Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 27, 1961, p. 7

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peterborough girl is bride of hydro employee miss mary riu garvey daugh ter of mr and mrs james fr garvey of peterborough be came the bride of douglas john tucker of georgetown as her cousin rev raymond gar- vey performed the marriage ceremony in immaculate con ccption roman catholic church on saturday she was in a gown of njlon organza made with french portrait neckline having an in sert of imported lace long sleeves coming to points at the wrists and the bouffant floor- length skirt over hoop crino- lnes pearl ned orange blossoms formed the crow n that held her silk illusion veil and ehe wis earning a bouquet of white ana blue carnations with h she was given id marriage by her father four attendant matron of honour was her cousin mrs robert beene of georgetown the bridesmaids were miss barbara dolcman of peterborough miss mar jo reid of brampton also her cousin and mis marv jean tucker sister of the groom their short gowns of mist white organza oer taffeta wen held with wide cummerbunds of draped foldi offset w ith back bow detail and were st led with circlet mcklines bracelet length sleet es and bouffant skirts half htswirc of matching petals and they wore white gloves and carried noscgavs of white shasta mums and bachelor buttons the groom is the son of mr and mrs frederick tucker and he was attended bv his bro ther leo tuck i r he is em ploved with the local hjdro commission robert becncv and robert lavoic both of ccorgctown and frederick garvey of pclcrbor ouh a cousin of the bride were the ushers out of town friends relatives and friends from georgetown bnmpton port arthur toronto hastings i-ake- fuld and peterborough were in altendincc the reception was hrld in the assumption hall and mrs grrv was receiving m a two- p ece dross of blue silk ortan a and wt mng beite irccssor les and pink carnation corsage the groom s mother had cho sen a blue lice dress and white accessories her corsage was of i tile lcaing for the hnnemoon trip to easttrn lnitcd stilts the bride wore a two puce dress of coffee shade linen with matching hit whito ac cessonis and a white sardinia corsage the are now living at 50 queen street georgetown doctor and bride dr and mrs b j bebenek morr ed in is ngton united church on june 23rd are now living in town dr bebenek ns the son xf mr and mrs harley bebenek toronto and the bride the former joan audrey garlh is the daughter of mr and mrs leslie william garth isl ngton s i thi mail bag boaf trip to victoria bc interesting to cordaros the georgetown herald i thursday july 27th 1961 july 21st 1961 dear editor i think my last letter told of our disappointment in not eeing the rockies by dajitght after we had boarded our tra n gain at jasper i was much oo excited to sleep and between cat naps found nijatlf sitting up in bed much of the time afraid i was going ti miss s me unrig since it was not vet a full j moon the rockies were not ery distinct but their dark outline was clearlv visible ajjji st the skyline sometimes tluy look ed like huge prehistoric nions ters with their hea is buried n the ground i was impatiently waiting to greet the dawn which promise 1 a beautiful da a promise it did not keep however for although the sun appeared with the dawn it did not stay with us and we soon had rain but rain or ibine nothing can spoil the beauty of the trip from jasper i to vancouver someone said we were com ing into a place called hells gale if they were right i ian only describe it as something like the niagara gorge only much mora narrow the water boils over rocks and around unall islands the steep sides of the gorge are immense rocks and our train was running on a ledge hewn out of the rock and looking down we could see another similar track about 20 feet below us it took very little imatrlna hon to realize what would hap pen if an thing happened to wreck our tram the steep i down the rocks and into the boiling water it was fascin ating 1 wanted to get a pic ture and knew a good place just at the end of the car where the upper part of the door was open i grabbed my camera and stepped out into the aisle alas just as the train gave an abrupt slop the jolt piled tome of us up against the end of the seat and i hurl m hand and by the time we reached vancouver it was quite swollen and painful a we stepped off the train i showed the conductor and suddenly heard someone ask ls there a mrs cordaro aboard the train the conductor pointed to me and explained that 1 had hurt my hand and since mv hand wki painful mv astonishment at being sought out was for i gotten for the time the gentleman was a cnh official mr h mvskiw sales aiiah st for cnr the gmtie- man took me at once t the cnr doctor nim on the stat ion after examination h dr hunter i was asked ifl wou il go tor xrav the next daj 1 must si right here thi every consideration is given to cnr passengers mr mvskiw even drove us in or plict of address xnj showed no bones broken and much relieved we proceeded to thcasscmblv vrrv late but in anticipation of j jovous meeting in our vessums we have por tions set apart for m ncil n child training and some on per sonal experiences was much amused with two such exper fences a father noticed that bu son a huge amphitheatre with rowi losthg interest in his bible oe houses running in circles ar studies however the son had ou b m a favourite tv program and gltt m father told his sn what no f damond necklace ptty it was that he had no e lhat could tuded his bible questions be c with u ciuse now he would nms hi no b street signs here tv pr gramme the b v di a m nf f down appear i and lau r cme ba lrwn outmanding wis a huge v ithdll bible quemi nicirrec h ml icrr rane colour vn he saw h tv prramm l circlng its outer surface i forge i to tell ou he names of the little islands st catharines lady drowns in bathtub mrs hilda roscoe 39 drown ed on july 2nd in the bathtub of her home on eastchester ave st catharines a member of the familv found mrs roscoe unconscious in the tub she was pronounced dead bv dr j l poiner after efforts to revive her failed she leaves her husband rob ert and two sons william and thomas mr roscoe fi parents lived in georgetown several years ago and mrs roscoe sr is often a visitor in town with a friend mrs robert waldic mcnabb st i preweddiih showers for bride glenda nix many showers were held to honor miss glenda nix daugh ter of mr and mrs garnet nix brampton prior to her marriage to ralph laidlaw son o mr and mrs james laid law norval on july 15th mrs david milson and mrs ted milsom entertained friends of the bridetobe at a kitchen shower mrs bert blackwell and mrs ernest wilson held a kitchen equipment shower at the home of mrs blackwell staff member j mrs jack coatcs and mrs gerry boyea entertained at a miscellaneous shower for the bride with fellow staff mem btrs from gordon graydon school at the home of mrs boies an aunt of the groom mrs duncan macdonald and miss isabel macdonald held a mis cellaneous shiver an aunt of the bride miss ignore mar shall entertained at a cup and siuccr shower i 1 groom s aunt friend of the bride mrs o mirkent c and mrs tom hoole held a miscellaneous shower at thr home of mrs hoole in snel j grove an aunt of the groom mrs john ismond entertained it a miscellaneous shower at hir home rr 1 guclph airs j w marshall and mrs i hrotd jarvis entertained in honor of the bride at a miscel laneous shower at the home of mrs marshall presentation a neighborhood presentation arranged by mrs henrv ruther ford mrs jack mino and mrs 1 jessie tnt wma bald at thai mr garnet nix held a home of mrs rutherford j seau tea in honor of her the staff of gordon graydon school the choir of norvaf un ited church and tha young laidlaw couples also presented the bride and groom with gifts ter on july 2 and mr ud james laidlaw parents of groom entertained tha wedding party following uw hearsal insurance travel walter t evans co triangle 72512 it mill steeet serving your community for over 40 yean fast fam tire service right on your form never a moment wasted after you call us for tire service we 11 be cm the job in record time equip ped to get your stalled equip ment rolling fast goodyear tires and goodyear approved service methods our specialty so call us when you want fast efficient ooyourfarm service elmwood tire service represented in gsoraatown by hicken clapham co ltd seventh line check line tr 7352 24 hour sarvk tr 73290 anothtr incidt nee a joui lid had a jehovah s witness for his friend hut his parents ob- jtcted to hi studv of tht bible so slienuoush thdt they evin mov ed to a dift rent part of the town ami where did thev o could gne me in e pa seel on ou r trip to the sltnd i cno11 red fr ir 1 one of the hips workmen 1 thtre was move to within a few door- a kingdom hill the pirents are now studjiug with jehuv h s witnessci our dav ended and next dav we decided to use our tickets to visit vancouver island by boat our bus earned us for half hour drive to the firry we had hoped that bus and all were 1 olhcr formation the inswer yes there are two urls with green jackets circulating among the pnsrf ngers so i circulated right after them and here ti information name of islands gulf islands galiano mav ne portland north and south pen der saltspnng and many carried to the island hut were i learned that the name of fern was tewwassen and not prepared for the sight th im ler w vti met our ejes as our ferrv cam j slst m the sdnv t t tw h- hnnr the carrv 110 to 113 can husses and trucks each cross the name of my charming informant miss bronsden more kav cordaro umehouse to shore two hufe doors op ened like the jaws of a huge monster ind oat streamed bu wo ho ses trucks 1 aded with lum ber cars of even description e lost track countmg i lh ne now onto tha ferrv for a trip of one hour and 40 mmuk there is an inside lounge with chairs in rows facing the h here passengers can view the scene from inside a restaurant serves meals there also out side one can promt naiie or sit as i did with mv feet up just drinking in the wonder of the view we made our way thr ough and around little islands s mcthing like the thousand islands on t and quebec there is also an upj5er deck v ith coftce shop and promenade at last we reached victoria a real beauty spot wide clean notice to creditors in the estate of mary m swindlehurst deceased i all persons having claims ag i alrst the estate of man m swindlehurst late of the town i of milton in the countv of hal 1 ton widow who died on or i ibout the 18th da of mav 1961 are hcreb notified to send particulars of same to he undersigned on or before the 12th dav of u 1st 1961 after which date the hslatc will j lc distributed wi h regird onlv to the claims of which the un dcrsigned shall then have not ice and the undersigned will not be lnble to anv person of whose clum the shall not then 1 have notice dated at georgetown this 11th day of jul 1961 congratulation to georgetow victor swindlehurst and rav swindlehurst executors ot the fstate of mary m sindlehurst bv their sol icltors dale bennett lat imer balnes 23 mill street georgetown ontario 7 27 notice limehouse family guests at wedding mrs a w benton tr 730o1 stella johnson of the sixth ay to montreal j i inc is wearing a east after breaking her arm in a fall last week mr and mrs ted brown and famil were guests t the don slrtcls flower bedecked light 1 aldson ismond wedding and re- slandards two pots to eachiciption in norval presbyterian standard ciurch last salurdi we imagined we were back in london england as a knight congratulations to mr and in armour approached us hand mrs clifford mcdonald and to inf us an advertisement of kinijmr and mrs bill campbell arthurs round table the homeuich of whom had a little son of gracious living roast beef lorn last week with yorkshire pudding etc we were studying the menu mrs gordon hanagan was on the entrance to a restaur b spilalized part of last week ant when i heard a very fam we are glad to hear that she llisr accent inquire our needs is better i wanted some good fish said i j com right this wa he invil mrs mills spent a few days ed and we followed to a table lam week with mrs harris 111 the cormr arc ou from 1 who was recently bereaved in yorkshire i inquired of h m tc ronto i ittv close said he thtn man cluster airl i righto nrdired oj lers and g l h ggest ostcr i have setn nearlv as big as egis verv vtrv ood i mr and mrs wm service of t minr hick to our table he milton spent part of last week istomshcd jt hn hv saving on wjlh the russell mcdonalds 1 waj out put t board in t oile nd all enjoved a motor trip ii d to camp borden and colling h w manv ears u it sinawood i heard that expression ii hr night back memories of many ramrv scott spent a few vehs dajs in aclon last week in n time we were back on board for our return vrip to mrs ethel thompson of tor vancouver as we made our nlo 15 spending holidays with wav home 1 paused in look mr and mrs w mitchell b ck over the road wc had tav riled mrs f nford and mrs vancouver seems to nestle st j sentord are on holtdars at the foot of huge mountains like their cottage at waubaushene notice is hereby given that the corporation of the count of halton will appl 1 1 the legislative assembly of the province of ontario at its next session for an act to author ne and empower the corpor ation of the count of halton to receive from persons or for the credit of persons admitted or to be admitted to homes for the aged and other homes for the care of the aged ill and infirm propertv both real and personal and to hold and ad minister the same as effectuall and to the fullest extent to which such persons might them selves do and for such pur poses as maj be agreed upon bj the corporation of the counts of halton and bv or on behalf of such persons dated at milton this 3rd day of jul 1961 sharpe nichols 146 main street milton ontario solicitors for the applicant 910 on fighting water pollution mrs al inghs and terry put last week in buffalo ai inving over for the weekend fountain favourites coot refrfshment cottage inn main st south th 790o4 for several years cities service has taken an active part in the effort to overcome a loomino canadian problem water pollution it is therefore with great pleasure that cities service congratulates thi citiizens of george town on fighting water pollution by the building of a new sewage treatment plant this progressive action will pay dividends to your community in the conservation of your natural resources good health and improved recreational facilities the preservation of pure water one of natures greatest gifts is a challenge to every forwardlooking community citizen and company cities service cities service oil company limited producers refiners and marketers of petroleum products in canada

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