Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 19, 1961, p. 8

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jl f0 f garbage contract awarded to lane 68 blind residents registered in halton thr are m raltrd blind in halton according to th r tut c su jeek il ipetlhit tar th hind lyn 1 th nru1 rnmlin ltl0uijhl u th1 oiohoitown hmalo thunday october ltth ini the world are folng to urvivo robert lane a warded the llv town garbage contract for an other year under a by law pass ed tuesday by council cr bob burke wai a dbv thc it could have been his dis tress at the ageold problem of malis inhumanity to man that prompted st paul to write charity suffereth long and is kind marilyn summed it all yeartaau very weu with lltlle poemi found that from sunday school lha halton advisory cmmllta tbt rotating wm hald wednesday l tcnaer vnknrf itit week in st paul united church milton anj he hfld mr tanly reviewed thr wtra four blind in acton 29 ln contrary to previous opinion a burlington four in milton on at palarmo on at campbalmlla 3 year contract is legal 1 now was el and rather alght at qrhwn fwo at norval on at rockwood on at glenl cr cass said that while h sin william n at hornby and 16 at oakvlll sided with cr burkei oplnion he w m horn hashing services war blind he reviewed early ex tndd lo flv during th past i periments in camping for the year aahtsroom sorvica to alit blind and the subsequent pur- nd library service to six i chase of the lake joseph stte christmas chaor cheques of includes living accommoda xtohdod to all the halton tlon modern dining room fac- sightleaaeml delivered by mom- ilities lounges fireplaces boat bora of th adwhory beard ling and swimming facilities and mayor hyde said ha might successful ptefitt children s playground areas have misled council urtinten tho meeting wai preceded by itlonally b quoting a dailv a picnic w as be ia in june lhc a newspaper report which stated fort credit and vvas considered mf club q m pmls coumiu cou on onft k success by those who had ai- lhunh ytar contracl8 however the j isard was returned as h we p p worl committee had chapman of the halton advis hroughout the county orv committee with m cress of 7 milton continuing as treasurer i 3tbwarttow and miss h trtmavne or mil ton as secretan other direct ors representing the varlou municipalities were also lurried tht treasurer s report show ed expenditures of 12 856 73 thursday evening esquesinginlo which they were born oer an income of sit 878 50 v j membirs held their rcgu canada women were not permit for a deficit 1 feel we had j mor metling at the ted to vote in federal elections a succtssful ear despite a def home of mrs j l murraj the until 1918 mrs lawson went icit 1 hope e will te abli meeting opened in the usu il on to saj where there is dis lo meet the enice program dur- m with the president pri crimination a basic principle of ing the coming year mr stan ming mrs ill p 1 aw son read true democracy is denied lev commented lne bible reading from mau i she then called on miss sandv best mp spoke brief 23 1430 proberb was the manljn murrav who carried h congratulating the group on allswtr to the roll c ill ans ihe subject along speaking en ered bv nine members ind urely on racial discrimination the fact that uie present con a o i smiled but he sttlck tract expires on oct 15th mlghtl out his lon and hed leave the town without garbarfet nigger facilities he would vote in the whole of baltimore tavour this time he aaid butm may until november in future thinks the job should 0f h the things that hap- have tender calls pnod there mayor hyde said he might that 1 remember mrs r harris moved a vote of uwmks to mrs murray our hostess to mrs j j atkinson and mrs h p lawson who assisted with lunch and mrs w r lawson and miss maril o murray who provided the program not rec6mmended tendering iconciiti swuf t87j5i01 lanes transport pcv ciass-c- tk7i5ji discrimination topic at esquesing w i meeting candidate for the leadership of the ontario progressive conservative party hon robert w macaulay fright ontario minuter of energy resources s p ciured here at the international ploughing matches he d near belleville on fr da o tober 6h w tn the minuter are stan hall centre mpp for halton and interna onai d reor and w ibam davit mpp for peel county mr davis is mr macaulay s camp gn cr a rn a the work done m this field film of camp wll iiitrjrs j aruk public n at ions of donations crr ficer rr the ontario division upkeep of artel of the c mb spoke and show 1 home and auo to ed pictures of the 19 acre lake fund joseph camping site for the tta decided t ve will endeavour to include nude to the some of the points brought out ie huodless n manln paper she polnu poppv d out that because discrimin ation is an attitude on tre part to have the 1 one race in opposition to an part tn the bible course grad john palleft explains duties of party whips mr paltatt govt appointed marries in ihe west tanliff v and lloti il9o9 suilctiiin mp fr huron the po1 in 17 then a ottawa special to the her ant one politically is to ensure an iml the appointment is id in military terms a whip that the government mn everj lne prcn sat c r the prime b a pollucal party is a combto iote in both house and in the minisl r but ls lhe p ation adjutant and intelligence committees with such a large ltlon ffleer at least that is the wa majoll mr pallett finds this paru c ucus rir the present government whip part of his job comparative m lhp p u ht retlrm or in bie house of commons john easy but he must lwas be ls amoved b his own part pallett describes his unusual aware of how rrany tory mem a whip i n uiimin and un functions bers are readtlj aaiablc to be paid un wrkhoi- bul in mr mr pallatt who represents called t0 hous whener iallen s cas he lumbine the 7 hti washington son fit ontario riding of peel is lh division belli ring job l one of three whips in the house to do this he has an under liberal party whip 11 j a ha standing with member that i arlijim 1 tar miritdrie l wn n ak yw gi explained fed of cochrane and arnold ie thev are going to be absen p s4 ww a lt our and ab- o for cerwnon nal 510 000 stipr ten mp for temiskaming per from parliament hill the iiitmal hilloween parh in the tht r it cannot be legislated lommunitv hall on tuesdav a an attitude can only be evening october 31st and mrs corrected by a change of heart fred armstrong and mrs wm and therefore this whole mat humphrev were named as a i becomes the subject of p i a former gln williams res committee to be in charge tdutation deiigned to bring uient was married on sept 16 a committee was also named about respect for human dig in ernon be i arrange for the fair displav n on the basis of the fact hnsmtalized folloamul wedding pnncipals were mrs i next fall some member felt that we all share a common hospitalized io khne bctnt of our displav dras are humant regardless of the and corge tajlor of hamil j thought of and forgntlen bv colour of our skin ton mr taylor viho is the ton time next and an early manljn showed us our res y of the lata mrs william gill s might fae the last mm ponsibilitv as citizens when she nian of len williams has justut rush mrs r hams mrs said what is required of each completed a bible training robert lawson and mrs wm of us is greater understanding course at aramala bc humphrevs mrs wv r lawson and kindness if the peoples of balg brocad citizenship conenev was in rev ruv btobie of naramata charge of the prografqand read school officiated and ron taj papfr she hid repared lor of seattle washington sonfihtled iris take a look at th that of parhamentari of lhf groom was organist ver discrimination we will touch n to the prime minister non i church was decora bneflv on what mrs lawson tdne arcl with rrt fwl vllnw olahi explained vir well the cite gorics which usmllv form the ble bhis for discrimination include the man from the mutual life leader of the youth group head of his house thats the man from the mutual life he taken a keen interest in oivio affairs and lends a help ing hand to his neighbours as a family man hes aware of budgets babies and bioyoles at work hes an expert a life insurance counsellor a valued friend the mutual life assurance company of canada rjic company with th outstanding dividend ncord district rprsntativ john t armstrong c lu 39 main strt south gorttown ontsrla phones tr 7 9621 offic tr 72454 rsldnc business directory tht r mp the bnde woi nin b tht k uting gnc itiiral sock v 1 nt event was s 111 1 t il v ih 20 t hies hi 1 1 is vim i mi stru 1 md lrv unln v lrt 1 m tiel for firs ll s tond 1 w bahcotk an 1 rn ir mi c r winncis i in raw 11 p mr luckv s j m11 alh hi 1 ci ivcl a beautiful pot hi p jnt 1 1111 eh was mm la the c osc vn h crevn wll held lle read at the reception from friends in vancouver toronto and hamilton 5 5 50 rl- forma ttie same duties for the keep him advised when parlia in mr of beige brocade with rose hat rare colour ethnic origin re- oinman ccf group in the ment adopted saturdav sittings th whip dutiai are interest and accessories complemented iigion social class and sex she house toward the end of the last sts ing but akt tinu consuming b a corsage of pink rosebuds lud for eximple where white in effect i have some 205 sion mr palleu divide h s 205 mr palutt finds his own par jher attendant mrs w hicks of people are prejudiced against problemo to contend with ev mps into three groups and in idt par lupa iun in house debates okanagan landing wore a negroes in gcrmanv under ry day the house is sitting sure that one group in urn naturallv 1 nutid although cream jersev silk dress with hitler prejudice agimt jews mr pallet sas referring to was aiwavi on hand on sa ir bv nec vsiu he nust spend turquoise blue accessories and resulted in viount and drastic th overwhelming majority of daja more inn n tht mmons a corsage of cream rosebuds jdiscnminitorv action the cast conservative mps nd vet fnd that 1 don t he o fliamb r than anv other rp mr hicks was groomsman stem as deeloped in india tty rarely present senous pro- cham f 0ut me ml find that i am how able and ushers were kenneth and placed mam restrictions on blems for mps are on the n them c operate well in letiins work ii mi dtsk in the house bruce hicks of ancouer people according to the whole responsible people and me know f thtv are not goin on th r business while mj bufftt leaders in their own communi to be available but in a long mind sub n cimislv follows a reception followed in the tics it doesnt take much pres- session it 11 naturallv difficult the dibiti 11 seems to automat garden of the likeshore home am or prodding from a whip for vcn member to attend ev icallv nine in when am thing un of mr and mrs hicks where a to make sure they are on the er aj their presence in uuir usu1 is si d and i on then be buffet supper was served on job and ready to cast their own constituents is of fundda altr lo anv sp cial deelop the patio mr and mrs tajlor tot when required mental importance and tin v ment rh vnuthful petl mp who wnll live in vancouver th wrd whip ls an abbre miat divide ihe r time betwen expuin left on honeymoon trip to viaticm of whipper in and was their homt and ottawa he mr i illtt h s the distnution 1tnucton and revisited kara borrowed from 18th centur points out of h mi thi ouniht whip in mata where they first met tele eaflish foxhunting parlance a mp a t mivs 21 parliamentarv hutorv ktams of congratulations were whipper in was the person who aas ln a 1c m not luludint nalln been appointed at thi kept the hounds from slraving sickness of absence on jvrn 3 trom the pack and this 11 a ment business ror eaih dav colorful way of describing the ove this number thtv lose s60 c r ii r l functions of a modern dav whip a dav frum thelr remiinera mrst rail tllchre is canada s parliament at trtf pn of each month euh r t 1 r 1 mr pallet s formal duties n must sign a dedara xm st 3ucces5tul cvent jnclud assisting governmen ting how mans dajs he was ah fir iiu of tht sea houao leader gordon chun hill sent without just cause s t 4 in stewartnwr to make up the tor parti mr pallttt ia pmud of thr hill w s sponsor d jndav ev membership on the commons itt mrv special and standing committer nee to emp 1 whip to rn to do this he must familiarize surp lnrfl j ls a h une verv himself with the special inter ekend at their rimlal on su abilities and knowledge of ano residenc hi has nu ii- aeh of his 205 elected charies w t fh homt inh wtknd h thn directs the debil m even whn he was at t ntlini si s th house lining up 1hose sums of the i nited nations jffs of his own pirtj wno want to assist him m his inanv du to apeak on anv givtn subject iim mr pallet has j slaff f t bill bctort the house al out male secrcaiv i vn ass 1 noush there is no restriction ant secretaries a un stno af debate and commons spea graphers in the midst of a bus kt roland michencr mav rcc session the lelephone in tht ofnix any mcinlnr wh i run whips office nr ij atnps nn in practice such wide open lali ing tilde would soon lead lo a ver btl shambles instead i tun a tacit understanding of which members of eaci 1 speak on each topic the wtups organize this and k ipi akc mlchener or the chairman the house committee know i ready to take part in the de tha regular meeting of un women s institute was held ir thia practice htlps to pr kikx hurch hall on oct 4lh fi nee a more orderly debatf and wiui a good a ttndanct tin 1 one in which the various geo meeting opened with lhe ode u fraphical sections of the nation and miirs stewart tolled fnl and the two laiuiui s are far hwd with lhe roll call what lj represeiiteii i enjoje1 must at the val jran th t mlr 1u mr th prim minltrer and ihe rairs minutes correcpondemi trank wallicr who ave a ven fc0i era ment wuip ipptar lo be ami accounts wm dealt with inltnstiug nlk on th umk fm try close mr pallell ex tickets were distributed to the volunteer t lht oeorgttowii puins part of a whips uik memlwrs 10 br ld on a quill district memoml hospilal a tion ll to keep the prime mm liwam decided to hold a hake pleant pirl of the progran mat posted on the course of sale in the near future with was a birthdav cake presented tr7 debate and to assess the mrs norman imdir mrs lrn to mrs d i ivingstone bv the mood of the house but mm thompson and mrs kitelev as committee venone sang hap mr diefenbaker this pan of the committee in charge mrs p rirthdav in her arid wished my job is very eaij there is kawfcon gave a report on her manv liapp returns no one is the count- with a the directors meeting which mr william sinclair gave a batter perception of such mat wa held in milton on oct 2nd vote of thanks to the speaker tr than the present primeln her report she stated that 111 also those on the lunch com was decided that a collectionmittee the meeting closed with a fjsvanwsjent whips dumber of ten cent a member will he the singing of the national ao- 1 job aod tbt moat import taken for the upkeep of unlthem dale bennett latimer baines barri stars a solicitors douglas v latimer terence f halves trianglo 73381 23 mill st georgetown 1 mbcr explains volunteer work j at georgetown hospital adcl ido hoktlss horn ihrn iso be a collection to bus for th northern i mr nc sarjii 1 srtydr nl mrs then yod are likely to be ambitious wide awake you lo ids you re bard to discourage if you can i reach a man by phone you may even write aiertlyincluding of course your correspondent s lull and corract postal ad- dess your own name and return address in upper left corner and the correct postal zone number if you are writing to quebec montreal ottawa toronto winni peg or vancouver hhp tjs to speed your mail check they tllow pages of your telephona dir lor full postal information robt r hamilton ro optometrist office hours 10 a rn to 6 p m daily evenings by appointment 60 main north tr 7jb71 hewson ord and helson barrister solicitors 39 main st s beside knox church george c hewson john d ord qc frederick a helson tr 7 2246 tr 79781 c arret al building 116 mountainview tr 7 2218 for expert eye care consult o t walker occullst prescriptions filled 12 main st s brampton gl 14474 res gl 16243 hours sam 6pm daily friday 9 am to 9 pm evenings by appointment dr john r kerby practice of dantwtry trlangl 73641 116 mountainview rd s georgetown dr j burns milni dental surgeon xray maurice manderson oc barrister solicitor 61 mill st tr 72444 roxy thatr bldg frank petch licensed auctioneer prompt service po box 413 tr 7 2864 georgetown dr k w mccauley dentist 36 main street south tr 74641 tf t van sickler ba barrister solicitor notary dr williams bldg main s tr 74531 licenced auctioneer norman c liddls 9mcnabbst tr 74413 promo 1 courtaoui sarv c w h c a r r professional engineer a ontario land surveyor georgetown onl 116 mountainview rd s triangle 72211 res phone tr 73300 no matter who youre having for dinner tonight make sure theyre warm enough use only safe dependable longer burning blue coal the hard coal that is colour marked for yoar protection it s a warm experience bluecoal whkentner son 45 dusan st ooorgatown tr mi5i printing of distinction o letterheaps envelopes o statements o wedding invitations georgetown herald tr 7jm1 ralph davies ac1s i- a accountant and auditor 122 guciph georgetown tr 73351 office hours 9 a m 5 p m mondajs to friday wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk a commissioner tr 7 293 lever hoskm chartered accountants 51 main n brampton gleodale 14824 44 victoria st toronto phone em 44u31 georgetown animal clinic j s zavita dvm v zavlfx dvm 106 guelph streer clinic open 7 pm 9 pm m0n wed frl afternoons by appolntntl no place to get lost the sahara desert largest in tl e vtorld measures about 3000 mile b 900 miles according to the book of knowledge it stretches from the atlantic to the red sea in summet lhe thermometer has reached 136 degrees much hotter even than any place on th equator monuments pollock campbell designs on reouest inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phoni u175m si water street north g a t bend your oriental ruga and looee carpets to camel for specialized cleaning service plant addrissl 4j ponrttie si s0akllla your walltowall broadloom clianid in your own homi vl 44151

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