rail accident delay miss view of rockies w summertime ballet judy hartsjillian hammond and penny hull put a of the njmmersrehearshals for a children s concert of s i nd directeclfcty vickie lay ralph ursel and ken harr effort for the retarded children s school iher junes gmrgitown the r ballet si ppers afler one i and dan g beng produced the concert is a fu id id s ng i mrs john cordam con tinues an account of her trip west to the vancomer aucrnhh of jehovah witnesses dear editor our train ra stopped at bran don and thought i would take the opportunity to drop ou a line while the urn is ripe it is 50 rough while we are trav piling that it is ilmmt ftnpos- stble to write after we left winnipeg the scencn changed from hushland and rivers and lakes to ut countrs as flat as a table top at first hut an we go along we can see that there is nothing growing they tell us that there has ben no ram for 50 dav acres of land loo ked as though it had just been seeded now we are at edmonton and just before we arrived i saw rm first corral hundreds of horses in varnus en n its and surprise a beaver lumber co right beside the tracks af ter a wonderful breakfast we left the train for a brief stroll around the station till the loud speaker adsised us it was time to embark once main but no sooner than we were all aboard our porter announced an hours delii there had been a de railment farther down the line and we must wait until the traik had bt en cleared this is a glorious dav sun shining beautiful breeze i had alwajs wanted in see the prairies and so anoint r wish had tnen granted mi i was a lilt e ntr mus of taking this long trip but having son bill around ae u both confidence so far we hae weatnered the trip ccept fin fi w bud mum en vtsterdav tolas is won derfiil i feci as though this says federal assistance necessary for research ottawa special to the herald the federal government hat a vital role to puty- in the matter of scientific research if canada is not to lag farther behind the united state and the united kingdom in the opinion of c a sandy best member f parliament for halton mr best is vice chairman of the house of commons special committee on research and over the past few months has played a leading part in questioning witnesses arid in helping to draw up the final reports of the committee particularly as they relate to canada s atomic energy program the 31 carold mp charles h best co dtsiov erer of insulin is himself a scientist and hold s a master s degree from the lnmrsih of toronto his pnmarv it id- arc in botanv and bioltijv and be cause of this has expressed special interest in the kovtrn merit s activities in tin fields of determining the effects of radiation on human bunas and plants while he agrees that much of the money for basic research must come front private indus try and individuals he believes that the government can assist greatly in initiating ifftit of radiation ar rimeh mw and thei great mini uncxploui the hilton mp pun work d m tin reuu other count i of 1 cinnul ri plit 1 t h thai sh 11 hi bt done npa de enterprise and m li nut qutrttr if h icsintri l anonl a im ms nf tnnspirt ition ind upoli li its n 111 l ill ill n 1 mr best who is working to ward obtaining his phd degree this fall argus that the fed eral government in cooperation with provincial governments universities and other groups can play an important role in research and development but that government should not at tempt to take oyer alt phases of such activities to the ex elusion of the responsibilities and interests of private busin- jdi our lltk difftrent 0111 ridid search work dm ci mi ot alwns be applid n canada he pointed out that such re earch almost had to be initia search protects he envisages d supported by govern no or two special research m bere was no ec centres each staffed with five onomically profitable end result to 5 scientists who could de- to attract private indus voto their attention to radiation r on the other hand impor effects and radiogenetics tant discoveries such as the no one has so far proxikd possibility of developing some the sort of leadership that is of protection against ra needed in this field mr btst dation harards to people were maintains as much as pos ible n only of tremendous funda i believe such work should bo mental importance but could tied to the universities which h sound economic applic hae the basic staffs the man ation power and the enthusiasms for while f madi wis prtseiilli this sort of thing naturftlh committed to ihe hi aw w tit r atomic enere of canada ivpc of rtaclor it was unwise should eoepei however mr best docs not believe that the government should necessarily stay in the field once it has been able to institute something he feels that the government should gradually withdraw especially the two ri utnrs n w un if the research proiects have construction did no pru any buslnesse or profit motive ccssful or win vnitlt 11 r basis i duce power it an t c mom he pointed nut thit the com price on the other hand mons research committee was 1 the present program did quite critical in its final report ceed xanada s m in t hi riimmillti ail of the crrs 11 so 10 spiak 1 nl lim of mm hid 1 earh cjili nnith ip an unfortunat ball1nafad wi met at home of mrs jesse mcenery iht iii itk mil of 1 rll luni id intitu ms hi i i it ihr home of mi lese mrrn ih i ol v 1 mill f i li ml in the mi v s ur i1 r ih m iilrr in 1 i ihe roll h11 hi lillmg of a li i idi of rn ir loulh and ihe mi ins of tnnp irhin 11 rhi iiiinulps wire re 1 i f 1 1 mwj in a h 1 u s p r od ilurii 2 l 1 h the mi mx rs rtsrt id t adopt a fo- r 1 hild through the v i roatir part nt pi in two m nute roptrt nrr i mil hi ihe convener irrt 1 events mie enrn hi mrs w mrl in mrs r smith 2 n c- a humtrr us m it 40 is the it ai of onh in s the outh f old 1 1 the li vt on af r s an h con rmr mrs h trrnrn xae a- htr n idinff slit lrft me htr ro khok the mt t 1 e w s 1 ii ulh ih in tulc me an i the muni of ihr quon dilf itnis lunch wis irul hi he ho li ss and hr assist nts of the lack taken hi mam prnalc compan ies in the field there were exttplionp how ever and mr best mentioned that consolidated denion mm of hean ulri he waier creati r than thi 1 norf were it might pror economic cnsihle to produce our tupplv of this product referring to eldorado s 1 es had provided s50 000 ahout tionship to private companies tear and a half ago to the mr best said he believed that lniersiu of british coli for research into ust s of mm and other metals program was latrr tran fern d to the canadian lraniuin re search foundation formed b s number of minint c rnipan ies including lrnwn owned m dorado minine and rtcfininc lade for a case might be dorado vacating the mining this field and leaving that aspect to private concerns this of course would heve to be based on some program of turning eldorado s present mining operations over to prt vate hands so that the ei he else paid tribute to the merit now created by eldorado work being don by newcombe at chalk river on the mutation effects of radia tlen causing deformities in children but loch important programs ware always handi capped by a lack of time mon ey and trained people if dr newcombe ceased his work would be maintained and that uranium city would not suffer he explained the halton mp indicaltd thi ntrr ca u id pr hahh he madf for some ehaiieos in the operation of m transports ion the thorer might not be enyon to fovwumert sponsored trans carry it on and this type of porlation firms offered cppre program was only effective if competition to pnvite rnmpan it was studied over an extend ies in the omt fu id n one d period of several years case some three quartt rs of al these fields hawnr to fldorado s operations being in 4m with uranium uses and lhe direct compeiitioa with pnv no smear campaign but ymca has profit conlinufd from iaje would he able to appu fftr and rtweiie 3 federal prmin lal and municipal eranl plus donations from orcanizatiorts uin the hall would underwrite the cost of operation of a hall that would be aallihle to eerone rtaardless of their ace or their ha ml traps and not just to a se ect fow i onli hope that i haie clea red the air in ihis n sp rt and t p at no imtltr what the pro- ji n if i be for the cood of the com mi 1 ml thtn i am all for it 1 sincereli hopi that the interested riti7i in grinip are sii re ful in thnr attempts to form a rut i also sincereh hope that we can ket enough pi opu in support a rrntre as w h and is ho knows maihe five iiiri fnim n m ihf and the ommuniu entre will he wor kma hind in hand in anolher firn4ot for the ennri o the c mmutnis of which we are all pro id to he a pari of i wrmld alsj like o mention thit these are mi personal vie is and not th ise of the rate pa rs soeiation yours for a better george frank martel le life ih vi be into the rockies e hjie a sh rt top al ja- pi r our cam ras are all primed and rearh to sh mt to lr ind cap ure the beauts that ihe corner llaie hcen th nkma as we traveller along this heauliful countn so far remo vd from the turmoil or life ht k home from the d pre in- news thit reaihts our n r sti ps everv di via mir di u newspapers rt rdmg lh siri in other lands this is like an hhir world a mr d w ihiut far a world with 1 a i mnd frit n it p anions e n her pisennir- somt of whom are al n lnein lo ncomer tin world of ih v iv take me iwtk u the dais tnai i knt v s a rl btfore il i v ar 1 ih w s no fur or the om rxnir ihti hut sin e tht f r air in 1014 111 in has gone from one stit of mis- miir ler to innthir iun greater and it r nwe destnic on ard when 1 li n i wur ler at the palience of d and real an old sa ins thit nins like this r li in enough rope and he wll rientuallj hang himself nd tranrferred to other trains my only regret is that we shall not see the rockies on tha way into vancouver also our hos tess at vancouver will hae to bo notified of our delay since she is expecting us at 1030 wednesday morning again we shall also miss at least half day of the assembly after we had fipished our lunch we took a walk downtown in ed monton 1 took 9 snap of the new city hall with its fqini tain it is very modern then we vjstted woodward s dept store also kresges one thing wis very noticeable there was no noise in the streets such as i honking horns and like lng j land the pedestrian has the right of war motorists drive slowly and stop when a pedes- 1 tnan starts to cross the streets are wide and clean we soon tired however and were so thankful when e reached our tram with its air conditioned comfort our train pulled out of bd monton but after onls about 20 miles we were stopped again altogether we lost 10 i hours through that freight wreck it wjs disappointing but a little group of us sociable people passed the time awaj sinking the old lime songs at last we are on our wav again but the delaj has upset the time schedule and we shall miss much of the bcauii of the rockies since we shall pas- jasper now in the earls hours of the mornink have just bet n lulkuig to our porter a erj likeable chap tojjerto do auvlhink for our comfort he proimmd faithfullv to wake ut so we could git out at jatper for a fiw minim so 1 rtured to mi hi rtn but imt lo sltep this w is no tirm for sleep h seemtri and i found mvself sittinp up in bt d watching for the first mn of he foothills t last we reathtd jasper and true to his prom st our conductor roused us and i sipped on mi coat and slip ped out on ihe platform tne first thins that caught ni eie was a huse totem pole but in the dim lipht u was hard to see the moon is onh about hal full i ciught a glimpse nf it between the tops of the in oil n ain as we came along it looked like a half shct of lem on hunj in the sk the station at lasprr s er attractive comet hint like the arnold rathbu fc in mt cm georgetown 12 gowe court ittangu 747m aircraftsman first class david sprqgue son of mr and mrs ron spragucr of town checks prints coming off a dryer at rcaf station camp borden where he is undergoing j training as an air force photographer acl sprague will learn i how to handle many types of photographic equipment as well as all the procedures leading from the snap of the shut ter to the finished print the mail bag sally ann support was appreciated july 12th 19fil the editor the- herald georgetown ont rear sir major church has informed ui of the success of the red shit id ppeal in georgetown aid district w e then fore w rite to ex press to von the warm thanks of sals at inn arms headquart ers for uir newspapers en tiorsation and support which ht lped to bring the appeal to a suctissful conclusion with kind regards and all tood wishes ours sincereh 1 burst v 1 icut t olonel national campaign director rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wbhmno amangimbm congs specialty cut flown and funeral designs 32 albert tt 71931 we wire flowem friendly atmosphere creates a good mood we like to see friends got together over our delicious meals take as much time as you like wo never rush out guests corner cupboard restaurant your hosts larry sam banquets weddings etc of i 1 ill latu trl s arlj thit fm wi his aneer and des describe n heller on our return trip there is a rest mranl in tht stal on and dipitt the facl th u wis o minutes to 1 in the nmrmt j th v wirt w iiunfi for 11s w th hot tlnnks now ha k to our b rths till another dav dawns wiih some th nt that will mike up for tne riisappoinimt nt of re v ns the rockies we shill si l the mountains of lit 11 s gate which we wo ild nrm il v lair psed m the n cht so perhaps 1 shall see bon th rocmcs n our return trip and the view at hell s gate more later kattur ne cordam freezer owners special offer idly 13 to 27 only fresh garden peas al shelled washed and blanched and ready to freete advance orders only 18c n halton dressed meats ltd rr 4 georgetown phone tr 79231 ps 12 hw supplies one person for apprex 12 nhe whai a pitv that mirt gnedv for power tnat h plan lictir of ions because he rove thuies that na ons po m leremiah ries us a picture o ihe destruction that od will inflict on those wirked ones when he tells us that the stain will he like dunz op n the tilth thei shall not he lamen tttl or buried v people trxi 11 will turn fo d juji a ith siphat did in 2nd hroni eles chapter 2 when he was meed with 3 warrine nations who had set out to desirov the i rae ites he praved to god ilehovah beeaiie he had no thing to defend his people with aaint this vast armv god hnnl that praser and took at tion himself jehosaphat did not need to raise a hand in that battle vie are living in a time which is parallel with those ancient dass and the re wilt will be the same because we hase the name iminr pro tector a loving father who lo ved us so much he rase his belosed son that we mijrht at tain everlasting life in a par adise restored once aram like the garden he rave to the first human pair in fxien ell it looks as thmizh we mas be at edmonton a few hours vet a freight train de railed 2 men injured thev tell us that there w a third of a mile of track torn up ahead of us there is a rumour that thes are tninr to transfer u to buses to pass around the wreck and pick up another train the other side but apparentlr that did not answer the prohlrm either since it is now 3 30 and we are still here mans of the passenzers took- aitrantae of the offer to proceed to the r destination br plane hut we ppcted to stick with the ship and as a reward received an inv itatioa to be the guests of the r in the dining car tor lunch i base often heard of passenger trains being held up and bow tbe petwtitfera were inveetore growth fund ornnhnnea the advantage of common stock iiiimi iiiiiiil and fulltune profaea aaateof the fund are invested ra wide rwng of canadian com 100 suckji relfded for long term growth potential features- automate free inreetaient of divteteodii e cutamlaure intiietuii nt plans variable income plane- e income tax credit for mmpltt utfomafoh build your bank balance build your peace of mind conoim gvn ulldino sand koad okavf i nil end to sou stoni wouk tom haines ooei willums th 7x3uf tmc ersjk reavr bcamd canadian imperial bank of commerce ocmrt25mmmmkmmmmyom