Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 15, 1962, p. 1

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for fine printing a century o srvic m f ut th hmiu to govown easd tfisvtricl eeqwi4ffirali telephone tr 72201 hhhw t 73301 e piece ij erenrwtrrtherhmmtmc qii way buy mr eaaj eelly ami e vwrarfawi as li ilj cua uh fteel offke dae oltrm ococgctowrt ont thuksoay kb isa ims uxtten raois 4 00 per ym single cepy mw t ceatt ions plan 3rd roi ride ten year plan for town capital works browns planahead idea finds favour an ainb i out forces of capiat work propounde i by cfubouu iul cti will lc a v62 rrjynnl irojct the 10 year plan wai explain d by cr bowtt monday following a motion to have works superintendent r bligh commeixe ihe study minted alt ly a town council mutt look okaad i the future ust prnt dm for his children c brown wo must at test what w ere te in i f ti i kir linij t mivi vri kii i tin ujht t mi i dttail wutk is 1 sjllt that r mil kr p lult hwll nhoiilrt mot and h town frew end ta in nirr work nn ttir batter potitlon to negotiate tvnlor eevernmanti for biooer he tutuidus h such i forrcasi he fit it would pnmdi i iltar in in i tlon lo prowioal and fidnal l authorities that rnr loun sa ir rn rinlrndrnt uloulll uli lie riirnl it would lake it i of till rfun aid office htlp available ij councillor would have industrial exhibition an industrial euhibilln miy be in the ohinf for coerft- tewn this year cr roi cock who it tftun ell industrial and town plan ntng chairman told council monday he had bn thinking of promo tins sulh a show ii i not o now idea wa vt hod tham in tht past ond i think thoro it rve bat tar way of advertising our town ho said cr cock laid thoro li on ad- dad odvantao in acquainting local poepu with what is koing prottucod in local factor tat hjt 4daa would b to form 0 budget night show hinges on lighting costs kin committee of cilisans not tiod to any ijstilic oraathiatlam i ar who could than correlate local hr group which would glvo assist i anco to tha aahiblt for the th rd year georgetown lions club is planning a b g rodeo m jur e plant arc now in the formative stage and it is possible ll a ll i year trine w ii be tn even ng forrnance addvd olthoujli thi would depend ort vevtral aclori irkludtng lrvg coit of i ghtmg want ri9gor prolit icommilur frrli thai a 3 out ihr tmh wj a i ii prmil lhiihle thu ear tulijtil at ijii u l ii ruti sunday f nlarfalnnwnt limit r inn 1 ti ivait ilit if a sunday ikow a uinimttii lu i ri k i jn iliu id hut at rorito to bluik il iuli it jful np rl tnn h hjrt n rte on sun mi imiinnriurnti wih t oultl im rnlrrljnnnrnt it wit frit tw kulko pjriiujrl till tint would nut b- nofclble g a ir in nukiiu thllr iro jirt jrnl it fur tlir ciul s hi s itjl com i a rluh voti jhrn olih tfio mitmrnt ijtinr rvint and a commiltm rrinr itwlnar r portnl fur hit roiipminj mr liotlnar jtiu tniihintl t iwiiaud iheil ijourt hoh ilnrk v r zorgi with rtrljin mijiistitn ami a and uikrnl llrutioit wai nartv itiutr hud control the ltd to hi ad up plain prtrr jonri ihotoi gales a follies girl jmutty oaie livingstone 17 year old daughter of mr and mn d g livnrj tone 4 hewson crtc has i gned a contract with the ko folliei a georgetown ikat nq club member and a solo it in t e annual skat ng club cam val for the pait f ve yean here gale auditioned for foil i outi two week ago and wa one of two ikaterj who got th nod shell ktirt a a fo eme oi or before june 1 5h twenty four aud tioned fof the ob like all member of the george town club gale wit tutored by guelph profriional rois n th 20 meeting fee is voted again by council continue mayo 2500 allowance knmts uhrrr it t jt iin sim ii nutlrn at madt and drjtiu r would tw linirtanl ituns in ihr mrv hr m i 1ji iar r wtir j for mrh a forrcitt ah could n i kie ihr inform becautr wr had no ditj no mfiii of tt hrnn it khrrt timr hr a 1 time i li jh wr can ir jii in le lh nl inmti r r i n lljrrj r i 1 r i t thr id a jii a ihj a tuib of thr w jtrr mjim u i ul i in one i npoi ti t phjr should s surway is nuinj out thit thi r j l mild tx a titnr rmiumir i r ihc rrikinrinns af r liar wo don oapoct a one man r ob ropliod cr harmon hi ii dapartment hat two girl ond another man in tho office i whoro a thort time ago oil wa r had wu a part timo onginoer ii lot not add another ob and 1 than hiro mora halp to do it i r ink njid ihr mrwvl i v i jl i tv part nf m orr al i l in ih fi i h 1 s pu n ri i i n i li j i t pro 1 nix french classes in local public schools i i h y i u i ll i i full schedule now trustees opinion ch clattat i i inw i trill if ujliun ii i thr putt ttir auditop mini hiv ih n allci nl far mhtxil r r pomir funitmiu a ti vpl j nikhl for art pup in whi n i ir mitnictlonj li mi mr itincr m ickuon wit ix- hi 1 1 in t iri r vcmiiit in i1n ihr art program umlrr 1 tinl to i r nur w a inausur jttd um fall municipal garageworkshop is discussed by council monday christian brigade hold church service us n t 1 thtit rt t k n place in ci uc thought u ii if irkshit rs somljv nikht uji ihr annual church trmcr of ihr hritim serv irr llri u tpinnn d in rirtrt wn ihr m tplt emir lupti t i luu rh m w v i intorciariominational the ma or sun hr na lud no free msmi iiiur tjki t 11 i mtrrdrn uninaliiuul ui s fice and that sco is an cjuit i m up a vtart d in li7 in able compns3tun lor council kicm and in mine pn ad ion t jnada ijtin ann rica and i doni think anv councillor fnci more thin 15 mkl bm- makes i profit and ihi allou anre barcl cow r jp iim ic uid expense allow incei i m lr to ihcio in effej lait ycar committee moetingi wcap stt for counciltori il monday i counc i meeting i rjr mtritduciuk the tho mayor w i coilnue to receive s500 yearly and motion to hue an rxpetm al councillors w ii bi pa j s0 00 for each council meeting lowance h law pr pirrl lr which they atlcncl lurnsnn indicated that dnm- the salary d scu ti ciutd one echanjj of words ion in committee had taken when reeve jonn lot i to cited he favoured a lesser place on pament for commit amount for councilors lw moetms 1 v i m i fpikil thu w quir i y perwinadt in fasour of whit council could hfial of a lct 5 amount for meet hi rnd h wn i marrivui h i h ask for he pointed out i of met and 111 i s and iiu ta tikr pi rarh week intln local krmip- the ciptnn in lrdri t in n h ollnirr sp ki hrn fl the import nice of trainuik i yfiir thrt are mill at the uliri r irirninj tii w thin intrntiiik i them doponda on today mr nllitur mind that morrow drpcnd on whit du to da the leader mpplii d rn i li 1 1 w tr j 11 iiiu ipai taru ono of tho firtt action of tho 19a3 town counxil wa to potitlon for an 1500 building undtr a winlar work program which would givo tho town a largor govornmtnt payment on labour cottt involved mond i cooih i uai in form r i th ii ihi pro cl ha i rni i id u11 lir uurk approval mavor satkint id that the properu and finance commit ooorgatown public tchoolt irtnl rtady for at ifatt for tho timo batng and ovan if thy wore tha additional tubjact would raquiro approval from tho depl of e dot at ion dim union on french claiteo in local public tchoolt wat touc had oft latt wodnotday at tho rtgular public school board vv tupply the pupcrt tha mooting in harrltpn school whan mrt milton armstrong of rov faci itie and thr watrr 10 i way drivo quarlad by tattir tho feaubllity of th language clofl feel jt it up to ihem to joy at harriton a truatee immadiatoly pointed out that an additional ern their time to our icheduw tub j oct would have to be inaugvralad throughout th who local iai tnittic llarrj shortill op- public tchool tytltm rd dir ii mi 1 v tinin tiato iinprctir of halln pihlic p wrur cliniunfi mhnl mr mclkrel vs a r v ft hj ur1 at the inirlnik an i injn tid that i ne of the ki j 1 i inns tlic t iniun on a requett by retldenti for a kej to the harrison fcchool tf the could flood the ichool rink at an hour the raretakrr is at the school until b pm the hoard invoked thur puacv that crjs he car- t tchool official or stud i rnj rain ir in i in lidr hi ilhiwiit 1 ik- find m a fullv fill from qualified tracher and informed lonal hulwiv d miiiip traikinr ried 11 the mitnurv nn h cla i urn pnij ct will he hautd to writ wnilijm pro 111 oakville i eleworth pulthr m hool prim i when lrusti r j hit mintern rt adjoin 11 j m pie axe to nil catch tham earlj is the ttn- ak i if mr mrdntill th nhl the hollow tin 1 aid innk thai adian lancer socitl 3 idea rrrmh lasm m itilic who u part ir ihi ard ui 1 ramphlei nrljlnah deticned es a khkj idei thi inpcttr torm wir luu whuh irovito inforin hikh actiuol itudentx vi l ihev arc rlain worth tin ii r m ipte ve will haw in of ihr rikt of the smoking h- while invexluatuik ik- compuutl before the work tut will i distributed in thaj trustee llarrv short 1 1 opp 1 pni n public it hools tenior firadet ed the addition lo the prct nt school rurrirtilnm d nice t 1 ik hell om ni i wov get a biggtr ob to do a month for public school kradc in englith than in f ranch i uihtirs will lx initl and if fool english and matht cemtt ucccflll continucnl the trailr ahead of fronch and tha op in rikht pupiu too vounj fori ion at col tag it that english teen town proposed the dance lu ip- and nialrnal i not being driven horn either and will rua pnniels into a y y f 11 i hnvinn s rwer llr that dr the pupils are evor fund for t lass educational tours vjoup igllt i f0 hi wi iqii rti rt in chicako loadad with ubctt of the llnl lros grade cliht pupils r 1 heated lo the present time th public holwill be welcome iu 7 g wiiimnr and trann tourso i full neugh rtow i i i j ln kn c fin re h hall for their renulu- uid now pnui ed with the pi in the school board okaed the ocict s recjuest to inform th ounrftrrt of stilistici relat- int caiuir to smokinc i hospital will get a cominittk pavuirnt itrx chklrt th 11m i hul tier cllcckins on ihc number of cnmmittte meelink lastcar 1 found thi would am ounl to twice the jt ncale mi i changed my mind he said nuritmn of whe the j mo pa wlh reese hlllott in npoition and a motion to continue i he mi or s allowance al s2mx follow nice l ihe most economical thit ounril could juitlfj at turn it s not tutr ui an worth it or nol said reeve uliolt mm here at a service to tht public and i ed out that as a uuintv m cillor the new rcreivv i m liar fie as wt 11 as lu nu p 120 thi fur loininillii tin 1 li lid a miliar altuwanw i have nnlirinl in ih p isl the rem has kin pi t ill oftpord ind ihrce w in a i iitccrsttd a lonwii nlinus otv jeclor could refrain from actip tine the niomv ie chitktd f waill expense mo- 1 u j 1 ij and i has tut set n anv mom v i v sargnt said he would hnjvl li lmlv me in ihn whiirto a rodiktion presto sea object n r mvor he wouw council t wiim but wa pre 10 s e an otjcctin ru m1 llt mitl0ll ipreparod te accept the 2s00 tired but i u nndt r how sin f 7 j p jw cere it is was his bituil com ht lncr 41 w t rcv callin for a nqnt was too large at one time lattf recorded sole the major aaid cr harrison said at- the v ancm i p nm ln n awkward no- committee mhngkw go- wlfhltlon and he voted ifiainat inf to do this if i obcted but 1 would klidl donate m timi lj ml i want i feel we should itay withisttion and he voted he laid the motion im nol in favour of th fr inspector points to parent responsibility replied reeve elliott im notj in favour of 20 00 for county councillors either although this are day meatings and not many people can afford te take lime from their daily work wi theuf recompense the reeve said lu u trvlnt to lave money for thi uiun and that sjooo could well k ient on roads 1 like the job the responsibilities of the end i know we piiul muchi and the parent in l inn tme we dont gel paid fur he chl wire ctiae ssed continued the mayor oppostdi i thu fee last c and 1 sk a m t c mcdowall public ncurded vote o we can htar scho his views lin sc mit0u on imondayjiicht a su able aud vole with majorify 1 eird ilini lllvu lht jm tr bob minttllv aid le bud portance of a eloe r1atloniliip oppouml the fie in com null w tietwecn the p rent and the but would bo alone with thqkihool majority opiiioii the forlhconvinj fun fair of i ov for i hnvt such train trust r maji rinlav said application for use of u lo 1 in christian liwnc and mr there hsould be enough pto- rifikuiworth uditorium 1st meeting on wednea- wc vue in this itov huh will ano pe intertmtd lit mike it worliw square dance club k thumhsl j th after tha nake them belter citizens uf whiit before w consider it down from the hoard on the ba p b rxercuei tha with the rommuiuiv and ihe nation trustee don powers siiucest mi that it was a private orwail r wal by 1 some thine up in agriculture and lan tdun indumrv duriiik th business portion uf tin iiuttnik it wa voted to don ilr funds for the pur- chise of a croup tent for tha georkdown a district memor ial ilospitj plant wire form- ubtttl for the celebration of lha fislh anuivtriars of the wo men s institute and thr geop- rttown branch will bold a pot luck supper at their march nurlinc lo ctlcbrate the occas- inn a local fnnilv who buffered jtcat los in a lire recently wirl hi helpt tl b the uveal i branch it was unanimously decided tn honour mr and mn ii c uailo on the occasion uf thei- golden wedding annkir- 011 saturday februarj 10 1rior to a social half hour over the tea cups mrs val stein delighted everjone with her coloured slides taken on trip to western canada and tha united states the meeting iosed in regular form which will be held february 34th wat dttcusted at length and mrtuekr and mra dan ui were appointed convener at the march meeting a nom 3 cleavegiffen saturday wedding ii- gideon bibles in hospital cd rcfreshracnts were sened a ceremokly tn georgetown and district mornonal hospital sunday afternoon ivie vjideons international lociety made t the close of the meeting donation of some 59 bibles to tha hospital for distribution throughout the wards here hospital acting board chairman which was presided weby ted evani 3rd from right thanks nelson beckner president of the brampton camp of gideons for the donation al left ar4 hospital administrator graham gilhooly the rdpresentatve for the georgetown ministerial association rev lloyd whan of firit church and at left dr o m brewster and gordon garner local members of tha gideons internationa w j vice president peter iledgveock in the absence of president harold scckington n 1 a quiet wedding took jjlactt peter jone georgetown on situvdayl fchruarj 10th when florence irene o iff en became the brtdt of wilbert justin cleave htv john hill minister ol hornb and ajhvrove- united cburcbea officiated at the cere mony

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