Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1962, p. 1

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for fine printing a caatury al unix a pxsb- i i n pimses m owaeed by it hvdd to 0arboa georgetown heraed telephone tr 72201 phn ik xa20l to silara a ww ta bay a i i eantesw d cuu fcuu rw omca bt ommi uotorowr out thutsday jamuaky 35 1m2 kutkri paces par m staw copy mas taw cts extra day is slated for bantam hockey faster tournament ir planned again clubs r being fcketj t k0 meat and trophic ladies if th all slur support kfoup cunduhlntf a lucky drw aotj will look after lb soiivehir booth i chairman auellln told the ortiuatlod fur crgttowts mcood itiiiitkl bantam hotkey tourniiuit got under way on 1m t j umamy taduiui si tournament toitl mil wmnrlt v team jci week ions eltmlnatli n tuurni hw trophy hunt which will b lio on sal a nrw trop j lf d council still is divided on industrial appointments tenuy april 2 tit las been an eitra djy or the ru oner up in the added thiiyr ind wlu ute uojrd 1 drks management offering to- 11 jurat this ileviewlng itfct year tourna men i the treasurrr reported l url profit of 107 total tournament coat wu 1870 00 with mito item of rip ni food and creita the by tha town competitor inrrra id by ui waller red aurkinr fcfiln chairman of the tourna taent rommittir i aul arm strong will be vice chairman txd jan toiujhui irtamirer pxt an army k u ci pert d that ihe iri ion ladle wil at a n supirviw jlatlt r provided the ealerin with other ladir council group taking turn in thu tin salei in the touventr booth portent ricpsrtimnl were disappointing and turpi t- the kjnettta will b in temi will be put on sale again charge of bilhtuni and tinriectthu yea st georges anglican has new appointment rev john mcmulkin coming as rector rev john h mcmulkin ii a 8tb will become rector of el georlt a anglican lburcb on march lit the appointment was announ ted on sunday by hcv kid beth richardson who is leav injj after an eight rar pastor ate to become a hospital chip- plain in hamilton mr and mrs richer don and their fa billy gioved to the city last week but he ui f continue priest in chart e of church for the ntxt m i i commuting from hamilton for sunday service a toronto native mr mrmul kin u presently rector of st patrick thurch duelph alter mov hospital gets extra county grant 16 beds an additional grant en h and onethird bed was made te georgetown e district mew- orial hospital at county coun cil this weak with ike ap proval ee the oniarle haapltaj services cemmitalen received the 4060 per bed grant was paid the additional grant amounted te vl 000 end the tetel granf which la now env qyy qj y mouths of babe and the mrndi of writers and compoier tome time coma the w icit gems and it s pete amounted te t s00 000 ji inevitable that when this group qt down to buines he idea flow they re tt e tram bin nd optra on hilton hotpttal els received 0 ia stacjo show which th year will replace show boat as the highlight of the local cnterta nmeni scene left to right herald feporter mrs al currie iync writer wheldon steamer emmcrion tl e show d icctor producer they recommend an operation peter jonei georgetown an additional grant fee vw th ioci m k the preoress el county bulldlnaj it graduation trum the i niversi ly of toronto and tnnity col lege ho urvrd a curate al st james dun das and rector al christ church ucst hamboro he has been in guclph since 1058 ur ucmulkin has hern the chaplain of the ontario hefor uatory and the rural dean of uelllnjlon during hi lime la guelph ur and mrs mcmulkin and their two children wilt be mo ving into the rectory beside sl georges the naw being re corded en aim te reeve har greave ef acton teld county councillor cach day a short it made ef that days jim rundle wr ter and ralph ursel be ready for the stage in april what council did muic directorcompoier operation it pnt rotary club hosp tal project it work accordino te the architect and will be shewn te county council if they with it engagements mr and mrs richard tackr wish to announce the engai approve training courses for police ment of their daughter linda o approved en eight week gail to mr kenneth herbert jntructlonal course for cst dlvuv mil- qi aln iayls injl christopher ettendance et the late mr wilhert davit war- rhce chlet t ceityamlefi in with cr fred harrison reo- university of western ontario staring object tons council on for jgt jim biltberrew in making the motions cr don uarragcr explained that he the marriage will take pltce rebruary the 17th at 3 30 o clock in tha knox presbyter- trrian church georgetown cornwall for chief roy haley a s day training ceursefor the chief at mcmetter urftvertiry and a s day training seminar et county council discuss jurisdiction over appointethboards the police committee uas mak in g the rccunifnendationi after discussing them at a commit tee meeting the motion to have cat chrutopher attend the provin cial police training school in toronto fronr may 21t to july li parsed without comment bul wliin this was follow ed ty thi hilatkirrow motion to go to london from june 4 0 cr harrison objectwi to two men being absent at the same time we should be working to improve eur police ferci this enteilt overtime work for the ether officers but they ere pre pared te de it explained may or sargent cr harrison objected when the convention motion was next presented and eald lie thought the administration committee ahould hae a say in the mat ter he broadened the discussion when he said council should chock on all staff holidays and absences m intend to know where all our employees axe every min ute of the day even if it mean putting in i clock for them to punch he said when the fourth motion to have chief haley attend i training program from june 17 23 came up cr harrison asked t rocorded vole and this lime found supn6rt from cr jim emmersonwho said he would have objected to the conven tion motion if he had known the next one wu coming penny wise and pound thi pld te object was the comment ef cr mcwellly who said georgetown has turn ef the best police units in ontario this will make it even bet a problem with far reaching be fleet on all ct uncils trine at kalian county council this wetk the question of juridtet ion of county council over ap pointed hoards and commu sioni will be investigated at the suggestion of the legislation and by law committer legal opinion has been sought in the matter tjgal opinion in explaining the seeking of legal opinion reeve slated if the county has jur isdiction over all boardr and nmmisfcioru who derive mnnov from them then the functions o the coiipty council com millee looking after it should cant agree who and how many on board selecting an industrial comfimuion tmxnt k b e tough a popo5hlorrforcruninwyo8r at thafercttewmwrf t industry 1o locate here trie quest on ha octup ed tre lions share of time el the f fit three courvol moating of 1962 end still no eppoln4 ment have been mode twenty member on monday from a welter of motions tome presented and then withdrawn council finally arrived el e rcordd vote on a harmon mcne lly proposal which would estab lish the comm von as a 20fnemlr group mayor sjrgrd and cr cock uorlrd itte motion end wiven ifve othei five counc llors i ncd up agamst it diicutiiqn akuied for lrv4 night h lv a rt s lull n fro n the assoc iition of out ir o t unlit ak inj the m nisttr of 1 ut lie v1 far of the lruvnce to enact lei vlati n that will permit the ndminitratuin un h r direct en i trd and suprrvt mn of th uncil of c hintic sparked a ifibate on the juru ucti nal question quaitlon deferred the 1 ki lati n and b law kckman cwmmillre at first rndorsi d the resolution but when advised by hit ve itcknnn that mr j liute of the c hil inns ail wanted the qmstiin d fcrred till he emild meet u th htc council it was dt ferreit a auccrkliri of hcre vjuott that uie matter be discutied acain at a committee of-the- whole mi etlng wednesday in dicatet that uime dectirion might be made by ni xt momlay the defeated motion would have had the commission cent prise the mayor and three ceun cillers recommendations by the jeycoet 4 by the chamber end 10 members front the town ef georgetown larhcr ihe maiur jrviewed a hit of len namti of potential memtmrs submittal a w k a by cr mcill the t n clirk hid contacted tht men and found nine willing to act on the c immiision deputy nve iluntrr dial 1enjei that the h t contained names of some chamlx r of commerce immbtrs and he thought thi c hamlkr should be entitled to name us own rrpreenutives i phoned one of these men end h said cr mcnellly had told him the job would entail one night end half a day a month is that an active cenv muiienerr he asked 1 told him there is one mettlng a month but i dtdnt say whs other time is entail ed replied cr mcnetlh cr harrison rt marked that the deput rteve had sui 1 latt utck that half of the 1ft 1 com mi moi rrs wire not active jet it had betn male up of cham btr and council appointee this lut could t used by tie chamher at a rui 1e f ihcir choices he said it uasnt our intent to tr ii the chamber who to pick onl be helpful cr itrown thauht council should start with the mayor an i two councillors as a nucleus and build a eoamdajoa froisi uier cr barrel er agreed the cemmualeii was erfajm ally ten te ueur laj dw elee u e4klauiu e 99 industrial rtile he said cr mcneilly aald he couldot understand the confusion we need industry my idea was to augment the commlstioa with these ten namet not te testrict it to them he said two other motions which were never formatly presented were revicwd by the mayor one that part of the commis sion be composed of the ten names submitted another whir would appoint cr hamson to the commission m not self employed or a read estate salesman and if 1 were on the commission my firvt consideration would have to be my employer said cr harrison if the councillor is hinting at me i can assure you there has been no personal gain said deputy reeve hunter if t rendered a hill for time spent in industrial promotion uat year there would be sommhiajf eoutttf tw or cock said h wu bother ed that there aeema to be an undercurrent which hamper the commission a efficiency mightnt it be jl u te ut the chamber ef centmerce cheese the cemmlttlen ed de away with the feelu that tome individual might tsalm u the normal course ef hit bul- nev he said before the formal motion was finally presented two more amendments were made but ruled out of order by the may or aa being entirely new mot ions rather thsm amendments councillor queries cost of lift station querying cot of a tewago 1 ft stat on wh ch i being erected to tervico the eastern industr al aren of town cr fred harrison wa told monday by mayor sarqcnt that a re port would be prepared for next week meet ng cr harrison made his query nftur a letter was reid from the municipal board approving a 66 000 expend turt wh ch the town will pay through the water resources comm ss on cr harmon said that in m l c l i 1mu when he was a cmimil j0ws mlym ocllool member the town had neoti ij dj ated a deal with dclrex dcvtl aovisory dodro opments for purchase of land k j and equipment for the lift via sr tion which was already partial ly constructed purchase price was about 35 000 he said and he wondered if the completed project would be costing 101 000 in 1m0 an offer was made te finish it for j750o0 new owrc has hired e consulting firm and 1ft apparently going te cett us 34 000 mere than that he charged the councillor asked lf it had been wronfily engineered or whether last year council had made an error mayor sargent explained that approval must be made for the but this is scenic views shown to horticulturists reelect chris walker organization leader entire- 66 000 cost ter and the ohief hn asm a book figure only ind he i i j peter jobj georgetown famous mural at library otrtlh centre patrons who jiava adivitrad tha much talkedabout sevan lively arli mural which dominates tha main entrance oyer of the theatre can now tea tha original even painting right hare tha palntjngi and deilgn layout are currently on display at tha public library and will be there until january 28th above librarian rosemary jordan inspectt one lection oftha r york wilton mural dramatizing mutlc ut that it wont interfere with efficiency he uld cr barracer remarked that policeman had taken similar aeurwt last year and efficien cy seemed to stand up under tha strain nowadays a business eannot operste without knowing new procedures and r police force aiusf keep la touch with new developments he mild thinks totsl cost to data- is only 50 000 i had an idea dclre was asking 32 000 at that time ssld deputy reeveiiunter cr harrison tald he rhouoht the tewn buht it for about hat of the asking price mayor sargent said that as tliere seemed to be doubt ab out fie exact figures a com plate report would bring mem ber up to data next week john matthim a varlan associates man john matthies 8 orchard blvil has been appointed to the ad visory board committee of the georgetown and district lllch school filled a vacancy loft by qdualletppaintmonl to the school board mr mqtthlo joins art speight jack crlchton and dick pratt ouabcc the rcorktown llorlicultur al society hclt lt annual mec- tini last vnciincalay rvrnini in thu hortirt wr liiworth school in spite of th frosty ueathcr chm walkir is prcs uhnt uas jhle to cxtcnt a llcomc to about to numbtrs the meitink uai opined with a ahoumi of colouretl slides by j u toltir a member of the georritoun sikut his excellent photographs hail cap tured the beauty of mans sec nlc apots acrviss canaita and the fine ihovsmil uas a rial trcit for those present a mambert the latter part of the uin ini was desottil to thi business of tho annual mietint chris ttalkcr as prcsulcnt spoke of ihe activities of the society during the ear and rcportcl a 1001 membership of jjjp the secretary treasurers report was presented by j v llird rec eipts for tho car included legislature grant of 00 and expenditure showed a sum of jim liad been spent for horti cultpral purposes d m win grove and u s king had served as auditors in 1001 walk president during ik8 election ot offl ears the president vacated tho ohair in favour of the secretary troasurcr a aisle of officers prepared by a nominating com mlttee appointed at an earlier meeting waa presented and u there were no further nomliva tlont those were declared el ectcd as officers for 1b6u2oj lowing u the board forjstbt president chris walker 1st vice president 11 j herder tad vice president mrs win boyle directors for two year term jlre ul j herder mrs jr col- drn j l colter john uacdos- ski and don parker director for 1 year term mrs n jie erraux mil j taylor k bee nry keg williams and robert barber daleoau nominees for delegates to the annual convention ilarch 15 lclh in niagara falls were mm wm boyle mrs f coldea and mrs w rradlrs a door prise draw arranged by ura h scott resulted in lucky win ners folloust mrs il tfc wright j macdonald and mr t golden the meeting waa broujrm to a close with refresh ments served bv the social committee a talk on sodding of lavsn areas will be a feature of ihe february meeting addition ground broken construction of george towns long talked of tech nical wing technically got under way last week wtoen ground was broken behind the present high school build ing on guclph st the costly structure with equally costly equipment will be for the moat part paid tor by the federal and provincial governments it will be use able in september ratepayers auxiliary sponsors card party the east georgetown ladlea auxiliary held a card party at tha honptol air george far row norton crescent en jan uary 18th prises were won by mrs h wedler and mrs ft ersncb both of haylawh cres cent and mr t bel of mouv try creaeeot cosee and re- freabmenui were served l- 4

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