Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 11, 1962, p. 8

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recall fan tour highlight inhhyme ftv dutrict kwia- eaia rvtiirud from a farm tour of scotland and enf uod amnjed by arthur crei- ghtoa of cudlui pacific hail way mr bad ur doujf lmond and mi harold ewly norvd ad mr ad mr guy fcuwu georgetown uabri tw tha party which lit canda od october ult ittd returned a mftfiirt liter tu tha kmpreij frf cuudj dwu tvlfv twb of th utile thrd thoir pencils t rcjjj in rh lum of tw hlcuigku- naomi ualfatt wife of awaaaor it c moffatt cttdpb pfiwkj think tp poofa to mi oi4lon i did mm dfv ucituyr kaln mer aro tha poems sjj kmfttes or cavaav pajtmjifts tour 0 it w lr a group 6 farmer frosontarlo we came we gathered up our worries ajid washed them down the drein upoa the mighty kmprvii we trotsed the ocean wue th meals they were trtvtfrc though wo ail missed one or two we landed on old fkcotlind i ahore and archie met ui there along with jwk our driver who bid akili tlanrui ojapu we rolled our way through scotland oer mountain and through glen aod cry timi w tried to sloe archie proclaimed amrn fckrrjjr to rod up md omtttirol 6nkta bell bastdwd fay suprvwid grand sdnr ttlmttlt w wut to axprom special and for th expert puiutlng vrioty too for tha privilege ws had of tiug your friends fcr tha way you v stressed agricullural rvods ve reminding in th family tie for reminding foljta always of v alwa ywut ui uad grtiit britain which we eitetd fafgh for keying uj id view of the public by winning a filly and a bid4 pro slay cfid mesa your vlf and your family four give yu couragt wit and wiidom for inapy trjps more ajmj air throusb m iay jou fctlybu tt children perform proudparentswatth er itrt mju eauliiji apmcli uvrtput mji- g k euloll md ut k bucbnr rbylhm ijnd rauilc uri f w hobwni it ins initructnu and uri tt ucphiu who hijpi every wed tutdjy with uw tkitlajj it- som uor proud um pruiu majit iih felt u im their children pupll of the suiuhiii school or ueurded children uk pert lo i chrntnui eoneeri which mi to enuhliliitlnlly preienlnl the concert took puee at st georgej church oeortetown on dec 21 it preceded a vim from siata and a party idojv sored by the georgetowtr- auk tuary foy htadd chudrea after kreetinl everyone with food evenlji ue children opened their concert with the elved jilft followhi corj a prayer and a bible story of ihe coral nu ochrut jere kii your ie three ejueetloa rlods a m m the roada last turn wiu b o0 iwren the lr of jnebers of the auviure c jtma arul lo ktby ieaeuu on iser tenth on janu- aryklt mr and mr uarold drefn of part arthur were home with their mlly for cljajrllr and afr lome samfteon of kiflton spent cajrletmaa with mr and ura lew sampson mlsa dorothy course of otuwa pent the holidays with her fa mlly tmg oiokobtowm hatkalb 2y5rt pagg a an eleven year old collie do the concert concluded with thsi h vt s colorful and imtiv na ljf w ivity play judging by the children a fa clal espresilon siuui arrival was very welcome kach puprl and child in the audience- rec- whirh fdodles were served to tfte ehllliren end refreshments apf ved to parents and friends byl u had tsbjet maoini uoffatt ouelph tint jlipreu of canada novemtier bth 10u mr and mrs delhert downs visited with their daughter and family mr and ure glen giles il jnetril oter the christmas hojidais mr ejtd mrs thomas howden which revealed their hnowledjie rvirjone was in comnlslel r h of the clirlktmas story ndarnhieni on the success bf i- b then with the aid of cards dis ur rqiirrrl r to them pljeit tlinr irarnuxm onculorl the chiiaeene elforis were i jluntlflcallun and self tdenlifl a lireat credit to mr jrffsrrs1utc cation a heart warinlnij srrne and mrs vlitclirll a teaching and njlfjnwdyi ft omotlolt find rabies definite festured each child depositing thry cjn only be rewardd by t artnn ij- money into a red cross rontal hie cwnplillon of a mw school rt vlolffclllve ner spenfjlnc the d vasir or wlnrh is so dt nn rai 1 lowltml cause he or she wished to help warn 6r dead animals lh ui iii hormby distress uui quite eslilent pinegrove neighbours dednltr cases of rablea have many carols and sonts been found in northern llalton unj several of which county anil areas of pre eppolmaenl up unwhow jus- h ti of aoiilillatra tion for the vast hltiway dtp- artmeat organlsatioa la tiat i position he has workjid closely with and aaauted the islnuler of highways and the deputy minister in the daytcsdey on- eration of the depl before moving up to the ex ecutive section of the deputy- ministers staff jn april ism mr monab had headed theke- gineenng audit seetloa one of the largest tn th depl t jllghways for four yare the background fdr ims head off sppoiittmebt waa many iars of surveying for the das- partmeoj durlnir wmeh he row tq syoervisor o location kujc veys the sectlob which ipeatee routes for proposed new higv construction horn at acton dot may 1013 em afcviheag srhook in toronto in oct 1033 j he joined the dept of high- wl beginning with a aurvey group lie has been with the a t t ilam mcnab whose depsrtmtnt evi r since with the appointment is assistsnt isep esceplion of fne jears of ser vice in the lanadlsn army in uorld vir ii tpon retiring with the rank of llrutrnant ear- and health varnlngi lo to date these a i t ut mmiswr administration 1 of lliilmijs ontario i rz -sintsntr- honourstringer family kl nrlinjlori ii vnj to rt r ittun wherr t hi ire j r t mikf on r hnrn filr itiriili are ijiuing problem uilh rttirtrd rhil 1r n mr and u- rl hlritt rjcifnl uir pri kreii male through mrijcr rrcml liriovn cae are sih thcrjp which i tjurl at ulc jtjl uelt f ejdaljjcewi 4y pip you khow napplnj futures in the air peter jones genre l wlthout m guce at tlir tirn of pi betttrrn lsurl at tt tr re tatsyfl a itrr ouir i h u rt li n ton of i mrhou r ujs v droa into tjla narrow lanriiffnirwl rjb d rlirnl bitten b and turned the corner iharp a wild aninul while in paiture i ik lwtir y a itui inn t drmonstrat pnj phj jn- imliitu it tht it- ft tdn utre bonoiirtd kuiljinf of mrs jt j jrt t jmj v iooi thr rhilirm tht n by tin i siriri t pic an hi i to mumc ind nirmuit of tlic ahkroe in il rxrrrid uhuh ntult w th thr lul tun il in tin r rumen mv tjl n 5r t- l tun 1 hrlp in ripljnatkins in ji the uijci1ils of the crtcrs i nit c mn liiirlim r ul enli hi 1 d r r t would hava been hard on the heart jkoyatv show roat stait sandra sproule of 47 byron 5f the rvlntt caimu i will toon bo rumtj to grcarlv 01 w ih tram canada an lo ounlry home i jurllfmlt undf left ust wk for montreal where she will and fich 0ne eu i i trln lo btcone aitewardcu vitli ica liio couio lasis i uvt week i a rabid dog wai ihot near roonlinatmn control strwarttown v j- an inulfwood fjmilv of durinjj the inltrvjl iuic i lj lurrauon of mornbj hurrli ijel l in in a mi thr lornh la thrm twu w jii pta farm pond subsidies aid to consetvation a credit valley corttervaf on authority program to pro grialtl tho coniervat on of water by creating da mi acrois tramt nd ipnngs and by building pondx to catch farn- tdralnago could at onco benefit local and district farmers and ftillst greatly in leistnng uw ihrrt of pr ng loodi along it credit ih cooperation with the ont dopt of lands forests the cvca will pay fifty per cm of lr cost of approved tarrr pondi up to a maximum of 100 for any one pond per farm where the farm pond h in- prm i 1 the farm ownrr mint nih mil wlhin 30 dj a dr tailed statement if hii r pcndiluro to the authority ihuur tha resulatlon idled i v cvca the farm ponds re llgible for tubsidy under thr ataw policy must hae a mini bum capacity of 110 000 al applicants mut complete a farm pond subsidy form which may be aecured from tha cva office general dc livery terra cotta ont after tpplicationt are sti milted to the chairman of tha farm planning and land use advisory board gen raj delivery terra cotta a representative will lnes tlgate tha proposed ute for feasibility and utility i upon completion of the pond sroperly fenced to keep out vestock the farm owner must advise the authonl oiylca which will arranil for final inspection upon approval of the stale mint a rheiie or 5d of the cost will be miied to thr farmer only farm in fhe credit valley aterihel are li ible arnold rathbun tbjanrjle 74793 flcpresentatavo sun ufa of canada georgetown 12 gower court ugion notes by andy a st laurent v hen our scoltlih tour was done then we crossed at solwiy r irth and were met by jack munroe l his splendid leadership throuch england we did go we taw the fertile rolling fields the cattle sleek and fat the hedges and the haystacks the house covered with thatch now bow did this all come about who was our guldtnj star who told us just huv nice twould be for us to trawl far who herded us on to the bus so we would not be late who watched over our bajifltfit nor left a thins to fate who saw that we turned in our ke and the forgot his own and if we needed rnon who was it made the loan we learned to like his winning smile there is no doubt of that in fact before that tour wis done we eacn liked bis hat we walked with him for miles and miles throufih iondons buv streets we calmy rode tha tubes with him and that is quite a feat when we sang his lovely olce rose hijth above the rest he pinned a silter maple leaf lpon our hostess a dresi and so he ted us through the tour no one could have been smarter lets raise our voice and shout hurrah for mr crelghton arthur mr t five is taking painful table g addison president ff the slots following the death of north hjlion ass n for jlrtar thejr pet dog one fui ran dul hildrtn thanked he k inflcwixhl i main richardson for his kindness in jt thursday the t stephens anglican h irch sunday nthi i hrlil their concert in the church ha evrninj niai carols were sunn christ b all aledon right up street and his bam an n n shot his beat pup aftrr mesta miss h is waa attacked by a fox in thornton iublic health uri ach case ge recitations the middle of the mjeht he ine supervisor and judge p or pictuns irr f llliott the regrets of mr io b iick weller a film mcneil public school inpec on n hnitinas uai celebra tor were read from a letter te 1 in all pa nf lis were i rn to the stio man shot one tn making the church hall asall able for the concert parents wlt at hippjnce hading th man nd frunls were weicomd as mting got the program r sesrae ene i at t miesaitas fieat if a mrs idave mrlntre kelne ont failed to shoot the fo poks owned hy 1xa nil 3 caledon men cre des tojrd after thry came in enn tact with a fox u h ch health off clals conrirmetl as rabi 1 alarmrd officials noting the dlcase m pre alent anions foses coons sktinki and er i pigeons and farm animals is sue the following warning tet against thr diseaie jearl espeeialy hunting dnps whlcli could come in contact with wild disease earners eaicr than home pets 0 dead animali should jv sh h serid ch idrrn i uni of th pr ay- i a litre s 1 to one of the pupil mr ad livon expressed grjti lule to mr mcneil and miss thornton fir the allied assist ance and support no pupils prrsrntrd the retiring presid en mrs h ijienton with a basket which had been made at the sihimil a prespnlalinn i sj cheque a then made mn a seiner serretary trea daisied birthday cr ehni to of the acton scottish j hobomon uho uai nine dancinit club this money had dec 3mh to mr- iioikti txrn c llcited at a recent parti i c 71 n hi id b the groinv special i 0 ja i to urn i thank uere slven iv all those iu jj njncv several resldants hnc hit e ol i fl 1 t- u mie just f r lj an i otlu rs hse h id t t bod ft r a ft v dj s ne out op evepyslx caps 0m the poad wjll emd vp in a body repair shop this year over nine million cars ere doomed to expensive body r- pa rs because ol accidents damage to your car can cost big money unless you are adequately insured check with your stale farm agent find out how you can rjet top- notch protection with state farm contact ma today frank bryant 74814 be touched as the fur can dirrcllv inu ed in the welfare carry the disease 0 the children during the past children should be injtrue sear mrs il p l jeffarrs ted to keep aua from ani principal and mrs j mitchell mats anil to stav awa from teacher these ladies areen household pets if they actjgxtied in a full lime capaclf peculiarly j mrs j c hill part lime teach crttvon vn htr tuelfth birthday 31 rexway drive state farm mutual automobile insurance company hiad oiiicl iokonio oni aa tha newly appointed public relations officer for branch d permit me through thla column tn introduce myself my njpe la andre st imrent better known as and im ftejitlrcanadian origin from levis quebec and have been i 6erfown for the past rar i work for trans canada tinea ai a flight purser and have been cmplovcia in that cap i for the past nine yeara trie annual new yeare eve party waa held el the branch 1 use sisrapproalirislely os gueata were en hand te welcome 1 hew year old man ll duties were performed by norm tjoawa brotherinlaw stan alberten of hamilton while 1 reek ever the chore of ectlng as baby year 191 yjto new mayor peua serpen intl mrs targsnlwais imaiit 1 wll ee mr and mrs era hyde a wonderful time wes had r nil end music for dancing was provided by the ralph ursel trie with ralph aa pianist george rewe en drums ber i usrubsole en bass and bfeurse e men mast cspabls for far of ceremonies steamer emmersen quest stars for the nlnej were miss pat staebler ofteronto tom treuten end tens dercle of town ell fine performers and eertelnly epprecle r by thee present we wish to express thanks and appreciation to italnh ltavrs i vice president for organizing the party jn such a capable ner before i sign off i would like to titend to all readers my wishes for a most happy and prosperous new year jul dontjorgot installation of office jan 11th and jen i jtsvattearioii jan forget ssottebowilnr at portcredit saturday jan m 1 irish to compete please put your name on tho list on the 1 boardwore tuosday jan ibus to thi supremi grand scissor of the canadian farmers abroad t for months er the touri o farmers abroad you aearched throujtfi the coun try for just the right crowd to see for themselves the heralded splendpur of the ilkhlands scotland us historic folklore vthcre our view was enhanced by archie buchanan of gonial mien and kindly krac r superior clanl aye their ahepp fenks fold the best 0 lamb noo tha scottish beet his a superior tang the pastures grow greener but we must no brag whin fed by a wee bitty out o the bag then through england we wind with iti plcturwg hedge hi lush farming land ao expcrtlyfcdled that after cropping for 1 hundreds of years greater fertility in the toll thcra appoart you cant fidt lost in london iaya he but my a eulde to mason lc turn pie to aee its magnificent adornment in mosaic and gold ho took a devious and circuitous route i am told the visit to crathis church and balmoral to cathedral and abbeys and kingi college chapel to buckltibhjm palace nd its changltik yuardi to castles aud ruins and memorial tb commandos thfiia are a few of tliev sitei when we view with pride our memento go tender- why wait for spring i do it now with a home improvement loan home improvement loans eiro available through your bank under tho national housing act for alterations and repairs to tha exterior or intorior of a home and for a wldo variety of other imple ments you meiy borrow up to 4000 with up to tan yoars to ropay those loant aro also avallablo to tho ownors of rontal prapurtloa i do it now with a farm improvement loan business directory dale bennett latimer baines bsrrlsters a solicitors doi fil s v ltimfr thill ct t daises tniangle 7 3301 3 mill sl ceorgetoun robt r hamilton ro optometrist res txsminnl prescriptions hilled 60 main st n for sppelntment tr 7 30 w h c a r r professional engineer a ontario land surveyor georgetown ont 116 mountain let rd s triangle 72211 lies phone til 73300 rjhn4mpro4iwwnllieantbekehyihaomlr lon government aro avallablo from your bank up to 7500 at live par tiont slmplo intorost and up to ton years to repay these loanscovor the purchase of all typos of farm equipment 00 d inprouomont to the farm house and farm buildings 1 do it now with asmall business loan enquire about governmentbacked loans for improvements to small business establishments through the chartered banksup to 25000 and up to ten yeara to repay for idwca sndsislitann ein your local national fmolayinset olllcst hewson ord and helson bsrrlstere a sollcltora jo main st- s tnesido knox church grohgk c iiewson john 0 ohd ql rnnnfitick a iimson til 7 241 lit 74701 cawllial nuildincr 116 mountains lew til 7 2218 for expirt eyi car consult o t walker occulist prescriptions filled i main st s ilrsmpton gi t 4474 res gl 1u243 iloiirai oam 6pm daily prul y 10 0 p m lvcnlngs by appointment wallace thompson 3rd division court clerk a commissioner tr t e3 maurice manoerson oc ftnrrlilcr tsollcitor 61 mill st trrm444 rexy theatre bldg prank pitch liclnhld alctioneut iro npt service rox 413 ta 7j864 georgetown romp po 1 georgetown animal clinic j s zavltt ovm v zavlti ovm 106 guelph street clinic open 7 pm 0 pni mon weo fri aftemeons by appelntmt t van sitkler ba barrister solicitor notary dr williams bldg 36 main a to 74531 s is auctioneer norman c llddlr mcnabtrsmtima promol courleoul service monuments pollock a campbell designs on request inspect our work in oi cemetery phonh enysso t3 water street north 0 a t t v- lever hoskin chartered accountants 31 main n draraptoiu glendale 141c4 44 victoria st toronto rhono eh 401 j i iwinrauimatstk camel joteiruisiiiiriiiurt ti i plant address qyihtstsoakvllu binoo back tito popular mnvspapor htngo is bnck again after a holiday recess first nurpbers for the 4th series appoarnl this issue and lilngo cards aro on ssle this week froni carriers and al taveral stores printing op distinction letterheads envelopes v statements wedding invitations georgetown- herald tr 42101 small propit surveys show the average profit of canadas electrical manufacturing industry was 3 0 cents on the sales dollar tn ibm compared to 8 tfofjillcaiiaa- lan taanufsctuiers x j

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