Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 15, 1962, p. 5

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new board assures haltont history will be preserved v h- the iaioe bjmtn on iho duff alexander farm w bo the s to of hdltorft ftrtt tustoncfr muuutn and the muum tyoatd uit wek ree ved lite key from live county courwil constructed aound 1b0 r will venluelly houo non d splay of haltona pioneer alexander farmsite is steeped in history will become museum for farm implements by roy downs i th uillau champion our gwswaliaii of pkmr family all of them named adau alfihdt have tilled tb toil on th 5tfccr- alex anovr turn at kelso near 1111- loa iiilghu that u siwi to b- ecmia halloas foraoi rczf- ttionsj and hisioricel ealr attain duff alexander who iivf tfewe today mi a greet ijjntuoa of the adam juekfun dfr wlomijrtfi to canada from his native srouamdln ism ind whavurebated the farm in iftiu the farm was first botn meadd after a frewa irant by ajsjaider campbell in lftttf be4w job hemite worn thin fcr and hi electrical ingenuity duffs lather tui a tnarlunian of some skill however hm ad mitted bis wife eve was almost his equal and had been known to choose a chicken from the flock for dinner and mkp its hud with a tingle shot adam had more than once driven a ur alexander earned tnlcr ln l j f pumpn power iu hi iiplhnu lud hiidcrnki im cmutar uw ttjjw lh 1 hutortdl muuun surely opfrled by two men 1 m l lh uw toll wd ol wood in u hi wmrt ljd l h i ll i alndr uuulu nd u clllmul til lv umll will liw on wid u npw would u nz- wr vim twice unooth i ih ordimrj f j i monument to all thou who circular uw cild do th job f j w1 ur country from lh he built hi own uei r l v it h dintm oujin 0 olj carrier lor i i 7 t toll horwpowrr molo inhrad i of thi to u to tb houw w j duf iode scholarship for rallet student for there lu a ocrner beside tw large forfiesund a gunt leilowi nearly five feefrlonf the stout handle worn thin and shiny attests to the bund reds maybe thousands of hours the alexanders have stood beside the forge pumthu puinping pumping that ths gboftgattowm h1juu tkuredey febrvery istfa 1mb v jagk 5 comcke7c gkavh hujodimo amd ftoao oeavu nu fend tor sou now wo tom haines iiww he tituul drop the luadt rto the the it rarrlt r wturh qccupui huie dab aluajiojr aver war nut lii jfcw this farm tbjt hy to qulelily it i wj u ilo fifth tad been an alenamlrr poatrsa- j nw ton for la year was sold to n ow lo level the lirsvrh nrratioq of adam alekjnd r mrl w orrlug ilamil lie krpl fanning the plan until wli the provmeial iiml iur j yri u i j 1 fck litis uimi r tv sulwn uil crk tonur lr h e lonirrviln aulhonly h l0d1 n vllon autlorly th corner r prfctln li bm purrnjltlt hal nounctl 1 rrnl wrll arnold rathblm ntisk 74791 t rrpmmotltlf iuh ui cmtd geobgti0wn k 12 or court hi i rrlirs of hu plooori fimity wpr mid with the othrr cmtxa vjli olfnli iiw th irmi p luh kvn th u ot th houl tor klhp wtl prrt poubllr for hucr ihc rrt of hdi brxntly bl um ind wlrr ttorici uk 1 i w rr lnr from j aul ihr lury orrlvon llrmowl lht would rt mlin indl h t rrnoalr and rclor ihc u pollwlon troublr turlhrr down v s v a v thr irrra nd un ihr v a irw month 10 duff hrld gr v thl une dim wll 10- l- 11j n urll ilr to rll off ihr h to form n si r ik nd chlnr n rmrr whl for ur h in tnd rrrrlon1 r irnrtton l ilr a mrrular uw in the nfd and c t v c h n t with thv other it i widrty rrrwinlud frt shortly ftrr thr purrh by p l con whrrl t thr nr r j thr in i 1 ii nitlnjl lullft i con hit conunllin iroup too ind n hd 1 wautlful h hn thr intotlnj to thr rulturl life ol of local irnthmcn w th fool tan lrrnluu hrf crrirr d ibiklir of ccrllrnt k l fr tfm l mirhll 1 lr itojncil krr of club on the lope of nu mr pl thrv trlo iol offer two olhrr y l 7- up for lie zu w have to erellnt mt an hp from this and jollowin ntuh netottt ur ul one in the arlt a dp ion nd much preliminary n snerjio a never oma courw at ihe iioal con t iin kh lh erdlnn urce of electric likht lln 01 had made arranccmenn uoik the clen vlen ski i lub i nr i k- 1 r try of lluur dniver t m t i t telu elh ivouer for the wli e farm lo prvirve tliem hef re ihr prned it hn4 to trail club -r- houw i kl low ihere 111 dec i 1 in 11 e td u xmi th day it lh ri l r ttie itinv uai errceled 1 ed to a qjltt lite of mcll cuitor huh ihc aleiander ham built in the 1b7u hrld aurh an hltur leal lttcrrt nd wa in uch v vhpe that the naerw mr tttok only ciuntl usinr neei for an inti rrt in the timber h nnuruin dam arra and ki husjnr thrv clawed thrm r htrr uilti nn family if tor nto and one it the on una tolluf of art in ihr winlirik and druwing course v n i i r il valurd at woo each although there rre a d nen n u alaimlir iiln t like aw mills within a radius of vl he farm and see it or lrn than 10 milti around ihe n d p to tjiil is and the the stone house was erected about 1870 and burned doyn in 1918 then was rcbu ll in almost iho same form by the alexanderi feffir rjcneralons of the p onerr fan ly have occupied the home the w ng at the right has bten rtnovattd and w ii form pvi ot it e musoum but mosi exh bits will bo in t e nearby barn ion authority i an escellent location historical murum of hilton 1 k h innilture s fallowing nrg i fmrrsl firmer 1 m it on f r him he had otialiuna ilh hilton count prtcular weakness no choice ouncl the tuo uroups under for j wh t ok its restoration and this urk the kr uj oftcial turn lit over to the new llalton cunt museum hoard thrreuarter within thr walh of this barn nf med hiving no use farmers who put n a few acrrn of wheat xer ju t wrnl thru the alran le fjim once a thruini c rnnmn thr 1 nu kiln kelvo is now nnl a frw br the method of contendin ulth market trouble h alton county museum board was recently appointed by county council and the members are meeting regularly to mako plans for the opening of the county s first historical museum at the duff alexander barn on the kelso dam site members in front are secretary treasurer jim andrews warden wilfrid bird of esquesing chairman herb merry of oakville mrs david dills of acton and john milne of nassagaweya standing behind are keith barber of georgetown dr c a martin and chairman robert marsh all of tho 16 mile creek conservation authority ralph wakely of oakville ben case of esquesing and walter reeves of burlington absent were jack pembemon of oakville and alex cooke of m lion adam dufp alexander who told the 200ocro farm to the conservation authority after it had boon a family pcis- lesion for 135 yoari holds tho original dood of tho plate which was made out to his groat grandfather adam alexan der in 1836 guess whos who from baby pictures the rebruarv mretinjj of the alloa junior f jraitrt uas hrld at the home of hojir llutton on jobnury 2nd leisure time the theme for the junior institute was you and your leisure tunc marian downe gave a very interesting talk on what we do in our leisure tirm and how we could spend it so it would be of more btnifit to the roll call for the klrls was to cring your baby picture af ttr thcc picturls ucrt moun ted the jrlru tried to guess who they were chose had the topic for the junlofckar- mcrs was soils keith vaocin son talked about this onn he also showed some very inter citing pictures the boys chose howard foul kner as their representative to the conference to guciph to close the meetinji a dell cioufl lunch was served make it a habit to keep your fept cm tluvground and yuuu wver have far u tail the children of today and to in irrow will s n be ahle t uw the tools of the pioneers wfio se hi i ounl ita start the mimeum hoard il toon he inn c ilectinj pre 10oo art ticl of piimrr life to le d plitvel a a memrnlo of llalton t earlier da i saw hardships the st r of the alessnder famih ti the story of a pioneer famih that uent through the lirltnps of lirlping to mold our counts from the barn n wilderness of the i arlv imx to the crow in if mt tropolis of the mid looos the firxl adam alrian icr and hi m adam fmr from scotland h boat in woo the peni alx w celts on the perilous ocean sosacr and arrived to and the countr infested with cholera settling at pmuu the unrked first on helping to build the fame dundtirn a tie at hamilton for mr alex aniier u us a ntnne mason then in 1131 the moved out to kelsn to a farm smothered in sirfjn pine and built a lo citun which the senior mt alexander f alb d m cistle on the site of the present farm house cult 300 feet trees rouirig wheal was a problem w th so man trees covering the land and all the grain tluit was produced for soars to come was groun in little patch fields ai inoim placea through ihe hush as the hush was cleared the flowing train fields were extended there u a record of euttinc trees almost 200 feel h ph and four feet ibick at the bsr around the ear 1wi3 around 1070 the house nm built using limestone rock from the propertv to mould walls 20 inches thick mast of thr stone cime oft the held that an now being lined for the ski trail the home was gutted b fire in 1018 and rebuilt liter it uas ano during fne 1r70 that the 40 h 104 foot barn was built water system an article in the family hi raid and weekly star in jan uarj 1030 tells much of the life of adam alexander the third the present occupants father a tucccskful fatmer he was also a genius as an inventor and was clever enough to make use of a head of water from the mountain- lo furnish both the house and barn with elec trie power in 1108 he corralled his own reservoir on the side of the niagara escarpment a quarter of a mile away from the house nnd 150 feet above the level o the house he piped a line of water to ihe bam and established a din irlhtiting system to run a turn- lathe a pulper grain chopper ffl tilling mill cutting box cir cular saw rip saw and ahesf carrlev about ituu duns father re recalled i threashed 570 shels of wheat off nine and acres kelse history th histors of the alesandrr family ties in w ilh the histors if the kel c immunih i ifl irendfathrr was the first kels istniaer after the mlwav h for feed and bread he ijim 0nrp hmni c sukestrd that evers farmer h uri d nc dmt o should sw a fifth of hit tmaj m nil the atreagw tn uhtst believing thu house and a schtwd trie scikmh ncidiiilillv i e water piwe- fr m the nrartiv mminiin for walks 35 miles rot jirrt f linum hke the pet pie were mire hardened alexander famllv intheolddavs he recalled and linking aroun t the alexan it was a pleasure to do things der farm one can casilv tell the people of t xlav would never tt hours of harl work ihit n nsider jle recalled hearing mine ttie place what it is to of a nrai hv farm wife sho ib ni cm tell th whole walked 2s milt s hv trail i dun 1nr of the pi nerr a nail ans dns to huv ravi str tughs an i th it built oi r countrv iiit fitling for her house i itiiik thi blicksmith shop on itesidt s his success as a fann the r roprrtv hxieiyr walci repairing we feature precision repairs to all makes rcitonng your watch to peak ettic ency boughton jewellers 3 main st n tr 7431 j draperies and br0adl00m use our home decorator service osborne intiiiicii dalr markt canlr trw1 make your romr complete with flameless hiat immediate installation robertson electric healing and tlaclrlcal contrctor si nerl cr 177 wu m j7i some people shovel driveways others dig volkswagen if you live in snowsvllle think deep about youtpext car people who own conventional models often put something heavy in the trunk for extra traction a volkswagen owner never bothers has g6 200 poondstif nrjioe back ihere silting right over the drive wheels his car plows through snow without chains or special tires onlce the vw keeps its footing like 0 penguin look at ihe underside of a volkswagen its built like a toboggan the bottom is completely covered with a smooth sheet of metal thai skims over deep snow the wi and rods yca inside completely protected against sand sail and slush theres no worry about subxero temperatures either the volkswagen cant freexe because ll has no radiator the engine is cooled with air instead of water you con spend your anti freeze money on jau records and before you start guessing at me preiw deatersryoo could be way out man vouiwaoin canada itbv bsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss lfvm whi to trttde in yeur shavel en hew velktwatr ihls is yew sveeuesl cteeter he eptwales stse ef 144 vw tvutteh ttttesk ceinedti imioti mv ton ixcomi gilm0re motors georgetown ltd t 124 guelph street telephone tr 6-6782-

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