Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 27, 1961, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson newspapers limited publication serving the communities of georgetown glen william norval limehouse hornby stewarttown balllnafad aihgrove terra cotta thursday july 27th 196 editorial comment request proves puzzling the monday closing some tike drug stores are not bound by any closing law at all but in general georgetown is known as a monday closed day as far as we know there have been no formal discussions about any change in the by law the matter has never come before the chamber of commerce which is the only overall body that might con cern itself with such a matter down town merchants have their own assogat ion and the market centre another and on occasion merchants in george view plaza have cooperated in promotion plans of their own though we do not believe they have any formal organization should the matter come to the point of an opinionn survey among merchants perhaps the chamber of commerce would be the logical group to conduct this and serve as an impartial fact finding group which could give some guidance to coun cil in their decisioi a request for diifferent store hours vhieh could throw georgetown s closing bylaw into a cocked hat provides a puz zler for the town council particularly so when it is diffncult to determine inio what category of store the zellers chain falis v and when the store has no firm commitment to locate here the matter come before council in a letter from zellers which said a george town location is beirlg considered but the firm will enter a community only if it has assurance that it can operate six days and two nights weekly at present the town closing bylaw allows different categories of merchants to set theur own hours within the frame work of a by law most groups have adopted the closed all day monday and open friday until 9 00 policy a few bakeries fruit stores and auto appliance stores for example are not restricted to watson back again wrestling fans will have another first hand lopfc at one of canada s all time greats of the wrestling world when whip- pr billy watson returns tonight for an other match this time watson is pitted against stan stasiak and has put his british empire heavyweight title up for the challenger it is the main event of the evening which also includes a tag team event with four popular midgets little beaver and dandy andy moore versus fuzzy cup d and billy the kid wrestling proved popular in its debut a jfew weeks ago when an allstar show at lawns are town showwindow old tricks on the new frontier to a the district i at a glance streetsville two sireetsvillc public school trustees harold heatheock and ken lions berger submitted thtirre sanations over the contro- the park attracted a good crowd but no good enough to be a profitable ventu e tor promoters sam yanaky and bob burke we hope all those tans and more as well will be at the thursday show when has been movd to the arena this is a chance for the people who moan there s nothing to do in georgetown to prove whether they really want h gh class enler tamment brought to town or wnerher they are ust talking certainly there has to be son e profit if such fealures as wrestling are to be come part of the local enter a nrneril scene and tne only pro pass be v fo a bumper crowd to attend viimal huuicrcarten issue burlington both men had ik t t strong lv opposed to 1he iminl s taking over of hinderair in st iu 1 luwn dse tt ns which last uir had mi nt t i n m i ner 1- rnest r linn pnvatelv minaged will in umm i c him tin the com fergus in mr r p mud out that the bni hi rra captain willum clilkison 1 r m ikin ue u n lias been unveiled there ihp pn 111 l p aque us one of the sm ncs he n ji erected throughout the pn aurora nice bv the li panmonl of ira ve and publicity acting on h l t w ik end tnf th advice of the archarnlogi f 111 mil m irs f md nl and historic iites hoard nf i tin u i no- 0n during a few weekend trips to the beach in the summer we pass through a ijomber of northern towns and one thing erjvays strikes us the well kept lawns in idjch communities as harnston walkerton hanover and chesley to name only a few residents there sem to take extra pride irc their properties including that frnnge between the sidewalk and pavement which actually belongs to the town but is really trfs responsibility of the home owner to mtintain in georgetown for some reason the story is otherwise and too often a man vjho spends hours making his property a beauty spot will ignoe that pavement strip which to us provides tne tran e for the picture now we don t meant to infer t a georgetown residents are sopp house keepers there are ust as many we 1 kept r ones here as in any other town ust as n any fine flower gardens and just as many hours spent with lawn mower a id pr ng shears we wager but the picture frame is importa too and we hope more people w ii start to include the boulevards in the r landscaping plans its one extra little touch tnat im presses a traveller itid tort if the inn h mi- his i in or three the date book july 16 1821 mary baker eddy founder of christian science church born july i t6 1945 16 years ago first atomic explosion took place i t alamogordo new mexico i july 18 1955 six years ago president eisenhower atten i did big power summit meet ing at geneva july 21 1921 40 years ago gen billy mitchell proved that aerial bombs could sink a battle ship in demonstration at hampton roads july 21 1861 100 years ago union army was trounced by the confederates at bull run va in first maor engage ment of the civil war july 23 39 national farm- safety week july 23 18s6 75 years ago steve brodle lumped off brooklyn bridge july 25 1909 52 years ago louis bleriot made first air plane flight across english channel july 26 1856 105 year ago george bernard ssaw born july 27 1866 95 years ago laying of first ale graph cable across atlantic ocean was completed july 27 1953 eight years ago armistice ended korean fighting july 28 1914 47 years ago world war i be gan when austriahungary declared war on serbia july 29 1883 78 years ago italian dictator benito mussolini born hho lllfv 1 iri i orangeville 17 hu idnir heinj til or i 1 ii hwiv disip p irerl in th ni id n ir orni iv ill li t iu m1 ii the 2 michim mid in lo a hole whuh hid been du- bv urn obi ii ottawa report bl monthly observations by sandy bist mp for halton brampton the governments list of legislation for the last few month hfca been impressive increased federal aid to the provinces for vocational and technical schools a strong new policy on ship building legislation on loans for small business increased veter mts pensions a national productivity council universitv resid ejjee construction loans reduced down payments on houses changes in capital punishment laws railway dispute settlement a new conservation program and numerous other measures have taken place since the session started cult matter that arose just a few months ago tn the paying of expense money to volunteer firemen the income tax de tn recent days the budget oj finance minister fleming has teen of particular interest 1 tve had a good manv business hen in hal ton county remark tfat they feel it will stimulate our export siles to a variety of auntries whtre they have not been able lo compote in recent years adther aspects such as removal elf the 7- excise tax on cars ave been championed by jour member and municipal union ajnd cnmpanv officials in oak mile and trafalgar the re- fjort of the roval commission n the auto industr by prof rr bladen was made pub- the night of the budget the excise tax removal was one of ttt mtggeslioos while the oth in include programs for pccializatlod and export 6n e part of the canadian indus- the report li being very atudied by the gov u and the car comptn- matfvra art of par to apedauxed in ovnvarea the dlll partment decided that this was income and in a legal sense this may have been right little account was taken of the contn buttons made by many dozens in fact hundreds of volunteer firemen throughout our countv and towns across canada to wards the safety of their mun ici pah ties following represen tilions from many of you and long discussions with the mini sters of national revenue and finance the provisions in the recent budget for nontaxable expenses up to 300 were brought about and they were made retroactive to 1958 wilh a number of leading poul trv producers in our countv the were particularly eoncer nod with the importation of broilers from the us at a tar iff considerably less than our own production faced when being shipped the other way equality of tariff ha now been effected in the recent budget which belfx tn remove the inequity existing before i most of the parliamentary committees are now completing their reports the broadcasting committee seems to have at traded a good deal ot atten ion particularly its refcrenu- to the cbc the o i earv kov il commission report on public lions has fanned heated debite on the subject of amencin publications coming into lin ada canadian advertising pla ced in overruns of amtrican magazines means a difficult competitive position for wholly canadian publications georgetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited i georgetown ontario 1 walter c biehn managing editor garfield mcgllvrey production superintendent office staff terry harley aileen brajucj news editor accountant i tom rush 1 advertising manager leslie clark dave hastings bob baskerville mjles gilson bob micarthur i member of the canadian weekly newspapers i association and the ontario division of the cwna i a hv piw for hirhwav 10 around brampton is not neces sarv at least at the present irc rdi 0 to the depittiiient of h jiw i s ihev said a survcv shnv ed onh one ot everv fif vrh ccs goins intn town wan ted to mi brimptmi oakville er 1 hundnd f re fi m r from manv pirls c ni ir i will converge or ikville on the tivic it ilir i nk end of aim 4 7 r thi oo h annual inr n im of th- onf in if hi n 1 hnlid ihe us 1111 1 v mnce ittfi trafalgar n i i ire siill in the news ek tnt i ir council re c iv t a teller frmn robert i mir lv coinplimiiii about the 1 ick o relrittions governing the op ration of a dog kennrl f p r t lv the lwnni of km nti in ises in the liwnship me ii a n i c rvone could be grai ild i milton one ot the biggest i hilk in tins pirt of tho c ninlrv will open neir mil tin h rining thi- winter spoke stnin for the three mm partnership george divls revelled plans f ir th propomd glen fden ki reorl neir the keuo dam the hill is about 267 feet hlgh nassagaweya nisstgtwpvi council decided to seek permission to hold a vote of townsh p citizens in september seeking opinions on five questions the list includes the sale of liquor wine and bc r in dmins roottts and lounges closing am closing the studio on main street until more suitable premises can be found for passports portraits weddings etc please phone tr 72872 peter jones photographer fgpii sugar and spice by bill smiley tm living a kind of craij mixed up life these das on the surface its sensible en ough i go to lectures and study hard all week on weekends i go home for a couple of rest ful refreshing das with mj family theoretically that a the pic ture i slog around all week in the city heal i labor long and late over my books i m lonely and frustrated then on tndav afternoon limp exhausted and red eyed i head for the cool north country where i lip in a long chair sip a long cool drink and recoup my strength for another harrowing week but it isnt like that at all its lost the opposite down here i live with thf peaceful precis ion of mohk i saunter into the shady streets in the even ing and listen to the muted squeal of tires i read all night if i want to eat when i am hungry i smoke 80 facts a day if 1 dam well feel like if despite the fact fhat thev re building a subwaj a hundred jarxls aiva i can stfp out into the quadrangle of the colleg of an evening and enltr a world of medieval tranquihtv i can have a shower at anj hour without a child hammering on the bathroom door the minute ii get wtt i can step out of nn irousirs dnd kick thun into a corner if 1 want to i can smoke in bed if i wish i can sit around stark staring naked as i am at the moment i can drop across the hall in half an hour and entoy a rye and tapwater aperitif with an other gray thatched refuge from domesticity and exchange with him lies about how much money we gave up to go into teaching soprano carries ihe melody ihe kldi are driving her crary the 1 ear is full of rattles the lawn is burned h a crisp and there n are hordes of visitors about t descend my croeky baritone plays the accompaniment the xourse is impossibly hard im workino like a dog the city is n inferno and im sck of restaurant meals this ancient chant as fam iliar and fascinating as ever carries on far into the night over lounthss pots of tea cof fee or anything else thats han- dv and c toiler off to bed awash about jam i have scarcely closed my eyes when on of the kids is shaking me vigorously and ask ing what time are we going swimming dad it is 8 e m somewhere or other they have picked up the notion that my entire week end is to be devo ted to togetherness and some how or other that s about the way it turns out bv sundav night i look and he i ik a sales manager who iijs hem n trt unine a couple of out of town cliinls m sun hunud inn thtre isntacold bier kft in the house and ive iktn on a to hour trculmill of swimming howling trampoline ing and cook out around ten that night the clients are draped on their beds like a couple of wet tow els th old girl is yawning wildly and the cat who is preg nant by the way is bedded down for the night it is time for dad to start hts latin home work so he can get it done by 1 30 so he can get up at 5 30 so he can drive back to the city for ck lecture it i t th s end of who wetkend shift that nnkes o shakv i ran t tat mtup vjinnkliiii nal oir i in n t conip lining mind von but comp ired lo the mon istic s mplicitv of im scholarly i isun lv vutk tin week end at ho n is jbiuil is restful as catml i i uh ff a moving loh vcvir bill i h oni hand while pulliii on jour trousers with iht othtr shirt the mail bag first when 1 get home i have to run the gauntlet of a bref penetrating interrogation by the old battleaxe somehow she has got it mto her head that im having a wild fling down here in the city ever since w were married she hs been convinced that the mom ent i escape her vigilance i begin to drink furiously dash from one night club to another and acquire mistresses right and left thanks for help at rummage sale 1 il kivl mn cresvent jufv 15 h 1961 hi i s mi 1 ihrouli vour new- l per ijii in thanks and il o t i g itmiik of the ocor mlwn ii itilepivers assoc i ikii f r the help that we re- ciivcd lor our lat rummage ho h lopnu i llnnk- to ill the people who how im supposed to accon rl plish thesi bacchinalian oralis on the s2 80 1 have for spend ing mom v after piv ing m room and board she doesn t explain but she mill thinks uoihn c iht me as the gav dashing dog sh fimt met 1 vears ajo ami refuses lo see the grav old wolf most of his fangs gone who sits across the kitchen tibh assuring her with some indig i nation that such a thing never entered his mind who collected those i it md to delrex dc foi u e of the build left m lo he salvation jack cntchlovv- words of the wise im nnlv one but still i am afto morals she has checked i the duet begins mot do everv thing but i do something idvird rvcrctt hale echoes ersaultcd and came up with the bill for tlie third out from the pages of the herald july 25 1951 and july 1t 1936 10 years ago an address and presentat ot qvei bv ross forbes pr rc pal of cambridge pubic scnool n honour of dr arthur mcallister georgetown h qhl qhted the mcal lister clan gather ng al bayfeld recent y the iniernalionally famous df zo i is v 1 be visiting georgetown nexi weev vv tn lis stiie show the seance of wonders tic faioud zo ib will bring jo the audience 1 says here i v no dt dd r esot eric rites and secrets wondeis o he naked mud voodoo trance pract ces and humans timed i iio zomb es congratulations are in order io mis will am snarpe who was 92 on july 12 h mrs bharpe has been a glen will ams resident tor about th rty years sh lives with her daughter mrs george foser 25 years ago gorgeiown will celebrate us ccie n 6 icl year an old boys ani girls reun on wouldjth order theri says editor joe moore an early rnornmg elorni brought faimers in the 8th l ne d strict south of town to the a d of rufus reid and hs daughter louse red aoout 3 oclocv sunday morning a fire destroyed the r b g barn and season s crop after number of bus nesses and other places town including myaple leaf dairy tyers creamery georgetown flour mill and holy cross church had been broken into a number of our young boys hava been runded up by chief marshall at thet gregory theatre skw them no amy ring rocrmlle hudson love on a bat ttamng mond small town girl alarnng janat gaynof taylor

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