Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 27, 1961, p. 9

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p s 6 goes here georgetowns p s 6 goes here floating 6fh public school found a resting place on sire sooth of sargent road the arrow indicates the approximate location for two imall buildings in the foreground are st pauls and st andrews churches and the li the lower right corner is mauntamview monday when council serhtjd the proposed scnool tm me running diagonally acrqs council agrees to meet in committee with firm hobby class new cart club feature the old hobby cla m iifui lil a committee meeting hdelrex development officials which cannot be built on be rnent will be arranged provito over objections of met tor hide the other eight council ior okated a meeting at mon dav s council meetm a proviso is that the town soliei tor give assirrmce th it mj meeting would not jeopardise the towns position in anj legal action reccnth rex heslop homes was refused a m uiilamus to force issue of a buuldtng per mil for a house in the wire leased area council is not certain when lime limit for an appeal against the court decision expires but cr burke said he thinks there is a dead line of august 26th should know maor lhde sdid he had ron suited solicitor george hewsnn whoso opinion is that a meet ing would it t hac an bear ing on legil action himoier a 1958 agreement b huh a portion of land was released s in default of pasmeiits and he thinks council should know what pioposils are to in dis cussed before a meeting is ar ranged of council of the whole with to discuss release of land cause of an unfulfilled agree t i ou nn t ilk iroimd a iiiecfin rill night sud cr ian cass i here are lots of i re isons win w shoujd hiw in of the million eilnu bilwdi the eoinpim mil uw town whelhti it k llliw or ft heslop a in one wishing to dis cuss a tn itur wiih con mil i should in tn the tourust jx klo i winlint ask fr mrs p b how ird diuhtir or mr and mrs a h dawson c en williams of rilmonlou itli two small daughter- 1iim li and man has nturmd to her home traellui h b i r rojina then sh pint last weektnd isitmg at lie norm of hi r fin nils th u lii ind mi willi liu st- will the fuinui bim dean of the cithednl at iu nn jnd c mplt tm inr tup to rdnion ins mond ij nmrnni ind mr nri lnm r it 1 e umlmu en infam are buomnu piilji ant ilii north halt in la lub intnidirid a hobhv cj ttliin it thur n uur 41 program mitutjv an j tt iii of 1 1 it 1 1 it 11 tm lie j til would tppt ir tt a e tnielin inswtnd the in i or who it this point mil a letter rcetmd some week 110 in whuh the linn requested a niittin- f he hc tkm tir i mett ing to diseus- hud rein ise anil as fir as 1 111 lomcnud i md reh ise hinges in t w pn io is agrt tut nt wh eh ire bolh 111 de fault w is tlu 111 1 j or s op niton cr 1 iun rtnnl eel into whieh 1 ninil tin nuvni the loin ut it i 1 i he nit t m wltith tt ii hut i 11 1 it t ter from tin town s lititur in fore a dale is set 111 ik 1 eluseh of fr smidn ills whj wuh th miciatmn secre oi lino i- ill i- of whuh mi j itonside i tirv ihe ineliidid mi mi- aim diekcnton of mount hope mr mil mrs mc runnn brampton lr antl mis inn miir wiist lis mi tnd mi- ortillt bill itnf rd sti li 11 mrs sptit int stitnu ir and mi bt rl i 1 tibi ink 1 i11i11 mr m n t huh m m km 1 1 wo ind mr tt its in i 1 mi 11 il mi tji i 1 1 r wile mr mr social and personal a long time resident of geor get own mr milton marker of 16 arietta street was admit ted to sunnt brook hospital in toronto last wednesday richard prust 14 james st is spending this week at beenrd dam in northern michigan with his brother m law and sister mr and mrs william pike of flint michigan guest of mrs s b groat during the week end were and mrs william u inn mrs dcnn sr jean connie and steven mr and mr william mcwha of toronto a great likes cruise sla- ing at buffalo and touchin such points as cleveland an i i detroit his been a fine ici tion trip for mrs j ph gib j bons 30 mam st and miss 1 jessie leavitt 5 ontario st i guests with mr and mr david hart 6 arietta street during the week end wen mr and mrs jack hart and douc las mr douglas baldwin mr jack mccaulej all of st cith anncs mr and mrs kenneln alios of toronto mr and mrs sand mcdon aid and gail motored to win nipeg travelling bv trans cm jda liighwav and returned b i the lnited stites on the ji home thev cilled on her ftther r n crawford and other pow assan friends mr and mrs em thompson miss norma thompson guelph and mr and mrs w gra ham market st have rqturncl from a motor trip which took them around the gaspe penn sula and through the eastern united states i paul prust who has been en ployed with federal mectnc in j canadas northland for the past jear at baffin island is home on vacation with his parent mr and mrs richird prust a james st he spent some of the jear in greenland mr and mrs burt hurlei 11 tftlargaret street and mr an i mrs j d clarke and famih of 1 new toronto travelled to mon trcal to visit with mr and mr horace hurlej thev then went on to quebec where thpj visit ci at the shrine of ste nne de beaupre the i atirentnns then to renfrew and algonquin i park and back to new toron oj and georgetown while m montreal 1hc famik who were 11 together for the first time in mam vpars celebrated mr burt hurle 1 bacffidav thr- acre awaj ten davs on their trip mi md mi- th 111 is w rut 2 chineh ii t re tent aecom pinieil bv mr- ii sh phi id ind mrs k md 1 on li m lltil t montreil with tlu r son i le i ariits win is ui 1 to hn land for in exlei did v sit mr wirnes inwlliiif on tin akidu mr md mi i nut ink son kinstun i holnl ivitu in mil w th nu inln is of th r timilv i nt ir t uihli r 11 1 fdtnilv su i- md mi t kiv with loikiamu and steven of fort brag north carolina on tlo 1u1ng the r nnh hno in i will mliirn 1 kington with mr ind mrs dickenson fin a h ilulav thin h w ilmi r ill ind mi i mr- irfn iti migilvi u of idpli st tore town cousins baptized at st georges on sund3i julv 21i r 1 hi inn th hit hard in pi 1 i un bill garfautt j up tirsl plac aw it fiu 11 vv 1 liat who im u i i i tin- ui k s j rh ua he id f id m inn 1 wih 11 t iptur d hi s 1 r t etil mikt 1 lr pj i 1 chtrktnd 11- tir m t n li n i nndnte cla m j d vv t f vi 1t f k jin hllli mri bill mcerr i ltiie- 11 hc 1ovidi lit ir nt and 111 3 sp jl v puff jinn ir u item l l 1 hni hi i in fron holidays bit i i o v stunt h bu hi it ua la husimsa r n 11 1 t 1 t n ihe cirt rat- in h i v r simdiv it tin c it 1 k 1 the 5ts in 111 mi i urn nue a 2 u social and persona mr nl mr i t ii i iluiti tr i i 1 anm r k 1 s v inir h 1 1j ii li p t r t t l r lnm and lb r jr i 1 1 imined u th ni r 1 nn ipren mr jn 1 l j n n 1 loi iimit qommcn did i tar weitber delays mi chip i tmicuudt jipaw summer rain a0fl ihf fiond jor local gardens jfttk ttimtti- htit it has bi n i likttjiimoift ttn planned road work un ffilirq emcotrwn wiwh wnrl booked tojlart tftiinith noon on prime and ttttioh ttwittmrnl ona mimlier of wwiik nhrohhning storms can hmumi tth- simi tta wk rol chairman anhi mfiitamwd to council j bwft mfhu wwm ba throwing i m wffr aurtaca nw ik mfrif tar th traahnant tk nhrre n time when we win sir w or not the work mta jprrvccfd sked crim ftsriweii i ista thousantls ung it tn wt 1 wmmr splted mayor hyda i tnw mysr 4hat itjwoold o wnr nl 4or etimata to fc vudh hft wpar wthr wftia4 afnffl road rrvatmont too vd iv 11 ss if th 1 nil sromniirre hi- anv plans r nittniev on iwing bt or swm trwt r- in port ns of last uwiuk own rrvr sirent said vlitti lie eonlfl give no answt ninil h mid u rm finance report ynif ltd baodball midgets are ukmcss in 2 games 1 niliuri midgets are br n 1 1 in 11 c hi iitt r i r th j 1111 in ihe it il on can jmt 1 t i it 1 ne 1 u 1 t it i uk- willi til ml p iviirt tl the it am ik iv qal in xt v hurlinuoii imiimi im t wn 12 2 1 11 1 1 tt 1 i v mil 111 111 i uk il i iltt lit 10 fall 1 p 1 p iiiurtl n lit wsiiu t hi 111 12 to 8 wlt water 1 1 r t the p tchitu 1 il 1 fin 1 11 but rticom t h v w riiit off tin 1 t- r up 1 h fvur t tt ns p irlu 1 r in s nd 4 orrr r rvl i ill lei lir 1 r had bit crlui v 1 ji il- but tllut 1 1 ir if o tin s on tiv h i thr hit 1 n hi r- wcroht i s h h iidscnl f r n r us i ihe sec md i h th 11 w nlked h 1 u h mo u ik n the 11 ir 1 hniler ti t n ran in 1 cfltifnil trouble konack scored the tecond run when campbell hit into a fielders choice ten of bronte s total of 42 pomcroy hit proves winner a base hit bv pete poraajrpy sent tom zilio home with the winning run m omagh tut s day night where glen will iams opened the halton rural softball lcarxie plavofts with a 54 extra mums ttl bl r b i th glen ifd omaeh twice in the ball knmt hut both times their opponents bounced back to tie il up it it 4 all at the end of the regular 9 innings and staved that way until the 11th when pomcroj came through with the btjt r b 1 john holtbv started for the glen and went innings be fore tom ieavoy came on in relief to get the win placed fourth the glen finished 4ih in the league after a tossed coin broke a lie for third wilhnel sun lovville finished first and omagh 2nel the semi finis are best of 5 series the olcn plavs omagh in hornby this rridaj night sunday cimt off itarter bill campbell he gave up 4 in the 1st 3 in the 2nd 1 in the 3rd none in the 5lh 2 in the 4th and none in the slh before being lifted for mister blair georgetown failed to have a big scoring inning but scattered their runs in ones and twoi over the 7 innings thej left the basci filled when they fell short in their goforbroke ef fort in the final inning thb oiokoetown h thurtday july 27th 1k1 page dundaa friday boughlon went all the for bronte allowing 8 hi the three hour long gai he also walked 8 compw just 4 bases on balls given up by georgetown pitching georgetown goes to dundaj tomorrow friday in the flail game of the regular schedolt proclamation whrai at a meeting of ths council of th town of georgetown it was resolved that tho mayor bo authorized to proclaim monday aug 7th civic holiday for the current year therefore in compliance with this resolution i hereby proclaim monday august 7th as civic holiday for the town of georgetown if you ara travailing onfii highways that weakand wa along with tha dpt tff highways that you uia care cour- taiy and common tans to make it an accident fra holiday waknd e t hyde mayor st four orn cl it iju id in hll bib is hril n- kivin brock son of m md mrs bnek uridbv i wntii w hot in yodpjr tuts w n mts h 7jbetb j t ne of jt miikd st ind mr 1irl i mi of st john nw hrunwick h proxt mr id bt rt sun n untirio st pro nil warn n john li of mr and mrs divid iiart 6 arietta st wirrens sodpar i l- vv rt mi p link lil 1 i il i fiitlph in i mr i n 1 1- b ii lw i f si t ith nn lower y o costs esso gasoline gives you maximum power maximum work per dollar heres a gasoline that meets the demands of tractor engines and gives quick starts fast warmup power and economy and for dicscl powered units esso diesel i ucl has been proven over and over again to give peak performance ron dumper no 7 hwy tr 74552 always 10 ok to immbial for the best twin lakes resort club canadas most complete coaatry resort 12 miles from georgetown barn dance saturday night genekal adausqm v person a limited numbht q wukbit wembctships are available at sjo k tout oh s year basis mm the following fun m f memben entrance to 6koumds and parking swimming tenting and cammnc gffiwngds barbecue mts and monk takes outdoor checjcb cows horseshoe kts basketbau baseball field winter sports tho following hoslm aw pwnsed for mcmben the twin lakes bahcm engliih aitd wmnn v kjr idi golf course pfard ims club house with umk koom dance hau and bajt sm0 contlruclion tennis courts supervised chuweks ptatticound iwtfts h hying club come early briwp a picnic speietwday location 4 imus mocth op khiton off 25 highwat iom kst up escarpment at st helena rs telephone milton 8786374 silvers annual summer sale of dresses skirts blouse reductions 20 50 cm comfyt see us for cool values we install airconditionino for residental commercial dctlorx for quality fedders and york ac units c s a approved free estimates terms t suit white and cordingley airconditioning and heating tr 66247 ooorgttowq

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