Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 8, 1962, p. 17

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c4 charter night held at st johns for new aots mens club page yhu m twwy fakraary lk im1 w x 1 i mm j wt fej v ml f v r oakville club presents charter ken faulkner is first president twrlv mmuri ot si paul howard welell uj lkt oakvilla- aotjl hint club or ikkville club who axplajned tb ibrtl- lnhw cfcirrth tpvmmn tu st itrt of lb- aots clubs ua juu aots club prnlrf gujbuut lb united cfiurhi tf th rkrtty and conducted i he canwda he eipteucd tk tinjc 1 tuidy fwrtiafcl limmian frllouyhjj lw6vdij fabruiry 4h t mnujc ihe ufiwn ojf lb chur yb imjvelua fur hie nevicclub rh ami ifreued ibe itiejiiuig t it mi john l nitci waj gitfrii aois ai out wka w ihe miniver he hev ian nenci unjnt iw charged lhfrttmri wilaj w nw canadian ijy- rfjwaiihiljlie and prw- dtaruitf ibe dinner knur pij t pudent with kii fcfrwantauon nude to mr jd hi- fjltrtj upon al col ualur jtoedgtr anil hi vic tn b th port trdil cjh abienteel of butltuiw m plltrirt i nunril pmidetat decorated ralr rcillng their enthip mr tledrr mem let j lh mm huh ta aim church caretaker the road ht rimr in anaila frm er nuns altoul en ui f ollnuing ihe ilrttr in hnjiuur of t preient ihe rharur anadien nut pan candeliui conducted iha devolinnal part of tha tarvic and dirk ie installed tht tttw rrtim of th rluh honorary president rrv ian hewing fouadluid id a period af two and half tjr el ercinit alioo lhrvajdrul km exprctawd thm thahkj j lb club to tb 0k- vli gttxiv kiwi alw lo ik ral urn tor giving kim tm tpprtumty bt wrvlaj u u flrtt prrlcwnt anbttwr bjliitht ir tb v vanitf wu i ants of coloured lid wilb rxttiimfntjry kivra bytlw tfatraltr w ol ttjiifm of ukvjjlr on hjlbrt rbduj bub bid tprnt iotrtf iriftiult in atriri wvtttly jr uw khd uclof co of cinadj hllputt 4 a b orgihluttaii and fontriion of a ford plant n tslt tar off land a numbar of tw alul dfpirud tb work of i he hrutian churrh in adu citing th african topli see back page second i section irv dinnr irrtnl u irrjlclftit krn faulkntr lit fh rorr mnijr rirr nd ihr lhank t thr n n d lrk arruttd of ujkmir int in tang vmg obiactmt hirmjn lur llir rniinj virjrr idrnljnhn jrt lrrr vrld jnd vic ttfsidrnt tom rmiutrt stvrftary 1 ra urrr jirk lljinitton tlia nrw rharlvr wai tha cfiih prrunlirl in aots r uh from th yukon tf fn st johns church plans building improvements ivirr jonr cnr lout rice his turkey on chinese new year louy ie i id o fjnrnl rfufint ptpt rcf krn ire nifl n l tnp v a i atladi h ixja ot r i i pc al fe vour mr i c rtirfl if ynr pf i jr vh ch wai ui efj i i cf irin at over ti word on mondj lf rei nev yen i day r ci ccfusc nn ca cidr tn ir n year 4660 winners aplenty at hospital cook school norvdl now leading industrial hockey jack arnold is i made life elder llic tlmt vnlh annual i irt i ni u si j tlni i t nili u tuirrrt n hrlift on tuririiv jatuiir 30 h in s- john hall u ilh pproitniriv un hunrt ml jilut an 1 our liundn t hi 1m n in ll o1jm hoi 1 1 i nrk ri n in r i rtrit 1 h ihr uturx ji r rl t ttif hom id girl of ihr hur rh n nrminj orwnrd ih humnrm nirrling th a per md nl drxiii on rort liltnt itt m gnec j 1nt prrp r i d onslrjl rniv in i i fnanv of i n i lendrd li 4 i 0 dior t u iiar ki s m n c r during 1 a vrrk 1 of ihr 1 ni i i l r i hr ink i n mi jinn t i hk mi- i hill i if- n mis j i i hit h r l i h k uiiihiiit i ijnkt i n 1 nt mr i 4t lt 11 k i 1 mi lli m k ui m l- rl hr i 1 i 2 w n ftd t p i ihr i ntw club h ihr m i ri n i 1 1 i i thundiy winn t iiim i 1 ii jr i mini i 1 rk hi i mr u jr h d u i v i i i a j r it jkr ihr i r lrru t mr h t ishi i r iim- hi i 1 v irn i ilk h i ii i i i l i r mr- it m r a i 1 ilr ahihm c h im th rd n i i i m m li 1 j u ri ruvhiim idi i r urn ii i i ittd in ii ill irr t or 1 mr tom li ili i hl ii- it n fsmilh an is mi sip i i mi v i s h bowman in rsvn mr j l s m lni mi mul w mi lokln li l mr it laii mr l n hl ih annii iur m skju ritk ilnr m uiinrll mrv u h nintnn m mr i hill mrv rnin mr mil mm i on mr i shopping luv mi it itiiird mr liit mr n i fie linda piktr mr- m lv mr 1om ifn mr r mn i errst lr itunu nn in mr ii mo mr d u ill on llnrkrlrn lr lurkir mr mi j iihihk mr w waldorf mr john od mr lull mr j kinimh m a lui mrs ikn ihnrikk mr norm i oshi mr mlrlbn terr lurlrv mr u liln likr sn i mi 1 inliir 1 1 mr m thorny oi mr mi illunr mr 11 mull don pnrr mr m s in mr i haiuik mr 1 1 n lln nellie jnl nrr mr m ivrrr mi wallers mr herlmtt mi i nprik mr ntih mm i lliuum wccullv mr tcrrv llaine i jim hihrion of hunullon mrt bnjca mcclure mr m jemrrrd the program cdnrsda thn fo w urn wrl i tri h 1 hop 1 rn barrxt hm i i u mr ci lrnn r tojt ujlr mr r a mclhrr art thiirr i plarr mi i m j arimtte4ft p man rkert co i mi sutherland norvj s citn 3 ui a f tin 1 ii i mil r i ii i n i i him a i j f n tin a irr mi iljrr m a i k- n it li r i rn rhr 1 nn j ii i hi i i- in i i u n i ion l ft in i mi war i ri rrr t ihr r p r toronta j suparlor 3 i r 1 j ir m r ntft in ii id s iptikir 1 i n iu i ki una i irt l m c ur i xnif ih k mm i n i in f i mir 11 kf ill hl f n ii nrtrron ai i i m i it il h titht id rum urn li rnn p ti r g snpi r or k al standard 5 oaky ma 3 n ii lil i d nl il i up d k mr i 2 in the uindnp itniuu fi mi si i and m id md lrm m mai n an i kan i o n fn n m in him nl an i himni m i l friim minimi nt n i km i i nl ftitdnr urn i t id irmd for tbr innri oik lr c 1 n prodnrrt h li inliirfrom himiid and 1ron ml from ii loii nuht an i ihr to i t nilrd a mana irx 111 u k m 1 a ihr rimir on thin mii szr drioi ihon irr fioni hirrt rloial till home economist was mrs a healer hi- of nv i o ii o lop al a it n rant a fcl w r al if ti jnt im f i thr i ini mint ti r i h ti ni m h morr t me f r olhrr parochial rtiitin ituridk ihr rar there urre 0 luplism 11 maniaxri and m death 52 r n rrr rnrnrd into inrmhrrhip mnl i i rritmird f t iraon nf trans irr death or othrnlr lulal i rmtrrhip nm nils at w13 per on it ai nmrd inr rrwr nranlrttin thr i nitl oiiiull wnnrn hj hern mir rili launched and give- ninth prouilse of trini a most etlrrtpe intrunn nt f r the propagation nf the laird work tmtne and ahr ad mr lr ilrirr is thr ptmdrnt of this orknialion aio ihr aots in tha krrxt i mrn luh ha hern fnrmrd vsilh krn raukrirr a pirident and juk llami ton as arrrrlai ii club n open o all men r ihr rnnjrrgfmi the sim lis rrmiii om iroplrs trnup brun h mr and mr trrvtrr and mw imdrr rev unniru as counsellor n cnnlm hint t lfo and at prevent ha a inrmht i hip of fur t s i it kihl hurrh trra inrr jirientid thr linamial rr piirt indirating thai civ inci vvrrr du n a lilllr in ne nee 1 onv tuil up m olhn with a i ridrd iinpiosrmi nt in civ lnjs noted in the latter part of he year armintmanti l l lack viuild ha ap- poiitled an khh r for mr wilh j vans h raulknrr j lay man and hi adef heing ap ipointrd hdrn fur lite year li rm ftrappoinlrd lo tha com iniltre of hteuirdt fur a tbrr rar irr ni ttirr i r rrnrh it harm i parker and it mr mrn m mtb h i olleit and 1 armitvtrad being appointed lor an initial three year lerm a rrport from th- buildint ioinmiltrr proioved a bood d il of di union but in ill i har it mdiratrd a willincnes nn the part of thns preaent to p rot red with a mhlintial im prnvrniant lo phaical facihtie tinal deciaaon ai lo the nature if jnv surh additions will be i ofmvrl h ihr nodding urn iinliir or hnal approval of thr iincir it n at a la rr dale thirty si vaara spciihc nktj i of lhank lo irp man pnplr hn give lime ji d talrnls id the church and sundas vhqol lljroughout th viar were presented on behalf of thr ronerrgalion jim kvana i hrhalf of the nrwly appoint rl hder lhankrd the meeting for thr honor hrslourd h the appointment and noted that he had altrnrled hi first annua meeting at thu rtititth 38 jean the nirrtmc ehved with the vincing of a hmn and the pro- itunnne of the benedirlmn name milton man urban chairman lillian councillor norman pearrv wa rhnsen rhjtrmih bf north hilton l rban board al lie iqa3 inaugural meeiing ial erk th board which has no of final statu has provided a aminding board and discussion centra lor rounnli of the bra north i alt on tnvtns deorge town milton and art on and hai heen beneficial lo councils in all three townt nl mattera ot more than local inlereit what aktjt ward at tail week i meeting for initanre tht surubtn school for retarded children and the aupport which auch ichooli re crive from trnor govenimriit va topic nn the agenda coinmunity planning wit also a diiculmon iubect and geor el own council ion were quest tonert on their opinion about uard soting which was re inlro- di red into georgetnun in dec ember following an affirm live plebiwite vota tha previous ear caatlaan itaapavaintatl milton i own clerk jim covl gan a formrr georgetown rei rent was rr appnmtrd a aee ritars liravurrr for ihr hoard rrprerntidr corirlo n at thr mretinc wrre ouncillora jim tmmrruin jim hrnwn roy lock and boh mrneilh eorgetoun will hit i the reil meeting on rehruary 2ht top i quality p ra n t s by pittsburgh imluigh iii cram onlv matur1no 9 colours a 2 69 qt 3 brushes 198 roller tray 29 ieg i 49 herald advirtisino pays h do more merchanli use herald advertising r nr thr simple proven fart that bs its urgr proven circulation it rcarhr more readers and cn rn the widest poitible area harris floral arramoimints for viry occasion dttnt cul fuwtrt wldin rauixtt is main ii n tr 74si1 what in your dresser could you be wearing at modait cot w can return that watch brooch or rinq to rmenvbered iptendor drop in today you ii be happy you did youra prowl ta waar it whan wava rapairaaj ill b0ught0n jewellers 3 main sireei north tr 713 during our bmfh uglorl haggis high point of robbies dinner hawes ihahaggls and lorn scot pipn sernnli ilrika j symbolic pos al tha robbl burnt dlpnar in ibo hall friday nlgll serving the haggis was hlglv polnfof the evening honouring scotland favourils ton that are sure to please vour valentine lady buxton french purse fine quality jleayher no 595 up i 2 price valentine greeting cards by carlten choose a tasteful ovt for your valentine from our wide selection leather goods stationery china toys brassware etc georgetown stationery and office supplies main straal south tr x34ss tmurut3i spwshirts february sale priced i mads in canada from top quality 100 cotton they wash lik a hankie permanent collar itay stripes check abitracts i m i 198 1 mens cold filled wrist watch q s year guarantee vary thin detign aatpamion bracelet 8 lingerie specials 198 v length nighties embroidered lace nzos t m i pink blup yellow 1 qold mauva half aq slips acetale and nylon tize m j assorlod colours sums wide range of attractive plaids in a host of ploaung thadei 229 jackson s bargain centrf 28 main street north 1 l tr0s1 tt

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