Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 16, 1961, p. 5

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gordon campbell brampton wed in brampton ml and mb bob aftdguian aagn the register in st paul united church ecttfottnng bhear twedding they are living on delrex blvd geaegteoiwsm chatting with m h b ttiwarttown urges grace as part of family daily meals arrival in pakistan if you wtate a vwims rnu icalhcat their travelling do pie securely estabjftardl walk ihcssecmed unbearably hot home good job fcraemdi end acasv however a wel and two smalt einlifirenl sxraco- coining official wa on hand it faced with sa eppmntomflj to and soon whisked them all off pull up state to b imc in lo the college here the staff west pakistan ffortwwans bad assembled to give them a what would ow tikufl ua roval welcome complete with the dilemma at tbut job w3 iris of flowers and of all florae warren e ei3i si ihings coca cola this was no found themselves m ah sunt doubt because the drinking wa sner of i9qbl ler isn t good and moslems tha start of the ifrvnrarai mjrs donl dnnk any thins with alco- 1 when the gpetnmofl palo- bolic content tan seut a letter to titar omiario vftcr the reception a mem college of rt ux trtiinmii in bex of the staff took the v ar which the expewoeifi a jjkeare pens to the nedos hottl where to have a canadian matoanal living accommodation had been designer come to tinner caoaptjs temporarily booked for them ii expenses psmi an amder lo drawing up to its entrance set up a new departnaem- lor f3orric caught her breath it industrial design at zjbrr vi looled like something out of a lonal college of rt on lacbwrc iots book ith oriental style they asked that the deflsn- he architecture of mmarets and distributed to lmiusrnsh desjjm- onion domes rising from stucco en for their corrsjamrem juan walls covered with the beau warren one of roatj rngghysos 1 lul blooms of bouganvilica for the job was aeicepeet and thus began a pjcrrod nf then the door opened agonmng uidecisuia nr oft nd thev were ushered in warrens the ehahemse n side hat a contrast i interesting new nab an a lamcm tbcs found themselves in huge ting far away hand tipokw lte moras dim high ccilingcd and scales in faoar off se root empls looking a musts smel to pakistan fter eirj bee- kng dankness permeated the tt weeks of parting aenn nr aj not lo mention the plaster ing dothes fronnrnire rnrnawc which was peeling in great their house and jekcaj libe swatches when they switched accessary papers and ttm the naked light blub hang xation shots prior 0 rpjlame wfi from the centre of the the early septeflabwr earae ceiling it sent a couple of hi all too soon when jam xai fhar aasds scurrmng for cover rur ne nth children tea itare suture sparse and shabb was years old and datnt v hwar revealed there were no tied a jet from majtwn acrpwrl clothes cupboards as we know with destination laare w them because the pakistani pakistan their cac arnd vbe people fold their garments and fjolk of their pervmai ehecu put them on shelves when had preceded them bg boo uw re not being worn the yue aaar uan bathroom was of the anliquat the plane mad w pa varieu but ves stopovers at ucriam aid flush toilet the lebanon befwre cs aanl n t ani were of the indian rope anet widel used in the by this tune the taffirwb baonjj qjj were pretty trwefrweafl- t8o stepped oat the jsacne mle going to a window i- lor an atmosphere of sarf beat ne was astonished to find and brownncss the haohl teal n looked out over a court dings dost swtrtaia afrentnd et xjrd filled wiih water buffalo erything and ees ce aeglc sbecp and chickens milling were brown here tlbry aajtt about in the hot tun in the their first gjtmpr fi i3d midst of all the huh huh snooz moslem wom before a en jng on their rope beds wore a ersment ofrncial zrrecew un number of old men clad on and took them to baw hold r loin clothe and big turbans metropole to stay w ahr 3uht some of them had bright orange while uil eam as bur which contrasted otrange ajther ways the baorl braced with their dark skin important decaji wftuch would sem mre essemla o strangeness in fact as the kcnote of the whole situation in which the the regular meeting of es qucslng womens institute was held at the borne of mr and mrs wm humphreys on thurs day evening november kb with eight members and three visitors present the meeting opened with the ode and marv stewart collect roll call was answered by each one telling how long i have resided in this district mrs m pat terson a guest at the meeting lead the scripture from john 3 1021 and told the story of a young chap in ireland tom moorehouse who years ago wanted to come to america to preach and eventually did so taking the service for a fnend the great evangelical preacher moody for several evenings and always using the same text john 3 16 which he claimed had no ending he was well liked by the congregation he returned home to ireland but come back again to the same church two years later and again took as his text john 3 he returned again to his home in ireland and died al the early age of 23 the great moody said at the time that moorehouse had been a greater preacher than he himself would ever be the secretary read the mm tes and correspondence and the treasurer gave her finan cial statement a cheque was received from the milton fair board for the w i display at the fair institute members will again ater for the yellow jackets banquet in the township hall on saturday evening december th members were reminded to bring in the jars for retarded children at the christmas meet i ing to be held at the home of mr and mrs w r lawson when it is hoped to have dis tnct president mrs harry wil son as kucit speaker mrs walter lawson comen cr of historical research al i though not able to be present at the meeting had sent along her programme and mrs i red armstrong read current events prepared bv mrs lawson and alao read a paper which al though not historical in some homes does show a change in limes ye believe this article touches on the lives of manv of us to da j and feel it might usg gest to some of us to take moment in our busy hfe o wr are taking the privilege of us ing parts of ths aiticlci written bv ruth hondcnch in the pres huerian record in vour house do jou say grace before meals bless o lord this food to our use and us in thv service and keep us ever mindful of the needs of others for christ s sake amen is this by ha nee the grace vou said at breakfast this morn n or in this buss hectic life of ours do ou at jour house say grace at all life seems so hurried for all of us in manv homes the man of the house has been up eaten and gone before the children are out of their beds he is not home to lunch and often not back for his evening meal untilaftcr the others have eaten mother meanwhile do ing her utmost to keep spirits calm feeding tho highchair baby gulping a few mouthfuls now and then of her own rap idly cooling food pushing the dawdling school goers out the door and reminding dad if he still happens to be around to be home in time for some en mg appointment weekends with all the family at home brings no relaxation for her though the man of the house may eat in more leisure ly fashion and in greatly im proved spirits grace before meals just no lime for that these days you will be told r inc 50 years ago when the pace was slower it takes only a few seconds if your house has grown lax why not try it children enjoy the rhvming graces and many parents en courage the use of these the very tiny child will en joy saying tbank vou god for food so good and help up do the thing we should mrs george atkinson recited the poem in flanders field by john macrae and mrs jlcrb reid read a poem written t mother of t iree sons proving that there are wore things i nan death mrs j c murray and mrs fred armstrong assisted the hostess with lunch mrs herb reid moved a sole of thanks to mrs humphrevs and her assist dnts and to all who had taken part in the program nd mrs donald lawson and jamie visited in colling ood over the we end mrs lawson s mother mrs an drew ransier ilappv hirthriai in dannv met iran who is 15 on novem her 13th mr and mrs eric blunt of toronto visited with the grants on saturdav evening sundav evening the old i ashioned ihmn sing at st johns church was enjoved hv those present the rev j f maxwell opened with praver and under the capable leader hip of mr tom warnes the congregation sang the hvmns of tneir own choosing guct were present from georgetown nonal and toronto 60 cases crowd magistrate court charges under the highway traffic act dominated the court docket monday november 6th when a total of 60 cases were scheduled to come before magistrate kenneth m langdon 21 of them involving motorists of the twenty one 19 were upheld by the court while in the other two instances the charged failed to appear warrants were issued for their arrest seven charges under the town by laws all concern ing dog tags were judged resulting in 5 dismissals 1 withdrawal and 1 conviction while of six charges un der the liquor control act only two convictions were re gistered end the remainder dismissed two liquor license act cases were remanded to tho nov 20th court and two convictions under the crim inal code resulted in 50 fines or a month in ail in three other criminal code charges one was remanded in custody and two were remanded to future courts thb georgetown herald thursday november loth 1h1 loblaws seeking status of department store indications that loblaw s may be seeking a change in store closing hours was given in a lefts r read at mondays council m sating from ths g roc try chain s solicitor ths firm has asksd if thsre ars any local closma bylawj which concarn dspartmtn storsi recently council hai been dsstino with a similar rsquest from zsllar stores which indi catsd it might locate in town if it could opsrats on 6 day 2 opsin night basis most stores ars governed by a by law which allows friday open nights and dsm daymonday closing each stor classification has maior tty rule but ths catch is that no mantion of department stor es is made in ths by law and ncil has mads no firm deci tion as to what constitute such a stora loblaw s was not in business in town when ths by law became law but has been assumed to ba a grocery store to data mayor hyd said thai lob laws apparently want an in tarprstation of the town by law and his suggsstiorf that the town solicitor writs to ths firm was okaysd by a council m riry h i beautify with wrought iron ttii imamrntnl 42golphsl tr 7 9176 f 4sjualphl ik vlo arnold rathbun trangla 74792 representative sun life of canada georgetown 12 gower court st albans anglican church glen williams scrvicr and sundav school 9 30 a m st pauls anglican church norval ont service and sundav school 1 1 am rev r i stlbley rector ujife insurance originated nearly fou9nturles ago in 15s3 a londoner bought a year s protection for 32 english pounds then died within the year his heirs collected 4fl pfiundi since then life insurance has become a vital source of family security ted state farm lite insurance provides this security at moderateftost on convenient payments i ii gladly help your family obtain it as well as state farm s low cost auto and fire insurance call today for further information contact your local agent frank bryant 11 rexway drive tr 74814 state farm ufe companion company ol slata farm mutual aulomob is head ofhc toronto onlabio at karachi a port nzy wn tf b southern coast yesfi ffcan dows the beat madte asqpwv aibie to keep then rilaeml warren tbeunsrh family now found but this was the jjj tj and the count which w to be their home for the ne ii would certainly lake a bit of getting used too to rears home was taken atarik i ibe sight of huadtta ssxe salsct atnfea nrhnst and wftwehac 7 seeostn co brad ruja ffr bal save promise of being an their open ssmfca- ttoe interesting experience ftt slt z j tell you more about the country am pwoie root n ssard ta fight back pome f exi moraxng fmahj srer when the for the final tap ml aear the northeast pakistan ua eh paajah as the p a ht rrtarf and started to usx thank gwattmrsd green trees grass a lahore the crj steppnc rreaa eft of veterans apbor at cenotaph on 11th llhoush remembrance day was held on sunda november kfa in georgetown the dead a- j of our wars were not entirely ncclccted onhfejual day and 2 hr actual hour 1ffur number of the vets alien dinv the remembrance supper bad decided to observe a two aunntes silence there and a 3nall group gatnered at the anenronal prior to ii among the group were the prrsden1 of branch 120 davr waac sa pperauld and mayor ernest i tat tres hda water condensate and impuntics accumulate m ill horcd oil pumped mio vour lank in ihn condit on without ircaimeni the water and impunties tn the oil wit cause tank corrosion and system fouling to eliminate ihe ml of messy and costly tank leakage and lo aid in the dependable perform ance of your heating jtem every one of our micls ii equipped wiih the exclusive hy thsl 103 dehvdrator a hlter every delivery of hy t i 51 vu passci ihrotigh this dchvdrator and filler on iti uy to vour lanl assuring you of ihe purest most water free oil ever delivered a special ingredient in hy tlst 313 s premium ad dilive emulsifies any tubscoucnt condensation in your lank isus ing it to pass harmlessly through your burner and become evap orated result smooth trouble- free performance and infinitely longer lant life lull ol pcriic of mind for you w h kentner s0m t georeetewn la 73u1 kittylou hair stylist 221 delrex blvd dslrsx bt at wabsr or phone your appointment t 665 complete specials for tues wed thuks 1 shampoo s 199 shaping complt choose your colours in 6 weeks rinse 350 law complete our own super lan0line permanent rg 12 50 s95 complete try us for service complete satisfaction and mary that potato dish was simply marvellous shes right potato dishes ore mar vellous and whot s more they ore not fattening one medium potato supplies only about 100 calories this is a smoh percentoge of the average dairy require ment of 2400 calories per day for tho moderately active woman or the 3 000 calories for the moderately active man cup and save these teste0 potato recipes supper potatoes rvrrr ana toauno cwttai liquid aaa poraim at i eti ausmlr tua iv tw it rtu bfc t ca rd c her or ttc irtcn prpprr mir br aerrrd w1u bt chill aoca s aervlacg next time you shop ask for and insist on reipotatocs for good health eat p e 1 pota toes grown m the iron rich soil and salt sea ah- of canadas garden province rich in vitamin c also b vitamins and tron see the pei potato booth att he royal winter fair nov 1018 i rahuealsm mu caaaaa dope at agrkattswo

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