Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 8, 1962, p. 3

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2 v they dig high school the most givings near 15 000 for maple ave baptists ietrr jonr corgelowb heavy machinery rearranges the ght can pui if dfi slip m hie con true f on program thai will put modem tech meal wing on tha rjrounds by september a icxal firm mcnally comtruclion wn awarded lha million dollar con tract on wednesday january 17 lh tocbtbers and adherents 4 mapl avcmue aiptut civ ureb leather for the annual wipe- aad rviwd lha wihlhls ev th year ei cted lq th official tbureb bosd were tb following ctiod unwr is chipper c6uh lurold page bltrw- ari crittl kchry sienko 14 garf u- jcn ould sr 7 gray gate lulpb tripp as wihum hill and wihvra caittoa all of john ttffft weaidaill for the young rw- pjri satiety t uartejie ian tori s3 jahb trer- ksfct nd fcitidvnt ftr tuwws it mr harold tag tllfwwjn cr tallifa1tfl mapl avenue haiptit lh- ureh reviewed the jwm ni witi a good deal of istnfart ion for the goali rromp- lnhd during imtl tula giving fur the rir amount d u sio22 02 which wit a 4 000 00 irutraw orr kh0 the sunday srhool enroll went reached 2v and in thrre ocrainni t hi fall a i trndanre tupped the 200 m k of apenal interest wa the tlaliidri on tlir cost of the dew church building the land including tmprovrmt nit wj alued at ttonon thr building ruit im 000 00 and the contents including paws chair organ and other equipmaiu cost tjjxtioo which brine the value of the umi buildiug tad oalauu to 7100000 uiuionary giving totalled 6m 8 arid rjrfinti mtiy tcna in africa karon south america and northern can ada in addition to lhl he wonun a uiuionary society pvuej wing the year llev hruod wood made pver 00 visits 1tfr wer it adult hap- inula and atterwlince to the young paopiei averaged 17 attend funeral miraico resident mr t j brownde aon allan ad john bellboddy mot jored to uimteo on saturday af terooon to attend the funeral of the late sydney carman the youii2 itople hild their mc4inu j- tuuuy ewniitk al the home of bob uiddell ft wa stewsrtjhip serir in charge of sandra canirf and thg ckoucbtowm mutala page the study period entitled my life belongs to god wu taied and the children wer divided into groupa la charge of lire j uird and urs john bunbb sandra urlautfidifl kv th misiionary praytr mrs cwba austin told hit- itory of wleont- iaz i liuie spaaiiii child lo a sunday school claia juw nurve and kenneth auoia laok up the offering and it wm do- bob uuddell cuaat ipeakfr wai waled by poujrlw buddell mrt vard hrouindge kenneth ucnabb tenddcted woif inuural gaiuea the aihgruve viihrngfr htil their sneling on sunday pu atteriioon tit 9tiw ment with beventnen rhildrrnt and itvrii lejiler urw julia ii lurd in theluu cimoi m lu ftuyl ihe hy murray f tlrowurulmad lli kfrlplur i t- duoal ueclure eavr slip rtteia fxw ver vrs nnire jlcclurr vy rfiurct t luri lltl ciia i ilnc unit m coincidence brings friends together in georgetown ii b 9 it carlatnlv wldn i hnr i j bapprned in u- that vtav i iuinh- f it hadn i n or ih name i d jrr i the letter tv in the ouv t it ji i apartinrnt on qurcn st il i h wile 1 1 i yu t for y uunj man rum turmir karl heina h nhan a ounc man in m ria karl liorhnrr txum k friendi in rrrt i men ere carpenter nt rk ed at the delta trait pum the hivrr lload it th had u- in canada ocr a t r th u u nil f jilt r hi rkn it o hi t r in ij i i inrt on il nl mnil aj jrtrm nt in th g n n stn 1 tjv in part in nl huilil th had bn t t tt a jrtin tn i their familien rather loin l boun th nm trad 9 so aftar having for tcnt me in r returned to atislri ka seven tables at reiurueu t i emi did ni p i cm m auxiliary euchre hick in cjnjlj l hi tick didn i mc nlkmi such protuhllm lo lm in n t h i li hi lit i i six months altr bailr kirl ii i li r hjf ha i minr h i d t turn tn hi natiw punnrd lo marrv nd hoprd in rx comr to canada to i ujl i r v in llu 1 i i lie in i 1- irlln prui ii 1 mi s r k mm tlir m n ir t s 1 1 r r i 1 null r pri mn mi irmn mr i s nk mrs m mil h tianri- itirs an i mr son mjllli jlp hrr lo stcwarttoww welcome home mrs wilson we missed the store you nir mitt thr water t ntinrd tn hoxnilal 11 pro tit the utll iua dr u a mfi nnli and it m ahl lo hi 11 sjiiu but ii applies be up in a lul chair i nuwiv thmj and 1 him paj inimlh in mi ttartluwn it hap auhuih ntn ur parly liit mr wiimiii the p w rr 4iu ifc itmvr tin carried if r of our ull imki r th d 1 ions looking kmi mi hj twrn rnjixnik ell rth vt i and tjttet al ihe look urri 1 hoi lav in h n la and shol edneda night xsith hi r h istut il ha btrn n hr uell filled ahop m ih her brother at pink ttaj e all enjoed oui hi- w i h me un w m th vlllaya and dilikt if ur piet and el- and il v ur i al un vkh ch j rtr are rtr m frrfre t ntt in ihe fir l plarr u hot n n at at ur i alte rra t dj ii irris in 1v an i von it itj t u il a the old 1 t r id to mr and mr kin st r ith which ve are ir w ri ir to s i ii nd the irr shell tpace tn v be imitnl hik n if hex jrnl jut the t ii w mi o 1 ii i mm i u in t n ht h m or if ihe mick to k and it romrs from he contain r up nerd a nt im ilrr r fri rator llimwr it wat 1 although the pt he tlir i iher intrtnu and r left l ail the triker ham k n d u tt li an i nw lope nf new m mi mi a ihar more is rrcipi lo tr on on our un 11 a frirndlt mirting pi rr mietii fainiln wrll at tniiiic and old the an m ulmn lim thr volim folks mi stock up on r stmcr of the hospital uilis but all the kid unlitn i 1 1 ile r niir lhrouih r with their nickels and jn t iil one i ira 1 t nash and mcdowell ftumbino ant hcatino w walar shanan 0 walar lyluml 0 rapalra 4 allaralioni tr 72842 sold by hare si hotmandv uvd ckmcitown for results list with hare charles dykstra rep tr 73245 359 oualriji tlrwl 0erolwn beautify with wrought iron fflir coriminrtllal smill i guaiolisi tb 7 9176 fcml atiih riaurt ix iafla ua1- llaia tktk llatk wlk slim kith pnwaar aai tbjr dauarb mi vaaoialad ltikwma todjirl dairv fadusrs of cahaoa 147 what council did i i r i water deposit now 900 lady darts s andingt lui inline a ma ilayad in rtn u li four miiiiln piinn llnl linir hr marni i and mir rwded in tsiijlin- hi- liruli cnimini li cuis and- nnkr ihur h m 111 n ii ml in canada he hid rltn in- v inni aulnan friend a pnmcird ililm uulti durmi the early pirl nl hi- oriiuuk holiday al home hut itiiln t i nn er uplm rd mention anthinc almul his plans or relurliin lo caiudi and hr never did rrcusr i repli apparenlh hie to men nol detimd to ninl nt ti m 140 p wnkl rjllle hedle i ti li art all ihi aren t 1 ied tn talk in thm i howtvir by fi pm i lie lal in an aflort le cul walar rav n nriler iiin tn i n fili d rnu lessas cauvad whan lan- lie wilo i iv frei in pn ants itava town awine bills i ri i in i dinmr for her hu courcil on monday dacidad la i i i kin hi commutes tn impota a 19 00 drposil far all m i frniii tnr ntn each da fir walar usart aacapt hansa awn- ir vi iliil n a rnreliivi n arm ih li s tinir and nn uirk this assuraa us al at laasl i t t 11 r 1 in in r tilth a 4 month advanca paymanl ii lupps smile mid friendls aplalnad dapuly raava hun i nihil cins her ihrnuh tar whose walar cammlltae le 1 is- lliree u i ks milhmil dacidad an the new measure i ur i rir si r uel from now on whan a tenant it sills wflcomr apartmant ar house in town the 9 00 dapasit must be made al the town office bo- mr john harris who is still fore water service la provided were cam a karl heine and his ife marfan i d tilld to lise in georjeton and ssele aide lo renl an anulinrnl in ih dawson apartments on quern street they hid settled ilmsn into iheir mw life and hs dint or both worklns sers hard urre irjnacmi lo csfihlish ih r household haillleini hil lie come proficient al peakinc jud ubdcrstandmiz fcnshsh and hy the time they had imd here aavtral months marcaret had wry food arasp of our ian i ai ottawa the throne speech debate continues there it frequently an uneasy and ifuase loo tliev ucre adjus i resi feeling pervading ihe house of commons the governments plans as announ ce ft canadian uay iced in ihe speech from the throne have begun to be spelled oul in more detail the mlunily inert were times prlme mln has announced an increase cif 10 per month in ihe old age pension when ihey lonjcd lo aec old tn0 home has debated acreage payments lo western grain farmers ottawa report bimonthly observations by sandy best mp for halton friends again thay didnt have many call private members bills which come up for debate at jpecific predetermined times havr roused considerable interest they are nol new but are being presented again with variations two discussions in the past two day have concerned national lotteries vuiiuiiuiu iu uivuaaiuiia u juji inuuuyaiiavbilji tti icjsj iiohuiiai lumpilga lh d day alter nos sweepstake- on the one hand and a now national flag on the other bolh they had heen livtnc here j ear both jumped to answer it to their amaiement and joy there stood karl bach uer and hu wife ymj can imaslna the clad n winch i two friends kreetctf each their wives of course did not know each other and after the excitement of greetings and in troduciioni were over the next bit question from karl heinz wn liny iff d ou ecr tind ir was imjraly by coinci dence karl bochner hud had no more idea that his gcr- taian friend had returned to junida hun karl heinz had kkd tf hla auktniin friends ptatu wheit he had hade him goodbye on his departure for austria he thought there win littla likelihood o their meat- of these measures proposed toy conservative members have rdused many years incanada much interest fof opinion vary wide some xjtnca violent on the vjridiia sides of these usuts there n he problem of voluntan civ inc on the on handon t nthrr txstlft wliat docs one i n elude in a dnlinctie national flais ah parties in the lloustt have declared themwlvot for a dis tinctive canadian flat hut ca nndiung arc widely divided on tlttwruorndonthacuiitoiiu avhiovomeut mr kmc jhen shelved the whole issue in recant months halton county council among other hodieavhaapasswlresalution calliht for a distinctive cina dian flac not related to other ilacs in preicnt use there seems to lie a erowmc demand for a srttlemetit of ttiir issue across the countrj a natural question which artsei is the of such a flac as far buck as mackenzte kings day a tpcc clal committee of the houao considered this iisue j m maedonncll senior and- much respected raomber for tonuitn- greenwoodt and a member of this former committee explain- ed this in the mouse the other day a siiocific flac desiciiwos choseu by the comuiiueei but which will- not produce more violent differences than alrea dy exist on this important is sue on ht leeal scene george town isijiow going to have one day a week service from the unemployment insurance of- ice in brampton some yean k i began work on this pro ject and i an delighted that it lsnow going to take place in re tent month a general detailed survey of un employ ment offlctjjmblemsjnout areatlias been made and the present decision comes as re suit nt this past councils in georgetown must also be crod ited for interest in this matter whila specific plans and drawing are ready for icorge- towns new tost 6fnte the date tlemendwheittantfttqctldtroirthe build in will begin is not yet cer tain in acton tenders hve been received for the nrjw post office in that town these will be examined by th dept of public works in ottawa con sidered hy treasury board and the tender awarded am con struetloh started on the build ing possibly during the month ol fehrutlry the car that only looks expensive mercury monterey two complete and j ujl ready for the door road mciudh math mw05tr 8aj amiihuii ucinci hus ii monthijooo mill wamrw 31 10 for your job mom iioht dhivf xt to luavy hauu0i m ust whin lit a juergurytruck- drive in for a deal jqdavi reedredfern imited ontario st s milton phone tr 82391

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