Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 25, 1961, p. 4

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local mans impressions of president in ottawa headquarters times ind conservator photo thts sion rekindles further memories for dean louck harry walker it cot herb chishotm and bruce harley as they stage their own first corps headquarters reunion in the midst of lome scots reunion celebrations sugar and spice by bill smile 7 i bored an accident so yes your problem art ou bored with it all rt von looking f r a ntw hor ioii hut an decide nt i atcidcnts cin dpi n up a w hole iuw xciting vsorlil for ou i nop pucts and by leslie clark so much has been written of the visit of the president and airs kennedy on their state trip to ottawa that we hesitate to add to it however ye edi tors feels we should cumpini sate for taking lhe heralds bu slest day of the week off o here jfoes our first glimpse of the pre sident was at the war memorial in the square downtown having arrived onthe 830 flight it was just about 930 when we man aged to get to the square c tually the cab was forced to stop three blocks short of us des to be only one other visitor from this district other than peel mp john pallelt that was the well known lawyer har ry willis qc who lives at bol fountain after lunch we were taken down to the gallery and were quite surprised to see the num ber waiting lo get in as the guests had to pnscnt in vita lions at the door we couldn t understand this until we real ized seating was on a first cpme first served basis except for mps wives who sat in in the centre sections other guests included the diplomatic corps justices and their wives ulion due lo the crowd 11 ami fjlu mem bers wives there were around three hundred present we lear ned per f nee sensation like sjs out the re seeking a glimpse of the presi dent after managing to get our places quite near the cenotaph there was a five minute mait hlle tfie various officials am fc soa ed to reeehe him the guards abov flnd to os were on hand with bearskins i caker and the lectern from in full dnss trumpeters were whet was to art niton s abou flvt minutes after kinneds getting seated there was quite a stir and the members of the house together with the sen ale who were seated in the centre of the house rose and fave a standing oration to mrs kenntdj as she amed in the hnnmir accomp uued b mrs its not exactly a dull world we live in with its wars and tumors of wars its rockets and spacemen its horror mosies i ted delinquent children its con slant threat of annihiialion o you couldn t eacll call it a dull world don t you occasionally heartily sick of stories ij about the trouble m laos and ifcvh trouble in africa and the trouble in cuba don t you a trifle weary of the ft neverending stream of pro- p imuncements from th amen s and the russians every sounding exactly like th ittt one don t sou get a 1 tie fed up kwith the end cv flow of artice about outer spje dun sou iometimes vl h ihev would jwt lion eichmann ae or turn lum loose and be d no v th i 1 and don i ou w h thai once in a while thev d i p plas ng i bongo in the congo sometimes 1 become so bored with the monotony of our daily far of science murder viol t and hatred that i m dnv am to reading the used car adi md the real estate ads for mm light entertainment it isn t the fault of our i newspaper people and our tele tlsion newscasters i sguess they do a conscientious job on the whole and make a desper jlte effort to extract some sense from the sound and fur that ike up our world j but thay simply can t keep i the stuff continually alive and vital for us we v had too much of it w re saturated i after a week of watching tha i fjraatast comedian in the world i wred be yawning until the tears spurted i few of us could listen to i even such great talents as eh s presley for more than 10 or 12 hours at a stretch people i who are interested in bird i watching dorrt necessarily want i pigeon pie for every meal and thafs what h wrong i with the ordinary gut or gert thafs why our keen intel i fasnt canadian housewives read th slightly vicious columns by i women who offer advice i to tha lovelorn rather than the latest from lao that t why i tha cream of our canadian man i hood may be found with its head burled in the comics or sports rather than tha editorial oibit because there in no nih thing if gargarln thought the earth was round during his satellite trip said mr chonton he was simply repeating an error man kind has been making since columbus he added human ity has been brain washed by scientists into the round earth theory well all i can sav is that s tellinj them mr muni on more pow or to x ou and the i- 1 it earth soutt liri ir wt e been swallowin ei the acientiss tell u without a ques ion i ve never been convinced myself of that story about th earth being round and i m glad to see some healthy scep ticism about it and if the earth is warmed by the sun how come it s so cold in win ter and what became of the garden of eden and why are women so hard to get along with iru sfc th c mil haw been u ling u d lo of st iff about light ras and neutrons but thev shs awd from the important things th second story to cheer m up was the one about the tevnagers at blind river as they pulled away from a ser ice station the attendant saw a human hand sticking out of th trunk of th car h alert ed police and thy threw up road blocks all over th place tht ndbhed the sount nun but couldn t ind the bod the hds were fined for mating a i ublic omen if 1rnt stunt tickled nv th iah i in nit keen n practicdt jjkts then i thought of th day a friend and i were out trout ashing recently we stood up to our breat bones in ice water in th middle of e vast swamp created by a beaver dam we couldn t tell whether we ware fishing in the stream or just in flooded fields and we were happy as pigs calling quietly to each other that thu is th life as u ns as people are still able lo dn thu the eirth is round to prtli nd that thi y have a brdv in thi trunk f the car and lo d hi thim stives into fimiint whi re nn troul has ivir tr d there s hope for the old mwswearj world ou ii mit prim v mn t urses ind prohin doctors mill h mi hw mi ri nev wirds uperitu i- r nn mir i ons ind othir spicialtirs fun ition first hand which will in ike an ldial uii ti i tn wuli d best m llir on h w i was ri nulit bdik f m lln hi nk i r how a cripple in lp his intomi ou nuv ji vour n inn in thi piper mis be vtn ji t i htidhm like drunk ftun into si h iol bus ou can collect on thai acci dtnt insurance v ni w hitn p nring nioiu dwwn lhe drain on so lone ou mav deduct vour time lost from work on jour mcom tax riturn ou cm sit irriund the hou e while ncupi atmg and cilch up on all thi das lime tv slum u cm solicit smi ittis uu i nn r si t othirw se mis i inn from the k ris and tp ue ir plivsici svslemw 11 h t jiilicl with all sirl of dm in 1 s imulant the wife miht del lo go ti work the older kids rlrop out of ciiool and so enrich thnr ex prnence the doctor mav hjve in put you on a rejjtmin to cure some of jour bad hibits you might have to learn a new trade to replace the old one jou can t continue and didn t iiki anvwav so live modirn have in ac cidint fxperienci cm tn a goo i teaehir if jou live through il ihi n to sound a fanfare his arrival ihei arriveil in ai opn black con vertibe and was mt in the prime mimsur hon douglas harkness minisiir of dtfence and hon gordon chun hill of veterans ftatr he parsed through a tn service honour iura d 20mn rndn djfenbker d 1 he spoakfr v w ife mrs koland mlclienei the attractive vwung woman pcrfeetlj dressel took her si at and all evis rctuinid to the front of the houst by lhe speaker to await the arrival i of the chit f executive of the l s after a brief wail the prime minister arrived with mr kinncdv and after acknow lidgmg the standing ovition mr hinniilv look his si at and the prune minister give his idilriss of welcome vfur a vtrv sfirr ng welcome for course i we could ik shhtlx prejudiced in which the pm mintioned his rectnl visit to ireland where he iaw the orgiml home of legion colour partv re the wriith from a naval auli mr htnmth proachid lhe mtmoridl and placed it ihen steppt 1 hack bowed jnd paus ed for a couple of minutes lhe wnath iltlt was a work of arl red white and blue done in rid md white rose- bu k with a bottom of blue mnillowti supi rimpostd with four lare n i poppies and sigm 1 quite umph thi pri si dint of the i nitetl slates he iht n joined the american ambasador pm and others and ihatled and shook hands wilh ihiwe ntarbv he also strolled ovir to a group of schoolchild rtn and struck up quite an an f v imaled conversation and shook f x m konn wth hands wlh a number of them h hea oirm w after the ceremony we proc i lation j m al ld nxm- to lb hnn n musing jibe al the senate and told the president tha he had heard occasional that he too had had his problem with sma tors in the i s he ended on a good friend good neighbour note mr kenned m his 20 min ule speech showed unusual wit and a grasp of canadian affa rs he lilerallv brought down the house when he said thit he realized as he looked at the senate or their undoubted wisdom and sagacitv and that i the many white heads were the badge of this however be said he was not prepared for the happy smiles on their faces until he knew that it was by their realization that for them there were no more political battles to be fought the presi dent said be was very conscious of canada through the fact that there were enough cana dfans living in his home state of massachusetts to decide the outcome of an election and having been elected by less than 140 000 votes out of a total of 60 million i am very cons cious of minority groups he quipped in serious tone he wenton to outline our common needs and aims he outlined the various plans of the u s and suggested canada might do well to join in the development of the underdevelpoed areas of the world at the conclusion of his speech the president was thanked by t he speaker of senate marc droum and house speaker roly michener mrs kennedy thin left and mr kennedy also proceeded to the main floor where he met and chatted with members of the house george town was well represented here when stopped to chat with san dv best and they were photo- griphed together on leaving the house of com mons we were surprised to see another georgetowner present it was orre of the officers who were in charge of secuntv cpl bill campbell of the rcmp and just to prove to our old friends in tho local liberal as sanation treasurer garfield mcgilvray and president maur ice manderson that lhe day was one of political amitv we sha red a cab to the airport with none othtr than the hon paul helher former minister of de fense in the st laurent admin islralion who was also toronto- bound thi oioroitown hiralo thursday may 25th 1961 24 hour tv service every i v of the u i k tr 7 9541 gis tv tr 7 9477 or tr 73222 tf ltd over to the house commons and got stats in the mtmbirs gallerj to watch the hoe in action and certain is there was no question that morn n of p r atti n iaiice as mo t im inbi rs wire in thi ir eat- hnht and tarlj the im of urst was absint with mr htnntds ind i nald rltimn wis acting pm both mr ics ur pearson and mr ha7in rgue wire present too and spokt howevir the houe gave the nnprr ssion of being in a tes live mood and nothing verj ser ions was brought up with lhe exception of a vole on an in crease in cnr directors from 7 to 12 where strangely enough the x f voted with the pcs on the division ror anvone interested a vou in the house is an interesting thing with the lell soundint warning and continuing until both gov t and opposition whips enter the chambers li gilhir when lhe itell stops nn iin an i the v t prixifls ttt had lunch in the pirlnm enlarv rcmjuranl with haltoti mp sands pes and his hrolhir hi nrv dnd uh a chinet t sei mos of iv will known figures in public life who nat urallv enough wen out in force for the occasion there seemed monuments cemetery lettering yeadons memorials 22 king st east georgetown tr 79573 wa all know we iboald be i concerned over china riled 1 about russia upset with the us browned off with britain i vexed with venezuela and hav i jjdjfconmptions over cuba j but wa cant do it were j pulverized with world affairs i after two decades of war hot 1 and cold bombs atom and hy and wind mostly hot 1 bven the first story about a landing on the moon will likely i a kit no mora than a bored and about time too iromj a i thu was the frame of min 1 i i was getting into iatel and j i i had almost ceased to use the l dally paper for anj thing more i than swatting bees and wrap- ptag garbage but i was saved by a couple i ff stories in the newspapers i- that revived my fatth in human 1 nature and in the world as an i interesting place to live not fsnaraty a ejrim and gloomy qshar whirling about in the heat f mans destiny s use brat story contained a mr samuel aecretary of the flat i- society he said flatly astronauts gar- and sbepard concrete gravel building sand road gravel fill and top soil stone work tom haines glen williams tr 73302 i ff i srwspi ewer i eady m id conctete suiw tk73510 pcyoassjlc- tbj2521 now is the time to buy bedding a complete selection of flowering plants geraniums begonia canna cabbage tomatoes cauliflower we fill hanging pots and window boxes make your selection early r f albort and murdoch streets saturday excursions nto m good going and returning same saturday only excursion fares from brampton s 100 walkarton 5 15 elora 2 75 chetlay 5 25 fergus 2 75 hanover 5 10 georgetown 1 35 harnston 4 20 guelph 2 10 kincardin 6 45 listowel 4 05 sarnla 4 0 stratford 3 75 southampton 6 45 brussels 4 80 wmgham 5 30 corresponding fares from intermediate points full information from agents by train dian national fast faun tire service right on your form never a moment wasted after yru call us for lire service well be on the job in record time equip ped to get your slatted equip ment rolling fast goodyear tires and goodyear approved service methods our specialty so call us when you want fast cftcjcot onyour farm elmwood tire service raprasantad tn gaoroatown by hicken clapham co ltd seventh line check line tr 73952 24 hour srvlc tr 73390 notice do not throw away your investment in tho oil burner now heating your home save the price of a new oil bu for approximately 400 o to 500 o you will benefit when w 1 replace your old furnace w th a brand new conlmue- flo forced an un t des gned specifically for burning o i complete with 5 year warranty 2 completely overhaul your burner and controls to specifications required for installation in your new un t g v ng you a 12 month warranty on your exist ng burner and controls 3 install a completely new continue flo duct system engineered to the requirements of your home 4 call us now so that our heating experts can make an engineered heating survey with no obligation to buy or have your new unit installed now and save 3 provincial sales tax robert mcdonald plumbing and heating r 2 gaorgatow- tt 72641 i this state farm feature reduces your shar of small auto accident costs tod ever have to pay 50deductible on a 60 acci dent frustrating wasnt it but now state farm pays 80 of all accident costa up to 250 each and pays 100 of your damage over 2501 another example of full protection from state farm see me about your car insurance today eric beard 21 rexway drive tr 74814 state farm mutual automobile insurance company head office toronto ont springs here and we re here to help you get ready for it lawn seed no i mixture lawn fertilizer 1064 sogreen s lb 3 75 50 lb 3 98 80 lb 4 95 halton cooperative supplies 45 guelph street free del cry saturday mornings cut food coststo7a refrigeratorfreezer or home freezer now may 15 to june 30 home frpezers where appliance dealers display this sign heres how you get your free 20 food certificate buyan electric home freezer now may 15 to june 30 at any appli ance store displaying the super market in your home insignia this money saving offer will apply to an attractive range ot chest- type or upright electric freezers or dual zone conbmation refrig erator freezers of 13 cubic feet capacity or larger check these four ways a home freezer can cut your food bills 1 o i enn b y n bulk when pr cs are low 2 yo i on take full t ivmtige ot spec n food sales 3 you nn t 1l el o r nod nerds more off c ently 4 yoi ret a lite 0 00 fooil ctri f cite i vo i buy now co operating manufacturers include the following beattv brotl ers bolwon 1 appl anc li unidan gencnl i iccl c corn 1o don i on an i ince co tr p di re gene 1 skol i t s i g ison kelv nil i m lo rca h v un led co ops wemtfl oise attention hydro rural customers see your local onlv o hvdro are i oil to regarding intormat on on thi spec il offer

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