Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 29, 1961, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson newspapots umited putucatron serving ttw communities of georgetown glen william nerval umehouse hornby shjwarttown sallinafed ashgrove terra con page 4 thursday june 27th 1961 editorial comment earlier fall fair date georgetown s fall fair date is a bit ear lier this year and readers will want to circle september 23rd on their calendar as a day to not planother activities the fall fair is almost toowell known by people who have lived here for more than e year for comment to be made but ln a fastchanging community there will be new comers who dont realized what a big day it is nor how in its own way it is ust xdting as the toronto cne our midway to be sure is on an ab breviated scale but in the eyes of a young ster a ferns wheel a merrgoround and some pony rides are every bit as exciting the greater variety of cne attractions and we venture to say that the hall jexhibtts tastefully displayed in the armoury are on a par with anything one sees at the a dedicated group seldom have we sn such dedication proect as possessed by those who serve on the executive and auxil ary of north hal ion retarded children s school this relatively new endeavour started few years ago in a modest building in i ton as the sunshine school has blossom- into plans for a new building on the th line between georgetown and hornby and if effort is any criterion future ucahon for young peope who cannot ke advantage of the formal education ered in our public and high schools will the best obtainable we are all for the proect orange celebration here for the first time in many years geor getown will be mecca for orangemen from five counties at the celebration of the glor tous twelfth there was a day when the 12th was the 12th but modern custom tends to stan dardize saturdays as the day for parades to plans are being made for a july 8th ob servance a big parade through town will be a ture of the day followed by speeches at ex beautiful flowers school children s work fanciwork and crrffts are there in profusion and such features as the wom en i institutes displays are always cleverly arranged and eyeappealing this year there will be plenty of seat tng for those who want to watch the horse j races livestock displays will be in centre field where commercial exhibitors partic ularly in farm machinery and automobiles are also found there are plenty of refreshment stands a variety of booths where one can test skill for the usual gaudy prizes an excellent poultry show and a gay spirit of cameradle which make the fair a must for most rest dents you won t be disappo nted we guar antee ask anyone who has been at one fall fa r wnetner he will m ss the next one for too long ch idren whose mental capacities are not on a par with the average have suffered silently condemned to an unproductive life now every effort s being made to g ve each of these young pople the type of education best suited for them it will pay dividends in future for many will be better adjusted in today s society capable of earn ng at least to some extent a liveli hood and at the least better able to cart for themselves members of the focal association are to be congratulated on their zeal and they deserve the utmost support from rest dents in the r humanitarian work in tfca minn hpi nat fwgtt tt tiki aur hah ff ta this tat conservation grants of 52000 y mr william davis m1p for ptel has announced thit the government of ontario has apprntd knots to c innervation iuth ontus toiall n s2 07i th jranl t the u iropolitan t mmlo and region conservation uthonij is 54 571 an i thai to ik i credit authority 7 5l0 heart lake expanding i 26271 has been ipprovtd for further dtvtloprmnl of the heart lakt lonsirvation rca including re r tali n n it in trail and seeding and sodding to prtnt trosi n s nu aiditunil j parking is to be provided and a bull ims to hi ml thi j r round which will include changing facilities ant a conctssion for refreshments credit valley dam 17 100 has been appr vel for the firlhir i 1 piunt of the lbion hills con crvaiion area and 11 200 for the ukn haffy conservation area the credit aluv tonscrvition author iv t 11 use its grant of 7 500 to rtpair the tvistin concrui djin in hit iklf umain conservation ana st 11 the fivonfe time for no what we do it outman- vcddings tht merne month of uvre the enemy we never june ripn mis the crisis or mk frontal assault we probe turn ng p int in the lives of the weak spots we deploy our hordes of v ui 5 people it s force we use stealth end de- this ear ption the park by several distinguished visitors i orange parades are colorful and there j w ii be fife and drum bands pipes and brass lodges will parade in their gay uni forms carrying banners and it is a sight wh ch no one will want to miss the celebration moves from town to town each year and this will be the last orange parade here for at least a decade and probably for at least twelve or fifteen years it will be worth staying in town for the district at a glance orange ville newcomers to canada were used of frequently violating unting laws at a meeting or the twp property owners last at the duffenn north anglers and hunters club dept of lands and forests official prank waiden said igrants parucularh italians badly id need of hunting fishing education burlington a thirty unit apartment project for burlington s se tiior citizens maj be under taken shortlv under the 1 sponsorship of one or m ire service clubs an ofucial 1 said he hoped the building would be complete and the apartments read for occu pancy some time in octo ber oakville the long awaited ontario municipal board hearing on the amalgamation of oakville and j trafalgar was held in the town ship hall last tuesdav and j a kennedv chairman said a decision might be expected wi j thin he next two weeks streetsville toronto township has ta ken action against a swim ming pool under construe tion in the exclusive clark son residential area which is the subject of dispute among residents of the area the township building department issued a slop work order afttr building inspectors found work being done on the site exceeded that allowed bv the building permit bolton the bolton branch of the canadian legion moved ofiic islly into its new home rnday begun last august the attrac tive brick and block strucure was built by duncan skinner i who cut the ribbon during the 1 opening ceremonj the build j mg cost 40 000 brampton brampton stood out as a stronger market than most during the past vear with a higher level of income and spending that was found in most parts of canada brampton the index of sales activitv 11 given an index of 166 or 66 per cent high er than the national aver age guerrilla warfare hit hut pcrini s a word of advice and run tactics we place spies to ih 1 e who hie leaped into the enemy camp 1 tie qui m rt of marriage would not be amiss i a few examples might clanrj these basic rules how do we i wouldn t dream of offering probe the weak spots for ex suggestions to singer or a ample scientist i wouldn t be quah i fied but i have no hesitation well first we have to find in speaking right out about them every woman alive is matrimony this september i susceptible to flattery and every shell have been reioicing in woman is born with a certainty domestic btus tor fifteen years hat she has impeccable taste and i have scars to prove it start from there if you can t bring yourself to offer i oh ihevre not all 151ble although 1 d in i fct that bnk h figure i mean if ahe rn no c in the ring m wife r old b praise her hi mi with t tol phine nor cooking or the way she slaps 1 that lump just over mv lefl the kids or cuts the lawn ar the r 1 of old woind it wis put there bv how do we deploj our forces a puu r intituling roast bcrf simply b never being caught an i knvv served dir i without fresh reserves to draw t n f nit kiuht n no 1 merry menagerie by walt di any of the deepest wou are h dden ortes they lie four canadian weekly newspaper editors from nova so- ln d across my inner tia are shown here issu ng a call to the r confreres across the self like the welts on the back nation to attend th s years annual meet ng of the canad an a a freshly flogged sailor thty weekly newspapers asso at on 1 ha ax fro 1 august 14 seem to have labels lets see to 16 why the costumes the theme of th 5 year s cwna what fhey say convent on w 11 be the order of good cheer the order one of the oldest soc al organ at ns n the north amer can cont n ent was founded in 1606 at port royal nova scot a by sieur samue de champla n editors and their w ves attend ng milton i yea s qw co on w ii be nducted nto the order milton council has endorsed at a spec al ceremony at prov nee house n hal fax cos j a plan to remove clean paint tumes of champla ns era worn by the quartet shown above and reerect a fence in front of pioneer cemetery on bronte st the stones will be construe ted into a cairn the ccmclerv had been in a condition des nbed as shocking acton keates organ co lid of lucan ontario is mov ing to acton and will est a blish their industry in the former wool combing buil ding the company designs and builds pipe organs for churches and will employ 12 skilled men m aftatt t a tar tf a fait or ctmoafitr the date book june 25 u7o s5 years ago indians massacred general cut ters troops at battle of lithe big horn june 15 1950 11 years ago korean war began june 26 1 years ago dele gates of 50 nations signed un ited nation charter at san francisco june m 1914 47 years ago archduke ferdinand assassination at sarajevo pre cipitated world war june mrs tuultkki kaanna kanga- m 1916 25 ymn ago the mutdn gone with the wind i mr axel karl i indgaard jen will be very much in evidence at the convent on from lef to r gnt george murray o the ptctou n s advocate fred w beatt e of the annapolis royal spectator ralph morton of the dartmouth free press and pres dent of the nova sco tia weekly newspapers associat on and frank burns ot the kentville advertiser and ih s years convent on chairman locals seek citizenship mr and mrs fritz conle 14 mill st george tow 1 are among the thirty three halton appl cants for canad ad c t zenshtp to be heard before judge w cory at 9 o clock this morn ng at the county courthouse n m llor apply ng for certificates were mr theodonis martinus brum mrs oakvilte yrj mr veronica cithanna maria bruin oakville mn rnki wilhelm mr wlllem baarue burlington oakville mrs aaltje baartse burlington j hof f bur mr fritu conle u- mill st george tow n mrs helene conle 14 mill st georgetown mrs anna costantim oakville mr antonio nunes de rosa oakville mrs joie augusto de fana oakville mrs helene ecgel oakville mr herbert fgger oakville mr kurt haefner acton mrs em emma haefner acton thi one ret is you re ah inliiti 1 v il eless as a fithrr nd thit one h do voi humili ite me 111- e thit in front of our friend o this purplish one hr re reads id h iv e been lot 1 appier if id no vcr seen urn and th 1 one wh cin t v ml ict like a nnrmil human beim now positions to withdraw o if she savs that s your third beer c retort yeah hut i didn t have any yester dav we never just answer sn whaf this would be risking evervthing on 1 direct trial of strength guerrilla warfare this con slsts of hitting the enemy when he it off balance or not look mg or unprepared prefer ably from behind for example jou have done all jour chore without a whim per you have kept the kids jtncllv in line you have tossed her n couple of unsolicited com plimenk and vou have just presented her with an erpen siv e gift on her birthday or mother s- ia or just yuk pe- appear on our domestic u lovejier h or non tt is to save the neo phyte from such wounds that now you strike hard and true i propose to offer a few simple i w ttfe ii only be gone three suggestion these wilt be for d ev wlf p men only women n6t only this guerrilla approach eed any advee but won i bing trip with the boys they have a built 10 end 15 ytfam ago echoes preen the paget ef the herald june 27 ttsl and july 1 1w 10 yiars ago the girls and staff of cej wale school uterulded hr and mrs norman laird mrs g creihton mrs wlulam ure mrs fred sinclair ry and mrs john smith and gladys at a supper on tues day town foreman ern hydg reported a serious act of vandalism which lefr the town virtually without water on tuesday someone hid broken a padlock and opened 1 cleanup valve in the sllvercnek reser voir the reservoir was com pletely empty when this was aiscovered corporal joe mcbain head of the local opp detach ment is worried about the danger of children swimming at the dam at the old paper mitt a lifeguard in attendance wou ld provide a real service to par ents many of whom forbid their children to rwun at the dam 15 years ago the next big event in geor getown will be the high land games under the aus pices of the georgetown girls pipe band owing to the tomd heat a number of local factories had to close down for the day a more than 25 year old horse which saw service in france with the 3rd bat talion going through many en gagements of note including the action at vimy will be an honoured guest when the lmth battalion hold their reunion here the horse now lives a life of ease in retirement on baronston farm georgetown at the gregory theatre it had to happen starring rosalind russell and geor ge raft powder smoke range starring harrv carey and hoot gibson and smilin thru star ring norma shearer leslie he- ward and frederic march these are the old scars that i throb whenever the take it convictio gmstina maiurro oikville franceses mnurro oik that whatever they i right pallett commends federal conservation ottawa special to tha herald commendation of federal governments steps to work with the provinces on water conservation and flood control projects was voiced in the house of com mons this week by john pal lett pc peel he said that the announcement of the minister of northern affairs and national resources on april 19 with respect to an agreement for certain works in the metropolitan toronto area was greatly appreciated peopleliving there while my riding of peel is not part of metropolitan toronto a portion of it comes within the area over which the conservation authority has jurisdiction we have had experiences in the past of the ravaging of uncontrolled waters in 1948 the town of brampton suffered immense damage from the rampaging etobicoke river as a result of the scare at that time a diversion was put around brampton in 1951 the ef ficiency of such a measure was shown when hurricane haiel came along in 1954 brampton was spared an event which would have res ulted in practically elimin ating the downtown area mr pallett said t should like to pay tri bute to the conservation au thority and in that i include the member for toronto high park john kucherapa who sat on that authority for the persistence shown by them and for this dedication to the work of convincing others that this scheme must be earned out it is an example of how when groups at the local level work together themselves and put together their ideas prepare them i carefully and submit them to responsible and responsive government action will be linc1 mrs debrora opt hof opthof burlington mrs annlbale oresti oakville mr vincenza orpsli oakville mr jose sihcira peixoto oak ville mrs saakje svlvia visser pil ermo mr martinus van den heuvel rockwood mr frmciscus antonms de mierden oakville mrs maria johanna s mierden oakvilte mr ertien vandenberg linct little explamlion you hit with j the thunderous ultimatum that all rifht chap pencils v george woman its time niilj first kiiow vnur enemv leirned the value of mon- this vhice nlone mil prrvent tnen tour u from leirn n it the bird v orkshop in the basement you iv in manj 1 hruf but bl mdi hp klds as p in skirmish know that within thp enemvcamp that delicate skin that daintv form dwells someone who is bt watch them like all just about twice as tough as p theyre treacherous and vmi are phvseillv mental v yoo might find theyre working ind even di in the week f or boh i government action win do l jl schieved it will result in know too that within even that soft buttery little thing who looks so helpless today lurks the firebreath mg dragon van f tomorrow de if realize that vou are outgunned joure off on bur the right foot what do we do hen we face superior arma- selling nearly 10 million copies first published by martfarat mitchell july 1 31 national hot dog end national sewing i months july 1 dominion day mm rngille roa vandtnberg sen bronte burlington mrs astrid ragnhild lindgaard mr hans walter widmer oak jensen bronte ville in the fir t month of marriage 1 mountain from distance mr guglirlmn maiurro oak mrs alice hanna widmer oak have been on the run ever uallv is only a hill when you vtllo i villa i since get to 1l no no that s just the trouble a lot of fel lows who have started running there i e run out of space nnd barelv scratched the sur i face 1 guess 111 have to put this advice out tn pamphlet form just a parting word roung fellow alwav have an airtight alibi never trv to win an argument w ith logic and leave vourvlf lots of room to move in a hum did you know trouble that looks like the saving of property and lives and greater enjoyment to the people of this area ed georgetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited georgetown ontario welter c blehn managing editor garfield mcgllvray production superintendent office staff terry harley aileen bradle news editor accountant tom rush advertising manager leslie clark dave hasting bob baskervlllb mrlea gilso bob macarthur member of tbt canadian weekly newspapers association and tbt oottjcta division ot tte

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