Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 14, 1961, p. 4

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y georgetown herald published by thomson nowspapon limited 22 main stroot s georgetown ontario w c blfehn publisher thursday december 4th 1961 editorial comment where were the voters nowadays when we hear so much about democracy versus dictatorial forms of government the privilege of choosing governments on the local provincial and municipal level should be cherished more than ever before yet what happens with three top council offices at stake plus council and school board seats with important issues at stake and some of the most outspoken campaigning georgetown has ever seen wilh cand dates ringing door bells distnbulmg literature and plastering sign boards generously throughout town a scent 50 of the voters paid enough attention lo cast their ballots last monday granted this was better than some of our neighbours and that in our town the percentage has dropped on occasicm much below the fifty percent mack we still think this is a poor showing for a town like ours higher percentages can certainly be oth eved in 1949 there was an 80 stered at the polls where were ihose extra week vote regi aa them is so much about christmas that is all too obvious colored lights are everywhere store windows coma alrvjjelir- with beautiful decorations and a seemingly endless arrayof not toys and gifts up and down every street in town windows and doorways are bedecked in mistletoe holly and evergreen everyone can help with nen despite the best efforts of the herald reporting staff every week we miss ma ly items of news because we chdnt hear about them newspapermei grow bg ears but even the biggest aren t enough to hear everything and we have to hear it f rst from someone particularly at th s t me of year there re club parties annual meetings and soc ial gatherings which add to the heralds news budget and we consider it a fav our if you phone your items to the oft e for inclusion in the weekly edition personals too are news yoiy have vis tors tiom oul of loi art ay oi nd when rip yourself or go e like to include it ii our soc jl ar 1 ptrsonal column ch idren h i day partes wedd ng a in ersai es v tors from overseas art ne s items wlun merest readers churji i til group mtet iigs young men 0 n nq the i armed forces people leaving georgetown uti for another home are also news next t me you have winter months are motoring hazards ontario motorists be winter wise winterize your driving as well as your oar and atay alive during the dangerous months ahead this la the theme of a pro vince wide winter safe driving campaign to be launched in november it was announced by ontario minister of iran sport hon ii l aowntree more accident november december and january are the most hazard im driving months of the year although fewer miles were tra veiled during this period last j ear ontario motorists were involved hi more accidents christmas cards and street corner sanies the sound of milca travelled was 13 per i the postman at the door the sight and aroma of good things cent below aveage but lhe e these are undeniable signs of the season number of accidents increased by 19 per cent lr rowntrcei less obvious perhaps is the change that comes over noted there were no fewer people with very few exceptions each individual seems to than 23 845 accidents in which f new purp0 new incentive he hurries more than usual 2 v lot hur yet he is quicker to smile less impatient and somewhat more nb59 others were umporan v a u in i u i j 111 1 tolerant of his fellow human being or permanently disabled m add to danger we cannot describe it ade- their mark upon the walls of minj factors contribute to nu except to say that it time but these change their making the 01ut1ber deicin i bc m ne imall way the pet terns with the progress of ber jnuian traffic toll 1 nc i miracle of christmas at work humanity highest of ihe jcir sno cov n lo be it comes from the down through the ages the ird or ir rind incnascd la irresistible it is ore single dominating influence hours of darknc reduced vis ccmpulsive there is no other upon generations of men and ililiu dirk rlolliuik worn at planalion women has been the miracle of nuht holttln txiiu tin nl ami amid j1 the outward trap- christmas the simple affirm confusion office pirties a pings of the season and pi r ation of the heritage and dig holic hispililm all idd up to j m p of h the nit that belongs to none but danjtr on fool and ik hind llu miracle of christmas shines mankind among mvnad creat whul tht minisiir said forth from the human heart ues of land and sea and swv the dipt s intmsivc pub r the miracle of christmas man is a special creature ere- information prnnm is anm 1 mankind s greatest heritage oted in the image of eternity jt ftmismiij aittntioii in th broiikht with quiet urns l is through and because of itil import nut of knimin summi rlijnity into he htars the miracle of christmas that an 1 ipplvin- llu ftw smipli lmds of living men and hope springs eternal in the hu ru of winter mu dnvin there it has rtmamedman breast tht o w ill i n iblt invone to through ci ntunt s of opprt ssion for on tints dav is born unto siirvnr ivcn tin it r ihe most iperseruti tn and the impnrtnl ihe wofia a saviour in ihese sugar and spice by bill smiley whoa there slow downl re lax get that frown off your face don t look so strained funeral or a wedding you are getting ready for it is christmas remember i know i know its trying tint for all of us and christ- mam is getting too commercial ixed and if nokwhat it used to be and w cant afford all those prase nts and christmas is uit big pain in th neck and i dont enjoy christmas any mort im simply out lva heard them al ourlng these ordeal th lj trouble n strife baut m may to get along with as a cobra with a hangovwr thafi why i look on tin annual pra- ioct as challenge if w can got through a couplo of woeks of thla without anyone pkklng up an axe christmas is breex when the last snarl of the sander fades or the last brick la slapped into place or the last splatter of paint u tuxpen- worn lined off i know that christmas peace on earth and goodwill toward me and the kids rt practically upon us to ivinur ihe cold v interesting news ahcad w make it a po n hera d s a lly to phone tr 7 2201 as good as you help ri to make it clear l ittwr condition mr a ll d cold war biu owners an ur i ic thur vehicles for ar during the months th jour nr in good snipe and properh equipped the war is half won he con eluded the rest of tht hattlt will depend on cartful altiludts and skillful dming tindt r all road and weather ondltjon iltnthii despot f time diclat ie hatl their nd bad isms have mple vwjtdswe find the stren nd dishe gth of chnstianiti themirj j hnstrri n in acle of christmas which bestow isms ed upon mankind the inalten made able right to merit eternal sal vat ion poppycock piffle it s not christmas that s a big pain in the neck it s some of the so- called christians who celebrate it worrying complaining grabbing sweating pushing whining in a perfect fremy as the glorious day approaches for mysolf i find christmas and tha weeks approaching it a demanding but exhilarating ex portent each christmas soason around our houu pre sents a challenge that brings m old ud w always to wha- out th best in mo and dont out lh 0lng ready for anybody please remark that chriln w plmsant the best is none too good change in comparison the reason s that each eir i thal whi was mut alar atut the time other people mid thi year you wft wrappinj wfts and addre in a rented house and cards we are i no outlet for t pre- up lo our ears in a domestic christmas project the ladv irojtct tor some reason each year the praoct has ed as a safety valvo for th old girl you know what wo men an like with christmas coming on normally they run around in ever decreasing cir clet as they try to cope with turkey and trimmings pudding nd presents and pies after at couple of weeks pamting or running around the brickpile a couple of ratepayers took us to task recently for not supporting certain cara dates in the mun opal elect ons the week before we sta ed ed tor a y perhaps some people are expecting tne herald to boost a slate or certa n cand dates if so they will be d sapo nted to reiterate we do not think it s a weekly newspapers function to take over the ob of telling ratepayers for wno n they should or should not vote there is ample opportun ty for voters to s ze up e 1 g councillors dur ng the year tne publ c is free to atend all coun cil mee ngs deta led reports of meet ngs appear week y in he hera d and stae mer s 01 cana dates a tne norr nal on mee ig ge a p e oe aj d ng e ed ons o rer may presi 1 the ssue prece town planning show i window of community bine to pu the r to 1 ev s n pr n 11 an effort to ne r cnosen ca id da es we do not for desp te three hours of listening co ean monday n gnt and an equal t me rit spent in writ ng news reports for tne week ly ed on we cannot pretend to be tne to so e udge of the mer ts of counc llor wneir er tne r ght men or the wrom men w ii be serv ng on george ovn cour c next year s a mat er o op nin sor ra eoayers th r k yes and son e no as 1 a ays ne case i a den oc a y wr aftever u e cae s t o 1 j nexf december and ano e a e 1 1 if ou sat down to mike an ibjtctit astsamcnl of votir town t a niumiintv in which i lo raisi a child how would 1 pare with other towns and s across canada what in i are the measurable factors can use in assessing jour n is a iood place to livt town planning should be high on your measurable listl according to catherine sin clair who conducted a survey for the november issue of by dorothy barker has it a new look christmas ties 1 would kn off m shr stocking footed s though i had nij btans for ijladlv have ta cs and walked except that l just leather thongs to tie these to our felt boots dad sandpap ered and waxed them to a gleam so the d glide eas over the snow reminisced the sec ond elderlj codger i know i know remarked the third old man coming m become mvohed annuallj the most stupendous household upheaval just before the test ive season it 5 not my doing every ear about the first of december the chief engineer gtts hallucinations of grandeur and we re for it restrained by law from ripping off all the wallpaper or launch ing into a linoleum laying or- gi all she can do is eje it longinglj but i neednt havo worried unable to create alarm confu sion chaos and open warfar one year it was a new link m the house she has gone fur- in the bathroom translated thar afield to church as or- thii means i wound up with egamst shes facing her first complete new bathroom which christmas with all tha extra took mi about two years to and special services theres pay for another year she panic aplenty that kid spends thought we d sand all the more time at church than at floors the result looked like home we have carols coming lake superior on a choppy out our ears day one prechnstmas we got nto th pntm d hntr bu s good sa hert s the program three ser vices the day before christmas including a midnight a service christmas morning then jump n the car and go haring oil the family met at mealtime resembled war gathering of on slill another oceanic he store a da qs car pi owl with her doting grand mother as had the older chil dren in olhtr ytars 1 i get ust as much kick as the children out of this annual progressive for our commumt in general and down own ana in particu ar we would draw t i vcmr a ttnt n thd the sptcul chr t ma 1 hting on man strett ai i mill mree are the result f vork and contributions of the duwnt wn businessmen anj imrthants we feel that w fi out the unlaging i ffort if morris goudeketting wijo 1 h considerable he contributions would n it es ie air that have het n forthcoming nor the downtum arei j chting completed and erecti 1 ason this has our sincere thanks for this t about not onh fort moins our thanks too to by the effort t intiiiidul the gi oriet wn hidro for thtir merchants to decor lie lh r care and attention in erecting own cs ahlishieni but b a the lights group of public sp nted persors t might add that the liiv determined to do something itg arrangements were design the mail bag appreciate merchant s effort in lighting geort tow oi una december 11 1961 the td tor georgetown fltrald georgetown ontario dear s r we note v pleasure the decoratts oui this holidav been brought little little less th ind lon s exuberance nore strenuous 1 rortmuu it to k i ll coa cl114 to cnmtt luc after she larl st en santa and the anima ed tos thit a rest period was ndicattd she wis quite hap- the mail bag another opinion on fluoridation echoes from the pages of th herald december 1951 and 1936 irnlh 70 mapl ave v si dm mbe r 8th 19bl tt 1 etow n herald e n id with interest our ak boost a fluoridation bret that in this case i atne ith ou i do not want to have 10 years ago the georgetown raiders have engaged jack kentner better known as dang to coach the team m the inter mediate b circuit with bridgeport walkerton hespeler and elmira the ladies have taken up curl ng w h enthusiasm in heir first season so far there have been about fifteen out at each session more lady curlers are welcome and mrs harold hutchinson who is one of the organizers w ii ac cept new registrations luonne or any i opporluniti th r medicjtinns into m drinking water i if the mt mtiers of the geor gelown council should feel ai ou do ind decide that fluor ne should he added to trar mlir i hope that ihey will give us adanct warning chatclah window into which go the hospitals churches schools theatres and libraries that be long in a wellplanned com munity the writer found monotony store jungle peopled by was the main haiard facing t pers only that my municipalities today few cit ies capitalized on natural assets such t lakes and rivers hilli and wooded belts saskatoon was cited as being one city that has properly developed its ri ver instead ol letting slumt crowd the water s edge anth ony adamson the well known town planner described the university of saskatchewan an a magnificent centrepiece for the city toronto auh l el john 1 irk 1 riled roniiniiiiiu spirit hifh iii it that towns with popu lations of between iwtnh and thiru thoiiant should hi ha tiers m pmimitin ciic spinl hcaiue their si give ptople a st rise of belongint that could not he captured in huge mi iro pulitan areas i olher ficlors were schools lcommunit health fiulities aste disposal had to set n example lor malll f b i l i w lor llavmg reached her ec v it jz z i lhnslmas c tor chnstmn din- iterlous whereabout of his med io rrinn it winl fr if i ution t our santa claus l com down ily all got aprons in their to tta for tne snor o j up f ckmgs on christmas morning 3 chans inseal n ju han lon having reached i htrthdax she for a christmas store lo curl up on a lon her pi a mp i kicked off tm shoes ii awire lh it b r mse of lling miht ne get them aiiin for our final splurge hildrrns pirt in the stores and were thrilled gift my mother used to make 1 every stitch by hand those were good times but i would department nof wn th krfl ody q it h out these high falutin fan cy toys i think they are teach ing em sumpln take that ro cket to the moon contraption in toyland that spiels a reci tation about all th planets th kids are supposed to b passing while they whirl ar ound and around in that cap- i sule it would have scared ui ner ith 0 ge ran t tie to dn r read ing thtrt 1 mdi ine t said the hr cks were too act or soth h n o we aouni up i h abut kok br cks p ed tej to dr m the k nir ad it christmas don- 1 session like that c ahout she hasn t e us all crai gel- fur lhnsanas houses are coastie- odd unber of floors to nuure good luck and ulliiral kids people who will not like orink the georgetown water am longer can make plans to gel their drinking water some where else yours sincerely i adelaide lash miller brighten windows with decorations instead of the conventional wreath on ihe outside of the door h not string somi hells and ie ornaments on narrow thatbahv ribbon and hing from a children can make hugt red how mike vour dpor and windows bright and clkerful by fram ing them with ribbon amlwilh sprigs of hav you can hang the ribbon m festoons across the curtains and tie at sides m wide sash bows colorful effect pilot officer nigel palmer son of mr and mrs palmer of stdincd glflss wllidow england who were soknd o local lome scots when they mothpr s were overseas wtn the canadian forces spent a recen1i m pretty weekend in town v s t ng some of the local soldiers whe rimwmdow for a holidav dis- were entertained at their home dur ng the second world pliv war 1j a newspaper on an iron 25 years ago ins board and place on the pa i pt r a piece of waxed paper hsquesing township council were relumed to oft ce b mch has h nnunej to fit acclamation reeve george curne deputy reeve neli window son robinson councilors w a wilson howard may pp crayon stubs in differ- and edwin harrop school trustee s5tver hunter wil ent colors on the wax paper ham schenk and robert addy phcrtanother sheet of waxed paper ami another sheet peel duffenn and halton regiments have been emalga mated and will be known as the lome scots regiment companies will be at brampton oakville port credit orangeville shelburne acton and georgetown a he gregory heatre the bg noise starring guy kib- bee ifrhe devil is a susy starring freddie bartholomew jpnd wa went to college starring charles butterworth iron neuspapir over this and quirklv with a warm iri as the era j on melts a love- h stained glass effect will be created on the waxed paper which can be gramed in black construction paper and placed i in the window georgetown herald published by thomson newspapers limited georgetown ontario walter c biehn publisher garfield mccllvray production superintendent office sua terry harley aileen bradley news editor accountant tom rush advertising manager leslie clark dave hastings bob baskerville vyles gils 00 bob macarthur member of the canadian weekly newspapers 1 association ind the ontario bench kd tj d4th f todays rton take everything in lap t ltr fact the thing that interested me most was how they all begged their par nfs for a chanc to play en gineer and pilot old smokey on a root in too tin smoke bias- tin ride the nearby little make believe railway engine was ust as fascinating to the ids as that new fengled moon thing perhaps even more so christmas sometimes confusing though new and mort spec tacular tojs mi be produced each vear the real christmas storv will aluavs be the most fascinating tale ever told it is whv old gentlemen will sit on benches and recall their happier vouth and whv little girls will sleep peaceful in their grand mothers lap perhaps a bit confused at aie to h a red clad white whiskered old santa and the storj in her coloured picture book of the birth of the baby jesus christmas is and alvvavs has been since the isc men came to the stable tinsel andglitter faith and hope memories nd dreams surprises and com pan ion ship sharing and giving luck for us humans it comes year after ear to reassure- us in good times or bad the waiting room was crowd ed with weary shoppers they all wore a rather smug satis fied air however as they tuck ed their loaded shopping bags beneath their chairs and il ped down with a relaxed pea ranee llesides us on the bench were three ilderly gentlemen thev vvtrc rathir out of place in ladies mailing room except that th 1 has been prouded hy the store as a place where families could mtel and husbands who itasilj become bored with shop- 1 ping could rest until their women folk either exhausted 1 ir funds or their enthusiasm at first i wasn t iwirl of th three old gentlemens con versation when it began filter through my doxy brain i couldnt resist listening to them they were just three old pensioners who found warmth of th store and nearness of other human beings comforting and were comment ing on the womens high heels wobbly posteriors and silly hats as they passed in a never end ing stream before us my ther wouldnt have been dead with her skirts hiked up like that to her knee remar ked th first old duffer three opinions well sou know jim times change just like chnstmases take the time when were kids why we thought we e luckv to get an orange and some nuts in our stockings my dad made every toy ever had sleighs and rocking horses doll houses and long slats we used to coast down th hill on none cy skis afld steel decorate your home this christmas win a prize careful wrapping for distinctive gift everj body gets and gives neckties at christmas so why i not make your gift distinctive by using a necktie bow in dec orating the box fasten the ends of the rib bon under the lid about way down bring to centre lir the ejot and shape the ends tie fashion use dark blue wine or green ribbon about one and onehalf inches wide these are attract them fan jive used on a striped or plaid harnesses paper fwzes will be oiven for the best exterior decorating of a georgetown home two pnz in each of 3 ctogorit o door decoration christmas general lighting judging will b don brtwmn chrtitmm nd n yoafi d kap your display lightad hown 630 1 1 p sponaoivd by georgetown chamber of commerce t

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