Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 13, 1961, p. 2

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by dorothy barks how cm any housewife 01 i shopping habits much faster tabliih any motivation in her fr lovvei buying pattern or confidence a any product any more ev biy week another of her fa rite brands is marked 10c off nt the label changed to a more- appealing colour t the finally has to enlist the aid of a clerk to find it on the sup ermarket shelf if f thought it would do anv good 1 would make a sandwich board protesting marketing radices hang it around my deck and march up and don iajront of the parliament bull seek more donations as red cross total lags the red cross which has i blood donor clinic arc well figuratively been retarded as a established local k home ours local i stamp or a rnarkdown in the opposite corner of mv mind on this miserable morn ing is an argument i had with a fellow passenger on a recent trip to ottawa it was his opi nion that passenger l ravel by train was becoming obsolete for once 1 was luck for 1 had in my purse an authority with which to back up m contention that there will alwavs be a need for travel bv rail mv authorits was no less than erwm d canham prota- abl one of the best known and most respected editors this continent he wrote in christian science monitor we can learn a good deal from the challenges of nature one lesson is thai our urban and tv ruial so eh niiil new be i dependent upon f plus sign is showing a s7e ing and first aid conliihulcd to community bet unnenl a well slocked cup board of sick room supplies is available for the asking water ftafplj instruction courses hsie hem oftind in season and l course iht tied t rov is al bj in anv time inus impaign for funds campaign ovur with a 2200 quota and a one day blitz campaign over the society has received scar ct ly more than half the hoped for money many industriis oiiramat ions and individuals who in the past have supported red cross have not yet been heard from denw clinic t iht red cross besides ils mternajjonal sei many thing- people an of disdstlr sand cheque if ou wish to make j hon and cn not iti al our home or busnies- ides its call rr 7 2hri or 2185 provides jour thiquc lo the cai inch int dl treasurer bovef liarlarfd ell aware the canadian bank of in two missionaries are speakers at st johns he march m elm of ihi ning aumiihiv of si lohn ted hureli look i he four an faster iuhh i stings io ottawa as long as mj mouses could take it wi i had beenin the gal try the day a brief requesting c outlawing of trading stamps prevented to the prime niiter i would like to hue llared one of twose dapper come tolall ng page and had him the automoble or the airplane hurcji hall sent another slip of paper either for long range trans p 5th testing premiums h go port i about iv nunihirs and half way to cure the evils i the lailroacis must be pies fru ixls weie welcomid bv the modern come on practices eived and improved and rapid president mrs o m brivvsur haps if stamps premiums transit along rails in our metro after which rev 1 m homing the so manv cents off ha politan areas is vitallv needed i said grace reorganisation in some ca the serviettes for the dinjur aes refinancing in others bet were donated bv the caiinr su ter combinations of lines and mbers of the hi i svstems moie efficient and ec group assisted in seivinj a dp onomical use of labour capital j hcious dinner ii i nomas to purchase nevv and belter i routen aeconipdnied at the equipment all these and m piano bv mrs janus man nv other steps marv be needed j ang two lovelv solos io save rail passenger iran j o 1 bnwsur uiliodm portalioit bill sdved tl sure i et t lie lvw guest sp iktis tyn uning in hiainploi uediilmliij u rtikiis pent iam tilt were all outlawed we could egin to assess the absolute va e of our shopping dollar realue it isn t as eas as collaring a page bo lo get a bod of recognition for a came ng a session of our reder government it wa just mv little wav of leading up my contention that pi king eolation and packaging of erything from disposable dla to headache relief pills no wrinkle no shrink m lo uncle dans cook have gotten all out of pro on to the relative cost of article what are we pav i tor package label or the yet there behind thecellophane need for the rail i iblul of su buy em in quantity and save prices effective april ii 14 15 wa raaarva ttia right ts limit quantitiaa donald puck sweet 20 01 tim fresh grade a predressed frying of roasting 2i lo 3 lb average chickens lb 33c combination offer 1 pkg tablerite side bacon alicad rind i si a lb 1 pkg tablerite wieners 10 01 pkg au i pkg royal guest sausage small link for i d wi tiijimilbv i 1 should be tin ecmn die lut speil of course it mat be lhit i sellf mhi rthunu tin relativelv fewer passenger runs senior phvsman at tin hospital i will be required and perhaps f suk childitn based 1ns ad dm smaller trains than in the old dress on matthew 20 vtrsis mei davs and manv passenger ser 1620 he told of his part in and vices have gone never to ret spreading the gospel through the turn we have lo he realistic out the world from a powerful fiv a basic radio station in south mrt irs are hovsever and of the work being done prnv oh sure it all adds up to j much we improve the airplanes among the primitive ura rttfing more people and use in bad weather fdians in fttiadnr bv on sun da e preparing n the near afternoon ack supper to take a future and kmc on a s a hnhriav prmr in ihi t of unleiprm from new cjed ork ntv would n t really care if the bui if the rails remain an was honest if it noled important resource in long riis piolemanl m there was 10c worth of pro- lance passenger travel not lo we slam therr 10c worth of bottle 10c mention freight whioh is still ir silverthorn of promotion and the more needed how much lending ghnstia nppoiting a koi matning 1 7c for the small more vital rapid transit bv rail which includes 10c off for is in our spreading urban com t wages of those responsible plexes here ihe automobile u the production of the com almost choking the- life giving ity and a profit along the arteries of the metropolis tor manufacturer and mer mr canham is not alone in nt we aren t am of us such thinking premier islie fokl we all know there are frost of ontario has shown in whioh have to be added teresl in transportation facili very item but my hat is i ties for metro toronto donald and qui to one manufacturer who gordon canadian nationals a popul marketed his cake mix president and liberal leader stephens a plastic bag passing the lohn wintertnever met with the sage with ng to the customer ontario premier recentlv to film which far- a lam concerned this discuss a solution for traffic power of c of honesty will hook my congestion one famih second erl siephens ical with his wife i nited lhiiuh hasp bella bc and fro o the belgian oi republic of t ongo lebcc btc trees removed pork side ribs legs or breasts freih meaty fresh chicki cuti uortage koiis smoked pm lb 49c lb 65c choice 15 o ims aylmer peas with pork i5oi nns clarks beans milk tall tins iga evaporated 1 1 oi bll aylmer catsup 7l 7l 6l a gold mine of vitamin c no i grade florida oranges lettuce bananas orange juice aylmer 10 oi una tomato soup dr ballards champion 1 dog food piusburr choc fudge spice or white cake mixes choice halves 15 oi tins aylmer peaches white swan white or colored toilet tissue 10 standard cream style devon corn peek frean 8 biscuits peek frean in pkgs si 00 crisp under gdn frvsl no 1 ig sua 24 1 flavor no savory tropical 2 29c 2 lbs 29c cucumbers l 2 29c radise without death his century witnesses the successful three day con this convention ntion of jehovaha witnesses port brought mu id in bridgeport this past nd jo to mrs 4nna paul kend was attended bv 1 107 waterloo mrs paul is 82 legates who were there to vears old she slated i re ir the main bible discourse member when there were onlv t twentieth cenlur in ix jehovah s witnesses in kit me phophecy this was chener waterloo district m livered bv mr t r jones 1911 and now there has been toronto district supervisor a marked mcrea in ihis di conv erted i through to the christian ihe medical missionarv wt a question period foil during which those in thr lence had an oppoylunil find out some firt h i ledge of the situation in congo 1 bridge rih rans evpres- happiness the th ers for ihu ballinafad nd lo the watchtower sociel- day at 3 p m kncvuraglng facts mr jones in discussing this ic staled those who look the bible in hope of finding uraging facts about the hire should not be surprised find critical times included forecast for the twent th century wars rood snort earthquakes increase irict and ihe world ovei it makes me er happ to be here wilh so manv delegates to enjoj ihe fellowship and a woe lation 1 hope 1 shall be able to attend many more such gatherings full binaftt a hard of hearing section was set aside for the deleg needmg hearing tfhs head phones with individual volume control were provided to help all gel full benefit from the bible program mr r alton circuit super visor and chairman of the con vention slated when asked whv do jehovah s witnesses meet everv su months these iher cru temperance speaker at ballinafad service martins sodding trangl 74111 used refrigerators for your cottage wig0 as low 4995 caramel crunch golden wheal nice small rich tea biscuits kraft velveeta 2 lb loaf loaf cheese iga 1 lb pkg margarine 6sl 10- si 9sl e 4sl 5st s 7l 5sf ortcako oi 1 club midtown open hunt up he hiliunir ma hidden in thr attic and go all out for our spmik sum jor he most enjowblr nights i il ever have hveryone own is welcome thi fridai the uld and irself to the rlost open thei the r jur arch i wm find vour hem io 1 super duper sun meet nc clothes take of mith balk and pre rn for ihe hig daure u and whits strut on miritiiwn for one of woolev willmgham will do the honnuis as we take our weeklv trip in musirville he 11 be his usual charming self just a fairh bubbling over with vim vigor and vitahlv so be sure to be there i rannnt connim the definite date of nur invasion of tanad isn bandstand bttl it might be april 22 well the stanley tup finals are well under wav and i pro rlaim o the world that i am a rlack hawk fan and id give mv ce teeth if ihe hawks win the cup in i h i il could he there o pu u no hold imi id f that ivmld k p the muiiujit ride of the iv cliff shep an 1 in h ujlii lhinrf week see 1 midtown i lake care remember about climb- success ii ith mr and mr- j and a collapse in morals all prophesied for this gen uon bui then it also speaks a group of pedple preaching bout the righteous kingdom of a war of god againsi all ickedness followed b a par diae earth without death all b realized in the twentieth convenlions a he also related that del nor revivals thev are if not material possessions quile dignified gatherings of t can au ones life with inve christians intent upon filling d purpose in living that bring heir minds with bible wisdom t happiness science does at witnesses assemblies ihere i have the answer ou musl no wild emotionalism somewhere else lo gods nois religious manifests reth 1cln holidays t used ranges 24 and 40 from 2495 scotch bakery the holy bible roach out saturdav evening 769 dele tea gathered for bible dis ion on the theme reach t for a more complete mm a program of talks and onstrations well illustrated this could be achieved bv witnesses saturday afternoon t new bisters were ordafned during baptismal semce at this mohy each witness be a preacher this makes aha witnesses t h i sfa largest bodv of minis each of them has made itudjr of gods word the believes it and has made bit mind to live by jt and it to others walk in nam i opening session friday mi attended by 60s oner io hear th ad af welcome on fhe subject there is happme hearts glow with happiness thai comes from leaving behind all barriers and dimraclions lo gel logelher for three dass m a model assemhlv communitv where jehovah spirit and in lense love for one another manifest nself in christian orderliness consideration and coopera i ion 1200 moals to enable all lo enjov christ lan companionship even at mealtime a cafeteria was oper ated bv the witnesses thev served over 1200 meals io nour h the delegates mr george brand ford pres idtng mtnisier of ihe george town congregation related lhat twenlv other departments were also necessarv to help make the convention a success tht ciorcctown hirald jelly rolls date nut loaf 40c coffee c cake j noxf to canadian lag ion p tr 73481 spkial plirchastr in stivers toggery shoppe girls coats all wools flannel tweed and velours m the serous loveliest styles and shades some of thejat coas have hat- to match sizes 2 to 14 special 10oo cash your ram ly allowance cheques in our children s toggery shoppe free draw every month winner for live montn of march mrs verna frousi 1 1 margaret street georgetown look your headquarters for goodyear tires is hicken clapham co ltd maple ave west representative for elmwood tire rva when you need tires see us complete range of long mileage goodyear tlret generoua tradein allowance- on your old tires 1 fast efficient repair service on all makes and types of ttres best tire values in town for light lunches dinners home mad rset prop in to check corrbk bar maple ave west

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