Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 3, 1961, p. 4

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georgetown herald a thomson ntwspakrs limited puftlicatlon serving the communities ot georgetown glen williams norval limehouse hornby stewarttown balllnatad aahgrova terra corta page 4 thursday august 3rd 1961 editorial comment i cool heads must prevail a situation dangerously reminiscent lor those anxious pre 1940 days when i hitler was on the march seems to be snap i ing up in europe again berlin this time is the focal point of 1 6 dispute between russia and the western i allies which could break out in another 1 holocaust or which could end m appease- j merit which could on y make rhe final rtkontng even harder on the west than t sfter czechoslovak a was sacrificed to the hitler march the united states b ta n ai d fra ue ere in the unhappy position ot knoiig i that any backtracking can only delay a i final showdown with ftuss a and yd a firm stand could be tne spark to et off fanother world conflict it is an unenviable pout on and one ivrh ch will require the greatest diplomatc skill of men like pres dent kennedy and i prime mm ser macm man we pray mat ithey are equal to the task and mat they i may find a way of dealing with the efta r i which can save face on both sides and i solve a major problem to the sat sfat on lot both proponents certainly cool heads irust presal i this crisis the russ ans are hard barga neri and i masters of propaganda they send only i the r best brains as em ssanes to other lends and the have ockeyed tne usa back to school perhaps it s a itt e early for a oack- tc school editor al but we are aiming th s ot pup is who i fright be cons der ng dropp ng out before lthey complete their high scnool educat on i and we want to po nt out how urgert t i is to give every consideration before n ak- i ing a step which can strongly affect your i future hfe if you ve stud ed h stor oj w ii i remember he mdustr al revolu on wh ot i is detailed in text books up to tn s t me i goods were produced by hand m small i quantities by i id v dual tradesmen gm 1 dually mach nery was invented to do me i job faster cheaper ard over a per od of i years the machine took over many of no i old hand operat ons th s d d not nappen 1 in a day or a ttar but t happened a h i mass produced goods becan e ojr wj of life today we are n me m d o a e i revolution tn s me one o aoa c and as in tne pas t sn t hod-ie- rg x i one day eitner but s a graaia re e n process of change n jr n farther re e merits of mach nery are ta ng over nay of man s obs th s time is more a a s a d g of phys cal unskills if one can con a ofd the abor retrospect remember when into many distasteful situations five cuban invasion seems i like a game devised by a group of child ren rather than by the skilled strategists we might expet to find in the usa do fence department inexperience and bungling are evident m trouble spots like laos pernaps il would be a confess on to tne communist if the daily press in the tree world were subject to some sort of control but we thjnk the time is approach- i ing wtien th s control might be a benefit too often our dailies now take an isolated mc dent a statement by politician and magnify it into a feature story which irv flames the public mind or throws an un necessary scare into readers we don t mean that a rigid censor- in p should prevail nor that newspapers should become moufhp eces for tha gov ernment n power we n ean that a central informal on office m ght suggest that journalistic irre- sponsibi ity be repressed as much as pos- tiblo endfschjal reporting be more relied on to merpret the world news pictures to people on this s de of the atlantic arih particularly we th nk our g ment leaders shou d be statesmen rather f l d po on w pubic uitr serious federal business ances carefully and present as united front as possibe to the world 10 and 25 ytars aoo from the pages of the herald august 1 1951 and 1 august 5 1936 10 years aoo struck by a car on main st on monday following tht donkey baseball game peter darlington suffered fractured bone in his wrist and other cuts and bruise council monday turned over to solicitors dala a closing day on mondays twantyslx of thirty sligible merchants had signed the petition only minor damage was reported in an unusual aoci- cidant last week on john st an ice truck parked on the street rolled dnverless down the hill and over the north sidewalk striking arthur mcguigeou house 23 years aoo editor joe moora says a man compares his possession with what his parents had a woman compares them with what the neighbours have a new racket has been reported in the area on many mailboxes the names have become somewhat extinct so racketeers reletter them and demaod a fa of 50c on the grounds that government regulations call for distinct labels the government says they have nol authorized anyone to da this work at the gregory theatre 13 hours by air starring fred macmurray joan bennett and zazu pitts silly i billies starring bert wheeler aond robert woolsey things to come the great h g wells thriller where do you want them lamp posts again quips sallies lighten out bv the net is tm i kel into tht in the first lib ral pjui hoi ottawa spec al to ire herald the debates and y discussions of members of me houe of commons are not always concerned w th mailers of great and serous import t vital issues such as tne coyne affa r and the budget debate mius do not take up all tne t me of rue house in fact the u or llignter s ue coies mo pn fa rly frequently as members onto u exchange qu ns and id es x n n son etimts reduce the woman naton is replacing hand labour hq iq gflifis of lr t es changes usually in ihe pn dely divergent fields as digg ng jged in by tpose m mu i who possess the sharpes irogre office filing and moving heavy tongues and the fastet m nh sevc to prov de a welcome rel ef to tne usual con mo ide of lor g dull debate ard it beconrg apparent trat t e rn k day ts com ng when nan canno ex st by p ir e m r 1 willi un t io work of his muscles w thout full use hamilton anil mks m tu lir of hi bran power too d w ilker are ytitrllx ii credi ed w ih hiving a mil iii tn s is why educat on is becom ng vi v r h i r eloped m iic i h un i t r sr the future of the md v ihc j y i n ill nat on for we are almost j w pickt rspil pr bihh 1 id here without some spec al the wax while ii m htrnuc jil and r tune ii t mothtr and cic ah en i n his nan ml ami in qui m sucn ditches obiecis f ntuk mi min f a ill rvtncd order had i ittlll i i niimst r r inr it su ikir i in ami calkl suttmr the d the sub coninio rl nt of uu ruling i i on si r jt ii s j w iuktrsill i ib f r ijiuisla d k th die rolling down from the north but there th similarity end ccuntry early last monday all my dad had t de whan he morning i couldn t avoid think got there was drag the boat out ich he in oach about three decades from under the cottage threw t j h there ue were pounding down it in the lake to seek put up ve p irtv tnt tiper highwa doing a 00- the pipes and start the fire enquired mc lri ln less than two hours ithen hed send one kid for a of tur there in front behind pall of milk another for drink- i rid roaring past us like guided ing water and alt down and missiles were thousands of fa wait for his dinner tliers heading back to the city o of her dfler weekend at the cottage next day was the aam ha in census cch of them as grim and dedidnt do a up ha just sat of tnr twmuied as a chariot driver on there looking at the lake and th a the tne da of h b mabe telling my mother shed better paint the cottage this cotnnurct what a difference a handful jeir after luncti hed give brunt pui it rr porta nt ti jal and the t tne stage w is no work for a il ng he may be n tnat every man docors la st have of the hae i teti ran 1- mp nft en the prone jroup a gornl rise i not long ag with tongue oh eferred to r 11 itmll n by id knowledge thei man no matter how tn doesn l n eai mus be college grad yers and teocners we course but equally so men tra ned in eng ne and n opera ng tn machnes wmen ae tak r g over from manpower and whatever field a person tackes a base h gn icnool educat on is more and rreetinj rore essential if on to take hip ec- n ns word of automation infjrm h anotner year will tee a techn ca cards should 1 scnool added to georgetown t facilities end third o- f a present we woud adme every young person to cont rue hn acedem c course at hgi school fir is ein ii 1 the prime mr h rridi k joint d mr am tie opp isiti ni to ilttirt minntir aum citttms ti 11 n lft himself open to tin re had bet rb il barbi wbtn hia rle pus linn rt fe t aiinuiiik tl he wtnill will 3tn ii 1 i 1 t pliled sxriiir liadmilc iis ulit the tinil cow a p chimin r h cimpiin ayjiivst i ft id ikt r lubirtirosis it wis ln t i thdt mr 1 opporunitv fur liberal ilic di i fi hlph in cm asked i itnint t necnan cs s igseing hit rt rt ii vmen ae t seek an al i itil mlh tu new iai of thi i i i of ii v ilum- u l b ne i 1 meiiiln 1st of iesisi i ik i i ullun b id c hi rowt atttr with fin 1960 i lenims afur mr i tph mr m rhinko n i mimstct woum sllk td lint i ick isf from the mail 5ao our readers right mr mtrruue aski 1 rendered hirmlesi appi i iii w 11 pn i ii 1 the qui stion mr ilimil n r arnuil with a s i if po i i r lations in his h md i 1 ni that if such invi i 1 ns v i he sent he ihnn ht llu m 20 th rd cits mill would promote amateur contest policeman bullet and hn u re niponj vnce march 10 wm i960 er brownndge st just ph v ik p rtnlph tun dear s r did 1 not t m he ed i 1 c ilumn of m hi p ip r tnri some writer stij sitd thai croup or organization should guc leadership or supervision to the young people of george t urn that tlu m ght hernme t ter prepared to meet the d i nds of tomorrow on februarv 12th liwfi i gav a donation to ashgruve in jroement societ tor impromp ti speaking conn si hath con ti lant drawing ihrte snbjtcli nd then speak on ont of them hear editor in m two to five minutes glancing ever the editorial public speaking in lsquesinsi comment of last week lawn t tsnship is like twitch krass aw tow in show windows i in korgttown couldn t help but get hot undr haven t quit figured out if it it a road leel ktortn aewer or just a cach all water holel the i tlorg come a town truck which i think was trmg to ia th- dut on the road but made a better job ofipraingtheboule 1 ami su h ihnu will stop vard and killed everj hlatle n without specifinhon hat liiod crass mucin ns obt nm i u 5hx hn i mi rr rfiaip the rendenti in our area of ph 1 i im wonder ng mr t ditor if georketown are cooperative in e u i v of he drettors of i quc s iie- respect hut when our ef lral bjits i nl i i g agricultural socle v would forts are fru ttess and no co by the in 1e of pn p i ntert ed in an amateur operat on comes from the other packigin r in n the tence are reen spriker k 1 md m turi fut in continuing our efforts l t c i have travelled to our manv tha s k l ontario towns and villages and a consinracv have commented many timei on but somctimis h wel kept lawns but of 1njlt harkhonch- rs g course this vas seen through a well pokshed picture frame rot one thaj han t been dusted for five earx disheartened lawn keeper man- roiulter 74 imnce charles georgetowm ont picture frames need dusting of ami ndui july 30 1061 herald leorgett admit that plans hit 1 he iibtnls ni was the i f yeera have made when we ner 80me m kiss us all ised to so to the cottage beck around and head for hvme in the twentle it took a whole 3erene in the knowledge that day to travel the 90 mllea and ne wouldnt bee an of ui for there wat none of thla buslneaa t lovelj peaceful months of dad running up next week end with anything that couldnt nowadiytt on opening day be carried on the first trip f hat to hook up the water system get the hydro turned iv there was only one trip he orij wrtlt how s look us to the cottaga when bttt 4fld motor mt of mhwol let out and he came back ltor h barely hat the ear for iu on labor day weekend on w het tent t p we didnt see him in between hr gro and bar r nd he was a much healthier wh h back h mp of the and ha man for it t thm k f the up then cook a barbecue dinner imi ir w 1 on later hes expected to alt up mi t s th b d dad woud out halt tha night talking to tha md rrd boot 6 s k th tlr1 people from the next cottaga he did h cr flling h who lost dropped in for a night with water and chicking hli ca patching outfit then hed start strapping and tying huge bun i j thal f onlv begm- dies onto the roof running n todaj flther u j board and bumper of the big ed tq hurlle oycr thfe hhw 27 dodge by about 64s hed ln from 100 to 300 be damning end blasting like a mlles eery ttee so that civil engineer j can p through roughly tht uame performance he armei around 7am he d come lack on the j mondav tmorn- into thediouse roaring are lrg fee ii t bu fiddle sou fellows ever going to be tmlt s been i 0 in the raia readv just about the time ror a we m mother was getting break fist for five kids finishing her my f time thera ironing and packing a huge w mueh s eooid go lunch for the road i wrong with e cortege the toilet might flow over but it would after eating a hearty break- back up rhm wmhr fatt hed go out to the ear eou bo tha blink kick the tires ail eround ofice bu j bo from th more clmb in and honk tha uk wlth pn a hydro fu horn every two minute aa a vn mnt not when you hurry up signal while my wwd wlth yi nd lighted mother was doing the dishes wjfh eo- o f yoy go holo hanging the baby and putting in yw p bucket down ell the windows in cat ofdr ctlth rin wat it rained whloh was nice and aoft for the heir wed get on the road about o three miles out of town mj sowads the poor harassed mother would remember some- de who airnes at the cot- llung that was indispensable uge fn e after a mv did would turn arouncrwith three hour dne is greeted br a ferocious tearing of gears the news that the scptlc tank ind rfne back muttering some- s not sppt the stove is hung about cancelling the hing fus the hotwater hole dam trip if we couldn t unk has burst t kids ha r him lltue hep and co- mi the propeller of tha the district at a glance rj 1- jst- time so that wed hit the ferry ght on the nose es he put th wno business is another but he always neglected to mimp todays man oner- nny field day diilifl pirln i th minist aid tint th ed foi uut 1h pollti pirt of thtir st on ind be mhi rs i p n id o nt his mini in hinsard constant reminder but hx fir the imidt l liui or of tilt s 11 xv is lumli ku n p tm isttr i n i il will of opt ratine an illegal 1 i m rns purl a stcn tirx to the mm d tint ndiiif trips mirkors whuh hr tu r cood record nun h mp for at t sutfuestrrt that it ful show thtt tin re i h i lint ikon at i th nk ot him rvs i h id lo k hi i be rti which id ind i horne i i plied mr i an cli georgetown herald the mu if libour tw the i ft todax b i ii fir i ihr l olhi por the put ft ed difficult to s irlroriuc d hx that inppens neclared mr us tht tt orxetr published by thomson newspapers limited oeorgetow n ontario walter c blehn managinc lid i tor garfield mcgilvray roduction superintendent office staff lerrv llarley aileen bradley na is irral mp istr finds it six that this ix mr harris der the fence before mowing have spent manj hours trmg it public spi iking vpnid tn tn vain to ktep our prpertx a i it ui and peel cuiintu- und how wmdowt but if traxel r w it i- alt oxer tjntirn lert could just see through the t mes have chantd and i r1 urt usl fur a minute this i ould like to sukkcsi an ama the picture thej would see t ur program say singing dsne murfcev brown lawn that gls editor accountant or plax a musical instru ntered down daily to see if tom r it in 1958 four people f in ess is xamlx trvinx to adxertismg manager red to donate s60 toward a w or r choked out bx gram of this nature but x 1 of dust m lark dave hast ngs f it would have to be m w have taken the pride in b blrt g cnsrd oer 50 pipping the boulexard seeded macarthnr wh didnt those fellows eat and mowed every jear alonif member of the canadian i g toothpicks and smoking nifti the lawn but thi ear weekly newspapers h r cigars hire another police- the rrader has made a hole association and the ontario man and raise their salaries in front of our house which i division of the cwwa john drxsdalc m-crx- fbr burnaln hirhmoml has his moment fxn mr h mmfc been listtd is a minil kreat s ri of noments u h hkestcd thai trafalgar last xxteks scorrhinc heit m w a rtrrd rnwtl of ahou i iim peopli lo crointuin i irk trafakirs lakeside recre all n spot ll the nrking picts ntir full and th re wt i shrl lk of pirnir mbles hut il wis not uncomforlahh tiii inrks supermtenihiit bill bite tlx 3t00 in the with si streetsville ttsxilli hix l i to b fortunes brampton mip on t uip i til his int r- had replx flcmi question was in and irrelexint shot back thit he hid not wish ed to be invlcwnl i f leader llazi n argue ihke towrrx a point liki uln with a bone ami on ont or ens ion fired a string of qui si ions followed hy supplementary r or al lc ck tukets dimntigrate youne ie f hind hxe four leif clox en in a rr m hn harkx ird mthin in pip r a m caledon east imico mm s ins i th to uioulh k pi the inevitable blow udiy wielding a apado at outs so wed tear down to the th d of hit own grave frry dock ust as tha boat my dld dy the ma wm was in midstream heading for lmrt enough to work lv daya the other side my mother a 1 h the family would sit placidly enough fan- co far enough away eo mng the beby while my dad tht ha couldnt possibly run spent the net thirty minutes in op on wm its a won- a colorful outline of the char j to me that there isnt a tier flaws of tire manufactur- wavv e suicides in tha cities rs and ferryboat captains levery friday ebout noon all summer in these times when we got to the other side of the nxer we began to pt crt exnted as we inhaled the j q pflgeailt orangeville onngeville t hre com nitcp has decided against ntmga slfiooo fire truck ft hat al first appeared tn e an entttting proposition beloved scetit of pine coun sd a srvn v old h ix nt trv once agun fxen mx dad c f burlinatoll innis tke just miuii or caliv simmered doxvn and relaxw en dnn list we k sim me- ough to take nff his straw hat for the first time in the brief mister knelt oxer the bn ind bx the time we got to the cot history of the miss canada f ned iir into his luns for t ge he d be ipeaklng quit pageant burlington will be tht ihoiit 11 minnts before he be decently to mv mother j scene of this national event t can in show si n of life the burlington chamber of con- tx flcin smith t- then ill admit that todays father merce will run the show tn tht nishtd tu in i mtmunil hos n just as bed tempered about burlington civic auditorium on pital tthe ongmat trip to tba cohago1 august 9 10 and il

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