Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 6, 1961, p. 1

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for fine printing a century ot service at pub lishers a printers it offered by the herald to gaorgatown and district georgetown herald telephone tr 7- 2201 phone tr 72201 to placa a want ad in tha herald tha quickest way to buy or tall easily and efficiently authorlliad as sacond class mall post offka dap ottawa gaorgatown ont thursday july 6th 1961 m 00 par yean single copy prico tan canto what council titib road surfacing starts next week surfacing work on riadi in east coni low n is ixputid to start next wuk aciordmg to road chairman hievc doug sargent tendtr for thi work was aw lstabh water rates i arded to pi el onstrmtioii i o i foiind r m v hunter oppos ltd at tucsdaj a council uet moilon whlch rcjuces sunitvvhat on larc con the contract calk for a price i of 215c per gallon for primi choufiul w have 24 7t pir gallon for sial ami w mimeullnk a 4 i5 per ton far mineral chips jitrutm ti r nidiistr delrex asks for meeting to discuss land release challenge editors in volm on tin under aw ard cr jm brwn av no p n evpl in itiou whin h i iimii hi- i u hand in oppusilion tu ll in it sumt r ml tin w itir h ii n gits in h s mi tu til ivi r time i rims n iti irk l th mavor u u buikht i lot f mi ip nun this veal wmi i lias jm d for ililf alnadv mi t 1 tv r r ihdi loiiintiiluu on puritii i ln n fl r 1 rv lo of in ur toiiipii s a u ilt i r n l trmk and a imior l hmi lt r iairmt mvor llmle i the lvn council delays action seeks more information first lady ii mil ik lim n h v i w ii sirfur tnat neiil f r thinks r i indwoik n pripiic d for ni t un ill t ii 11 ii i fl v iii i sl ii r mi n in n i mid i 1 that mini in rn mint muting innini pn lnni c ll 1 l 1 bilvv it th uui i repres r rial pi sue a 1 1 v 1 s 1 lis i th- row bairslow and cathv hunter wire this jcars e litors of thi high school vear book the t hallenge read all alut this illustrated diarv of hirfh school life on page 3 unidentified car causes accident a meeting between official of del rex developments ltd and council as a cornmitteeof tha whole was asked by rex hslop company president in a letter read at tuesday coun cil meeting sime mi aiti n bv hex his lop llonis toorn tht town to allow hutldn on a lot in tnc uniih iscd muion of diliex was dismissed m a court action last uk lr helop said in hi- lutir that u ful it would lie iiiidtsinhlc lor litigation to continue with the n sullanl ex pin i to town diid oinpam amicable basis in itiiu muht wll prod an a uiuuttlh itlsfton sol eompan would be kucoessfui full report iaor he found agreement i among councillors that council i should hac a full report of tn i mandamus case fromthe tows i solicitor and should seek hut i adwee atout an meeting witft f delrex officials before answer mc the letter an answer uas delayed wick pending this they tell me im tne- first baby to be born in georgetown a id d sir a vie i or t ho they also lell me im a girl good i was hop ing i would be bo vere my pare s aar mrs dave moore they haven t given me a name yet but i don i rare too much abo t ust wish i could open my yes and see some of tnis hosp lal i ve been heai r g io about what council did what council did builder would option princess anne lofs a local builder is interested in optioning remaining town owned lots on princess anne drive mayor hyde told council tuesday i he would build homes in the rl modified category of not less than 1200 sq ft with at tached garage but would like to build on lots larger than the 50 ft frontage crs hunter emmtr on and cass said they thought the lots should be readterliacd and t council committee was enpou ered to consider rlmirtciing the properh into larger lots before anj decision ls made the town solicitor was asked to have a draft by law ready for next monday for a defined parking area downtown a nee assary step in a protect which would create a number of mun icipal perking lots in the busi nets section pasiinfi of a s1w allowance for firemen to attend a cnnen lion led laor hde to mi gest that next ear the fin department should hae a bill get and guide its own expend tures like other town boards the shouldn t hai to t nc to council ith a sinnle n queat like this ht said the iisuil prothmaton r nic hohda was passed tli s wr the date n m mda iu ust 7th claim for water damasi the basuncnt of tliomp on s hardware dunns mjiii s r t renovation was tumid oir o the insurance coianajx a claim from mrs jcnn mel n en mill st for damaae to washing caused hi dirt wntif which might al o be alinlni el to disruptions during r ti i tiom the true blue lodge n- given permission to hold a ta da on jul 7th and 8th close guessing none of the entrants in the hospital auxiliary guess the time contest hit the mom ents of arrival right on the nose but the two winners were ust a total of three minutes off the marks mrs irvin mcphcrson of 56 oucin st in guessing the arrival lime of the first girl said 5 05 a m on june 28th mrs dave moore 134 guelph si gave birth to a baby girl t 5 07 am that day mrs art suddaby a former geor get owner now at 2983 third ave w owen sound guessed the arrival time of the first boy at 3 30 am june 29th and exactly one minute later than thai mrs godfrey marchand shelley police pay increase follows arbitration sl5 mtn s n s ir ir s in moil appitzn and t first cl iss ion libit it nit d 111 u i i mi il will aw i this be fi m nb lit n wli ih h s bi u i u i loniir u pinsion sums fulh i l i bi lw n pi i i im i in i thi piliu i tn kk t n r m- local mans brother ivzltrvltito hydra employee dies ii i t in i i wli ii pr v luihir if ii i hrslnw of i tow- wuiuui j lip ei ir i i t d d m his h iu 92 1 vi hn i n n hue m i f r f r in s1hhi ii i i pr st othei 8 pound plus boy each of the winners get 50 00 for the accurate pro- gnostications while the tic ket sellers miss mabel chave 56 queen st and- mrs fred masterman 63 charles st each receive s10 00 the two new babies will each receive a bank book with 550 00 credit ih ii i l nun family s s 1 is ii 1 m s f i jib plpt im i i i j ltd it m 1 r ii i irs w lu ti i m s ii f r lb i 4 h c h t r ms i r i i n nf h hi- woodland m r ii i h n n w i t h if hi in 1 in r i vi it fiineri sipice i h i ir in u a ii n jui jo h at br wu brm ihdi will mike nun nil pin liiuril home hamilton n umikntified rar caused a motor vehicle aicidcut on uilph st last week and tun tinve awav without siopnini aic irding to police drove east m harlev i owe who niade the report said the attending ca- left the delrex lot without s npping made a right turn orlo the hihwav and drove east forced off the road b he move wa peter alfred llaihman of 146 uelph m inrgitown haihman wa dming ea t on cuclph st in a 1961 volu i8gen when the car pulled out n front of him he applied the brake and swerved to the eft side of the road where the car stuclc a pole it ended over on its right side door hinges onh the hinsts and mall part of door were damaged on the small ear the estimate n is 100 the aciident oc curd at 8 25 pm k strite m dwyer proficiency winners m 1 00 p m sunda inn 2 lofil gridution eercies w ere held at ln cr isi t hunh verv approprnte aid mean irgful ceremon was ronduc 1 bv r o dcvent in the chorea dur ng w h ch the gradmtes made a p ih tc p ofession of hilfa and rmiwd their bapj ue an advid hv imr ligal louiis 1 tint in all p bibilm an jppi il wo ild in suuful thi bit i si ids in mv ivnt tblr miiii tn in lntli doubt thai i si n l aition brought bj biuldirs not nlalid to this lightning twice occasional errors creep into thi herald despite our best efforts but rarelv does light- ning strike twite in one fami such was the tase last week wnm bv error ruth ismondl wedding date was announced tt jul 2nd rather than the 22nd in the same issue an account of her parent 25th wedding an- niversarv was labelled their 40th in the beading v vyl donors add 178 pints to red cross blood bank drinks coffie and dotihnul to the donors convened clinic mrs john iinusn and mrs ji hn mills convened the clinic dr ahstair micintosh was th doctor on call ind mrs sin mackenzie tnr p i dnn nurses included mrs firl i on mrs j h b inihi rl un trs lack roukhle mr c or gc frost mrs bob hall mi i mrs bib rnck ssistin is upists wire mis r j j v mrs doug tt ods mr i rink wallace and mrs ilecn br id lev other- who helpid w ti general duties were mrs ii ill barber mis buvd tarlind mrs david oddn mil- h r n irj ionian mrs robert ji ne- mrs djo hancock and mr mountzen public school promotions on pages sevan and eight a total of 17 pints of blood were added to the red cross blood- bank when the mobile clinic visited town last thurs day a altogether 183 donors offered blood but low blood count re jtcted a small number merit certificates were presented to cveral men who have don tied over twtntv pints ernie raw son tt ilfred breen bill bn ham don lav ton tom fir guson arthur norris don powers fred spires waltc luvtn nd and george ironside new unit this is the last time the han lltnii mobile unit will be isi ing town as thev are kept bus tilth their own citv viunitv next clinic in town will have a toronto unit in charge the clinic was held in knox presbjtenan church and lad les of the w a served soft circular drive for new school no major changes will be made tn the final drawings of georgetown high school s technical wing at a meeting or the tcorgfown high sho district board last ttcdnesdav trustees made a final survca of the sketch phn with archtti ct a f barnetl of barnett rcider and cime up with jui fittiin minor practical modification circular driveway most obvi his of these will be a circular drewa whieh w enable buses to load and unload at the main entrance more stor age space was created in the tommlrcial department and the sues of some washrooms wire altered sligmh organization renting the cmnatonum will be completed excludnd from ihi test of the building bv folding steel bale- whuh will cos off corridors leading out of the gv m area when the building is completed the present gym will be used exclusively by the girls while the boys will use the new arte the board is waiting for approval from ottawa before put ting the technical wing buildmg program in motion the onh business deall with that did not directh involve the new wine will be a shot in the arm for the school s junior athletes no more hindma downk football uniforms and equipment were pin based for the junior football team whieb for too man ear- have donned the armour their larger senior brothers for the grid wars the former sytcm cut xpenses in hal nowerver since two jnninrs could gel into a senior uniform and sull have room left over tisnal mr ra ir and choir composed of grade pup s pro- vioed the music aid inging at 110 the pupils and tht ir parens assembled in the chur number one boy ill whei mr ritu had unurice shi rl program piiifuieniv prize was d n ated bv the l u i hovmk thr hiihe- klvnnr s rite recede th s award mrs ttalker t tt u president prosnted this prize and ep e ed hei pleasiue in o duing mr f irmichae president of h n sitcietv pre i nted a s nular pr ie for proficienc t michael dwer f ich remnning memher o the raduiting class received j suitible memento of graduation michati dwver thinkerf all who mv- his plrianl div possilile fm the graduating gr up mi paul 1egm of f h was the guet speiker he pointed ald lewis marchand in t i i in in t ei t in nln rl in lk inisd iv j t ii 40 hcllev st he weighed ll 3 oz he has an ib vear old brother len a 1j ear old mir ruth tun and an 11 year i old brotlur robert the march 28th to od inds movid lierc from windsor minhind of i lo ir months ao frank bryant new agent for state farm insurance beard will open western branch oui ii neabl- talk not differences bctv een et ementirv and high school pro gr mimes he stressed three poin i which he hopd all would give special attenlon m do v our dun at all tunes 21 mwavs do lour best i if neeeson do it alone meaning set vour goal and do not be influenced bv those who would have jou forake it the speaker wn thanked b jo eph stnte diplomas c rfven to each graduate bv rev 0jjevent buffet tuncheon was served tn parents and children bv members of the c tt i eric beard frank bryant i th mr brviiut formirlv employ- l with lotion brothers in town and biauipton and an active leder in stouts has taken iir from fnc beard who it noting to fdmi nton alberta i to n a companv agency thi re mr bryant will be living in the beard home on rexway drue mr b ml his been a town re iilml for fom v c irs ha tame h le ifti r serving as a stafl i ipt un it oakville army hei iqu irt r- wis cmplojed wuli sm ih stone then start cd tin st ilt firm gencv ht oppostd ior ihdi is s may- onlti cindiditi ht december mrs beard ind their baby son kevin willbr aieompany- ri m b ird to f dmontod sin h h t n organist and chur lc ter al oral prcsbv- terian thniih during their stay 1 no more english for linda pretty high school student l nda english beam s b 9 messaqe n mat spi le as she gleefully r ds herself o the two ions of text books and muse ne two upcoming school less montlis getting the old heave ho are texts on geography health an atlas friedld reli able oxford dictionary et al if the fcook corners look a little blunt its only because linda happens to be grade 9a s champion book dropper j accord ng to her mother right after and jane anne ehimerson music results spence pupils sccral pupil of mis ul ttheel r speun ten tt ill iams w ere w t f ul w hen thev ined evanumtions re enth at the l uelph branch of the rnval nsirsaton of music kin 11 korzack re ceivfd first clasi honours in rade 2 the irv jacquiline banc lav patsed in grade 7 piano bonnie bnndforrt honours tn grade 5 piano susan wheeler first class honours tn grade 3 piano meadowglen plans extension a s 10 000 ex elision io meadovglen gjosers brought t it 10 a value ot bu id iq permits ssued in fcsquesing to 135 700 y ii photographer peler jones snapped the picture crash went trie entire pile honours grade 2 piano tic us iioom plant s n geoin- own bul t 10 ni s part v ii he 1 me ow ish p t f e a nq 9b 700 icpieenied redcifrtl develop- 11 em tnc e e e work on hwy 7 around norval d sclosed tour mou is wnose unaerground dra ns are emptying into siomi sewe s so tnt dcp of h gtivvavs intorrrted esquesing cou 1 1 s net dept po c forb ds th s tivese dra ns ctjuld be 11 t oft rrive cdi s kla r fd road suppn nendent bill town- send v ii n eet w th tno hcpiwuy eng neers to try and jov the proble n employtt v ti f tteen or mo e year of service lo e- quesmg tovnsh p will be rewarded with three weeks vace- ton w th pay it was decided at esquesing council meating 1 monday night

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