problem is a com mon one at this time of year some youngsters got their h was told by mayor hyde qshing poles out over the week- who explained that if council end and tried their ui along goes overboard iij dust control tbe creeks the chub were il leaves less money for perm really biting and a tew suckers went improvement have been caught soon it will we re keeping pot hales fil be smelt fishing time again i led as they occur but we can t i do too much about dust he congratulations to mr and said mrs pat fhppance on the birth road chairman sargent said of their son at the oakville i it ia hoped to give weber dr trafalgar hospital on sunday d sargent rd a complete april 9 j treatment this year other roads will be receiving somewhat birthday greetings to earl ess sotface-treamenr- depend mcdowell on april 15 to kor ng on how road money holds mayor hyde said it is doubt ful in council could hold up a building permit but asked thc zoning administrator to check carefully before a permit is issued next week was proclaimed retarded children s jtfcek at the request of north halton association which is embarking on a local drive for financial support to build a new sliioo on the 7th line requested by the national union of public service tin ployees for a morning confer ence to negotiate a new con tract for the union local mayor hde said councillors are wor king men and said an evening meeting wbuld be more in or der council agreed to meet the evening of april 12th for talks flay and music are presented at manor 2 by muriel thompson and two b mrs c smith one salad after having spent the af prize was won bv each of the t lemoon plavmg bridge in the following mrs l msker mrs ja ver accomplished and i room 0 one 0 the lad b lantz mr r tinhne mrs endl choir of ladies who ies ln tne a dial collier mrs r brown miw jve sung tor the residents on wgut soon btcame evident b richard on mi s m thwnip- veral occasions came to the th oiie 0 tne ladies paid on and mr noiinaiivimirs inor on tuesday night march un attention to her stale of ib to present another in a health and was constantlv com eatter service fees of excellent programs paining about it when she bd lcr lha sus choir is know as the burn su imagined that she was larih an6 sinctn in e the games had been planned staff at the manor was the or ne sue learmont m april 18 o bv the hobbv tlis mrs s ganist and plaved the recital and to geoffrey drew brook vllen and mrs s locku call m his own gifted fashion this who will be three years old on sajing that he was speaking ed the numbers ihrtt prizes lovdv little organ which will april 18 for a ratepayer mr munro wre won b mrs howard add so much to the services at deputy reeve elliott said mr the manor was the gift of the get well wishes to susan munro is concerned about the six branchu of the canadian cramp who is confined to bed plans for converting the old legion in the count of halton at her home to hugh o connor delrex office building into ap- the branchts at burlington who has been sick at home and artments the large structure oakville bronte acton george- to mrs jack mccarron ho is doesn t fit in with the surroun town and milton words can recovering from an operation in ding area and residents had not express thi gratitude of the the oakville hoipilal bought their homes expecting residents to the donors for this n would be torn down he said wonderful and generous yft walter coulton assisted hev agree that it is not a good favours of a most amusing j hill at the morning ser i p t0 nave an 0d building in kind were found at the places lce at horabv united church mld of single family r4 zone legislation against ithorpc home and school suffennij rom footl p0 r wa conducted in the the residents when thev ent iast s mr coulton is en dwellings dies choir and these ladies m wlad all lhc llintr lad chdpu qn sunda dilcr ered the dining room forup- tering mto mm and be sung for the residents at ie imagined ir- too and some noon apnl 2nd tne per on easter sundav these has just returned home from a te annual christmas partv at hilarious behaviour wjs the hdi blien piamied bj oak favours were little easter bun wo k s su a five oaks y rosary school for several resujt the tlt qi qus very i miton camp of the v clcverlj made from nmr london fars as well as once before amusing plav was just im gldeiils and wai conducted b 1 marshmallows with cloves for 1 the manor agine and it had been dir i members of winnet memorial thejr caused man an the mornb evening wa sixteen ladies ected b irs e sanderson the baptlj church in oakv lie mr amdsed chuckle among the resi l held thwr a meeung ln here were sixteen ladies in parts of the four bridge plav john mchol mumc director at dents who are grateful to the church basement on tuesday choir and their president ers a maid and a neighbour the abo church conducted the ladies of the november group wih mrs harold learmont n moore was with them were plaved b mr n moore wnice cd in th wnw and of st christophers anglican d a blbuca sk was was the case on the other mrs e stuart mrs w star plinii uohn accompaniments church in burlington for send- j four mem mon th mr m ror tht hvmns mr slan wnghl ing for the devouonal films were mrs e feast directed and mrs i mcquigan cffercd pravcr and words of also at supper time the resi shown qn 0nttno summer res t singing and tfieir expert ac- fiv numbers testimonv were gven bv joanne dents found little paper cups ons md d b thc ftfteen i mst mrs d savage was after this very enjovable bavham barrv bavham mrs filled uh candv mints on each members en lunches the piano the ladies look p tne cholr ng another helen routledfe of oakville le these were the donation b barbara snow and t very smart in their cost gup ot five num all ap- an judv and john hills oi f the lode in oakville and adele pes of white blouses blue pr0 for the easter sea nitoi m e belong plaved ne residents are verv grate- mpers and scarlet corsages uon thee included taster an accordion solo crown of ul t0 lhem iadl for hcir i ladies opened the program be and tnc p of ihcrns and h irland rouiude tlloukhtfulm th a song that set the pace thank- giving so to a tradit a solo down for his the whole enjoyable even lona dutch air the visitors glurv set to the traditional the song was happy and residents spent a verj ralian mclodv o sole mio lfs are here again and it happv ume together when cof miss joanne raj ham wa at the hs followed bj gracious greet fe and cookies were served piano for all the jicconpini fcs extended to the residents d a fitting climax came to a ments mrs feast the choir sang wonderful evening when mrs br bndl jo groups of songs the first moore rec bv request al the was drl d joup of four songs included bert and the lion a oroeram v strn10 was a c ftu- c- t c e piugram w lmpre slve s bv ftlfh qi ljt v by these udes alwavs grcatiy mr brla bridle of burlington j 3 i il enjojwl 3nd resdenls a studenl at the i ondon bible f b that here be mar in mute he de cnbed the i various characteristics of the great love shown b christ for mankind in leaving his homej hearty laughter played binoo n ln or to come to verj amusing pla that on vvednesdav afternoon ear and di pused much heartv laughter march 29th a small group of c n pj gi the part of the residents ladies and gentlemen assembled vrmon bv i next when the tage in the auditorium to plav i parted a group of four twelve games of bingo since httu s rvcen pnjrr tin comnuinic n lile w id i ned v th a h i i jqnt f spnng flivvers and two 1 r astir i iv plants fir thi r vice bdore the service m ran the c niroatiiiii njoved a fine rrc lil of r in mil ic plived the mw bildwin flcctromt ortai th hid hi n deliv nd it thi v in r two or three div said cr cass words of the wise the hands of those i meet are dumbly eloquent to me i have met people so empty of joy that when i clasped their frosty finger tips it seemed as if 1 were shaking hands with a northeast storm others there are whose hands have sunbeams in them helen i kellar win a new falcon station wagon sponsored by the ghdden paint co nothing to buy no jingles to flnlshi just a simple question to answer drop around to your glidden dealer and pick up your new paint fotder and contest entry blank arbor sales 107 prince charles drive tr 79741 springs here and were here to heip you get ready for it lawn seed no i mixlur lawn fertilizer 1064 sogreen i lb 3 7s so lb 3 91 80 lb s4 95 halton cooperative supplies 45 ouelph street free delivery saturday mornings n public u bin i tied to the tn last i medley of three spirituals more similar programs in thc clh yes jacobs ladder and future fejolden shippers church services little ml alvarv si in- piring a lov c ly i till three teachers leaving thrte fie irgeto choo teacher- their resignations board at a mee ttrnui atinx the r en plovmint here at the tnd of the current schuol viar will be miss shirlcj burtch a teacher at howard v r g gli sw ort h school for fi v e vtarn miss p n lope pick ell w ho taught at him son school for si months on i in fr m the north ork biard and mr- p o mallcv a t rc kin nedv tiarlnr for two viars darlene leslie susan grex ton and eileen bradlev were three hornbv girlswho helped make up the partv of forl girls and the leaders of th first drumquin brownie pack and girl guides for their bus tnp tuesdav morning to toronto their first stop was thc muse- urn the girls found it an in i tercsting place to visil they j had dinner at the wedrcwood restaurant and saw a how at the runnvmede theatre the girls arrived home in the even j ing quite tired after their bu baptist first baptist church r l nan b a b d ir direc or douglas petk ganist mr vlilllam braam j 00 am lhurcfa school a m w orsh p serrice p m evening orh p f00 p m wednesda praver meeting everjone w ejeome limehous 1 30 p m sundae school 2 30 pm divine worship the w m s and afternoon a a held their april meeting at the home of mr and mrs v stringer with thirteen mem hers present the sixth line ladle- were in charge of the program for the w m s the second chapter of the stud book was given bv mrs doug leslie the theme song and notice lo qredltors the irds praver opened the a the president reported lev s oay yon pot one dollar a day into an in vestors plan these few dollars a week wid grow into tl0000 in juet twenty years more than 110000 can ediaoe are already making their dreams come true through investors syndi cate and a plan can be tailored to suit your speci fie needs start now tobtuld a substantial cash reserve for your future sec your investors syndicate rapre- aentattve sooa dick riddall tr 7 3497 4 ostrnnder slvd i n vesto rs building our community nerval and union rei b a nun b inunm moderator hef i baptiit v road sowth rls 1 st paul mountain vn fev e a p nktrton vi n ster sundj j 00 a m church vhwl minister- b ble us 5 00 am- morning tuesda z30 p m fxplortrs i j 00 p m young i eoplt s met ting friday t pjn boyi club p m bible stud and prajer meeting felcome to a growing church growing community 1 iple avenue baptist church a 81 maple kgt avenue cast bruce woods va b a m th g temporary meeting place of hall weslejan street j services i tr am sunday school j 0q ajn horning worship i ofy pm evening service o30 sunday night prayer meeting a monday 00 p m young peoples wednesdav v pm bible studv and m prajer meeting friday i pjn christian service brigade pftlsbyterian 10 00 a m 11 00 am j jo p m 230 p m union surdav v hool divine uoismp norval sundav school divine worship united john t georgetown legion gift li nnrri shrub le a of the mainienanci pentecostal holiness zion tabernacle 95 guuph st re p a gajnon m nistir 1000 am sundiv school 1100 am murnng tvorslip 7 00 p in r- v uiehstk sec ice christian reformed church m nisur riv i t i 55 main st north 930 am injish strvue 3 00 p m dutch s rvice ii 00 a in h martha the marys 2 30 adult bible class 7 00 pm a man with two sons 730 pm come to wi v i leave serve anglican hi parish of stewarttov nd hornby v j l- mxwdl ken john t church stewarttown 2f mill bjo a in morning injtr ontario 2nd sinav of the month holv communion churoh school fvenng 1st sundav of the month in the estate ot george vic tor bellboddy gentle man deceased 11 ptrsons having claims against the hstate of eorge irlot bellhoddv late of the town of milton in the count of halton enltenian who died on or about tht 30th dav or nov tnitnr i9b0 are here bv n itified to senl particulir of same to the undersigned on or b fore the 8th dav of mav 1961 after whuh date thc rfile will be distributed with regard onl to the claims of whici the un ler si i shill thin hae notice and the un lersijned will not be 1 ahle jo anv person of win i claim he shall not then have notice datbd at georgetown this 3rd day of apnl a d 1961 john e bellboddv admin istralor of the estate of on victor bellboddv bv his solicitors dale bern tt ialimer baine georgetown 420 that the quilt had been fim ed mrs r wilson and mrs s price assisted the hostess to serve lunch a y on 0 5 sa ft chamber of commerce week april 1622 georgetown has an active chamber of commerce if you re a businessman an industrialist or a private citizen interested in georgetown welfare you are welcomed as a member the more members the better the chamber and the better the town ifv wuuain weir brampton st andrew united sinclair avenue at mountain view road rev ewart madden 9 45 am sunday school j 11 00 am morning worship and beginners cun school 730 pm fvemng worshipi norval pastoral cherge rev lloyd n rreel ba bd glen williams 10 am worship service 11 a m sunday school 10 am worship service -h- m s school church hornby 1100 am morning prayer i church school 2nd sunday munioni of the month holv com st george s church rev k s g richardson sundav apnl 16th eastfr ii 8 00 am holy eucharist 910 m holy eucharist ramilv service 9 30 a m hurch school crade 4 5 6 1100 am holy eucharist 1100 am church school grades i 2 3 preschool and kindger- gartcn nursery care 30 ptn evensoug tun hmy minsimn s gotland norval 10am 11015 am sunday school mam hji aawworriap fierviee thursdays 10 00 am holy eucharist t intepdession lor fcb wheels turning smoothly prolong th ufa of your engines with imperial esso lubricants manrelube essolube hdx mlnarahjbo mobiloil esso m p grease and other high quality lubricants for all requirements ron j dumper georgetown trjaofllej74551 mmtm urn io mratu ton the best symbol of planned saving to city peopfe iheiho is symbol of farming but a farmers ki a symbol of saving too planned saving lake savings account at the royal bank it a a practical way of storing up wealth for future use it takes carefol planoing though to make both bank account and stag erre you to best advantage whenever youre working out your farm plans feel free to come in and discuss them with your royal bank imanager he knows a lot about farming matters especially the 6nancial side so regular chats with him can be very much to your advantage drop in next time you are near rhe branch he 11 be glad to tee yoo p s tbe royal bank farmers acamnt boot wtu bl y to rtm yomrjanm ask for yamr fm copy at yomr krmmck the royal bank of canada w f besaett man aer branca

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