Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 1, 1962, p. 4

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georgetown herald 22 main street s gowgalown ontrio page 4 thursday hbmjaby lf 1942 editorial comment whether we like it or not canad film tl ttw highly rtduitrial- bod ri ofoie world is ujtly becoming welfare state and wtwtlier we like i or not tttere i nd qelhrio away from mountm raxes it it not justithat pecpw nowedey b- huru mo end inore in way of public services bab bonuses unemployment r aurance hospital insurance super highway ekwurvation old oa pennons are all rel- tivwly new concepts of government aid in th last few decades scikjoi com htjve mounted to the place where individual municipalise are unable to mfet them ftffcd must count on more and more govern ment an i nance so have localized roedt hospitals waterworks and ievege disposal plants but it it public welfare winch it the titan among modern government pending fend it it axiomatic that it will in futur years become a bigrjer and bgger comunt- r of the public pur to the re a ion it manifold al medical skills and research increa tf life expectancy rite as compulsory retirement from industry at a certa n age increases more elderly people mutt have their savings augmented by federal est st ance and ai industrial automat on increa ses the need for unikilled labour decreases in a mounting rat o we f going ke faced n future n use volunteers the fall fair has ben a georgetown institution for so many year that we couldn t concc vc of it not be ng one of the year s highlights and while it ihows no sign of immed iately passing from the scene director are tome what concerned about the shortage of younger men and women who ere exhibit ing an interest in fair activities a dedicated group hat been carrying on the fair for many years and while their nhsusiesm has not waned in torn cases their stamina has and they feel that a younger group should be exhibiting more interest in helping not only on fair day but in the behind thescenes planning which b almost e year round fob we do not think the younger people arent interested it is the old story that so long as ar ecthnty proceeds successfully the majority years with ils end isrof ifw worlds worker helping to keep mora and more of the unemployed and not only will mil rnaan thai forced into retirement by eg but then who do not have the skills r quird by tomorrows induitry trtere is no pet solution and it is one which will entail conlinualeconomic study of on thing we era sure however and hat is that e contributory pension plan thou id be an immediate concern of trie qovernoitnl tor every working man wlw saves for hs future there are a dozen who don t and we can t say we blame a man loo much wfien he knoi he it assured of at least hn minimum requirements m his de cl n ng years it ii then most certainly fa r that just as a man mutt contribute to his poi i ble unemployment to his possible hot pitalieton ha should b demanded to contribute to his certain old age retirement at the same limawa must face the fact that we will have e mounting percentage of our populat on whose bra n power will not be capable of competing in e labour market where the sweat of man s brow will no longer assure hit daily bread and allowance for banc welfare for these un fortunates in e highly mechanized will also call on government dollars mounting ratio sugar and spice- by bill smiley 1 ketmtlmm i wmmltr whett hi w tmh tkf mb tufvu p4 tfed uwt end eywim llvta hut imcumw efis of we t enly a mlr- whan the kms ware little i usd lo conmle jyulf u i tuttfifrtrd around in a iltk b boiuca am djap- ulnei and accidents that everything would ert itself out vben they ifftt picture a pleaiant urt of jife whentb ytuniiatenfcejied be ing to depndent farm news the un is a fraud 1 fred nurse panelist crop association meet soc ety m mon hr i ontjrio si nunl asm assume that it always will and those who might w sh to belong to the fall fa r hoard in t r it 1 an 1 tr 1 i ins the f pasture tion rr alt7 urines it been a c malt i i mn t i rnl on a n l m t january 2ith to rj f nahst in the o tir maria r rn nt amjh i 1 e pane n r n in f r vf r- m mr mr wefc kklld 4ww fw l wu did hi tkoaa n kfcn vx fi kf nk w vd ww pi iw w kl lkd fe e d tt ptpi4 wmi vd wo4 cubing- my wii m korridiis uit u leitvlntl tupl tj haurs fct the illrtj lub m w wednesday vau ultte olr i could ump altertiajlrijtftinow hbocw hog uiui looking for tt u duftaertd that the torn frum- tient door ha ako vanishisi t- consoled klu wjth the lukifti- uon that tht d orw ild fcl lam if wa hw uau with fty frb at e wkly dltr i waa cam- vlnced that ne 4hr ixuh was s uveurla el ewt tune ad sirenft te infruilvt inla thursday nl was perils nlaht at ilw a t 1 il yt prlvat ufa i could ttilnk c ontjri j t el 44 4kar job that weuld be eiuh fttarbl ma werlrs esie mr runrsllw and h wry n an rtee jsrejiktiv f lalsure far eace and centemplatian and it wii the umi villi dae old girl as she turned ma from pillar to pott from hjsnnenl to bathroom as the tried to improve rm character as ihr flrw into rajfi s i coin forted msself she ii timmrr down after a frw years s b r 1 1 p shownjt me her teaijer ii improve and te ii n al be that ni cant make a per feet huvharu out of a juj i foot toh a seed beyt a little qot timting revaats that joihn htu t mlstad e lalevislon prgram in four rvoalhi except fa the three niohr e wak he plays kctity rrilj in rn nf the ri ur- nl up lookup a harned t trr whirl 1 on rn ta we t ilt tuo huilijl of kuk to the cii lo c a pld on the wtv hu in r ihr bus lirolt down and we ut m a liirturl fpr vi0 houi i dilistn d tin laat ln- tlrnt lo iht honu at 3 jo i rn bv dorothy 8arkkr four tieura latar the alaem callad me to greet the same day oat hughs breakfast avj driva him te i ha bos step whara ha ambarks for his mutie mi nt tin ul ha- t ark ii v it m t what i had in mind wii a fraclout and dlenlfiad middle ea the bids would be well manna red unobtrusive brll llant and ebedlenf the eb would be interesting but easy and would include tang hob hasson in the city sunday was days and big money the old pretty quiat just a common ten lady would be qulat rat pact tut breakfast at am a trip te and appreciative ef the prlvil the ui club wtth hugh dinner hockiy stajf irmphhment the head n of sharing my life i te prepare while tha organist if nirnn hal punky spark a recent slory in the ar r nmvu tar speelal unit fr l nurikokl was twit tor m nadinr wrm the ktdt a rr mrrn- and em lease plana tntethewe kt hid not learned to cliff iian at llintrm oldir i iot ore of thuic aoftlsmall only break was a half of hint in l- read m m giit even feel that they would be barn ng a into e closed corporation and wou d not bo welcomed the oppos te is true anyone who evinces en inerest in helping will be made most welcome by the preiftnt directors it is not only the rural folk who are needed the fair is more than an agncu tural showwindow and the talents of towns people can be amply used in the organize tion perhapa the felr board might consider mora ha ion with local lorvice clubs end lad les groups with definite oppomtees who could volunteer a dub services for a spe cihc task there are many ways small and large that clubs could help lighten the load presently bejng earned by faihful few 1 i i i mr j ii rrpn nt jon a id ha i m i in i h nr nrtf umt aurti i i t i i 1 1 sniihnwn he kimi il t- n am inn ii r r lli i i f 11 nihl in ii n towanl n i ii i ip i i l i iip jplr nf uchmi h n 1 w 1 t nit li id hi sub tlir ht u t h nra i i m i s i i i i t i l m nutr of mi nlal an 1 ptiff o i rt i i ill in a r ir pi i tns plant the porli i 1jxj a a lir t r f l i t i l hr l dwr 6f hard ritttie larre t p tano sol np linj r rmr t r n n hammered al lini i ufactunn nu aunrtjti n 1 e ri t t t f ni all n lis h plasm of et vraiil h place at the an ill nnuilun oih r mil leirm nol asoc ite pi the rnnfinrn ti ir w i 1 hi re mil t te mnethmil in projift jtivt hi dedicated t 1 i i s i ill nr of prune and niounlain and more wimm the men whit lli t thrm 1 pruiinin uh tin our i hut jwople lli annual rnisen lun it held i i anl a uill drt loped tense ton iiidiu 11k i ponnrctmn w ti the l mill f sport- nanvfiip it cannot heler mldh aisniir arm an 1 indutrnl ejuipuuit t i calm flat vaslne the inj to the t m 1 unl nf tin vl the hse paied appn rial ir dith des tr tin fji i am rui nu fas hour talaphone conversation and the only with a molhar who thought the n lire i tut taachara ware pkuintj on poor 1 faciiltii 1 sandra bacauto sandra a bast i r than ever mark was 19 i h 1 i rfut vl trade hr durinn the ennfrrem e ji cratimr pi akrr vid pi i preenud sariniis practin s aoll and crop maiuinirni thc date book fnk actor i rintini im t to a enn i i i iil failti r awa lhai oh i know what you are thinking you r thinking ha is just saying that i ii bat his kids ar polita and nict and vary body knows teaching is a snap and i v heard jtis wife is a lovaly girl in every way h ippen to sir a wirnrd i t 1 district news at a glance brampton more titan 3400 vultoti jam wed the orchid houses of the tjile estate ltd during the brampton rotary dale estate elxtb annual orchid toure tho- ttfh the weather outside ho ered below freeilnc more than of thevhole area its prob lems and a joint eolullon ttribts villi citinga hat receised an award for its design he ii ii d leonard morffun of toronto the bell teleph ne company renionil archi tert the comrtetuion as amonc hnlldinif designs f r 2 000 hnildincs ended in canada and the uniti d states jan 21 27 national jaycaa week and national y m c a week jap 24 1641 114 yean age gold wat discovered in the heart california i hm lis frori n at this time of a 12 ear n iir an 1 fnnid with a hlan mother no i s kit of n iw the little poplar once hau admit r1 ttinr n w ih tin ir ruchlne of frost ordevire ii in e i tniuili 1 tin 1 a l iimi man that icemthr didp t eo about it in a ti h nu n clnse to earth on the foolhartt w i 1 li eniit i imr on el i et hardh a a profesinni inountun in ii muk ium thit mme fmdence to teach them tlm ropi ill the ilernnk ilo of eternrr 1fittrrer lie in the village its nik mke headlines lnlaf juprr mr 1 kr tn well let me till nu home thin 4 m kidi are more iron llr mm lh m thi wrn w hen ihrj sat in hiih chair hurling hi ii in lar din cl iu at once oit 11 kn i s pill s nib riiiiiiin in ran ichildri n dlj or uic pi ur pursued li illo a linonilion of his wih and still dreaming of thi da whin life will be calm cracioui and dinifie1 milton thieves broke into the will lams avt high school moniln at the annual lions club al um of tha year dinner in trin itj church a plaqui waa award r smuhed yie wall into ganiied during led to streetavlllea tlliren ofjihe vault in the main office and phitadephia jan 111 hiuw iirciuik iiiu4c limit i 5o0 orthuu in hundreds of var- h hu er fkip with several hn ieum plus roses chnnhe m 1elen p dollar tha wall i a mumi carnations rarrmilie the 1b r thick jan 24 144 100 has the customary number el yaar ago novalut edith whar iorage elevators tor local ton bom jan 3e i860 17 r the flat fronted years age gen douglas mae stores peculiar to most prairie arthur born jan 27 1880 s3 towns the camaraderie for years ago the incadescant el which the west is famous and eefrlc liqht waa patented by in winter outdoor rinka froien thomas a edison jan 27 i9s0 to olacial perfection by weath 12 years aga india was pro ar that ofttn dips alarmingly claimed an independent repub- below iero he li u is in this alihoipvre jan 29 1900 62 v io hi it linn llijl found hi ho baseballs american xeaiua or rt i li nxl di rlppr meeting in urn nun prowi in ia 30 184 tloo i ili id hi rode the nils in ih palilurn ill o r hie kiw hi u an j fillini their diapi rs eser time j mi turned vmir ttat k loping u ith 170 oifd inch tccn afiers ev rv ua ii a short cut to ihe crmeteri and m uife hu canadnii pros i that his father ami unndfalhrr iv haulm humboldt is a railroad few ofaustran hmtapr jeuidrd al ftul nf mc or th n retonv i of saskatchewan one ume hintapr euided alps georgetown herald published by thomson nawspapars limited jci rm town onfri he aiianced his triinees cri riuall ron r- x sl lo ih- l m v i0o foot hcak cl ml of nnr l anr ii bv mount morn tim prnud i v in tbnr mount in rm rrr r f j mndav to1 somrl illrr and did my lesson plans wrote my column and let piper tha new cat out about 2am i walter c biehn publisher garfield mcgllvray production superintendent was called rock school sum of ill s pumis were rontr r to rrt on this conquest while nth ra hean climhinj m n diffiailt peiks sciine finalh hire1 wills to continue their tr it nini smlh i special ice his achrtor on perilous rn vase- scrosjcd athalnska klocier oil i llarhs ldilor strr iktn lliadley accountant tnumi carnation tuffodui and tulips were in full bloom for the display chincuacousy allaffatuona voiced at ofcuitfuacousy council that atoek in township develop ment constituted a conflict of interest for planning boafd member dill sheard have been discounted it lays right in the mun icipal act that he la not dis qualified from the board for belntf a shareholder in any company bavins dealings with tha township said sleeve cyril clark orangveilli an austrian carpenter cap- cured the southern ontario skiing c clu slant slalom chant plonshlp at valley sehuu last week audi heualsberser 23 year aid racer from the aus- tiin ski club raced past the 20 gjtea of tha slant slalom course in tha jlockley valley in 60 eeeondi wublimsyom riled crota illood donor clinic waa chief march infi mother dur ins the march of dimes canvass and helped atari tha cancer society in streetsvilla acton the architect who deeion ed the dial telephone kit- hamilton city council will sradtutlhformlnhsiwltm abortly concern ins an area study involving burlington hamilton and 10 other muiv idpalltiaa thai hamilton propoaal would have three independent expert under take a comprehoniive atud hundred yaars aoo musician walter en pprci damrosch born jan 30 1863 i 10 year an franvtm d i roosevelt born jan 30 1933 sources op power i o vir adotph hitler to supply the electrical reued power as chanrallor of qqlremenu of homei farms germany feb 1 29tamericen and industry ontario jldni operating 70 fit n ratine sta tlona throuflhout us province wide power systems at the bc- flnnlng of 1082 mettry menagerie by walt dkrtty tj my icteej i tmcletbiaiclbla tttefilaatsaf wial music month and heart month feb 3 groundhog day feb of ins ti r a hit cn en m rfn1riudil a inn s heis nut oini to rjise his sun to he i lolti nudii a rnlroaihr siuh is tin thrcul tin uhich destinies hinj they climb fer fun twiim jieople undriiook an kind of sport lasl spring dedicated railroader i jst ueek whin thin irinduiutlirr s amtiituin ii in ouns 3 1111 flst year ego editor whin the iiruc to chmh ninun horace greeley born tain turned into a feat of ae- step 7 know first aidand homk nuksifro know first aid and home nursing tho survival of the injured end sick mombera of your family ta your responsibility medical help will not bo generally available in tho dam aged areas for several hours afler an allack doctors and nurse will have timeto treat only tho most seriously inured medical help will not bo available in ardas of fallout for several days until radiation reaches safe levels medical help will not be readily available in areajuriaffected by the allack since doctors and nucccs will be required to look after tho casualties from the damageer- areas therefore you musl know and practice lifesaving first aid and simple home nurs ing measures start training now a simplo first aid box to keep in your shelter or in your evacuation kit shduld contain 1 bottle mild antiseptic molaphon use to clean cuts 5 yds ih inch gauzo bandago 5 triangular bandages use for singsjworwodx4llvstorlofrad and burns 12 individual band aids use for nil no cuts 5 yards h inch adhesive tape b assorted safety plnsj its 07 oil of cloves fort temporary treatment of toothache 12 aspirin 1 small scissors l first aid booklet 4 ot baking soda 0 oz table salt 1 tsp salt and half ha baking soda in 1 qt drinking wafer encourage seriously burned patient to drink as much as he can qf this solution i note individuals requiring special medication such as insulin should maintain at least 100 days supplies chmh eslini mp raiilnndin ti re in hi r htl m i sjlhe 1ou ler loi hre htr own rulro id ll als j fl from her dautfhur and runs ehctncalh on a sperntlv eon ntnictcil thlt i took m first rule on a train ulun i w is nnl 10 cars old and pc lovid them tvraincc in 1juh rnmnes hid hells and hclchcd thick black smoke that mmlltd of adm tun she rcmcmlured today the elm f enjiineer of this miniature railum satisfies her taste for trael from an armchair renu inht rum tin journeys she tiad made her im aclnatlon taking hi r to fir au i plaeea aboard her kiw tram lioinc around and around and arouiwl llunboldt ilinlon mountain and trains stirred my uandcr lust from tho cupboard be neath tho old plno dry sink i rummajfwlmit a doncnrcd bro chttre of jasper national park and road uhcn nun and women too want to meet uwy journov to jasper turk lodge one trip uill tell ou uh for thii is shi di in t conn baik though i went four tun s lo the hack do ir the list twice in in p j i in is and hoi i rid into i tie snowv wustts hjm wtio hid hroujht her home as a f1rn kitten a jnr io wept hill l oil ni div and blamed inti r i w t tm i k r ih wi d ir mrs lleslie idtl h tin whnu tilt tuesday t came home from turn hush adcitiim manaur c 111 k dave halting kt r ill mes tilson unit iicrthur mi iflh r of the inidurt uitklv sewspipcri asociatmn and the ontnno assunhon k mbdnuiti slimmer resort rm ced by the rangca of the can adlan rocklos every chqifort la auyour command in this al pine retread built to blend with the beauty of the atba- baska valuj thais my dlalit echoes from the pages of ihe herald february 19s2 and 1937 10 years ago at a convention hold in the town hall at milton last night miss sybil bennett k c was chosen to contest the nexl dominion election for tho conservative party in halton death omus mftesty king georqo vi canje as a shock to those who heard the news on tins niorningi early broad- casts local churches have announced memorial services on sunday flags are at half mast andiii many ways georgetown is showing its grief at the news r w darou has been appointed manager of the local branch of tho royal bank he arrwod in town this weok to take over his now position 25 years ago heavy rain on sunday afternoon caused tho credit river to overflow its banks causing considerable damage to jh pretwinrlal papnr milk plant find at tho wo mills at glenwilllann- ahrrisonersavlescapodlionh40ttcokuco tho guelph reformafory laslssunday have boon rocapturod or returned of their own accord some were rounded up nttar here at t gre theatcetold rufch wallace beery slage struck starring dick powell and joan blondell ntf women aro tvouble starring stuart erwin il

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