Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 13, 1961, p. 1

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for fine printing a century of service a pub llthera printers n offered by the herald to georgetown and district georgetown herald telephone tr 7- 2201 hwm tr 72201 to piece a want ed in the herald the enriches way to buy or sell lerftci ity and efficiently authorized as second class mail post office dept ottawa georgetown ontario thursday july 13th 1961 400 per yean single copy prion ten cettfa glen couple celebrate anniversary on sunday afternoon july 2nd mr and mrs a e daw ten calibrating their golden wedding anniversary ejnter- talned at a luncheon party at their riverside homo lyn- dale in glen williams twentyone member of the i family were able to attend including harry of london with his wife and four child ren kenneth end leiu of ottawa barbara and ted howard of brantford with four of their six children sheila new mrs donald at kin and beverley- of glen williams and darrell of ed monton formerly well known in georgetown with her two little girls donald of fdmon- ton was unable to attend out sent greeting and con gratulations from himself and large femily poor weather entirely fail ed to dampen the spirits of the guests and a very happy jolly party was enjoyed by all not exactly bats in the belfry on biinda julv 3 the maple avenue bap lit t bur ch wa- favoured bv two spar rows that dropped in jual before the evening service somewhat startled b the in- t rust on of these birds one of the ushers rushed up to the vestrj to tell rev wood that the bird couldn t be permiaded to leave there wi nothing to do bul make the best of the sit nation so rev woods promp ts responded bv an approp riate call to worship which he hadn t planned o ust the service began viith the read jpfi of palm 84 1 ea the sparrow hath found an house and the swallow a nest for heref where s k mav la her voting even thine alter- o lxrd of hosts my king mild m hm graduated mrs jaa tthitncv 12 tver- vo has jut received word that her daufihu r rhoda has giaduated from the dordon i e kmdjs coium f osmeloliv in mumi honda with honours rhoda intends l practm n mitini when the field of hiauty ottawa oks special grant georgetown high school ulllll pri council discuss site for sixth public school georgetown will need a sixth publ c scnool ioon but ust where it will go won t be known unt i a study of rne ava laole site is made by counc do own picking mayor hyae broke a lour four recoided vote de to favour a study of tne scnool situat on by the council after a peter jones photo a steering committee town engineer geoff bligh mayor era hyde ger eren t steering anything here but tney are lurm sewage into the new sewage treatment plant the n few weeks now but the townspeople have been taonday na public works cha rman don barra the giant va ve that directed raw n plan has been n operation for a vited lo the official opening next 2500 march in orange parade to celebrate glorious twelfth here the 271st anniversary of the battle of the boyne was celebrated in georgeiown on saturday july 8th witn an es t mated 79 lodges of the order participating halton pr dc no 393 ltba and royal oak lol no m5 tiv lo el organizations were tne hosts for the occa or cenetaph on by mus pp by the georgetown girl pipe the ceremonies of ihe da commenced with a paradi to the cenotaph al 9 3d j m com prising the 1 t a 1 lolp- and guests led hv the orcetown girls ppi band and t ountv mhrshill brown wreathes wen placed on the lcnonph hv si i fred mealh for the i ol tnrj mr florence little for the ltba mr bullock hap lain of the i til ive in in band fife and drum bands ac cordion band and bugle band the group of majon u in tin lr a nimi mt ispir sod with the hlue orme white aid red of the coliunc or thi n ire hers nude ihe par idi i jh pannrima toppi d with th beautiful banners flvinp high nmtifvm the lodges best lodges prize winnint lodges w re in the ladies section rlhnr the lodges assembled in in the georgetown park at 1 30 and lob a no 512 for th hri the parade got underway at appearing with hnmpt n two oclock the 2500 march 470 winning fr thi las ers were lead by county mar number on pit id bi t ap ahall brown of burlington and rcinnr itr w is im tin wih the georgetown warshall james all don en l no lli willi ihe andrews both of whom wire largest numher on pra t li mounted on white horses mar in the men division best ching was made easy for those appearing lol woodbndge no what council did delrex request for hearing held over for another week council a requei dy de rex developn ents ltd p ei lr i re heslop for a neeting be j een company off oa s an j cou cit as a con in iteo ne mole was shelved for ano ei week at nondai counc i ne mg solicitor away tnrec pom poipej counc i i t c r de s o ne n3or one be ng th unava lable advice of the town sol c tor who is ho day ng foil report the riour si ha m id tor it lasi mk mm pigeon holed tin ti bee an 28 largest number en parade campbell s cross no 76 the best banner pnie went to guelph best juvenile lodge uai acton best young britons mupah and the best fife end drum band was the pefferlew police band the lodge coming the farthest was from ivy ih im st decorated store pr 7i ud- kiven to harne 1 hirle brui k of hornbv t- fhtv i vprs of agi wa ihe due t i ntlemai on parade wiiurs in the luck draw on hih i hi nifinber have been r ii up tickets for some time v nr willi- himilton of milton t i md ir- i mle 10 bvrnn sin it lit orceloun second streets lined hi reel- were packed wilh prpl watching hit parade and pirknu pite in the park dis nct a- jl t premium with ii i fimilii- coming from fir s to witch their lodae lengttiy debate on whether snould do the r own pick r g split council the school board lean- to site on dclrex bhd in a section of town unrcleaseil for huildinj th discussion that split conn cil right down the middle wj- touched off bv a rt port hv planning committee chair inn lass on a metaing of his com rmtiee with school board chair man ed w ilson and irustei rn hansen the school iward ripn in a lives at that time nbowed fu ures provnng hie nrcevit another nchool nd sin si the delnx rod location their choice alter rxlinnr rstigation over am study in committee the niattir an ver all stiidv of the sch suutli n hv the p im n c mittee aim up ml il vi- point that vi ei lr la 1 feel a s udv o ill should not he up to tin ph nmg comnntlti and 1 w like to have the vie of c cil on llns mallir h si the planning board hoild r be put in this t o it s up the school boir i many things mavor llvde rtt n n i ihool board jtrl th- th are loncerne i with in i n thins eduiatioi tun t i- mi not tne pudl c scnool board cil s respon sibil it v to consult r main thin- raisiiu inonev for fx4inple the additional co t of wiltr and sew tji ill lo tne iniatiin suaestcd h lln sill ml twjr i i lil tjmtilr r i ont ndxl that si ptiil kind iinilil txcuine throiul j in le lxlr i vil would not pnint a trvl of r rr school board said thv hut nn ilr 1 1 lo ihinkir ai d dn did in residential 1 i nuvr rpliid n rid w plinni denliat and would m throu h roj i in a i hi di i n i t ai itt ic irh fr what council did council give police chief salary boost on the recommendation of the police committee who delib erated right up until council meeting time georgetowns chief constable roy haley hel been given a 100 per annum salery boost the raise brings his total salary to 5300 in a recorded voti the mav or md deputv fti i vt t ihott nd councillors hunti r bar nr buikc brown and t m i lcrson favoured ihe pav hiki uhtti been bargtnl and r as v ited againsi it out of line r hunter ihe police com nntue chairman pointed jut that the new salnrv nuhed frtin rcitnl pav miroase t the ret of the force whicyi tl au the hi of pav nm f ni with ihe nt though he voud for the raise r hn nicaon aid thrtt the fatt thai it was huf halev s t alarv boo t lh veir didn t n t i hll with hnn and und eri ned thai the added wt brought to 386 the total am nun appended to his annum wages since the start of the vear ret ve sargent said s i rf call the chief s silarv un lojusted in lav and at that ime it was m access of the ite of incitae seems ai ion as we feed lo one we e he othir one to feed as well new salaries i a if one hundn d pe ii ni a 1 the mavor aar i i off thi ti md wi did iif rai i to brink t vi none ml pr jm r tujic ill 1 will g almg with h change becaile the new 1 class con able- lale i e jv put the duel ilao mil of h dance r js divned 1 iiot i frd the ihane made on the nthi r salaril pill thi m l ol line in faci i ful ih it ihcy n will dividid the cirnid intoun mdr the t w w nlrnactive to pri will pay 75 per cent new million dollar wing the georgeiown and district hgn school board has been given the green lighl from ottawa to proceed with the proposed rmlhon dollar technical wing it was learned his week in a telephone conversation tronf ottawa between the herald and halton s representative n the house ol commons sandy best announced by strr tosl j puicallv noth ing the federal governments mr best lod the herald that grunt is 75 of the cost while the approval of the estimated the ontario gwlrnmciil will cost of build in j operation- ihe pav their normal 25 sihoolrlclf and the vocational 1 he building and uintciil will program submitted hv the local represent about si 190500 board had just been announced the governments interest in in thi housi bv the minister assisting the unskilled to learn of labour the hon michael a trade and dircctl relieve the starr on tuedav unemployment situation prorjip- pproval bv the lidcral gov ted the scheme to build quall- trnmenl will mean the ncn fied vocational training and s9t9 900 00 wing and the i technical schools on a 100 s22060000 for equipniont will grant basis open invitatjon the chairman of the ontario water resources commission a m snyder and dr e a berry the general managef will be the principal speak ers at the ceremony which will offtcially open the new sewage treatment plant on mountainview road south on the public has been irivi ted to the openmg of the plant which actually has been reating raw sewage for the past few wekv c s me naughton and j m vance will also represent the owrc mayor ern hyde and works committee chairman don barrager will represent the town the ceremonies will start at 730 free bus transportation is being provided the public end will leave the del rex plaza for the plant site frm 1 30 on entrance to the plant site is on mountainview on the south side of hungry hollow girls pipe band has busy season the gns ppe band na appearances n malton trthc prob re plnl n baker goes to bellwood pan bkr i i mle ri hi 1 iore iark l mill r i hi ii red tha the l im 1irk ana the 4 va- boirdid on thn e sidi rcidintial are ard n fourth hv a an i n block he iko iirid thil art i ininidi i if it i nol nii uonlmiiid on pace h ph a una i high been ancplfd hum lor at i amp bel iiil surnsshil a ii menus that he will he tamp for retarded children at the end of julv for a truce d iv in truclion p nod before serving hi three week- as counselor paul is ihe son of mr and mr- ieorge baker 13 ib r ltie had a tull agenda this season ngslorij port credit and grims- oy as we 1 as on tn local scene they gave rheir t rsi 1961 performance in tne last week of va hcn they marcned vv n a lois parade m malton t s sas ollowed by tne annual l ons convention parade he d i year in kings on tne georgetov n l ons rodeo parade wm tne setting for tne 1 rs local appearance of tne pipers on festive theme s on a test ve theme the girls next paraded tnrough the street oi port cred t to the carnival on june 15th tne s r zens of georgetown saw the band for the second t i rns year at the kinsmen s ball day when they marched fron- he plaza to tne park and then lo the georgetown and d sir memorial hosp tal at the hospital they alternated i ie c ens band to play tor the people waiting to tour ine nev bu id na name class a instructor tne g ris attended rne h ghland games in grimsby ot jur e 2lin acompan ed by mr alan munn who recentlf received a certificate from the army naming h m a class a insru oi after parad ng lo the park tne georgetown band i sene to tne competitive pipe bands and watched the high land danc ng they were impressed by the h gh calibre of the entrants wncn included the tamed 48th highlanders a guest performance at the hamilton stadium on june 30tn brings thp outof town engagements up to date the band led the orangemen s parade in georgetown last saturday 1 1 out i iii on pajie 14 ol holdir cil no in u ch mi ih i ii d take i full rc- lopir m for place befon port of the mandamus ct l from thi low n solicitoi 1 hi- eek sunn or council favoureit haiv nip lln soiicilor s repot t and lo ivt the devil per smi kind ot anwer but how of pav laxf- from ihe t had a ocarina on tv stalled awhile the tellers s nt mil have alreadv acctmntil 1 j0o of the 461 u ollectcii op lo tliu i nd going on vacation your earner boy will be glad to sert aside a paper for you to catch up on th news when you return reev e sargent i n opposing the motion said that he agreed lhat the town solicitor s opinion hould be heaid bul we have stalled pnltv loni lr las opined that the m mk t nld apree to either nurl with the delrex officials or not on their own past agreements co npinv s court appeal would x up this vetk but mavor hvili pointed out that whether ihiv ipitlid or not some of thi si hn r think- have some 1m irm parlicularlv the bal an i past agreements i fcil we will be jeopardu in the towns position bj ha iru a meeting vnth them del a developments before the ourl action was dep reeve fill it opinion save expenses 1 lie imeling was suggested bv mr hi lop to find a mutualh saiir icur solution to prob- hin on an amicable basis ac inrdnu to the letter the lei tcr sint atter action by rex h hip homes lo force the town to allow building on a lot in the u nrc leaded section of delrcx was dismissed said thai their legal counsel advised that an appeal would probably b successful the proposed ineclnv according to mr hcs lop is to ave further lilication expense to the town and the co in pan engagement mil mr- charles barr a mr encasement of their daughter hizabetfa ann to robert ran km auonby son of mr and i milxulfssl while a hlndreand ten cornets played the air lr huttttr poinleii ut thai in hoh cross church on saturfjrvho ever thouoht of this method of packing down the mam st diggms and entertaining the public at the same timeieserves a citation or at least the fiftecii da limit for thei daj jul 29th 1961 crate of oranges the l o ls and l t b s flowed over the disturbed surface for dose to an hour saturday like a fabulous convyjpr belt

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