Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 13, 1961, p. 13

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services quotations on carpet or i drapery wide choice expert j hrvlce garners tr 73021 tf spring service see georg ltown welder 36 guelph st tr- 72961 it income tax typing and book keeping needs contact mrs leslie clark 41 main si south tr 73078 t i upholstered furniture rec f overed and repaired quality workmanship t h bnggs stewart town tit 78312 if auctioneer licenced prompt courteous service norman c- uddle b mcnabb st tr 1 74413 tf d1aths graham margaret on wed nesday april 6th 1901 at guelph general hospital margaret loch ens of is ac ademy road georgetown in her 77lh year wife of the late john graham dear molh jcr tit mrs iiaixydoiine funeral services were held from the cook funeral home toronto saturday at 10 a m interment was in prospect cem elery toronto p georgetown upholstery lowest prices with all work manship guaranteed 5 yean terms can be arranged tr 74406 or tr- ts084 tf resurface your own floors pfw dustless electric sanding machines edgers floor polish i era for rent ted bludd punting decorating tr 7 3681 tf decorating to express indiv lity artistic interior and xtanor craftsman in the c a grant r r 3 georgetown tr 7 3781 tf don herrington paint and wallpaper tonecraft pairm- qoor sandera for rent wall paper and supplies expert dec orating 24 main n tr 7 tf aotchener upholstery expert reupholslerinc refin ishing and repairing workman hip guaranteed reasonable prices one week service phone georgetown tr 7 3301 tf memoriams brocklebank in loving memory of a dear father and grandfather thomas town lev brocklebank who died april 5th 19155 the blow was tfreat the shoc severe we little thought the end wai and onlj ihose who have lost can tell i the pain of parting w ilhoul farewell more each daj we mm vou father friends mav ihink he wound is healed but thev little know the or row that ies within our hearts con ccaled iavidri remembeied bv daukhter irene tade and famih ashgrove welding electric and acetylene welding a u steel truck bodies made to order dealers for mcculloch chain uwi scott atwater outboards id hydraulic hoists otaco equipment and irco irrigation gystems tr 7 9834 tf plumbing heating call tr 73631 bill garbutt 16 elgin st if bf auto body repainting 15 a specialty complete collision work movntainviaw rd a river dr across from vanan plant dwi brink low tr 73601 building contractor custom hmmi r general carpentry i remodelung tr 7fom andy at fleck tf for i painting ant decorating len coxe is your man tr 73191 tf etobicoke construction and paving asphalt paving driveways parking lots sidewalks industrial work and curbs tr 1614 tfl brick and block laying concrete work new and repair chimnej rireplaces planters a euteneier tr 72932 tf ray conn plumbing authorized gas dealer het water a sttim heating 34 mill st tr 7 j784 if hall in lining nicmniv of a deal mother and rand mother add hdll who passed awav april lllh 1948 mother ou are not forgotten though on earth ou are no more still in memorj jou are with us as vou always were bpforr lovinglv remembered bv i daughter anne son in itw dick grandsons kent and wavne cards of thanks dbulll ksi w wmiltl iie to lilt dll iiurjiniids iuih hours and rebtnis how tr much ue appreciated their manv acls of kindness their thouahlfulness help floral tributes and cards at the time of our sad bereavement in i he loss of our mother speinl hunk vou lo rhc mpmhers of si george s our smcrre thank to everv one the dew hurst 1amil engllby 1 would like to thank all ni friends and rol ahcs for their iimh lard- and cigarettes sent to me while 1 wis a palirnl in si josephs ilopiul tuelph arthur bngldn f cards op thanks graham to all our neigh bon and friends a most sin cerr thanks for your acts of kindness cards and rural tn bulcs while my mother mrs i graham was a patient at guelph general hospital and l the lime of hex death margaret and harry donne kliishaw to the many rel a lion friends neighbours and follow employees who sent me letters of encourage ment gel well cards christ mas cards easter cards gifts in the form of fruit smokes writing material and reading material and who visited me and supplied transportation for mv wife lo visit me these past six months while con fined fo weston san and since returning hoim may i be permitted to convey my heartfelt and humble thanks to each and every one of vou thank jou all for evei thing a kershaw mcdonald w wish to thank our neighbours rela tiv es and friends for their kind expressions of svmpathyj and beautiful floral triibules during our recent bereave ment in the loss of a loving husband and father wealol wish to thank the harold c met lure runeral home for their kindness mrs j mcdonald and famih mcmlnlmy we wish lo e press our sincere gratitudi plan graduating class exercises for red cross plans arl under way foromist was present fiti the sixtf graduation cxirtisxs m june i meeting of the hornby tutt for thl fret honlc nurilng class frultiett al ihe home or korric huh is now bung conducted sue loannonl lasl wcdnesda the georgetown herald thursday april 13th 1941 page 13 rr for their fine team spirit ha i said ihe game was the besf in had men in the tourney played hre rwo members of the worn stock team one of them over i own bv ihe red cross evening with fourteen members mx ict on skates plsyed in i watr safety prcsenl tcorgetown with the wood f al an cxtculnc hireling on achievement luv was annou sl rnntams last week apul 10th at the hoim of f ma 27 al lht m scored two mrs j a bechard 28 ban hlkh scho mrs u dim p robinson scored two i slow trcscenl plans lo have led bow to use fruit for for the locals and bill i a hplakii from toionto and u d lunth was strv ter ind stan kynnersley got i films on wdkr safety and othc lne hostoss and hei moth the other impoitinl rid cross projitls i i ted h honu i wtie discussed fr hr nexl hcuni mi april words of the wis four mmbr 15th vl r a y man to i use is lo improve himself every 1 itussll kmj ii turned wav he an never suspecting i mis itosimary joidan pn s idid at tht meeting at which home last rridnv a i four new incmbeis wen wel w an aunt and limit in con coined to ihe e n town bran for a few rins ih in tin ahstiut of mi s f martin home nursjng chairman sincere smipalhv is elendrd miss ionian mvc a short irporlto mrs fiobcrl boll and rumilv on process of the home ntirs- nn h death of mr bel on inj com si rndaj april 7 at his home much interest rinl dilcll attended a ie the c p ft has creeled stop nil diss diid tavt a dtinonslra itcs diid stop ljhl signals dt lion on piopri idministralion ihe ciossing on the seventh of jirt did lhei die four line 1 hi stalled lo opuatc tlissis lift in thi jinsiiit lust rndav lose to woodstock hes to hinder i him silspieion and jealousy ntvei did help any man in any situation abyaham lincoln 1 your dishes which must not reached it tin mil 1 in peewee hockey vldtid relatives friends ncighlhhirs for their kindness sympathv flowers and cards received during the recent iosh of a beloved wife mother and fister mr hartes mcmenenn and raniih the ftilehie famih married in st johns in a quiet ceremony n st johns unilcd church mri kalhleen darby dauglutt ol lne late mr ind mrs genige barnes 47 john si e iipmib the- br de ot perc d hon son of ihe idle mi and aa loin dillon icici j hi i ve at 7 john sliefi i usher wish t our neirhhotii- lelal friends for their kind cxprts sions of svmpdlhv and beaut lful floral tributes during our recent bereavement in the loss of a loving husband and father special thanks to rev b a rwn mrs george a fisher and familv h ink and hornby express and apprecii we alio all foi icighbours and other friends their man acts of kind words of stmpalhv flo in botes and mass tards kkd ross the eniipaisn l1mehouse chairman and exitulive offi i rcrs of uu orilown 1 bnnch inadun r d ross saml sineen u ih ink all ih voluntur woiktrs who in anv ia assiud in tht ret enl bliiz campaign swales i wish tn smurch thank m friends who were kind in so manv wavs to mv familv and mjself while i was in hospital ken swiipv a note of thank you i s one of the mothers of our peterborough hockev team en i lered in uiur loiirnunini 1 wish lo rhank rv rvone on he i half of the olher pannls and the inns thrmsfhfs for vour kindness and foi showing our bos a real good lime while in our town 1 am t r grateful for the parent who looked after nn son s sletpinr quditt rs while he wds there and making him feel verv much al hoim the people of georgetown ha eervthtns lo be proud of in the wa thci hindled the in tcrnational bantam hockev tournament thanking jou aam mrs norma stacey n hl in i i i km i ru li wiir uu n th m li iiidln inrthd us li t k easter visitors at limehouse superior foods win hockey championship lint ui ohjeclnt had uol bet n k uhed ihe dislritl quola was sjilmi md onh si 200 hds hn n siihsitihed lo date toronto convention i out deli tlt s icporttd n u tfiitii s rft ihe oronto eon venlioii miss joidan alis r hud mrs b chard and mrs it i ttle rl meetnir is pi in md for ln hi al the homi of mis s mrlm 226 delicx bhd and i th ponhip mayor vittted ih mivor of oderith mis lm kt ikh in if i bur j wit he nine janssn mi mi v lit i f ior re lit with mr tn i mr i oh n mr i iv ih i w h up from altierta fnr a wek our sup nor i nod- tie tin i1 iidunal llhk uhmk ha 11jh lis jn a i i1ti di th mie sun lv itkllloni sljhi 1 mild hronto domos 7 i to i p the ille iftn lronlo bmiurd nni imiu hockey skating make lh uort bi in their dresing iooiii diid pi r community party gay su congratulated each piaj- washed in mget thexwostorri today no obllgatiowl make your wafer 10ft o rata f plumbing heatmg and electrical contractor ph tr 7359215 mill st lst bintk 1926 hnrnbv niht in millon a re rid over mlnne f m the n jn t a hilf in in carl o mi at i m iv ikd fainih i mni i mill niwl n ruddcll t ii i i mi- ii ii in i i ih i in n mr in u li md ih hlu n in 1 mi k i i hillslniull w hi mi lm s one in list k ii it u ii hr m i w s u i n nli i 11 in l i fiom uu h t nlulm i i mr- 1 inpli f ii mill mi h been t nine with h r d null lir mrs inmes sunt all few wtks ite i tin i pi nip p hundri d attc nded wilh the nir r and old alike enjoviug in spivps m rs i- red tuck is one ol ihe oldes skaters n r the matr led m en prbv 1 the v uh id st 11 pla hockev b i ihv lied 33 uh ihe n i nn n ih e joi ie hovs 1 a f t me o hikr nh till i ri 2 j h ii lis t llllllu nil s 1 loks f i in n th din ii il e nl and d i in r aj pit el u n lo 10 hi 1 l 11 in it 1 am helpei 11 1 1 l inn o ire tie im h otht i s pi r i h d- id- mr h i i shi ad her enl the hoi linton i would like thank all friends ang neig hours for iheir words of cm fort and lhuuhlf nines tan and lowers received aft ihe pas- of i nhei zealand mrs james engagements mi tnd mis iteimll h t i sk n i dowmii l belmont venut dm i i mmmi west announte ihe engari i um li i in nj inetil of their dauhler donn i on sun i iv jo lo rithard a sienko tor onto son of mr and mr henrv mr it j ti smf i sienko of eoigrtown the fi m iiikninj wedding will take place mav the hilnldvs hlh at 4 p m al highland baptist church kitchener mr jdins n iolth i wi h to ihdiil the friends diid rclalnes their loveh tards and flm while i itos pilal and suite returning home your thoujhtfulness is deeplv appreciated mrs eva ourh b b plastering new homes pla5tered repair work phon tr 7 9737 14 wiring commercial domestic john lenz rglafrd matter elactncian electrical contractor tr 7j4h tf john t armstrong clo all lines of insurance 1 sf main strmt senrth tr 7 wii tf dave williams registered bonded maiter electrician all tvpes or wiring gas and oil burners sales and service tr 73322 19 elgin st tf hamilton construction general contractor r beeney i plumbing heating tinsmithing rtt 1 georgctown if tr 7 362 l robertson electric industrial commercial residential pboae truncic 7 2s24 georgetown tf brick block roncrple and earpentrj work tr 73480 1 reid ct tf moving storage fas movers anywhete in canada and i sa full insured n snyder tr 74896 tf medallion gold bond aluminum px siding excavatt grading trenching by lyn dale tr 77 m canadas only 10 smooth siding a guaranteed daymond product when l comes lo resurfacing your iior r you rm i i it medallion gold bond alum num sdnq it s if ei t t r ally baked on v iyl e lamel f rush s hcu fi i a ic w ii fflr ouilfls the 10 year guarantee you qc vv th th i ing gel full details and an estimate lodayi 25x40 single storey house complete with lebour and material 3600 1050oo open friday till 7j0 pm 7r ml james st georgetown ont 12 church st acton phone 41 franklin prouse motors ltd we belong to the new provincewide service program for used car buyers guaranteed warranty 15 discount on all parts and 15 discount on all labour for one full year on any guaranteed warranty used car i mth 0 nrn trailer nin ill mint pni l i buy your net t to the guaranteed warranty progri ihrrs of tne ile riiimml llrl 1 i this we belong rfll d i i thp nli lo the deilor from i i or whin lrvlhn tn nn dalcr ii if nn hitud uhithiih mrmhir- n i then show ihe dealer your war he will then discount s from your placement part ancf labour the guaranteed warranty program n the tint and only province wide uttd car warranty plan approved by the toronto ontario automobile dealer aitociation buy your warranted uied car from us we display this emblem receive 15 repair discount for one full year 100 participating ontario dealers on sate this week end at your t superior food market georgetown special reg price 49c save 10c lb flavortite pure pork sausage lb 39 schneiders grade a 2 lo 3 4 lb frying chickens lb 39 or 489 frozen beef chicken turkey or steak kidney be pk york pies seacliffe white mitchells fancy potatoes applesauce 2 35 2j1 crown nabisco corn shredded syrup wheat 29 1 23 super special reg 19c loaf sunbeam mealtyme v bread 2 oais 2 j rose jam sale with pectin christies assortment strawberry raspberry pectin with pectin 45 43c ient riviera biscujts 33 fresh produce features florida no i white new potatoes 5 lbs 35c california iceberg cal salmon flesh lettuce cantel0upe 2 heads 29c ea 25c pncm effactiv thil weekend thurtj fri sat apnl 13lh 14th and 15th

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