Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 13, 1961, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson newspapers limited publication serving the communltlev of georgetown glen wllllama norvat umehouse hornby stewarttown ballinotad aahgrovst terra cotta thursday april 13th 1961 editorial comment everything was good easter week will be a highlight in georgetowns history in years lo coirie over 500 young hockey players their coaches and managers and large conting ent of parent and friends converged on georgetown to put the international ban tam hockey tournament over with bang whicjl resounded for miles it was a wonderful week of activity a week of hard work for dozens of ladles who prepared and served the hun dreds of meals which brought such high pfaisefrom visitor aweek of hard work for executives referees timekeepers and dozens of men who helped around rhe arena week of excitement as players were billeted in homes and a week of pleasure for youngsters who made the arena their headquarters and for hockey fan of all ages who were treated to a fine cahbrepf port thinking back to a chamber of com merce executive meeting early last summer one realizes how big oaks materialize from acorns that day jack gudgeon who has been intimately associated with minor hockey as each suggested that georgetown should sponsor a tournament for bantams similar to those operated in godench and milton for other age groups the chamber explained that it has no way of raising funds and could not sponsor i tournament but voted a small monetary reading is important next week canada celebrates an an nual event canadian library week and with a fine week of sport just concluded it is important to remember that torne stress should be placed also on read ing habits of our young people the best young person is one who combines the right proportions of physical and mental activity equally important to physical prowess is mental stimulation more important in fact because intellectual development is longerlasting than any skill acquired at sports one can enoy a good sck many years after hitting a baseball or chasing a hockey puck ts past ones cap acity assist and moral support with the sugges tlon that the three service clubs be asked to head up an initial committee one thing led to another and after meeting or two decision was made to take the plunge and walter red asseltine who already spends the bulk of his spare time siding hockey and lacrosse activities was pressed into service at chairman and with red at the helm the tournament could j not possibly fail the organization of such en ambitious undertaking is terrific and only those who were privileged to sit in on the meetings could realize the endless amount of detail which the committee was faced with invitation letters were the first step trophy donors had to be found between game entertainment provided transporta tion of players to their billets the meals and billetting were maor problems to solve booster tickets had to be pushed to raise enough money to put the committee over financial hurdles referees and time keepers had to be found especially for the daytime games there were bound to be hitches and discouragements but surprisingly enough these were in the minority and to the uneducated eye one would have thought that the george town tournament had been going fori years so smoothly did it operate j it was a fine week and one for which we thank the men and women responsible i georgetowns library is an activity in which every young person mould have an active membership the world of books is a fascinating one and good reading habits acquired in childhood stand one in good stead in later life usually tha library board plans spe cial promotion for the week but this year i promotion is by way of improvements in process to rhe building which preclude any special displays pernaps the best way we can show our interest is to read an extra book next week sugar and spice by bill smiley s you ever h l my wallet wha old this was my ions com shot down and pasted thernrin merit when he learned tha the book under the youthful other day that id ben bom in i illly but harmless heeding my 1920 just a couple of years i comforters after world war i youd havei thought it was immediately fol lowing the gay nineties to hear his tone despite the fact that some of those girls are now doubtless on the verge of grandmother- hood the old lady got sore she gave the snapshots one long searing look gave me an other sneered oh werent ytfu the charmer and flounced off to bnlsh her washing kim looked pleased there k only one comfort a the years rush by ones apt values change conveniently when you are 10 anybody over 31 is mlddlaaead by tha time you are 15 yoy roe i lie that people arent miowaaod until theyre 30 or more whan you 1 dacidod to take a look thr- ara 25 middle ago begins at ouh th old book mywlf entf 40 and when you are 40 you spent thoroughly enjoyable are mrtni tn the knowledge hour like an old maid with tier that you wont really b in faded ribbons end bar dance middle ago until you are about programs it took me from ss i the dreariness of early april rom the morass of mlddll- c domesticity back to a time i was young and tough of twentieth century golgotha tins dipanlv in point v it w is brought home to me with some force when im talk ing lo teen agrrs nt school one da we alt ww a dim on the histoiv of flight it contained some shou of atrial cornbil in world war i completely irresponsible slightly wicked i ik n and the names many of them forgotten of the mot- lev crew i m barracks wonder what jannie de wet of later i remarked jokingly f wd that id enloymg seeing some ibs ta jorgenson controversial corner of the old aircraft myself in those days didn real war i pilot they osjo how does don mcgib- nt get the joke they bo of bu f aboul th ly thought id boon world iot h rhodesia n homo i whan become if tonv hasing been interested in politics for the pa i twtntv vcirs and associated with politic and political affairs for nun h of i that time i have come lo the conclusion that pn plr in ililu office wio bclice tint dogmatism is mis u id nuum n u i th it i unreasomd oonvuuon shows peisoml irt turtli pom a unit threat tn iho arirninislntion probablj the best example of the tinid mini is illutr it r by that famous quotitinn i mind is mid up l n i mhic me with the facts as i prow older in tin- 1iim v h nunc aw an of mort mil more people who have in irli lliur munis on a host of complix conlrolfii s without having in i h mi el fori to obtain din of the fids of bit riming the past will provide a real the public torn lo cbc program containing a high hls wmild inaktl ai or different canad asked them sharp a program which ola lht thought i was of the slickness of particular sweet girl in trade the czech iromholo of alameda cal 1 did clancv learv ever jet his ktm dairj farm going in ajsauvlid how on which side of the iron cur- one tain did rostisia hanovsky land ik but is not yet dom interminable com chamber of commerce week and yet another week this one de voted to the chamber of commerce is in hw offing to focus attention on tha work which this organization performs georgetown is one of the fortunate communities which possesses an active chamber a group of community minded men devoted to serving rne town and mak ing it a continually better community like ail organizations the chamber of commerce has no limit to the work it can do and unlike some groups it has no iimit and no restrictions on membership while it expects to have a targe proportion of merchants and industrial representatives the chamber equally welcomes private cit izens for everyone can b a booster for his town if you aron t a member and want to i join do it now a warm welcome awaits i you j 10 said you dpn t look it there were the craiy car- toons by chuck the mad uk- show bitter thats why a lot of us world r spoofing the gormen good here war ii veterans who keep th were tha old prisoncamp formal inter thinking the war was ust a reelpos for turnip am and i mv opinion few years ago should pull our oron whisky and powdered r further heads out of the sand miv pe thore were tho in- med bv com i crodiible storios like that of en five mm i v1lll dutch lad who was shot we maj feel that practaalu rtd jou but we should real wbol t re still blades lhat a i has i hen remolt iimun wa i ictltrs froi horrible i the my daughter cerpl- from thev were leir thoughtless- w i h k rjf b wo then hli anon- hor example we are just the same its fun to sending wu a fiveear calcn look back about the ssme day dar feeling it ma come in iple my son was relegating me to handi and this one from a the the horseless carriage era wife im afraid im going lo while prowling haw a bab his father is a ething jo read anadnin and cr nice he 1 p came across my old pnsonerof sas he is sorr for jou and is tne war log book she went through sending ou some cigarettes ncs it in one sitting from time to she looked at me curious- there was the long list of yebrow nd things to do when t sot out pubs girls and restaurants to be revisltod places to soo gifts iit was in lhat to b there was tha entire i found out count in tiny ly cocked dime id forgotu i u book ouns kim uilh m and mom bht two pacs a d to her mother look at this wa pointing to philogiiph f ladies urges complete program for proper conservatign r proper upstream management lone u not enough lo sowe hood control problems tn the lower reaches of a watershed the rotary club of toronto was told qr o ross lord p eng jalnnin of the metropolitan toronto and region conserta tiod authority said a complete ly coordinated scheme is requi led which makes use of the best conservation practices as well s control dams evacuated flood lands and channel im provements in explaining the function of a conservation authority such i the mtrca dr lord drew attention to the 36 million hood control plan now awaiting federal government approval frie plan which is designed to eliminate flood disasters such u created by humane haze in the metro area calls for construction of 14 dams acqui ittioil of 7400 acres of flood plain land and channel impro vements to regional streams he described conservation as tn undertaking which involves 11 of the people in the com sntinity and also as an enter prise supported by nearly ev svyone with vetpr few oppon exits this wm natural he pointed because it deals with the aj green epe the planting of trees and ajttnba the control and wise nse water and be prevention lord noted there are 30 conservation authorities now es tablished since 1946 in the province thev embrace 438 municipalities and cover 16353 square miles ho described conservation work by the authorities as being a partnership endeavour between the municipalities and the pro incial government since each pajs 50 per cent of the cost of financing conserva tion projects he alto noted that a conserva tion authority is a corporate bods with the powers and to carry out works and levy coats among the municipalities tn ita jurisdiction with the animal levy being on a per capita ba sis in 1960 the ordinary budget of the mtrca was about 1300 000 which amount to 39 centi per capita he satd dr lord pointed out that the metro authority now operates su conservation areas for the publics use with a total area of 3729 acres and we are add ing to bhem at the rate of 600- 700 acres each jear he noted that the toronto region is still far behind some of the large- u s citaes such aa cleveland which has 40000 acres of open space th p has afauwii its approval of our areas by creasing lta attendance from i57q00 in 19s7 to 850000 last fear be safety tips john j lemmon safety supervisor of colonial coach lines ltd and in veterate producer of um que safety ideas has sug gested that motorists can keep clean with ddt what he means is keep your driving clean with de fensive driving tactics better to have a light foot than a heavy heart use low beam headlights behind as well as when approaching another veh icle at night fall asleep at tha wheel and youll hit more than the hay walk carefully avoid that rundown feeling rarely shaken the mm willi i rl i- is ranh sliiki n in hi ions his mind i s made up ofh n support strong ckii that hi m it diffietill to umlt rt others should rwiliniial tie with dm pnibli nis ppsed of so quirkh there us no problem 1 the available facts he i opinion that onk i facts are av nlable li important- that the formed lo d i in n i ptclels im ilul to mot likewise of no import independent tv on channel 9 10 and 25 years ago echoes from the pages of the herald april 11 1951 and april is 1936 10 years ago hat had happened to me after t was shot down a comedy of errors i and there right at the back of the book tucked into a little flap was something thai br- nigh me up with a jolt ita was a head and shoulders photo of a oung fellow scowling at the canilid he was whisker and dirts but there wasnt a 1 liu in his face his ejes were cleir and haip he had a shock of thick dark hair and he looked av lough as tow rope i looked at it for quite a while ms rue- if i he then i got up and went into hamiliar m etirgctow n th bathroom and looked in the musk circlt- s ed capps mirror and i saw the deep dud ai lis brampton home furrows in the face and the bleary eyes with the purple nnrwl res hammocks under them and hs bunda e munhti- i if the ippiing till mental weakness man with tin don t njured ki themsi ivp ix is ii a- a good thes will caplure in mil hockes an l bmih havt res lock id city life when the young lady was leaving to live in the city her mother warded her not to go to the apartments of any young men do not go if they ask you because iu be terribly womed abe said the young ladys first letter read something like this it wa just as yon said mother th very first one asked me to go to hli apartment but i refused i took hint to my apartment instead let his to have the the the mind in iv not alwai because of stupiditv t weakness rrequentl sidered comictions of those thai thev wiih in order lo continue a li self deception the mm beats his wife mav hfisr conviction that it does th girl good to have a s across the face now and- he closes his mmd tr idea thai his opinion rru a wrong one tn order 1 able to tie with himself man who h voted for jjiar tncular polutical partv all his j life may close his mind lo the tda thil a gosernmcnl h thni party mav he a had one if he opetls his mind n m iv he established that he h is been i wrong in the provincial and federal governments where the party sjstem is in oper ation a continual pressure is i exerled on mp s and mit s to vole and speak in support of the partj line to close iheir minds to effective and reasoned comments which member- of other parties provide this sjstem can only result in dec- isions of great importance to ns all being made not on the the district at a glance rock wood notice w is rjivcn at meeling of the trustee police illij of hikw a motion will hi minx the iu i rt ml r mi incnrpiiritc the cmmi a villas midst h 1 1 mr mcmillan cl1 in ardenl raid j rr while raiders 1 bld hifh the teamleiv ipported th m whiih he ha i- niihl disbimi the i b the low u coun nclniling anv fund iit0 in the 1b51 lpy graying hair and the general color of a milk pud ding i looked at it for quite nd i picked up ms log book with the photo of that soutig fellow anrl i took it down tel ir and i put it in a box ajid i placed a large trunk on top of the box nd just befon i mounted the stairs again 1 al- uled mere is a casual flip of the hand toward that cor- m burlington lock hart 75 years ago li iorgtlo over pton s wding at brai mi i llo bcciimmg seriou the ho-pilil- lorndors ire being ued for w ird and hods bcini whi i lirt lo in olher room now hive onh six inthts on ciltu r mile because of the rln bed a request to the counts for m0 wmt to imr tti nldul hmpi 1 w s tn d di- w irned town eoui thi v didn t get gotnc wilh permissions for local developemeln there would lie litile building there in ltl the mill rat there went up mills orangevilli ihrot loomed roman cath i then i squared my shoulden pulled in my pot donned pleasant look and slightly fai ormg my arthritic knee walk ed up the stairs whistling to i help with tho dish acton commenting on the leorse town raider demise the acton free press rernirks if the club runs true 16 form they lions club held their first nual business mens site 1 at the hole mcgibbon on mon- day evening a large number i nf local businessmen were i i guests of the club ex mav or i slewari of toronto the kuest speaker e tin mem bu ship of the mged wheelers evele club is increasing b leaps nd bounds in just a weeks separate school will be j time the membership has jump- j in onngesiue this year e from 15 to 30 on saturday ill l tin first sepirnte j wilcox and george riddall i aii bji i in tlu hlvlnrs nf duffrr il ounpoli m ihe 25 mile 1 harles aileen bradley lints learn race at exhibition park npw toronto erln e the local hvdro lommis sion are bui arranging 1or the installation of new electric street lighting on main georgetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited eorgetow n ontaftn walter c biehn managing editor oarfleld l mcgllvrey production supenntendenl office staff basis of what is right hut on probably enter some sort the basis of which parts tig protest although it could is applied to which particular trifle cmbirnssinc for them linoltoa with the oha prexjr residing kire of unknown origin completely destrojed the poullrj barn of dave root iltntnrf 5ui line ne exinjust norlti i of 24 hiphwiy included n tho loss were 1450 lay- ne chickens feed and trae ainrtatirsts as ordered by the town council when completed georgetowns business section will be second to nona in illum ination editor accountant mel beatt advertising manager plant staff l m clwk dave hastings b baskerville mjle gilson dob m member o the canadian weekly newspapers astociauon and the qntari i division of the gwna

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