Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 15, 1962, p. 11

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achievement day shows aw p re nti each on of tiuu fourteen rjubd ptetrftud an aablbit or demohilruon oh a topic rel- ud u tha project attractive exhibits vert st up by the following club bannock burn linda efchim- er commocutor scoleb blade joan mcdonald cgmsnenutor sllverwood judy horton coin- nianlator dublin mary mof fat comnvntalor hornby south ruth mason commentator aab- grwf sandr ciroy rwn tator nuon margaret doa- aldwui egmnsentalor palermo south rsilh lavii comtnrjju tor ftemoourilions or aklts wtt dvuntcd by th following jhiise snvw donne snow carolyn mcjjiery ualuuafad club tin 0 topic ueaure roents and letter u allegations utlta urkvttr and sharon joubetl riltrino club on tb topie ixwk kiyliwtar iu all memo is ol dm iiornt north club on the topic look uight for pli all inrilirrx of the aajgau w i lul on sir end svr po i i i i lb s pal hamilton 1 lit n ku niri aitd claudia us vop rliun c club on ibr topic mcswir mtnli and pattern allrralloin all rnemtr of the i imehouv jub on thf ipir vparalcs for summer i harh of thf 1jb flub mem itueadsy february 6th in the wh1 romp r led thr unit auditorium the prcidenl op furtr waa ewsrded a end the meeting with an ap uivrr liomrmaking club tpooo ivroprlilt pom minute j by the dept of agriculture time the various committer jt f member who had convener gav encoursting re eonipleted two projtv n rrcvnrd port i itiflr ilr f rb i rni nl 13 unt rim pro marilyn wilson gels provincial certificate i a r an atirartiw display ot col too separata attracted nuny jwopla to iv wllluia st hiio ecta-ao- li wihou on lielurday yb ird ft occasion tfu the 4h ttomrinailne t aluiv- venf uy u aalnlmtlnn of th prjrt tor ualton county tllhottkroakiiw- hub itnbrt la separate of suuiaer r u this yrojmt fbl club ttwr mid i tf t ol cotton tniurx iltut nd top ad l tiry wuhwj ir o bvduudi ckortj t1i4 wer usojd in tit bnrrmnr lloiul vitb tha record books conultt io imounts o tb munil tld by umi club in tin ltr- l tjooa tb gnu nxulelld tbclr j 4put fur lb lirtfa au inot prunt or tb progrsui as wu as th4 psrsds ot gann like card playing manor can use you tfca kbruary meetina of the uoon auxliury of llaltoik cnlnnlal uanor vn held tbera are rculcnl lht en joy a fame of cardi and aioonr in tha cuunl ho coiild t w caiionilly and apnd an aftrr noon in thta way would give pleasure to manv juit call mr y martin tk ftft37 imtra handi tht handlcrafui are bu ejrh thuraday afternoon in thr tawintf room with the midrnti rom 2 to 4 there li a ureal interest here amonf tht rrsid mundy member osoa mumov uotm mktairr li crete u t btxmbtf ol tin holy crots spkru ml kurd plubtly larwiai bit mmod veir ot i tuj u yir irrui mr uuodri tmur in sdvrtquy ku mdittad from itomp of trustus kivr utt uhil a u oortklhy trfi kliubtk u cilnur btisn hri coluua oi trsoasl sdvtca in duly mwpijur it wis tbs tlrst popular advtc to uu lovelorn fcatur la ewspap- rri today uoat btwspapars oltrr halpful and informative faturb on personal problaas hjn wtluamt glen girl guides at alliston camp on last year biu trip will b bown jirt jolm wctajfa raad tb firat chapur 6 that study bo6k l for tu sixiiaa tb lmap pln la putclua un antfcu auddntf tkair for um in uiaalad band and guiv day scbaml a rk 6a wbkb tn bant tbolr gowtu la ttw bnr roatn nai txipbwd u baill a dainty lunch waj arvd by vrt ctai uwta tad mri tov u6dy tb fcuvunf clo4d wltb tb ainfinjf of hymn and pray urwliractirwla w ubdad opn ifoaa laat waak at tb soka rats tschnlcii scbuol u cutlpb wbara aott fill u itubjllnj ttfy wr very imprad wltb tbu faciu tin for all tba court ijih is thwc tally lntvrnilthl in auto mwbbj4 t vr and vsr cti wad allocation tnvelopei were given orth of hamilton ipant sun to tha mambeii present anl day with the harthi other j will recelv- ibim a hunk you note waa read fron lira con tarr of kilvda ux b diionfor flowers wnt calif ortiia arrived at ualton to bar while ill in hospital airport bauirday evening to plana wra made for tha march upend aoma time wll relative mwtinf when picturia taken i in the milage whin ah left x buawbr w ur girl culda and uww mr g uik pwt tw tavakaad at tb girl guide catop ttaar ajuuioo tboa n joyloat ua holiday r nancy uuatar kobvu aaalun bi ly wuliajm barur huu booau mni krn korxack uy saxgaot mancy koruek and dorotby uaaeodc w kop sortnan ucgovan i faclinjf utter aitrr a tecend tidt t boltal vlthin a month h wu in with a foot infection but bop h t all better ajfiui add oaa u abi to bj back to fcbol m ati pbbruvy making of tha uaiud cburcb vwnm w bald laat v4 lo i church buant with ura v fverion la tha chair tha mehinif op ad with f bynin ind prar ind tb roll call waj aruwared by tn tobubrt preaem the lt4 with ur and lira paul waw aod family tb uolt cburch yooni lkplff tnt ai danny wa ktauaa bocn sunday arenlnf witb hy ir vvmi u dbarje sally uunadautook m d- tional and tb dirttiewi aj rianl ad tb advanufo ftf aiaytnar ht school a talc kinoh wj tard by dannys tdotikar neat sunday avehinav tb utlf will u at tb bow of marilyp nc carol lukh tbay aaac 4t tha rafaw la afar yaars au 4 low a t floodad and log an- gala acaook war all ciod and a aumbar of drovalnca t4- fuj pa mm m 4 y y loo commit chaimaa amd tha epattflob caf fcba boapkal a tha data tbura- day sfarcfa ul tb plac tb dr piercey guej spiikcl at moling tb ty ltoirtant uotplial annual uaung ajw alactlan ol olftter take plac in axathly two vwka and it li bopd tbat a ood crowd will b oil bij for 1l tb bwting will b bld la wriulawortb sbool kuw iu a tbuadav vnlng tb lit ol uarb 8m pw an acallant aaakar 1 to ba praunt dr llercry who will bava many lnuraung itemi lo prmt about llojltal op arauon in tha provlnc of on urlo it u hopad that a large alien dsnea will bear him spelk and tkomu club rnrmlnfi rtietnl rlifiratri anl 4ikiuf riff in compt trl jrttj thi y weret mary muffal donna kin don ime if acock innc howrt vn beverle me ltrlt ijw rtice mary atkini fjtira how den marlcne irini jn1 new i 1 mjnln ma la tt htttv ann linmn joy 1aiierson lurbjra krrton vite uirli wrrt presrnted w r uu u ertificatos and nts and extra hands can h l tt u used in this effort conlac l thfsr ann mr ounby tit 84464 flan taor pjsns wer diwruued for a kuir on may fib afternoon nron dublin club provin hlarh and iuu jrlinek of the nelson club marlkn llson aihcrove lut mamarrt at kins pavrnjo club and jud and avnilng a lour of minor for the public to be included hirther particulars will be made at a later date mrs dornler accepted tha tac nc of dttorailne comrner for apeclal events there is a need for voluntary hair draung at w tha home for those who are unable lo get outdoors house wivti or anyone interested who can pin curl or at hair and ar willing to give a liule of tbelr fre time would please- contact tha manor ulturr office milton big saw sale come in met tit all tha ntw li min ion chuii tiwt mad to mikt your uwm work o taiiir than ivir big it lie um of nfinsi bar srylit oparat nf features dirkt- jmi and fisr dnv modi 1 1 peel mp opposes amendment to bill ottawa special to the llrrsld -t- oppoiitinn to a pmalc mem v trs bill to amend tha induv trial relation and disputes in vaaligation act as it ipplles to the civil saf4vr efhrsied ib the house of commons rec antly by john pallett consena tiva mp for peel and parliam htary aecretary to prime min later diefenbaker th private bill wsi in trod u 3d by frank howard ccf npp ember of parliament for skxena dc mr houard ex plained that the purpose of his bll waa to make the act appll abl to civil senanta with one or two xceptlons notably the right to engag in a strike mr pallett recalled that when tb liberals war in office he hid proposed at various times tbat certain bargaining rims kaighl be extended to employ la certain crown corpora tjpjia particularly in the cans tflan small arms corporation one of whoaa plants la in his riding i a tha result of the rep- kbaantationa after the ad minis tration changed this right was ndttended to thoa mploees mr pallett said it waa gen orally well received by them akd u recently as last foil when i wu able to go through that plant i found tha work f manattip waa of th same high quality as before he laid that mr howards bill follows a general review ftad last year a lo thi lajrli lation respecting civil servant the matter had been thoroughly dlaued it that time and leg iilaum wai dealt with by the ltoum w it teems to me w ought to consider very carnfully bfon w add hoilg-a-poda- amnd- uenu to that legislation in ktead of following the normal 3urie with regards to amend enti which are introduced to aasurei of thli nature the jeel mp suggested he said the amendment sugiht to place th crown in the same poiitlon aa any priv- ale employer over the year tie crown has come to be reg- i ill ts a more bennvolentll concietesupf iy- trssja mployer than moit many had f described the government as i model employer mr pallettii v- paid pcv cla59c th-7-35- clal honours are prrsentrd on the completion of tweh pro- jccm the proiramne was under tht dircctli ii of mlia f ranees lsmpnun hume 1tu nocit for hall n t iunl stir ivuitrd for the uv b mr snl slnrr i nionmlle and miss hlranor kldd suprnuor of clothing home 1- conomics scr ice tor onto miu loii sn th home kconomiit ork and ontario counties in the sftcrnoon club mem ben ami lcalrrs chose thr project which will begin in the fall of 1w2 it is being vrll drrd wrll croomrd the project or thr spring fur ihr llomemsking club mt mhert will bgin in rrtuarv the topic is the supper i an fcirl who it lurhr hy alanh lit ldt is chfiibla take part in tn project the training school for leaders will be held in the board room of the ontario dcpt of aricul ture in milton on rrbruary 13 and 14 anj inquiries should be made trnmrdialeu to mits lampman or to mr j fran cla at the ont dcpt of agrj5 beaver read mixed lanes transpo dependable oily e rvabxal pw whr haaler can assure you of conslanf uninterupted supply of cryttal dy hoi watar every day any waather all your hof watar hiij qd whan you ui 0 automatic wasssr ha 1 1 n free service onry unhd g qivm you guv antaed tr sayvtoii every day 365 day yaa quallfiad ttaf el srvtca personnal is on pall to rendar ma1nliuno to your gaa aqulpmanf at no cof to youl v fast only airtmmlle fjs tvktsv hufr an nupply ewraf 1000 pallom ol hot wtw day flam tut u inaunl hal thats why jm cm raplac hoi witv u fa s if utd for wuhinrj clolhai houtklaanlng cjwm dlthaa ind of oourto tha famlrys ruth hour ol thowars and ballu economv im gas wator hmtan tr dmlorwd lo opera t tht lowuf poulbl coat yoolj hav all tha hot wrtar you want for avary housahold naad at a coal of only a faw pannlaa a day r y rental r enoy tha banaflta of hot water wnmadlaialyl aa automatic oat watar haatar can b inttallad in yottr homa in kitt a fawhoun and trajrantal la only 1js a monthlfyou prafrjwu on purchaia a rm smvrtf hialwrr no down payment and-up- to 3 yr to pay saa your plumber or pi applanca dsalar nited gas limited

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