Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 8, 1962, p. 4

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georgetown herald ruubhad by idomwi newspapcra umhw 22 mim strut s gaorgalowrtj ontario w c wthn publiskw page thursday february 8th 1942 editorial comment money in meters r ifetistc showing that over 4000 yr 1 jihr in perfnievenij nlctlfv n go0 v pking wter is ei indication that abaters will be with ut fc idrvgfchm f o council wiilvouf itroaff pressure waulut triow out ntumc pl tovenu ih that amount whether the money as cr fred her rlton tniutj should be earmarked fpr dowmouvn improvements or whether it it ddd to o town fvnu as has ben th case to date it relatively unimportant it it mtlt la 000 that council does not have to find m taes lo n let hi budget the yaar have mellowed ui sgniewhat in 6uoptnftn about melon t we were outspoken crtics when ttiey were firtt introduced ad whiu wi 1 1 j do nof hk tberp pubhc acceptance hai baea suclrfhat we would not actively campaign lor their re move and wrth large otf street parking areat in the planning itafe there will be leu argument than ever against street meters once their pari fig areat bee on e real iy problem for ambulance increas ng frequency of call loeec d ants on highway 401 i taus nj some con cern to member i ot hie local volunteer ambulance serv ce the problem is somewhat similar to that encountered in past years by the vol unteer firemen at a group ma nta md by i ol luii h and with mornblr kav ncj mu r jobs to answer emergent t i il is d it cu t lo em brace more than tne immed ate town erca irt the work aikj yet when a tail comes il u a life and death matter and d ff cult to do anylh ng but answer the cvas executive lias asked mat count i study the problem end has suqfjei ted that the provincial pol e be lomulwc atout finding other ways ot meet r g h gli way emergenc es might well be that tome system might be devised similar to firefightmg where a local ambulance tervica m ght t rvi a i m if l area around each town with the rural eue sharing costs o equ pnienl perhaps the ineuevi n coit ng wl i i v ft supcrh ghways thread ng he r w iy in ncreav ng quant t es around major n ho areas a provinc al srrvico m ght have to be the answer with bases along the ma n traffic arter cs sugar and spic by biu smiley jo to rando thoughts tkl wk im t i- to write a result eetuwt it ha e4 knvjatr far si uyt th tomprtur it 1 fcxilow fend oodm kaa ton rn vfce mltrnj herald yk old lady ie aiowrt with tk flu twrtlel m b towrw ht bid wklrt tdak la uk etw hln here we go again industrial tempest ends n 1 oy ooroyhv harkih after three sessions a d a great deal of wasted council t me grorgrown coun til last week came to agreement on the ba lit for form ng trie 1962 induir al cornrt s lion the comm s on this yrir has only three known n i i io late tr mayor reeve and deputy reeve ci ma n i rj itk n br re to be selected on a lias s of fo n from the chamber of conidcrce oie fro n tha jaycecs and thrte won from he ton ttt large the comm is uii fieri r i pori t talk in pcrsuadmg industry to locate here georgetown has all the attributes loca tion tervicet land and an alreedy-ettab- liaked reputation as an industrial town certain adverse publicity the past few years has not conr buted to the towns corn me re al future but t could not be ar gued thai in s i ad any stro g bear g o i new industr al locations at the same t n e happy well ntcgrated common iy is en biiet to any sell ng ob wluh an indusr al con m ss o can do d the sooner petty b ckrr ng and unfavourable public ty ends the better off we ii be when iikjustry sen is its slous to town j the herald has always followed a pol icy of promot ng georgetown in its news and ed tor al columns at a business interested m making our town a bigger and better balanced communiiy we shall continue to attisf m any way possible m this important search for industry reaoinc at all time high othtr by rail boobi like bab- 1 should i any lm b nrlul cenvtruf forced to choose but on travel b strwoer that inoj comptnlon t m ur it h remamber the vary would b a good book boob whn fhy first dla- covered they could read i i on i mini have h en mwii yran id and my firs in eh rstandatile u inm ouped young mind ivaa tnaar as e whole who like ua at children prebabty tmuggle car tain fytai ef literature banaath their mattresses are for the most pert merely acting llfat sheep the main thing ttiat they come te raaliia the ey in reading after that la acqu ired i hair taste will davelep until they can tert the teld from the dreaa like bse with te much te read rhay wont want te be apandrfirlft with ihelr leisure using up precious time en ebcne tripe r i stiurwh tuppejrter of royalty but iii c alnnji witb tha bhtub preia in tk utht verbal spanking it iiia ivrfj to prbv6i margaret and younu tony wbai a hit name it was bad enoufih to take ott for a caribbean holiday lravif be 1ijnd noj only a twomonths old baby but acme m million half froien brown rvl off britons uho couldnt jffurd u trip hut when tony camr back with hit usually wfllltrked hair con vrtcd to a mass of curls by a permanent it was enough to make a fellow go uuh de you knew temethlng ln sick and tired efl i m tick end tired of reading erllclee about the enlightened new leaders ef black africa fighting to free their down trodden black bro thers from what i can gjther many ef these antlghtened leaders are pure thuga whevte first act whan tbay gain tome authority it to purge all oppo sition ad ru twaimt u dut hi take iam l the two f dobt evr la jour kid start uldoj mxme wia not if you evr waet to bar eags bousuubu tjiuik there ar threar tikltitf puhovaeeooa i my fatflllyttta thr dry wku i vu ahovelimx eijcrw i tij- urel out usat uiay haw feocww thaa so yeara of tt 10400 ametitf um au1 do youkrsov ttkvt thrca not one of teteas who co sit down and puy a tune if you ak for it theyre eilher jukt finished a pe arwj jav alfeidy forgot ten it or they re just bettltyf u a nw plrrc and rant play ll yt buy your kid a mouth organ about domestic pl you can have them end if there wrmt tediea praat id toll yo m ectly what you could tie with thaw we have e tasart cat nj e dumb doa and btwen thrt tkayre cutting dp 11 y a i lotted span ilerently the rat went ory and lived in tin fur a few daa rrratjnit anguish in the home saturday the front doorbell ran a little jprl stood there rr mc ynur dofl stole my mitt llr d snatched it and run i sjwnt the neit twenty mlnuti 1 wallowink atoss4 the tj k anl in snow up to my i navel uhile that mutt danced somrhou ihumuii f kulk jmt out of reach the mitt in he m k cratkiil h iiuin run his mouth i finally fell flat on though he sktiln ure hlat k and my face ami hr laughed so the arms j the cluhi arrtiird he dropped th m and just at h ack dun i fit into m i uji ahlo to crab it ldras of freedom and 1i1 moc cracy or do to tbcki make a white these dajst tfsaaklnp of damocracy the good book nevar intrude on one t privacy novtr buil ont s revtria or ihstttr the mimory one might be building ol sconory and lur rundn th mu cl pl rph p pp t oiil i bdlhow rdln in bd z i 11 a favorlt paitim nvr 1 iliri larrtlt hn an older blct t bm laid id or u lonord onu dnlur and ma ln act maonalon bcum i v bah ih i k tr i wa u 10 r1 not too turpntod to laarn thai tjmps anrl picture that nine district news at a glance milton a hint of milton i aimrxjtnn plan waa uncotrcd in a mor to counru last wpk opillne with lh futurr of main slrtrt it noted th planning hoard propoula on 1100 am urst or the town a pn vrnt w iti rn boundary that uill provide a naldcntlal in a for 12 00 an i an industrial area thjt c ud provldt emplojmenl for 6 000 streetsvillg toronto townhilp coun ell will be aslid fr1 12 for a toufiikhlp initialed liquor vole in a notice of motion last wpk deputy reeve charlrs murray inl that on icb 12 he will ak eotlncll to call a liquor vote on cocktail nan dining lounsca and bivcracu roonu ion on thia problem aa well ai a re numbering program burlington the federal rtovermmnt lut week approvid a grant of eofidooo for the nrw ikatlnnal technical school to he built in durllngton sandv lies m i for haiti n ount aaid the gtnt am ounteil to 7s of the total rot of the kchool antl equipmi nt acton wilehar conatmction dundu onldrto eubmiltcil the lowrt tt niler and il the probable con li actor for the mw tcdirnl lluilding in acton the coni jnv bid fur the job waa 144 100 brampton brampton ij to he the arc ughling centm for two cqun tlm council kavo the nod utt week to integration of 13 volunteer fire departments in feel and dufferm counliea with brampton at tha heart all tin alarml in the two counliea will eonnect with the brampton dupatcliing centre orancevillb a low rental apartment house in oranlevllle will aoon be ready for tenontn it is the project of the can- adlan legion and will b known at tho cansdlan leg ion apartments the ap artments jl suites anil 1 bachelor are intended for raane-btt- an oakvilli a committee will eetaet up to study theteiuunlntf or ttnels ln oakvulo it was decided last peek the committee will dythe street ntme confus- bdna atetk auuwt- the date book feb 4 10 childrens dental health week boy scout week feb 4 1141 101 year age delegates from six south ern statea met in montgomery ala te establish cenfederale states of america feb 6 1952 10 years age elisabeth ii became queen of england upon death of her father george vi feb 7 1113 150 years ago novelist charles dlckena born feb 7 1811 80 years age john l sullivan knocked ur paddy ryan in the last bareknuckle championship bout feb 1 1910 s3 years ago boy sceuta ef america found ed fab 6 158 375 years age mary queen ef scott beheaded en charge ef plotting murder ef quean elizabeth ipbcial exhibir iountedpjluiilwan jum weimar barber thop ar inch hll3 ind coins u 100000 us confederate not oer man 50 000 000- mart bill anil a 3000yoarold horn an coin he hax hundred of such horns mounted undbr ran of b0 coun- triet i being inquisitive prinb curmulv into the af aires of nclchhon is had mun nrr et it is strnncly rcoin iii nd it hy the ontai u sjfr ly ieafmit to drlrr ne downright intjuisithl in trjffic asks the tytjmic culli jie a ciinosii alxmi clothiiii thits uotns on rcolhlni thut s floina o r stipink bspicialy sltippini tn lo hnd nut if uhen whs and uhi re other dnrr arc to i hi to atop auk ltitlf vsh the in in in he pamn lane la ilnwini dawn is hr turninc irft or he untlnii for an unseen p d rstrun speculate uhout he hall thjl hmncis into the rend ho in iht re a retriever rifiht bchiml eitlur the two or four legrpd tpe check on the car parked at the curb with the engine runninn is the drlvrrj keeping warm or la he about lo mine ofp give a thought to the urea of the car you are following at 60 mph what happens to you if one of them blows wel th possibility that the lllftnwaya department put clown those double white lines ahead hecause the curve is dangerous and not just became thev like to use up paint use im bcination and patience not he bj pedal to find out why the driver ahend ja hrokeina sharplv when tho road is ap parently clear curiosity may have killed the pat but it hah saved a lot of driven make everybodys bus iness your business when tha humneia imovins in traffic a healthy curiosity on the road iometlme avoids a very un- boou circulation in toronto pub n c ircmr iflaus a uerr he libraries reached an all st unc of iheir c time high ct 4 77oo0 durng rjt nr thr drlhted in ihe yar 19il nnithni an rdton of this all reilrr are nnt lhrrs lp dly niir jmin 1 frrm idhct thre i a k at mm j h lj hrr who put thrr money n the l w hh ridna jwpulints ot th bright pnk newsprint wo- paperback accor i lu vr f ires nf he kmk trd jt r bo dr n 1l hased in th imtml s al s d yerda or merlsu eemmiaed amencns ire huvmn pr m ik rlii at lh tjii nf aim t million a di tith s irum th h rtlrr hav roomed in it nun it was nauahty all rlohf but compared te todays lurid ii lustrations en the covers ef il from j vn jo li wi hl rsrerbacks arj ran 1irut thi tn a hre c rallc cr lent lt lakinc into eoll r w i ih n the differ nor in popih ln 1 lrs 111 mr ii mm 1h hldln p lr of 1 n inn p 1 rlu k pr hrrr unlrr our matlrrw hrn cln rs rmrs will tlrp a h p roolsleps ap loni-hiin- nuir prnarliins non pallet my th muloon mich chron- l or w nfw id had an intrnln com pi mrnt in falrytalei tha mnt to mk n it dtorll rl nn ai i grew older column about pp back written ly ixiuna m al which lrhn i th wo b onnnjl tille not pr moik lh emm m in d iv puhllhil in am ihr frn ik orw of marie aliltl are oppearmit in the pip r on d bv h nneth rahama thev inrki thus brink l rn ll golden ace and hn mrsirs in lh trip rrirn dal they w re vrlinil of pipiluck me in in ivrltlen for adults but joined bv verniiv lv i i beesuw thc here all about nnnv a volumne of huh r u1o i lli i becnua they were on ihe livk rr fllvcrimn mil ihiitnted hy that wizard of etra currirular live in in hi nnlterv maxfleld parrlah mv jiool anil eollecv in our elie yearold mentality could lime cullurr blew llv hi irt idicest the aophltlcatlon of net earnings up for abitibi mills net aminos of abltibl power a paper company li ml lad the parent company ef georpe towns provincial paper limited were for 191 1371043 com pared with u3ie3is in 1940 an improvement ef 1 urn- inoi par common share were 13 u compared with 3 t per share in 1940 the larjrst ainfl factor con trlhuting to the increase in net turnings was the exehanee rate on the canadian dollar in com rtimtn with the average rata for the prior sear another important factor waa the per formance of abllihl corporation whose hoard mill at alpena michiran had its heat year since it began operations some four years ado upward prewures on menu farturins cost continued ai in all recent yeaji hut were held in check so that the ehanfe ln the arrae exchange rate could reflect in improved earnlnrs tetal output or ell abltibl mills declined sllohtly in com par is on with 1940 due entirely to e decline tn aataa ef news print increases in aalea ware enperlenced for all other pro ducts consolidated net sales for the tear were 147 5117 412 a amall increase in compinson uijh lfu reflecting the improvement on conenlnn into canadian funds of sales made in other cum nclcs the annual heport for 1061 rontmninc financial atatemtnts and additional information on lofil operations is scheduled for release to ah sreh older s be fore the close of this month marohi s in rtliihh nnd ni it econoinically in the piper hicks early memories people have told me on numerous occasions as i have smh advanced reading joy in rbadino oood books i dont think we have te worry much about impressions some ef the material new flood- traveled from one coast to anllnfj bookstalls might have en limlthy crash qrhat growth canadas electrical manifftct- urlnif industry has frown almost twice as fast eji the gross -nut- ion al froduct aliice 104 11 st to sur step 8 i know emergency cleanliness your limited supply of uuptor pnust bo rationed and used only for essential purposes if you have enough warning time fill your bathtub buckets and pens with water cover ihem so thoy will not bo exposed to fallout and remember there is an emergency supply in your water tank dont forget this if in peacetime your water supply has been tern porarily disrupted the problem of garbage and human waste disposal cart be solved oven if fallout keeps you in shelter put all your garbage in tightly coyored garbago palls after using your emergency toilet human waste should be tied in water proof plastic bags and put in tho garbage pall store a twoj wfiflkil upp lyq fp t ait i cagi af texthexecondd ayi n shel- tor there is no risk in leaving it for a few seconds for essen tial tasks in the basement koop a soft broom in the shelter to keep it tidy remember personal cleanliness in crowded shelter condltlohs is important to you and your family if your area is free of fallout bur is without water and sewage service bury human waste and garbage irt the ground dig fhe pit deep enough so that the waste will be covered by el leatt two feel of earth b i fintr article says seed firm manager february 2nd 1002 georftetown herald dear mr editor thank you from our firm and employees for the very fine article and picture of our ac tivities ln tho herald list week and our appreciation too for the courtesy and consideration of anne currje and peter jones which made their viilt yery pleasant or ua yours very tnily dominion seed house pharei vannatter general manager will send minutbi to local councils boglnnlntf with last weoki meotfnff halton county council wuojwvovcaplsbothir mln utei bylawn and committee re- porta to all local municipal council in halton garfield brown dark of the county council said the move was designed to klve local coun cil a hotter undemanding at the business dealt with at tha county levl i there i feet so much barter after luhese iii tempered re marks that i think 111 make pot ot tea and fake torn to- present picture of preelection the old girt whos wheeling bribery in canada is e pretty tor attention in the neat roofi one as the throe major parties denote old aoe pension increa i ses et varying amounts i won der hew concerned they would be about a pent ion increase if nobody evar 70 had a vofef i aa far as ol i k p nmons j go i m a rawn mh i dii 1 d increase the pension and louer the ajr limit itul 1 can t quiti stomach the udd n lnt rr in the old folk hm th re an election in the offing perhaps the old ftrm of a dolhr and a drink of vhink fur a vutr was more honct across the land taachers fe derations and the school trus tees are squaring off for their ennual bout of namecalling what is at stake in the battle higher standards of education better schools and equipment hotter lunches nope just money aa a taxpacr i uhh thote teach rs would coim to thi ir senses and realise thit thr are supposed to tn dedicated sort of like mim4 rs and stop wanting to tie as veil paid as other profevmonal people if we increise their silines mark my words thev will only ait bit ideas and m out and apt nd every cent of them as a teacher i can only add that money un t everything ut until i heve everything georgetown herald published by thomson newspaper limited georgetown ontario walter c blehn publisher carflald mcgilvray production superintendent office staff terr harlcy allecn dradlay nlu tditor accountant tom rush advert islng manifer leslie clark dave llaiunf hob baikdmlla mylergilaon il ob macarthur member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontario association j a hint mri newlwed oh jack what can we cue mother for a christmas sift hushand how about a nice travelling bag echoes from tha pagst or tha haraltl fabrusry 1953 and 1937 10 years a record of 48 years servica wifh the provincial papar mill ended on january 3 1st when william marntt raftrad on pension mr morrill helped lay the foundation for the coating mill helped carpontcrt lay the floor and was on of the first employees hired there harding price several years a member of etqueslng agri cultural society board of directors and vice president for the past fovv years hai been chosen president for 1952 he succeeds nols robinson of norval f in a 15 minute program sponsored by citijss service oh compan radio station cfrd toronto paid tribute to tha georgetown herald the program reviewed tho heralds history from tho timo it was founded in 1845 25 years ago officers of tho 137 school board wore elected last niom they are chairman d p crlchton property committee sam harrison h dickio h barnes supply commlttae mrs p w cleave john d kelly attendance officer mrs preuerj school nurse mrs parf secrotarytroasurer p b harrison there was a large attendance at the ben tempi dance held at th arena last friday tho music of willis tipping and his blue dragons delighted everyone tha patronests wore mrs j bmackenzle mrs w whltmee mrs j lawson thi ciurflewbeflrowbmcfmlldmorloriogaolrjeat1 mackenzie madololno erwln margery mackenilo vlolol wabitor constance whlfmee mrs s j mackswttlbv and mw w c grant- y af the gregory theafrsi tho man who uvodtwicaii star ring ralph bellamy tentan escapes iarrtngjohnnw welimuller and maureen osulllvanj tho dancla plrato r starring staff i dun i w mi i ii

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