Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 26, 1961, p. 4

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i georgetown herald published by thomson newspaper limited 22 main street georgetown ontario i sewing the cornrminltie otjgeorgetown glen williams norval iumthous hornby swetttownbelllnated ashgrov terra cotta page 4 thursday october 26th 1961 editorial comment entertain colour tour r georgetown was on the route of the teiy cololir tour last weekend where sev eral busloads of visitors stopped at maple avenue baptist church for a church service which culminated the colour tours for this reason f the tour wound its way through the caledon hills forks of the credit and terra cotta where the beautiful autumn colours and the perfect autumn weather gave the visitors a new lease on life and a big lift in looking forward to the long winter mason while the colour in these areas u sup erb one has not to go beyond the confines of our owrrown to see sucn grandeur the beautiful maples for which georgetown is noted are now dressed in their many beau tiful hues and a walk through the park or along some of the residential streets would be a good tonic for anyone desiring to ease the tension of the work aday week georgetown entertained the tely col our tour a few years ago and we were indeed pleased to host it again this year goodbye summer hello god f now that the summer weather will soors be over there should be an exodus away from the highways and back to church church attendance takes a sudden de dine once the nice weather arrives in the summer and holidays start but the reverse happens gnce the cooler weather comes this is a good time to make your con nection with the church of your choice with the local churches offering special services and preaching missions and returning to the usual evening service which have been abandoned for the summer months st paul s and first baptist churches have already held special services this fall and this week sees st john s united spon soring a preaching mission culminating with anniversary services and maple ave baptist church entering in a conference on world missions by attending one or more of these ser vices would be an excellent way of saying goodbye summer hello godl keep fit try curling i if you sit in an office all day or do a llmtlar type of pb you need some recrea tion after you lock up your place of busi ness for the day this ts what dr milton g townsend of montreal told the health league of can tda he said that golfing weekends was one of the greatest challenges to canadian preventive medicine the financial post quoted him as saying that curling bowling nd table tennis were far more suitable ga mes for providing regular exercise sound advice curling is a good winter pastime which can be indulged in several times weekly it can be played well into old age bowling is of a similar type while table tennis u not as some peope think in the same class as tiddly winks your eye and reflexes and provides excel make thisvorld safe for dem soma people would tike to law er but beneath that dls- it is a game which sharpens take all the fun dangtr and ex- ruk lurks the adventurer the cltement out of life quite a real fang andclaw killer few of thtm ero editors theyre lent bending and stooping exercises in rm lhtn prme always thlt killer ha reverted about retrieving the ball from the floor a dailyscoldnig away at us about som 4000 years tho rdvind and softlj softly all the world remembers them the last post sounds again we are about to ob- the colots dp serve remembrance day the and through our hearts day canada and all the british tne m slip commonwealth nations have 0 regiments set aside as a time when wej an may honour the memory of those who sacrificed themselves i now sjclanchol s sombre sway in great wars one and two and uted korea in the belief that by by tne p gay so doing vthey were helping to j wreaths t upon the cenotaph ocracy and all it means in i mcmon hid on saturday november 4th the legion will be collecting le droit printers ottawa the poppy convention at halifax half hour of table tennis should be used to lf if hl no lr p ra the rojal camrlnn legion s halt hour ot table tennis should be used to fi hm mna ma n h tlkin jergency assistance through the supplement the basic exercises a gentleman of 80 looks back on his life and has some advice for bays of today it consists of a few sinply stated truths yet because they are m danger of being lost sight of in the world as we know it it merits the widest circulation i advise them he writes not to burn their bridges behind them always prepare for a rainy day and remember that a dollar saved is a dollar earned help children share sound advice this all of it offering the promise of a rewarding future to those who follow it it wont be long until that magic night when witches fly and children from gander to patricia bay will don hallowe en costumes to make the dark october night ring with cries of shell outl few of us are so old that weve forgotten that deep down inside ihnll of waiting for the door to open to reveal friends and goodies what would you do if you opened your door that night to see on your door step not the rosy laughing faces of neigh borhood children but instead the gaunt diseaseridden faces of children from the lessprivileged countries of t he world wouldnt you want to spread your generos ity to these children as well youngsters are by nature generous lit tfe beings they have always loved to share with their friends especially when they themselves have more than they can possibly enjoy todays children more- 1 19th biennial convention opens bona in halifax on june 3 1962 the cldants if it isnt that ifi boating safety eestor bohlnd those bifocals thy kp nagging at us to piercing oye sweep ovary inchl re re a vet vedav mtional convtntionwil stay v but what wo want of the ground for rang of as ln npet aether or n0 draw some 1 200 delegates 1 to li much a hundrd foot thflhe is member of the legion not rolly ihotgun hes carry ls cll to bcneftl they re at it again right now a good education is priceless when th re rewriting last years you take your place in the world of men editorials about hunting aeel you will be at an advantage with a high dents lts the same old song the onlv concession they make school diploma or a university degree l nove or vanety u to rtlck learn a trade in this age of automa a new title on it last years tion its the man with the knowhow who was called death stalks j i the woods this year it might will hold a steady ob huntwj hirwt anrmal never lose fa th in the democratic crop or something of the soni ing loadod cockod and point at his loft foot its a boai system democracy means freedom but don t misuse it he is keed to an incredible pitch of pure cold nerve he senses danger and sudden death all about him and he revels in it who can blame him when he hears the grunting cough of lion whirls in one graceful movement and fires a 3030 into a cow with the heaves i wonder who reads those dltohali i would lay a small who m korn him wtwn h bt that tho only people wno m b moyard poruso tham or tho same ones mt of who raad and shako thair hads trolls up to claim his ovar tho editorials about high tcjuiry and items that ho hat i j w aecidanta foolish fires andl f h f th e huntor over are world ctzens n a way whch drowning i ha p we a generat on ago could never have a montal picture of thlt reador been in a world where space is a matter d of hours the child in burma or africa is maa up o gentle i a neighbour to our children so ourlzdie who have never learned children want to share with him and drive a car never smoked a i near in bed never ridden in der knowledge of hie nthlm ths row the district at a glance ii j burlington a new park on ikuhore road opposite the pi and whistle tavern will prob ably be called jubilation t cornpone park council lor stan duvall iir of bnance committee said last week jabilauon t cornpone is a mythical bungling southern general created by cutoonjit al capp orangevilli a petition being circulated along broadway st but week has touched off another barry of rumours regarding a liquor store in onngeville since building has been held op a lease has apparently been algn- cd to rent space in the chap pie building starting nor 1st for a temporary store streets villi village council last week passed a byjawaobmittlng the question of fluoridation to the voters on election day december 9th one members of council was ab sent when the motion patt ed acton providing plans materlaliie acton s park and new com munity centre will be govern ed by the acton board of parka management it was announced in council last week hockwood nomination and election dates have been set for rockwood by the eramoia township council the vil lage s nomination meeting will be november 24th ln the town hall and election will be december 4th it will be the first time that rockwood has had its own elections milton milton council last weak re quested the milton planning board to make a study of land use in the area surroondinf milton in preparation for an nexation council also hired consultant in connection ith annexation studies aurora aurora parking meters will be put out of action at least until the end of the ear town council decided after hearing a petition of over 50 names of downtown business places asking that the meters be covered for a trial period echoes from the pages of the herald oct 1951 and 19m between the wars the world forgets the price in blood that has already been paid thls remembrance day will you do your part to help the world re member the needy buy and wear a poppy the emblem of sacrifice as ou pin one on your coat remem lier those whom jou knew who gave their lives emphasis is 1 placed upn the speed with which aid can be given in ad i dition to the act of remem promotes have been made in the high school brance contributions to the poppy fund are tangible ex 10 years ago a resident of glen w lliams and georgetown for over sixty years mrs edward colman celebrated her 90th birthday yesterday cadet corps maior jim buck is still the cvc tha new 2 le la o capt bill whitney cpl john doherty has been promote prcssions of thanks to the men to it cpl freestone and cpl hardman have been made sr- who died and to the disabled geants richard sienko has been promoted to cgms and don we out of history of a help them many children in our community will be shelling out for unicef this hal lowe en along with the familiar shopping bag they ii carry a little bo unicef sure they are asking for the old favourites apples candy cookies but they would also like some pennies to help them share their good fortune with their less fortunate playmates across the world our children need not be deprived of their halloween fun but that little extra gift marked unicef on halloween is an investment for the future our children look wide as world citizens they build under standing for a future peaceful world orld divided should want tojand never tiunted anything wilder than a husband thi put th vdltora in the tame potlrlon as tha preachers who blait away at tin on sun- labelled d to a handful of tha faithful whlla all tha sinners are at horn in bed recovering from thalr saturday night act- ivitlas ontario motor league offers halloween safe driving tips its a bit of a shock to learn that when children go out in costumes on hallow en night asking for shell outs and more recently con tributions to aid unicefo they are actually carrying on rather morbid festival call ed samhain celebrated by the ancient druids in pre- christian ireland and scot land on october 31st witch es and goblins were a lot less friendly than they are nowa days they wed to carry off child ren destroy crop kill live- atack and generally terrify ilattoti deputed nffuttad their famil- to door demanding food to stock up for the long winter and a pretty miserable time must have been had by all nowadays of course its a lot more fun children look forward to hallowe en cit edly and really let loose when the night arrives we adults have the comfort of knowing that the ghosts and witches we meet are harm less and will probably dis appear when liven hand ful of jellybeans perhaps though we have our own brand of lurking demons accidents theyre a lot more likely to appear on halloween than wheee flag- was a kleenex intojh lifts his head all i can av is that it serves the editors right theyre try ing to take all the thrill out of hunting it a damp dreary cold sport at best the only element in it that appeali to the man of spirit is the danger and since here is little danger of being trampled to death by a rabbit torn to bits by a part ridge or smashed to a bloody which ha was blowing his nosa p1p by the charge of a wild duck the hunter must get his kicks in this country from the constant awareness that there is probably another hunter draw ing a bead on him at this very moment who can point the finger when this hunter hears the snarl ot a sabretooth tiger drops to one knee and cool as only a born killer can be lets go with both barrels right through the rear tire of the tractor the farmer has been try ng to get started just the other jde of the copse preach on you editors but youre wasting your time there is no thrill in ufa to equal that of creeping through mm woods en a f rowing fall day with the blrdshet ripping through the leaves just above your head highpowered shells slamming into the tree four inches left of your heart and the hope that on any other night and they spoil the fun in no time which is why the ontario safoty league once more offers you some tips to help ward off these eil spirits at home try using a flash light in the jacko lantern instead of the traditional hazardous candle light your porch and clear obstacles from the garden to discour age pranksters and avoid tumbles in the dark help make your children visible to drivers bv dressing them in light colored costumes or decorate dark ones with re flective tape and to help them see better use makeup disguises instead of masks above all if you drive be doubly cautious on october 31st and keep a watchful eye out for those 20th cen tury hallowe en spooks our children veterans loit we forget these poppies do not have a great material value but they have a very great symbolic aluc they are the flowers of i soenflce and are a svmboi of ihe nobility of canadian sold remembrance looms once more the annual dav of remembrance approacses when all canada slops to remember those who did not return in two wars november 11th we utad to satisfy our ancient lust for blood with wars but theres no fun in it any more no mantoman combat nothing but a monotonous manipulation of slaughtering machinery as a result the only way in which a man can assure himself of his physical endurance and cour age in this effete age is to take to the wooda in- the fall and pit himself against the rest of the fellows in the red coats very msn for hlmstlf letltake a look at this nun- he may look like a pot d merchant or a flabby school teacher or a softjowled ngstone a l cplfris his assistant council mond y discussed closing off a portion of carohne i tl provincial mill and have taken action to change the name of factory st to park st vinn n rslume prizes at the lions halloween party in e arena were judy aaccumber charlene day helen aauckart paul marshall dennis bell herbiaj wj1 you please mail murwdson janice bradley gal thompson marna mackenile cheque to the secretary treas jonn hulme bob tracey and george mann urer georgetown poppy fund 25 queen st georgetown ont yours vorv truh david capperauld chairman l blanche grieve secretary treas georgetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c biahn managing editor jarfletd mcgllvray production superintendent office staff terry harley aileen bradley news editor accountant i tom rush advertising manager leslie clark dave hastings bob baskcrvilla myles gilson bob macarthmr member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontario division ot tha cwna october is accident prevention month industrial workers in this a as wll as those in othar parts of ontario are being urged to observe safety rulei more rigidly during the next 30 days and to exercise extreme caution at all times in an effort to halt th mounting toll ot lives being taken annually in industrial accidents this annual safety drive dur ing the month of octoberis one phase of t continual safe ty program designed and spon sored bv the industrial accident prevention associations this is a cooperative nonprofit gan nation whose principal aim and objective is to develop safety methods and practices and to reduce disabilities and deaths from industrial accl dents safety first last year a total of 240 000 ndustnal accidents were re ported to the workmen s com pensation board of ontario by 11 classes of industry which come under the ontario work men s compensation act com pensation cases to 1 a p a classes included 22 970 men and 2283 women october has been chosen as safety month because statistics prove it is the month which usually leads all others in the number of industrial mishaps 25 years ago the hockey executive for the 1936 37 edition of the geor getown papermakers hockey team are harold cleave na than s iver perc blackburn manager ern thompson e v maccormack n a robinson and clarence king on giv na up command of the lome rifles scottish regi ment col cousens was presented with a silver tray by the officers of the halton regiment the georgetown lumber co is erecting a new service lt- t on for a c patterson on no 7 highway near millers corners it w ii be an up to date building of brick and stucco at the gregory theatre earthworn tractor starring joe e brown pr soner of shark island starring warner bax ter and glor a stuart moonlight murder starring chester morns merry menagerie by waft ob r i boteytha8lrtrttot0bi

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