Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 31, 1961, p. 4

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georgetown herald published by thomson newspapart li ml tad 22 mam straat georgetown qnjano sarvlng the communities of georgetown gian williams rexxvaj llmehouse hornby stewarttown ball mated asrtgrova terr corhe page 4 thursday august 31st 1961 editorial comment progress ousts beauty more than once lately we have shed a tear for bldts on natures beauty inflicted by man s progress lovely norval village has suffered stab wounds which will rake years to oblit rate an avenue of lovely shade trees has disappeared the pretty winding approach to the village nestled between two hills is being replaced and a stand of pine and spruce has been cut down it couldn t be otherwise and no one is to blame unless it is the inventor of the autorrrobiletfor it is today s emphas s on highway travel safetywhlch has forced the change even those who most rhourn the change know in their hearts that it had to be a look at trie police accident files is proof enough that winding tree shaded highways are incompatible with highway transportation family stresses education georgetown s weaem rom ufltrn1 wflj not escape either and rows q luewydrv stakes on either side apparenriy xpj5 doom to that tree shaded approach nxmct tin- been a cool oasis for travellers sot ismgtt tnan most of us can remember there is probably good mw but we cannot help think that here t qoid be possible to save trees on on sjd e- true otner instead of cutt ng tne h gtj smj in sucn a position tnat botn sioea w be bare in future we would hope that tne rtejrty oe par intent will replace tne trees that must fall as rcas who ened and straightened every year that no ne- ie s cved is one more year that fujre gje- jrcra must be deprived of one or nri ties assets the angler strikes a snag sugar and spice by bill smiley produce inflation starvation and all th ether at ions that no these delights of the mo dern world are produced by the talking of men it u the talking of women that hushes the frightened child that soo thes the old person in pain it i is the talking of women that keeps husbands from polygamy and a fondness for the grape it is the talking of women that produces better schools and better hospitals i have ut tried h wade through a novel written woman which contains 105 pegas ef fine print and i use the ward wede advisedly it was like lurching through a swamp in a pair bf leaking hip waders with a 100pound sack ef wet fish en my beck the only thing the novel conveyed to me after hours and hours of reeding was some- tiling of which i was already aware that wonyin talk too much how im not trying to be theres no doubt about it offensive when i may that i tha hand that rocks the credle em merely making a scientific rules the roost or something obser y easy to utter j like tho weather death and generalities and i dont mean taxes- can took forward te that all women talk too much the talking of women as a sure no more than a woman maanitlunfl and while it may f re al man when she state flatly the nerves to the shrieking and ive hoard it a hundrod point et timet it will net mke- times mon are selfish ut ly do tba world any permanent terly selfish she lust means harm all the males she has ever known and i fust moan all the i s also useful as a weather- women ive ever known tvnc ground our house the onlv time the old girl stops ive made something of a talking is when she s mad and studj of this in momeqts of when thai happens we all know quiet desperation and mv enough tr head for the storm conclusions are based on actual cellars observations mj mother talked i no one would be more proud of fno scholastic record of elaine silver than her grandfather the late hyman silver who placed education on the highest pedestal mr silver an imm grant wno had i t tie chance for formal educaton h mself established a thriving clothing business in town which has had a steady record of expansion under guidance of h s son sid he saw that his family had the educational benefits of which he had been deprived and several years ago mr silver established lions made it possible as another summer of acti ty at rne swimm ng pool ends th s week as a parert we are grateful to tho lions club for spark ing action wnich led to build ng of the pool few years ago as de from its recreat onal aspe rs tho swimming pool has been a boon to water safety and hundreds of youngsters have rece ved instruct on by qualified per tonnel and many have passed the r red cross tests the pool was not a complete l ons project it received generous support in a number of acader c ava aa irior of his father the awards have he ped wo e ts cont nue tne r n gre emao i3 hae prov ded a s u i o st woo ers part cu any to try rre r osa- ro o tneir s ghts on advanced aaucecr j friends will rejoice v m rie s i y a tne success arta ned by e ne i i ia year i stud es in toronto wren s- j- a 84 lo in her grade 13 e acs v will enter tne medical course vr jjj of toronto next monrn loo much mv sisters talk affected by the sea much m wlfe uks too r my mother for tha last 20 year or so his life my dad protended law talks too much he was so deaf that he couldnt one widely travelled and ind m small dluahter l turn h word m mofhr severe critical acquaintance of wg lnto te kkcr and m mine remarked he considered mftr hf nafiv cim lpper canada village more rpttt m nof trym9 to n exciting than the lmted sta wid lhout th lt u tes famed tourist attraction mtng phenomenon i williamsburg the vulage is h h oy i panctilarly appealing because a impct on word h n is not an authentic reproduc- wh for ty hon but the real thing it is ehwmg lh f- wlth th iwhat i would call a tourists flto in h crdn of edn paradise we are a family who w adam and we all know i to experience history our li ii ttl i recommendation anrt lu bn eult in rvrfect condition trip to lppr cinrfa vlhw 1 itj j srcshd implementation of theor an old mcdnal joumal com marvelous adventure j roval commissions report on plcte with illustrations the ne concluded by dorothy barker disci great thn lo bid the l a few z rublicanons are much too the ore cal for me to argue o even d rest for that mat et s nee i s rclea e a s rt of sm donat ons from rroi to i c s nal of tie fi test ha bcei t buk of tre est was re e semed b tie eru iilc el trrs be nfi a tana 1 an wn tnrough s pro e- s fd v c lo s st pr de m ku cjl d ln urgp hunt antiques backing it mgnt not ye fae e i- i n and hiinr w resiled w it with a h msc well furnisl tho instructors wro n s veo w ji prohle n of conpe i ons with m finds and a tool hoi the pil ish i n biljnc lb the discards th hit compel i 1 saint 1 confess 111 ne i snail a ss sanara sco t t s r- 3 e cornp n ened oi ie e as tie men wno sere c operaes it and tre joerv georgetown pool has bee- youngsiers on nor sjre c to parents wno know tre r safe hands dur rg sv t scree i e i z pa- doctors man posts at cne med i scope exhibit battle bui etj sn 1892 169 vears aujs rnr f randal perd tt crfsee jie- colater 6epf t 909 aoi german itty5rdj sniii preipita ns wor wit t1 exhibition park is tha bait throughout the prowncc recog sept z 11 w ao place to become alck or suffar nucd the tremtitlous educj theodore rj a ihe an injury this weak on hand lional value demitl h the pat l s vhoul 1 biou x jirfl for 12 hours of evacv day tht lent who attended mtdiscope in crt a 0g s c nrj 2 canadian national exhibition is 9d9 to dav an air of compe- 1945 1s tear r jaiar open will be a minimum of 100 tltion is developing among med formal v 5iirrn rrvi al ir- physlcians membars of tha on leal branch societic and some aboard battlesh uj vcn tario medical association reas are planning to take over none of the doctors sport he complete manning respon tigns listing their names or bibililies of med st ope f r oic remenber icr t- 1 n medical specialty in fact ihtyof the 15 dajs the lt wim go io bf i h rcv might not even treat a patient be open the best medical loda thes ja ttvm iif they will be on duty at the brains of the province will be vou up horticulture building and the on hand to help erase many of adjacent old sports hall of the mysteries associated fame when the oma presents medical progress states ita second showing of medi masson cope a medical exposition one of tha highlights of this designed to take laymen behind years modiscopa la lahra tha the scenes to view the inner transparent talking woman workings of the practice of displays all tha organs of thai medicine ihuman body and explains theirj in 1959 mediscope was view function another is an 80- edby 160 000 visitors over a foot exhibit explaining tho birth six day period at least double of a baby from the tlmo of this figure is expected during conception to actual dole a ti eiginj span e cci w tr when co are q is v mitche 1 lan 1 1 jt per oil ca i hive been g na a o r n ihe pun shn r i 3 mh i i tco nt iid tied behn d tin it backs r perhaps i should draw i moe ap sim le most reader rea ire that magaz nes and newpapers for thai matter wtit do women talk so much some time this summer 3 lt because thev feel insecure thee experiences are net i t th l doubt lt l5 bc th z rwer iz ther between w to j nervous i doubt that too poor zre ollpm t0 p hu or rich skmnv or tat nervous a b up or placid secure or insecure of he battle of trjsler or utml thev talk too farm ai i will probe bu keep me much and honeilij beijevc dizzy wih their questions about c heip lt i fe in canada a century ago in lpper canada village thei will have a visual answer i can hl- t in 1 mnfim til npir i ti i j i man aro strong i n i i roniess in nevtr taie 0 nu shoes and wiggle e io resist a p ece of o i j tm ltl tnc r0o oart red gliss or a nurs rg h pasior s f eld while child r at baga n prices how j i can sa sf much of r n liph ic tlr i pmt cl 111s tv nspect on i not trying to tuggart mlent ty lps who never opn their moo- thi unless thoy are about to mlt some mors i of wisdom repeated tours son lom pr tneoana otaburts- and gaaa potaotial i g cv talk mora and loss than a whole gaggle of women but thay re tha excep tions few man can talk end is the coin of the u without apparent effort words of thb wish freed il hat trart advert s ulai eiru sihle nlveri s verdant entral onl ine to sun ve oi th mrrv l group tnvel p an gnrourd aij publication must ih s enj also be an outstanding prinlue more th ioi m us field with readable area ha ma er si lo attract uhscrbrs tx irs ca irr i- irm bat irk 2 000 i linrf seined tr imte r wmmui ppriii i lr nd olilrr of r k hu m- womn cn and do ders and tlllcri oi worlh 1d d lnd th coln rujorn ihmrt 1 not usbm n tht lh re nnbed ihc righl nd th t pmilek of free men on ihe oh the llrfl for lhoe llmns 1 t the te op i nmbol mle from the l f thai 11 ell th the orld ell nd ne nd deepw cut the tntaroet aqattr and ombtpad plana for lndhrtdnals and th is elementdrv nenar has been the ful rfori of one lanad line io catch the nn sol so el i trip i ccir counterfeit p e kay n- i lis j i lo lppir cana hi h uht ot pleasure but i much in the knowledge tin lerstaiuiine of romniun life in canada 100 jcars buildingi salvaged o of the hnildmi an r furnish nss were ahat i jio ir hu because proof flit in tan irn ontario which c diled with the constn rinie pow teeajji rtitonal and s ia wt nc at- t phtiraphtrs jpl htl1 s 1vvj n am and techhical know iin snil on th n lh how equal to anv p nodical of s ljawrcnce jus from across the border not nf morrw im 3n enlv that hut this of i ad j mi the 15day cne showmi which ends september 4 realizing the large task force of medical personnel needed to man every exhibit from 10 a m 10 pm daily the oma appointed dr edward ma medicine in sports tha fabu lous workings of tha human heart the progress in ana th ai la which enables tha medical specialist to take over tho brea thing of a man or woman on tha operating table thai o everv c cdisu i beli place m on ive ears frort will be a distinct rsdian journa imt there s anoth fro n t it desen ihble ist m i11j life in ihe nh ind 1 wi the ontii it 1 a be adinii seen itfw istercd bv rtnee dev w it too m ra fil of toronto to be responsible but a few of tha unknowns for mustering a minimum of tha minds of layman fr 1500 doctors in active medical which tba vail of sacrocy practice in ontario baen lifted diujng mediacepa fare dr masion s first action was an exposition which cost the to appoint sub chairman in doctors of ontario 300000 to strategically located areas thr assemble eughout the province each man was supplied with datall jf date book old woooaat september 4 ts return 265 nt ere lie of of the upcoming mediscope and i urged to enlist tha aid of all aug 20 international soap possible doctors in tha area to box derby in akron 0 aug man an exhibit for a four hour 21 1730 31 yeare ago prin- tour of duty bulletin boardtjee margaret of eng born were prepared for tha doctors aug 23 1926 35 years ago room in mora than 200 ontnovual valtntlno died aug hospitals and regular medi 24 1814 147 years ago bnt- scope communiques are provid h captured washington dc ed hospital medical staffs j burned capitol and white at first the problem of find ihouse aug 26 1920 41 yaars ing 1500 doctors to volunteer ago women won the right to their time at mediscope ap vote whan 19th amendment to peared impossible we realized constitution became affective that no coimnunity could be aug 07 1t5 102 years ege left without medical services first successful oil well in us we also knew that most docidnlled at titusville pa aug tors have far too lmle spare 2b 1922 39 ears ago first time to devote to their fam commercial radio programme ules or for recreation especlbroadeast over a radio station ially during the summer vacat pn ew york cm aug 30 ion period bui taj confreres i862 99 jears ago second expthss miscs saturdays aaal situ n day lear gaawfaaesram 1135 a- daylicjrt it- renjm afer la- e- imh ask tickets and corner cuptoard restaurant phonsi lex xttsi s li vv lopment lommissio act of th in 15 the linn nder the ihairmin fr ohip of ceorire h i hallies is ns u ifi j t respond ble ftp the develop isue stimulated curiosity mcnt 0 r faciliues which in turn will stimulate j the preservation of parks toariti traffic to sweeten the mo historic sites particularh frov ing on our counirj 1 econ i i understind that premier 14 ixsl e ftist of ontario should he riven larpp amoun dil for nncinalinu tin lesiabhshing l pper l dace when the st 1awrcnce seaway wis to inundate so mi h nf historical anada i prom there the plan prorressed until there are far too manv lpersom who piajed an impor tant part in the undertiking in men ion bv name in this brier vpace kudos for them have been manv since the np emng of the v illagc was an nounced faot4oose antique hound tor jears i hav tramped the fields at farm auctions rum nuine through boxes of dis carded books stacks of crack ed and chipped plates bundles tf quills and old dish pant loa ded with bent forks denteri spoons and handleles measor is cup there is nothing in the world quite like the thrill of discovering a pioneer but ter mould at the bottom of the heap an old stoneware plate asroxuz the discards a log c georgetown herald published by thomson navripapert limited dcorgetown ontario welter c biehn managing tditor garfield mcgilvray production superintendent i oflice staff errv marie ailecn bradley cws iditor accountant tom hush advertising manager leslte clark dave hastings vies gilson bob macarthur member of ihe canadian i weekly newspapers association and the ontario division of the cwa the interminable telephone conversations about clothes and pickles and what matsie uid to thelma are reassuring sound- in a far from reassuring socictv it is not tha talk ef women that eenda nations reeling into annihilating wars it is not tha talk ef woman that introduces corruption into public affairs it is not the talk of women that joined the georgetown v constable lcn cham- echoes from the pages ef the herald august 1951 l3o and 191 10 years ago georgetown high school c pper school grads announced anne crabtree barbara cromir alan dillis joan latimer rill maclormack jim mcdonald frances pries irene nclle carl sfhenk and margaret spitzer constable w ilmott ferns of brampt detachment opp this week he replai bers who has been transferred several members of the sm th and stone i td office staff will soon be making their headquarters in toronto a new four atorev- office building has been erectrd on st clair ave oppo site the granite club to be used as a cmtral other 25 years ago bicycle ridin on the sidewalks m town is tabooed from now on pedestrians will appreciate the action of council in introducing a by law making it illegal messrs j b and sam mackenzie took part in the hamilton lumbermans golf tournament last week sam brought home the beautiful silver rose bow awarded for lowest gros store a the gregory theatre the oice of bugle ann starring maureen o sullivan the ex mrs bradford starring william powell and jean arthurs follow the fleet starring fred astaire and ginger rogers were absent at neighbours s on the 9th line esquesing oh havent you heard it wu a wewapoaad bouncing baby boy while mr and mrs robert starre on saturday their house and conlci were totallv destrojed bv fire 45 years ago a it is rumoured jou can huy bread cheaper over in isonal than in georgetown a local restaurant operator has been fined 100 for letting a customer spoon their own sugar out of a bowl the eruatnl old cabin which was located on the 6th tine hai been taken down and reerected on georgetown bowline chibi new green

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