Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 11, 1961, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson newspaffw limited publication serving the communities of georgetown glen williams nerval rumehouse homby stewarttown baltinafad aihgrove terra cotta fage4 thursday may 11th 1961 editorial comment community chest might help possibility of georgetown adopting nw community chest type of fund raising has been raised by the chamber of com merce and it is a question which is worth studying as georgetown grows so does its or ganizations end there is a tendency for fund canvasses tobe centered in the spring month this yat for instance in the space of a month residents have been asked to donate to rotary easter seals the cancer society the school for retarded children fted cross and salvation army all in the space of a month or so all are worthy endeavours and all merit support but there is a real danger that if too many groups use the blitz type of door to- door solicitation the public will eventually become callous to all the appeals and there is also the fact that many canvassers who work for more than one 6rganlzation may be overtaxing themselves end will tire of their round of visits to the detriment of one or more groups on the other hand the community chest idea merits a careful study foe it too can have dangers the most obvious drawback is that people might not gear their giving to one lump sum and that a standard donation of a set amount to each group might shrink to the same donation in a collective drive to the detriment of all certainly a substantial amount of pub licily and advertising much more than is used in any one campaign would be nee essary to inform the public of the commun ify chest aims should such a measure be adopted take miracles for granted h sometimes seems that nowads s scientific progress is so speedy and so mir aculous that we are inclined to take it all for granted so rapidly have we advanced from the invention of the aeroplane to the laun ching of men in space that it would take n actual landing on another planet to stir us to the same fever pitch as for example lindberghs solo flight across the atlantic everyone has his personal memories of things wmch made an impression and to be honest the passing of the graf zeppelin over windsor when we were i out early teens the abovementioned lindbergh flight and the dempsey tun- ney title fight first radio broadcast of a major sports attraction are three which stay in our memory as making a bigger impact than last wetk s news of the space flight perhaps it is because scientific advan ces have become too complex for the aver age man to understand perhaps it is be cause once upon a rime we looked on an atlantic crossing as the zenith while now the expectations of landing on the moon are so real perhaps it is that modern man has become so used to scientific miracles that it takes a bigger and bigger one to shock him into wonderment whatever the reason we find that today there is not the fever pitch engender ed by exploits much more sensational than those of our childhood sugar and spice by bill smiley at a melting of die seventh conferenci of the canadia highway sdltly council hist wtek magistrate r toronto was critical of police of titer who issui motorists who violate traffic hws ik sail that the legal poi lion was simple all violators should be summoned to court 1 don t think the position is ver simple at all i think it is very complex neither do i think that public criticism of the police by magistrates does an good either towards improving law enforcement or to police morale which is generally too low already unique nomination procedure a unique method of ensuring that a political candidate has a maximum of sup port and that any aspirant has an equal chance of nomination has been adopted by the county liberal association last week at a burlington press confer ttnee four men indicated their intention of seeking the nomination for the next federal campaign now it is planned to have a series of meetings in various county centres with these four aspirants meeting area residents to put across their qualifications as candi dates and it is further in the plan that ny other citizen who might wish to seek nomination is free to do so at these meet mgs as they occur such nomination procedure is some what along the lines of the american sys tern when candidates vied for nomination within their own political parties in public appearances in ontario nominations have been usually ve led in a cloak of secrecy until the actual nomination meeting with prior campaigning being carried on in a behind rhescenes way and a cand date often not declaring himself until the door die effort at the meeting if on takes a blind arbitrarj uew of law enforcement then the position is very much sim plified a car driver doing 31 milesper hour in a 30 miu zone even if it is five o clock on s sunnv summer morning m a deserted street is charged another druer who proceeds through a stop sign at a walk ing pace with clear visibitv for a mile in any direction is also charged simplicity itself it all depends on whether ou are only interested in law en forcement or whether vou arc also inter sted in justice all laws traffic or otherwise art cieated to protect the pub lie and their propeit 1 lie true measure of a viulatiun is the degree to which it threatens these things it is obv i jus to most people pirliculirh those direetl invoked in law enforcement that under one perhaps halton may lead the way once of clr a person there are a number of items which require attention if traf fie safetv and true justice are to be promoted hand in hand a close look at our legislation on traffic is the first place to start tar greater emphasis on the element of danger or crim mal ncghgenco involved is ur gently required raising the driving age bv a year or tw is another urgent step rdcator consistency in magistrate s courts so that similar offences n received similar sentence would 1 hamilton streetsville bartrem of clerk of works has drawn up warnings to architectural plans for the con version of the old public school on queen st south to a new municipal building brampton mav or carman core has ajreid to chair a proposed meeting between the down town merchints and the mall merchants it is ex pectid that the two oppus ing factions will sit down together in an attempt to reach aktment on store- closing hours in brampton oakville this sunday is mothers day sod sentimental old thing that i am i get all choked up when i think of all the mothers in the world especially the unwed mothers for whom we should all have a special thought on this happy occasion jwit think 6f all th wonder ful mothers celebrated in song and story the first one of course was eve we don t know too much about ber as a mother except that she got us lucked out of the garden of eden and we ve had to work for a living ever since and she did make rather botch of bringing up those boys ot hers cain and abel one of them clobbered his brother and ever sine people have been going around bleating a a most tiresome manner am i my brothers keeper then there was that greek mother cluemnestra she was rather a livcl old skirt who married her own son after he grew up and killed his dad he was so annoyed when he found out that hi wife was not only old enough to be hia mo ther bu was hit mother that he is reported to have plucked out both his eyes end handed them to her it was from this modest be ginning that the dehghful cus tom developed of giving mother a little token of your esteem on mothers dbv in roman times there were some dear little old mothers too their only fault was an inclination to spoil their kids that s what happened to nero when he was little he was al ways playing with matches in stead of smacking him his mo ther thought it was sort of cute well you know how kids are next thing she knew he was emperor and tried to burn the whole city of rome historv is full of these de voted mothers who plajed such a splendid part in moulding the little minds of people like hen rv viii jaek the ripper and adolf hitler more with this new approach 10 and 25 years ago echoes home opening baseball game on saturday mrvay gibbons is len ding his support to the learn and will throw out the first ball a at the oregon thcitre the frisco kid dramatic pictunzation of the thrill i the pages of the herald ing pioneer das of old san may 9th 1951 and may 13th 1936 10 years ago a large part of the george town merchants ssocia tion meeting wcdnesdav much of the time was demoted to store closing hours retiring president james goodie t urged merchant to adopt b o clock saturday closing t ap eleven per cent increase j in hourly wage to employ ees of provincial paper ltd nd alliance paper mills fa include in a new contract negotiated recently by company and union officials 0 individual winners at the halton music festival were carol ottaway and roger add glen williams anna spitxcr of limehouse margaret bird waterloo marl francisco mr hobo starring george arliss alibi ike star ring joe e brown the mail bag thinks recreation needs can be met this way 59 sargent road georgetown ont may 6th 1961 to the editor dear sir without wishing to criticize anyone at all i must call cer tain facts to the attention of yourself and jour readers re girding the ymca question 1 we are blessed with at least 22 hardworking and zeal ous organizations al the prev ent time all devoted to our re organizations who are prepar ed to work on an advisor council for this very purpose w ho would receive immediate provincial aid in the form of information experience guid ance and financial assistance 6 we have had a public pro nouncement that such a bodv will receive immediately 10 acre for a community hall and recreational centre i vt here else in all canada i does such an kleil situation i exist where else in all god u fair edrth are all the necessary materials ling on the doorstep waiting to be used land mon e knowledge brains and hands everything but coop eration all we need to complete such a project already exists we inerelv have to join hands in mutual friendship hands which incidental are already extended invltlngl mr editor i submit that our question should have been win i y in heavens name whv yours trul j a brown be another logical mi at the end of all discussions on police one dominating fict remains the public attitude lhis is whv police problems are nt r simple the public at tilude iggrjvates them the hi d ruck of our socictv us liw t ar i oider and this is maintain ed bj our police force ourl police should be well respected well paid well trained men of kod sound common sense mi n of dilni and mtegrit this is not ciienll the case at the moment too often the mum eipality or province which em piovs them views the force as a necessarv evil and a non productive expense too often the o public n sent their i i hurts to enfirre laws which the neral public en ite d 1 hate lyn souther stone school and creation and welfare we are therefore blessed with a number of trained lead ers since we hae in operation a swimming pool a park with bay archer ashgrove bowling in a special mixed doubles tournament at 01 ympia club toronto pau line norton and harv chappel here high score of 1692 a moktu car is first prise is yiar5 ago f a reward will be paid for the conviction of an per son destroying the young tree being planted in central iwpirfc f the new gas and oil sta tion being erected on main street by the canadian oil co ltd ia nearing completion 0 a grand parade cycle races and pipe band music be fore the game are some of fee features arranged bj en- thutiestk fans for georgetown a facilities for baseball soccer and a fau fair etc together with an arena capable of stag ing a hockey tournament of international status 3 our churches ladies groups legion schools club midtown pipe rand citizens band library board and hos pital board to mention just a few are all making a tremen dous contribution to our pres- tige welfare and entertain men 4 we have a receptive fjoun i l m clark cil and an existing bvlrw which rf implemented would coordinate all the above into a smooth working whole capable of unlimited expansion 5 we have a list of men and women nominated by various georgetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn managing editor garfield l mcgllvray production superintendent office staff terry harley alleen bradley news editor accountant mel beatty advertising manager plant staff dave hastings basxerviue mvles gllson bob macarthur member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontario division of the cwna r sp ct 1 he police and to rely on thfir help when in trouble nowadavs a greit manv child rcn seem to have been brought up to believe that in put e ne over on the cops is the smart thing to do it u pointless to he cnlicil of pnlinimn without annlvs ing our own approach to law enforcement th driving strictl within th mas pose a far greater threat to public safetv thin another person who under a complelelv different set of circumsunces commits a violation that is why it is so essential for police men to have discretion and common sense and to use them when carring out their dulns moreover that is win it k such a pitv that h pilir arc not encouraged 1 1 tim duscn ion and personal judgment in handling traffic and road safi t general 1 the fnmewori of the iiw encounco thrm to be arbitral- and the at tit title of the public docs not encour age a frame of mind in which personal judim nt and rnsiin will flourish the inconsistin judgment and attitude of null vidual magistrates across the country is another important v a j ti rather like government factor to be considered the man who said a policeman s lot was not a happy one was not far short of the mark on all sides he is encouraged to be a com 1 plcte moron and then he is roundl criticised for being what he is it is all very well for the learned magistrate to say that all violators should be sum moned to court but there is little point in a summons which will be thrown out of court by ire magistrate in most cases the officer making the charge is in the best position to assess the degree of dinger negli i gence or fooltrarnmess involved in a partular offense true in many courts his evidence rt gardlng thi will be carefully weighed up before sentence in i other courts a very different t situation may exist and his vi dence will receive scant or per before taking pot shot functorv attention in one court p e t the magistrate mav convict on three mileoperhour over the limit in another he may gen erally require twice that figure i j lhnk wjiat one magistrate mav feet that going through a stop sign merits oakville will have sunda ovies imnicdutclv the b w to permit theatrical and motion picture performances ard c ncerts on sundavs wis fjven three readings and passed b oakville council last week without opposiiion erin thqjjenn branch of the roval bank of canada is completing arrangements for the remodelling of their fun oltice plans call for a modern front and re mod elling of their entire ground tloor a large vault will b installed at the rear of the building burlington a concentrated effort to per suade the ontario research council to establish its pro posed research communitv in many catei the role that a good mother has played has not been given its proper due mail bag for example we hear about johan sebastian bach the compose r but what do we know of his wife that bach had some thing like iwenlv two children sea later inflicted by the m tlonarles on the girls hi i south seas so her dog fed with that noboneslnth beard routine would net take bite out of her leg and k about that old mother whit i ed in the shoe and had se ma chlldren because she know what to dof many mothers have made immortal in song there that jolly old trout in she 111 ing english folk song who been urged for generations get her knees up moth brown and theres moth machree whose doleful t are howled mournfully by th irish on every pretext and of course theres grand old sons dedicated your mother and mine m for the mess you made of kids o is for the old so on but enough of this flatt every mother knows that deej down down around the stom ach she is truly appreciated bj her children they love hes dearly as long as she doesn interfere with what they wan to do and to prove their devothv end show how much she mea to them fn their formatl- years theyll 90 to great pal- to see that she gets into ae f e nursing home as she 1 ford when she gets old i could go on and on abon mothers because i think th are a good thing when you verv small the are excellen at kissing away the pain wfc ou fall and bump yourse during school years they handy for getting you up in morning in easy stages and f borrowing money after you married thej make first ra cheap baby sitters no the world wouldnt the same without mothers 1 thought that a few v like this right from the i would remind you mothers wh an important nay vital you have played m the lives great men mackenzie king example said to have 1 hii mother even more then hi dog so a very happy moth example is said to have lo- day to every one of you dav to war ago children burlinfiton 1s dcmg undertaen re t lughl by their parent by the town orangevilte news from ottawa about cinada s atomic power plant has particular sijni ficance in the orangetville district the news has it lint the plant will be doub led in size work is pro ceeding on a power line from orangeville to a sub station in hanover milton cir crossing reflect the societ in which thev cxisl if we an apithctic ind uncooperativp if we begrudge the monev spi nt on the police and look on them as a hunch of larj carriding parasites then it is nur attitude which is wrong when that attitude has been corrected in the minds sbort arm of the public many of the pol warning signal ceman s problems will also hive been corrected thoic tint rermin will be much eas ler to deil with finally at far as magistrate bartrem s comments are eon cernnd if justice and the cour rfibm were sjnonymous all traf fie violators could be brought to court and that problem would indeed be simple in m opinion magistrates gen era ft v thou id be seeking wavs put their own house- jji order t the modern mothers who have a child or two entered in the local music festival think they have a lot to put up with i ma glne what mrs bach went thru with ell those little devils ham mering all day on the clavi in the field of literature there are some tender mother figuns also some or them were stepmothers like snow whites old ladv and inderclla s these are people who will go e step further than our own mother in tning to get nd of you but we have real mothers too there mother hubbard who wore those long black dres i hopes nursery school idea will materializ 36 mclntyre georgetown on may 3rd 1 dear sir man of vour readers pro ablv saw mj appeal of aba a v ear ago for a nursery schol it seems now there is 01 who has taken up the idee bu it ma all be for nought becatts of lack of interest lack of interest surel in a town of this slz with a population of more tba 10 000 there must be than a dozen families interest in this sort of thing is his venture to be shelv before it has fairlv begun i hope not yours trul llrs j r co at mil rth just fast of equipped with acton a new wrinkle in fashion shows at acton while modelling fashions made in th ir home economics cli acton high schol stud enls quoted wi ii known dramatical and ivnral poc- aurora words of thi wise ehieflv auroras newest indutrv wis established insi week w hen danish send trade ltd settled there words op the wi5e to be nobody bulmyself world which is doing its truck me in human be ings is a fine of ten dollar another lhcir lack of consist ncv i may set it at twenty or more j have never seen peopleail of no i dont thing the position a piece ft ha amazed me that best night and day to make of the police regarding traffic l m08 incongru0lls trius ou ev body else means to violator is simple at all for fight the hardest battle which a good policeman the problems bnould e lfl the mme p any human being can fight sod in some areas must be almost tot 1 that y pau never stop fighting e e overwhelming ibie harmony somerset mao- 1 cummings authority seeks site for limehouse conservation area the credit valley conservation authority are taking 1 initial steps towards creating another conservation area thi time at limehouse accord ng to a release from the cvca a special seve man committee has already examined property suitable fo conservation purposes and interviewed a long time residen of the area to obtain further information field officer speann who accompanied the group on their tour was 1 strutted to learn the ownership of the properties being co sidered a report and recommendations have been compilec and are under consideration at a meet ng of the credit valley conservation author ty recently cha rman r r parker pressed that representation be mode to county and township councils in order that soiih defm te system of warning and control be set up in advance of flood emergency or other disaster he was supported b a m greenway who spoke very strongly in favour prompt action according to the report mot ons passed at the meeting concerning the tern cotla conservation area included 4 that the necessary equipment to operate the refreshme 1 booth be purchased thai the authority operate the booth for the summer 1961 1 recommended that the workshop in the pavilion be p ceeded w th cost not to exceed tne budgeted amount 1 000 t recommended that a report on the present structur condition of the office building be made and that the r be fixed recommended that the road improvement in the t cotta conservation area be proceeded with at a cost to exceed s2 000 recommended that wells be dr lied and hand p installed in the terra cotta area camping ground picnic- area the cost not to exceed 1000

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