Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 11, 1962, p. 1

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th isfesst georgetown herald hmu to i n x2201 w 4 to ah ad to hnm lntnihll to lull i oa majt w omo ttopt ottawa cm tluy jauary ii ims sixteen fagcs 1m w m oaajl capy mw t i improved east highway mayors hope in 1962 draws council aftentionfo industry defence parks seven new classrooms planned for kennedy paklnys am comcekmed 5vt mjml shift highway nd road iniproverrunlt indullral promotion seven rtauroorm will v a dalence oroaiiubon art ihinrji wjucii mayor lioocj iddrd lu kriiiudy srlio4 ivj op io accomplish during his lifll term ol oil lrpttmiharjewiairiiijtt of t a ii town i chtaf rriagnlrte this year public bchiiol ixiairt hit wij jpcakimj at the inugur1 council meeting monday m told iho harris i home ami saigcnl iid imj is prticolrly anmous lo improve the town ciukji mrrtmj mnhdy nljlit jea tern hghvvay approach and hopes lhal at last the trv- iu poinltd out ii i thr additin l ird porton ol lluj highway can be resurfaced lit v i hfmirdy thr nl all- j o lx llirj w w wok name lo thill claws tc gcundodj p improvements cancriwd iuruif ihr nr tiun mhui s al parent rtirid concern r dico flosgll as the iranilcrrin uf pupils irnm huard chairman tlliplian d lln 11911011 wsiocl ilk- rnlir traili o uimlil rhanjcr obviouy antic r 1962 im ofueir hands council membfts take iheir chairs for the mauourat meeting in iho coifncit chambers on ma n st monday nght left to r ght cr j m brow jim emmarwn cr don barrager reeve john ehtoil mayor doug sargonl deputy reeve 011 hunter g re cock cr fred lul harmon cr mcneill lumn a urs lion on th kj ibilm u iran- portal mn hr aid no rtnlrt would have to wilk more i ha 1 1 milrs i srlwif ii knrwl in cans ht ualkrd it 1 r m j lh imiiioiii ol sarfrtil ltiatl lul krnnrtty v 3 milt s he rlilmid and li thr tup f sir frnt h141i t kinnrits s hiol d in tabtt two yrt ihirins ilr u iuuii 1 prrparrd rctrr jon a ccoruetown 1 jc irscntd the op eration of a puulic uhool hoard cr bob mayor urges teamwork brotk barbcr member in inaugural address of old town family two freshmen 4 comeback and ix 1961 rcturnr c look iheir oath ol offee beforq town cterk g l nhoni toronto thi monday al ihe inaugural meeting pf the iv6 uoigtiown other it i ami ti ir j vi ii in iii council maor doug sargent up from ilivc rclv jot n ii oil up from deputy deputy reeve wm f hunter up from councillor were vworn in to the three lop po 1 01 ward onr councillors arc don luiltacrr rrturnrr and r l i uar3l cock nructmrr ward to el llalluii llucidl ecled jim fmmrrmin rcturncrt lid tyfcl tul harrion htv ten rl oh pad co in ward three mi 11 jrr jim bruun speakers to include rrturnrrl and hob mrscilly sharp and harley nrcumrr thc annua milt a hrl rrli crrrtnonj uilv ubfr1 3 annual meeting ululll vrnul a midi dun jr s t in thi 7mh unj i tn field auitniuiict- in canad 1 11 infjnto htiaitt in ii in on r tcrmam f n luin lo t aiuiu vim i t iimilual of t irr in lilil4r l 11 l of su 1 1 hio k ho piul itisuntduilh rji k of in ij r in iiji hi iikiw i to oakwll ji ci o n il a mi dual prjrtur u lh ir i m him dr ii 1 h v l iiurind jimi tin frfttur f i tmo hox hi in a in ml t hopdjlr iuxtntinni i liui th nl ukmlli oil uh 1 kinnmjt ha teen madr in mil s under ihr mtm ni r o itr ikon i on radrs hi prrn 11 tae of pronuuii ns it thr ar loui tirade irvrn ctiuplnl witli a grallf 111c imprt 1 1 inrnt in the grulr 11 r urn null on re mill n flrrli rrcil t un thi ui and llldl nt tin prinipj j i ijihikti menilxr o a fatml inlim i at u run net te i with c eire tuns 1 jrh h lors ilium mr ck it irtvr did in it rt mr mortal ii na itramplun on 1 jjuiurv mh church slroat m rrie a luiinistrjlor he a a un of the lati ho k oranum atiiii nui inrt itrber an i his wile a urjl 1 valoped anaji ment rj ins 1riiinan mrs liar her re- rt hm piranl he plans tu ami the wrious committee in losiil it lakes ur and a half to iwo sears from the ftrt nil p to a roniplt ted sctiiwd he vtted 1 hr ro t in rouhly sjlkkx a ilav- rtm kindergarten teacher mr it uit anl miss jacklin tnlh a i dietsetl the parents the cm olnwial rcjdiinvf r the child ei tenns kindergarten and the lpe of hi lp the parents ran prrlrtc tta the siihjeet of mr- tudt s a i iress while ii jackl n iliscussul ttie ofkae tlmn tukvj kr u tww vutaru it uum anj princau as aj cw uama f tka uau st not only do th roadj need alteutlun but thy uad to major induitrin and to tk huipital tha mayor polbiad cut and we miut rvnuubaa oiey arc tan travflasj vry di by poiapntiil nr ndiuui- isf council vas alui urxct to continue a aurfare tratmtt program on oljier own road mayor sarernt aiked vry resident to take part ib indus tr at promotion i kav tarvad tka udua tiial caanmuijaff auyulf w raalu tk frualraluaa wklda fmmbar 4u4ah w uuuu ww ullhta fk mh f cetmmluian wamaara k ul the mayor eipnrtied tuj uh that a fully developed ebw tenry mcasurft plan ba adoft- rd in town it a something i hop w i will never havt to put to tu bu it li moit important uut our community be fully ftfgin- iteese wllfnd ilird of fjnues j uj ing unanlmouily lcted a p proje whlch ua nrdin of hilton county at wfient has urged in put eoutv lueitlaj i county council meet fi teion u devclopamm w tmaller plajsrounds and parit family rtiei and he mantionad tko wilfrid bird hit uife and a prinripal ijinlrl f klndprkjnrll ichnl ihr nrw ttanlfn don- hu l pth 14 rpitlip b limnlitr ili ik b tal hit rnhi anil bll nptn a arl ult indl heir effert mi the fuuiiwuiji fi hw rbf tnd p tka lw- rvwja with the chain of office by the dliajaaj uduafrui pst warden alex philips of 1 m cm tl tffctt uy ft 1 a c ha joliviilr hf jraunifararh ialutladi taf nurneii allir hi r lnislwnd i taikt- ihe rnurs uhicli it ad to rrcsentdtlon tor rojt in a hnef addres roiloinfi thi prauam hit yar ka taod il ith and wn lter mrs hit i tn r unrmalls reiuir 1 rtf r i be reremuny warden hird re- automation of the wit i imrl ii 1 the aml k f iirinci of jomlcc employcc lulled his 15 ears on ksoue 1100 to llwtij npinti sbo 1 mrunrrn lnp post iiflirr council and 6 on tount rraiing coau and provide a bav st ft mid a presentation mil mined e pointed out that anced budfift in thia town d- iitiiiu i mi r tiss j in iui kk uho twcanie b u hrat time since partment waa another of his h p diriclor un i mrs jakob ivilt rsi n on hiell ounty council had iiicgestioh- jii i a ilanl n her mth she is no imng cm isted of 14 mrmbers the il pn s nt h 1 hurrh st itirln brnki man an t rs mplo 1 linn ol ith ihe anu s on 11 turil ti burl se 1 touit hjii on cscninj januar lth whi n lh 1 si in uut i iim lal p l ill is a customarj part of the meet hpd n m lut and thi ear hev bwart xladden of st andrew united a lp church read scripture and rr otcar ikvent of hols cnm lt in lhc cuilt rt church fiasc an ippruprl cilspn tc prayer i m thl m mayer saroant taid on of hit hc lptpr ulun w n fowimit almi u to tuvalop a bcpn np c- p p battar tpirit of ch0parli and pit f linn dunn teamwork among countll mam hp ust wn clrctlo cjilipilkl l uor owen mullin of hurliiik wo can hav a omi var 1 hf tt chjr n mirlinr r thia kappnt ha promliad 8 c o tht irromii1 hr stressed that economy oblcp nnist ktlll be a kesnote and that onlv necessarv capital costs mich as schools can be incur red with careful budgetnm he 1h nks the 1m1 lax rate can b i aintatned and he ured evcr crnunittee to make a miicere if firt to accomplish thu fouowinir the tnrdinr mayr rkent entrrtjined codncil and municipal official at dinner jt the mcgibhun house where a prst major jock armstronr was dinner chairman another i jt mayor ajjmcnt com misalonrr joseph ribbons ex pressed thanks of the tfatherin 1 1 the host brother killed ums his will i cngaocments dont do it tolin hief ito halev 1 kid the hi raid to as 1 11 u a uji nin to pin 11 1 j irdnu sli ilhinu on or nt lm is the t hicf mid oun- u rs him 1m en rut 111 1 t lit ir nhs dimn h nik and on s tii is vhi pracliri i 1111 roiis an i sh old in di urajed h p irenls ill twse i 1 l tt nip 1 inl loc 1 orally s ille oakwlle trafaljr amalgam j d ouisiib ihi sdiom imr pin n accounted for the decrease earh r mh hle qiiartirf scout l fium lh mr and mn bradley uu a if t race m ihe piisml iniililink lurm il lhc bnde uv a ub andj an odd coincidence urak brou 10 gibbons place georfetowtl tin mrs j up n ithtn i ik hojrd tasourrd s ut h ader in tii n uilliams fht out by mr bird he told are proud to announce the mar- atfwas also honoured with a ib group that hr nominated nge of their daughter joa insintalion from that 41 mi p llhe present ksquesing deputy ijttle to william droullltrd mrs ands nrhlon enter itnve cleorce lerhr uhen he saturday january 13th 1mi ilicruaineil at a vbouer at hrr tumie became warden of llalfon an1 at aaaumpt ion church wlndaor ii i hdir innnkn it mi of lalifor a inohile traih r ncir or on ttf ni and fstilli and one son school grounds mir in odice n hojti rt of willowdilc an 011k m the deln x building on rurl n lin hei sril air fortr ph 1 in li nimr m hi hi iniitmant ttji killrd n hc m 1 did until next it town and mui muriel hurt rev w in id war 1 s ptembi r whin spue should r sirim 111 thi thapel of the he available 111 tho teihiucal 1 trull r mural llonii toronto on monda as followed h interniinl in rtenwotml ci ni rii r ieor town mr leslie had nominated wren koiemarr little will dd hi id a panto shower mrihnn an escnt which would to her parents happlnws by csril ilordcrn wai also hoj happen eri seldom in anylfliing in from shelburne nova leu at a khowtr council he opined i scotia to baj maid of bonour dr harry harley the hallon counly uiberal breckenridge chairman of high school board contract signed for 981000 addition holy crosi separate school rcpreientntivo on the geor getown diitncl high school board b h bill breckenndgo 93 main st 5 was named chairman monday when tu board electee their 1962 officers hc succeeds etqucupq township appoinlee clarenco anderson i one of the town appointees lo the board douqm lai- imer is the vice chairman na metftocommu t toot- proksrly and building fred mastcrmnn and ed hall finance and management clarence anderson and doug larimer transport etioiv and insurance farold bairstow and kalth webb social and personal mr llmer mequmber of jon don wai in town im sunday tn isit with his parents mr and mrs a s xfccumlier 10 chapel kir e lr mccumber ib at pi ent hospital a new ycarvrc party honi convention mitchell sharp 0 wmhart of tho vocanlly cured mr ant mrs it w cun federal candidate in toronto nmnham of huron street who fckmton and former deputy were celebrating their 35th wed mudstr- nieccc ijr mccumber lb at pnbl wu board commuiion wi tnnu patient in georgetown association hu been fortunate w thaappolntmanl j d i curing a juul hpcirr for mamhlai a phytlci tolnaar- a vacancy in the ad rd commit si on iwas advicory lllld ilnc anniversary it was given li tha family at the home of their son in law and tlauuhter- 11 r and mrs blbe baxter 13 ouirey drive and tho bride and croum of 35 year ana were presented with a trilisht lamp they fanned at norval before ruovlntf to town four years ago jpfesental the party were mr whery nilructlan ttkjnt prort mmllna will be held vry two w brlnolnaj oathar lh contractor tha arch- llact mmbr of the bulldlntf craalad cemiplulen ar dickfjemmltlm th board ucntary pruit art jpalght dick crlch ton th board chlrman mr brackonrldo aid lh public mr shar has had a brilliant i u rprunttiv mr mt- career in the civil service rci- irmn nd town ppolnlhi refentine a at tie unite harold bairstow and ed hatl th prlnclp1 vie principal raprunlaliva from lh sub- vadt and th shop dlrtttor rwo problems have raised ihcir heads even before ihcjlrst kixl u turned the circular ntllons chairman of a iiujnr the attendance nlflcer liar ilrlvcway sloted for the front committee wofltinc out an acrejment that brouulit new founuland into canoda and in 1q5s became vice president nf brazilian traction ujlhl and uld loyer wah rehired thc mcnally construction tender on the proposod tcohrl- cal winu was officially acceptod ii hy the board at lhe monday anitllrt clare trclull mr andllowcr co ud nmlii mettum when ihe bnurcl mrs bill cuimtiiinimii mr a haltons liberal caiulidale tn chairman and the contractor mrs lluuh cunnhibham itr i and mrs james jjnninbhajii mr anduni ross cunningham ur and mrs tjavid cunntna bant susan and jackie cunnlntf ham mr and mrs a m baxter end ur and mrs duncan bax ter tin crmtifittedccartlectnnrlrpilirriiri the rontractw i lie harry llarley of qakvllle will also be on the platform and inu intthoeathorlng dr hurley who la on the staff of the0akvll trafalgar ifonpltal giailulcil in 1051 in terood in st josephs hospital presence of bamclt and rucrter arehlteel roy kerr and bert kord tho mcnally bid the low est of aevon submitted was 3081070 00 it was tho only local firm to vlo for tho ion tract 1 of the chool which should be a flrat operation wilf be mot because of tho frozen ground and pupil and staff parkiilc mi have to be reshuf rinl while lhc heuvy equipment moves lu lecandary cliool inspector hodmime glowing words far tho high school staff pupils 4nd conditions in his report read monday on lie new music class mr johnson sniuvaii exefellonl bo- 3t ft jt imimmm tahaassiss ptcr jojuicc mtnally signs million d0lur contraa archittcts hoy kekr and bart fordor bsrnett and riader georgatown hlflh school board property n bumdlrm i committee chairman fred masjerrtian and the boards new chairman bill breckenridge lookon at contractor bill mcnally j of mcnally corislruclion laksllha contract with the high wboolboard to construct thalr million dollar technical wing jm the mcnally conilructlon bid released this week was 98107000 the lowest of seven submitted m im hr-

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