Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 13, 1961, p. 8

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laple avenue baptists ice history to 1953 dally the maple avcnue tot church began seven i ago in the odd hollows 1 on easter sunday but lis lbs can be traced further fthan this in the summer 1839 in the home of wil ganton 93 john street a bible club was conduc for a few weeks during inner months jnee many of the children attended these meetings not attend any sunday it was decided that a pday afternoon bible school 1 be held at the home of hill 91 john street the sunday school car- i on throughout the winter tb54 in mr hills home i then mocd to the odd i lows hall on taster bundav lerace aptistundav school r the name given to the new up during this time rev wardcll of the calvary bap- t church in brimplon gave lipand guidance to the- r sunday school which con- moet in the after i mav of i9o5 rev bruce was called to be the jfeor of the little jroup while wu still a seminary stud rev penny is presently tor of fhc burford baptist l near brantford under his ministry the fledgling church grew to a membership of 40 with a sunday school av crago in the 90s during his ministry two important steps were taken the organization of the church and the purchasing of a parsonage at 137 prince charles drive the grace bap tist sunday school became he- grace baptist church on dec ember 14th 1956 when the church congregation became at filiated with the fellowship of evangelical baptist churches of canada dr morley hall who officiated at that important meeting will be on hand this week to bring greetings from the fellowship to the maple avenue baptist church on tuesday night april 18th in july i960 rev brucc woods of waterloo ontario was called to m the pastor of the grace baptist church sim ultaneously with the call of rev woods a spacious lot was purchased on maple avenue and plana for the present church were begun in view of the new location it was decided that the name for the new church would be the maple av enue baptist church completion of the new edi fice marks the end of the chur ch mission stage with its attend ing hardships and the begin ning of a new responsibility rev ba woods called to church last summer rev b a woods was called to the maple avenue baptist church last summer while the hurcbwaa still meetingin thtr odd fellows hall rev woods is a graduate of the university of western ontario and holds the degree of bachelor of arts from that institution he also is a graduate of the dallas te chnological seminary dallas texas from which school he holds the master of theology degree while intcxas rev woods was the pastor of the pleasant grove bible church in addition to these responsibilities he worked with the public rela l department of the g wtujoduatxie a charitable organization that specializes in the employment and training of handicapped persons before going to the united states rev woods was the pastor of the arthur baptist rev b a woods church for three years rev and mrs woods reside at 137 prince charles drive and hava three children mark age 8 deborah age 5 and davia who is 3 yfeckjrf meeting anned or opening the dedication of maple ave baptist church will be followed by a special week of meetings on sunday the new church edi fice will be dedicated as a part of the community of george town on tuesday the church will be dedicated as a member church of the fellowship of ev angelica baptist churche of canada rev guthne from or illia will be the speaker from wednesday through to friday rev h hindry of hes- peler rev j boyd of guejph and rev martin wedge of lon don will speak in this order monday evening will feature a special rally or young peo ple and will be concluded with a time of fellowship around doughnuts and chocolate milk missionary society meeting twice a month and filling a special place is the maale avenue baptist vms last year the w m s gave over 100 to missions redecorated the parsonage and gave a spe cial gift to the building fund over and above their sewing activities mrs gordon garner 18 chip per court is the president of this group throughout the year a number of missionaries hava been brought in to tell of their work this year nigeria has been in special focus with mm ines pcnnv representing sudan interior mission also from this mission mrs cyril forth and mrs jack phillips told of their work with the moslems of the north and the kent academy schools the work of the congo was given a fine report by miss bertha belch new church at night peter jones georgetown illumination of v vfe avenue baptist chuich g ves a sink ng effect br iqiq ou the sou hern colonial aichilec lure ti e chuiui was formerly grace bapt it and met n the ioof hall before erec y ti s at ract ve bu id ng ted at the right is mr ken gould who is pointing out a rss of the bible to one of the pupils looking on with proval mr william ganton the sunday school superin dent rpical sunday school lassroom features i colonial architecture for new 50000 structure k the ftirmsh iid have m foldiwv ipiruiiimch oonis wiih ludttionil nut turn rooms available ups urs inday school is an import feature in the new maple rue baptist church every i flday at 9 45 am the bojs 1 girls that go lo this bundaj i bool will have at their dispo- 1 1 the verv best of facilities j tuallv there will be three i tday schools earned on sun j uieouslv one for the begin m one for the oldtr pupils 1 one for the voun people adults bach bund school have it ow n opening ex fes ami us own teachers i to their ovn ave level lie beginner department ta i up to the ac of five and iquipped with foldawav class i and foldawav tables the futures the ta children around him with am pie table space for handwork the junior department also features the foldawav walls that permit double use of hie space opening sessions and actual classrooms can be held in the same room 1ccaiise of the practical use of the floor space dirlts will meel upsliirs and because of special care to soundproof the walls and c il ings they will be able to con i duct their own sundav school without the interference of other sounds a sunday school win can br built as the need arises inch a building would be construct cd south of the present edifice and would create two more dc the inw mp vcnuc b ip building litchidt list lhuicri i iciitcd neir the u s will cusi intersection of maple venuc olhxitl and ft ind uelph sine his her mi- c limnl trchi tic tore 1 landiniik in icoreiown the lr room georgar motif the insenunt jtthouji divicl s one jpprojihes lh build id fur sundiv school opens up in tin mainline ill steeple into one liie room ami ian binds with iht rileuudis in an be u i rt fur hiruiuots mil i ulst inilma eoriaii motif church senilis thi are mm 1iillowuu the 10i mnl slvlc the oelious kitchen iv equipped with nli rim is hnislnii m contract liuill m cupboards and iwo dou ins colours of white pink and ble sinks sold the piws arc finished with dnp mined pew bldus youn people contr istnu with white- punted the basement is tiled thr end tin church also features ufilmul with a nice ml as t nln thil will uciinimoil in- bctos ule and fi ituris three ii in jill pi rsniit nitknil a tolil hufflcho inl c nirls li puis psil n of j15 pong tables will il o in ivail ible and in iew of tins f t rlv nursery atftt slunliv n jit ming tin hi i mi ni of tin churth propl s fellowship is m the tikliirir tlmr bed nurstrv punninjj si ie i willi iiii f i iw i biskus ad i dedication j j unl u h inirsin is lb dnheilion of lln in w btuld i vnon fir toddlers wilh in is schedule for simdiv hull i p mpbinrils thr april ifi imihl n t fru mis varied program for church young people of i 111 1 ipl ui irili h is rn inuhrh imlu i 1 nun imitin v 11 family participation stressed for meetings there will be no opportunity for tdults in become lunclj in ihe m iplc inuc biptrst chur ch imp a month on friday uilhl the ad ills and the entire funih will hi ublc in yet toge- hir fir himilv it so often ehurih risunsililitils have tended lo diwdi the family with si parjle nieetnis for men women cirls ind lms t- imil nite will di just the opposite faiiuh in is designed lo bring the fjmih tncelher for a time i f piriluil refreshmj special speikers will lie brought in lo pnnule the misuse after a situ rurtlioii lolimiu the sp ike r time will he rimes mil i lime t r u 11 u up ar mini sinitwiehes unl uiffee i cribs play cupboards and toys are included in the nursery where parents can leave their youngsters during all servicot in the church toddlers babies are cared for in nursery on k n ehildun will nol h o it lij th s iniportint a two stage nursery has been iid i here ill lx niiis provided in the maple avenue baptist church three spacious cribs with air foam mattresses are available for older babies i nl rnifa it likl inn pro idt d so oim loether h utiand will be ic it the in miple alt aaii4flv lui utuci u and space is aalablc for two will also make the nursery an interesting place for wee jlola who are not old enough for church the nursery ispen for both morning and evening services and makes it possibly for parents to attend all church services at anv time of the vear a nursery attendant will ha on hand wilh an assistant lo make sure that order is kept and the children proper sup ervised i which put the teacher on inside of hi iirele and ikes it possible to seat ihe partmenls bringing the mini lie of separate sundav school div i si cms to five rttt7 adcaster can heard locally which o pie pi rl jbiplist ni 1h i ev r d guthrie b- d guthrie ts best for his wccklv radio tadeast from the auditor l of bethel baplist church l orillia everv suhdiv ev j and everj second sun morning rev tuthie a be heard over uor even far as georgetown rev rie has served on opening service brings i maple baptist visitors exceeding the expectalions of the congregation the opening yjfesi day of the maple avenue bap- list church was well attended the sunday school reached an all time high of 175 and the morning and evening services r many visitors dedication sunday will nol be lor another sundav since the congre j grflton wanted lo become orient cd in iheir new building first i over 500 a special thanksgiving offer ing was taken and a goal of 500 was exceeded over and above the regular givinj total giving- for the day amounted lo 680 i lo the ltoi 1 e ople s seirtelv lid central mrnn told of rii hiiildn in ltm minn chriif mistime t4ie m ipli it mrn mncrr r id tw i liilo niiilrd dtiel it t iiint uid prim the iluinli will ire combined i overflowing ii i e ii en ptned thil l baskets for infants handv to ihe nurserv are ihe kitchen fac ilides which are separated from the cribs by only a door the nursery for toddlers has built in pla cupboards plav stove and frig blocks and tovs line llifli i orel a unit ie r bt jllillli the suit i lus young peoples isiliirs baptist from the ork i liurch put in the program mil enjiived the tridifiotirfl thrist m is turkev dinner with all the rrwifafrte i i rev frank wellington rev l roblin the musical storyman dedication speaker in mm i the ui s people next important neiii hi 11 the mill nuve council of the fel of evangelical bp- t of canada for i is presently ehah mt mimoaj sunns service a sunrise service tn the morning marked the first of ficial service in the new chur ch in the evening service rev rank wellington gave a sample of the ivpc of program lhat he provides for ihe child ren in his weekday programs appreciation the congregation cx a real sense of appreciation for their lovely new building and expressed their salisfacl ioq y their sacrificial giving lor the day wis tin ndi i b voting people from lijptisl hurehes all over ontino the reinvention give ample opporlumtv for vimn people lo mix with dedicated vouth from other churches and i to see ihem at work j the proanm included two three act plus a musical pan 1 orami inmnel the world a ban ejuet and inspiring messages from dr john bahe of cleve land the theme for the convention wis cinadnn bapnst young people coins ilices beauti hillv d sphved on a iwenlv foot j b inner the h streamer fetl into the h uiels of the voung peo ple i mipli vemir biptist hiiich uid will be on displav lor mondav nights eiung peo maplc avenue baplist youn people are loukinii forward ot another big ear for lwl and i during baster week the al tendance to the maple avenue baptist easter vacation bible school reached a high of 550 children beginning with 303 the first da che attendance clunbed lo 380 on tuesday and to 480 on wednesday thurmlav was the high day with 550 anel on fnda 535 turned out to clima the week rndav even ing was a special program for adults and manv townspeople came out to see for themselves how rev wellington could at tract so manj children once gain the auditorium was filled to capacity as res wellington 1 fascinated his audience with the illuminated flannclgriph and the multicolored lights the talking dummies sang a duet and invited all the bos and girls to attend sunday school reponse to the meet ings was so favorable that rev wellington has been invited to relurn next hasler for a new series of children s meetings lpetcr jones georgetown five hundred fascinated ptm are imderwav for during easter week the attendance af the maple ave baptist church bible serhool rea- a rslh in niagara rails this ched a h gh ol 550 children- they were entertained by the musfcal story man with ilium 24th of may inaled tlannelgraph and puppets thk georgbluvvn hikalu thunday april 13th 1m1 page s rev l roblin rev l roblin pastor of fcha benton street baptist church in kitchener will be tfce spea ker for sunday dedication of the maple avenue baptist church as pam president of fellowship of evangelical baplist churches and mem ber of the 1961 cxcculiva council rev roblin has been active in the establishment of new baptist churches throughout ontario rev rob lin is perhaps best known through his radio broadcast which is heard every sunday evcningat 7pm over ckcr kitchener rff jfomin will v fair ing three time this sunday at 11 ajn and 7 pan and also al the special service of dedication which wih u bem m at 3 pjn

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