for fine printing a camiury o stnltt m uir mtha e a oil ti by lew meealcl w ctuiutlnwh georgetown herald telephone tr 7220l h tt 72301 te pha went ad u tlw herald efce amiu h j dm fcuit w ottkx tvtp ottawa attibilcimw ot ifcuctday manh isa ims uxtmm fa6m w00 yj agu copy meet te cat z rescue trainees ready should the credit go wild peter jones crash took life of oakville woman ojeoictrowm vcwunuh ambulance men prepare theltretcher for mrs joteph kierylick 74 of oakvlte n after the car in which ih was paswnger collided w ih a tardr von by o local men saturday she d ed en route to gtof 1 galown hospital rebelcah lodge marks birthday thirr wet prui fjlnrr it ti annual tltrhrkah birutu i j u t it lirjtnl llhutij 1jih bth in the odd reiuut iiji y k lire pr writ to mr t sljlir oiwllr shaw ur si mldart lr j damiiwiii r j arnetrtink and mr run oiilink for hikh fcturn ant mr a ulhm and mrt ii sin son lr low rores lr i mektthmr umi the brth u mouer and 1r liar 1 i 1 jv a blanket in a lu a dnu ljnir iirir- uni in i wirr mri auult tr it iiin m mrv l li- r i hit ulti mr it h j v n mr ivkir wlii- mr illeeeer nr v havion iutt v ivmsr mn ra ml ruil built mr j koliiki trt 1 iiirjr 1utrr and mrs cornerstone laid for new million dollar building warden town reeve officiate monday bob bingham joins imounties in regina ttie cornerstone of walton county a naw 1000000 eou a lllaeuard at ceorgetoun iteuae an eevninittratten building wti aid monday afternoon by ommunit poo last lummrf ward will rid bird while unlwufi standing in a m of mud uj n departed for rr wetcked threugn tfce rein l iru saskatchewan this morn tl building situated en the bate line it a mere 500 verdi t hegin an elcen month zo0i gets tender for retarded school from a total of ala ttndara tka building cemmittaa of the north ha i ion attestation for retarded children will command to their eucu time lha acceptance of ih zeree conitruction co bid of tarty one thoutend and twenty eight dollar for tho centtruftiea ef the new ukeel iubet to the approval of the department ef education the buitdin0 en the seventh 1 line near hornby will be atarted within the neat throe weeki a completion date of june rrat la anticipated matimii mttr the rut lire a lunfh ml fcrrtrl dnstair lcal j iih rcli juts avtntrd in making i il rw lire i arlj vulh a dona li n of prura glass smashed on hotel door tworrrt ttive hr ip- prchended and charood nl connection with malicieut damaoe at the mcglbbe haiel main st n safunuy i s biliberrew taid the men had been tu in the beverao ream end kicked e gleta door in te retaliate polka taid the damage wit perpetrated at about j 10 pm the arretta were made later the tome day what council did parking discussion set for next monday a ditcuttton on drvrlop mrnt of tjrkiiil ii io ttir dmwiitown area will take plre at ttrit monda t rouit cil mrriinj tu wtik s 1 sikrr and a wiener n tri tt ntink i he dottntoun inrnrhanln avsoc ulinn asktd for kurli a hireling periling ditcuttiona tuvr 1e n ukiru iar f r tlie javt lui jr and il i the nierrriaiit plin in rn jlr iiuiitii im pjrkink an jt wtim h althotjkti the i n tnikht underwrtle itie r n teiuporanlv would he pji for hv ownen of benefitluii prtrpertiet lett year a h lav rerriefl to readnils hut hat ik ni delated hrxauv accorduik tn i rmmml spokesman il nrni some rrvwian inr iltiinhhnk hlock that fin mu tw rhargrd in tuch parkinfi h it and merrhanl w h parkin c tn he free but oc cord in to mr siher th fan he nmimvrntrd if mcicliinli autii la jjoy ill sudden rains could trigger flooding with obtervert ttalionad at iuii djnerf of floodinf twelve pointa along the cradit i iht r than at lrn williarnt end j river munlclpalittea oro pro terra tlta u in the llmrcb i paring for the pottible danger ille mnaxlowvale areaa of tpring flooding at writing time tho credit put al at clan william whare hood at the first hint of danger watara ciuud many retidanti la thu rar both llalton and ietl evacuate their hornet laat year tm rescue fum will be con- wat etlt for the mo it pjrt ice tadid and put oil he alert the covered but it a felt a heevy rnj inn rini di partinents will rain or a judden temparatura also be alerted but will not act hika could caute trouble the until the municipality being bett thing that could happen it iiihmii d rejiieu hrlp or the a continuation ef currant wee lo4inj rxtends into several ther condition with thawing munirtp litir jtabing place from lata morning it the coimt merjency to late afternoon and cooler mraturci forces are called w temperaturet hairing the bow it will coordinate effort of ef night locj1 fl mnt poller force at ma ir 11 j adam iveli will at the county engineering merenrv measure roord n deparlmenl lat r trld the count 1mo ixcal kmo coordinator eor rmmittee lavl urk that sol ce macaulav aaid trainee a lunteer rurr obamcra are keep the armour liave been briefed i i ib watch an i w ii alrrt fl to i n the posmbilitiri of tenoui ariunj hrjlijuartrrs in terra fl odinn and are prepared to tta of n chinges tlie take a hand u amine hradquartrra maintain we havo bead light eeu lev ied h the red i vallej tonter iment aumai and utt abouf ti n aiithunlv will in turn everything necettary here te nulifi lhc muiucipal cavcinjhandlo tueh n omergency he menu itald the herald uhlde ef mjifen in ktejueaing tewnthip contequonlly tor the lrf time in ever 100 yeart the town of milton will not be the w teat reeve jhn elliott acting at rop the former owner of the chairman for the eccation teid land wet called en una pec ted i the td turning wet one pie ly to ay a few wordt ho ttola tibinml program wtiich will fivialifv hn stable in m unledlulue tha ten ef mr and mi w j i at a 3rd clau con the roal canadian wau era now with the laying the ihow toying thl wet the i 21 hrwon crrsc hob the eernerttene we have roa i bett crop i raited in so yeer cd to become a mountir 7 eked enethar we can be 1ollowini the nrimonj a months ajoat hamilton a thankful he continued that imiffet luncheon wan lu id at raduate or rade 11 oorac tke people e helton end lit the milton inn where as town ih schnol hob paed mpleyeee ere not going to be thompsons inn tin first met i cramped in outdated facilities inc ot a ha ton toiint council much longer l held m ibw warden bird etlinod th h up taken by county ceuncd by mosy up te the awarding ef the corv tract te tepe conttruction co i the overnight parking by liw which it in effect from december is till march isth hat boon observed by e great maority of the cituant ac cording to the police depart while mott of the offend lro can were tegged e few who were obstructing mow removal equipment were tow end emmended the property committee ptt and peasant for their efforts he expressed hi regret at the ebterwe of mrtv mary pel tit who wet the chairman ef the property com mi i tee t the time of her death leal year for the benefit of future generations a copper box con uinine eopici of all the news pmpcrt who publnh or have of i fieri tn hallun county stamps i ofejl different denominations the llalton county crest prin o led rop i ei of minutes reports i end by laws of the eountv pho tofiraphi of the aod turninj ecr mony vottrt hits from each cminicipelily end gift of as j an 0mmum woman w ki sorted coins from the town of hilton were enclosed in the corner ilpne warden bird contributed a mra josephine kieryllck ege football for the hs ndmron rrs while there and thia venr ln been a kr man with jtin r it dixie beehives he was with ilrampton junior ii 7 lips last season and made a brief ap- p irance in a it udcr uniform at the completien of the rue d iriininn scheme hob will iply to he fctatimird on the he joint tom dobble jim rolls dioiki iftsqn john i impbell vic smith itoriie rannrr ccor cousens and hon oinhim at local men tn wear the scnrlcl blue and gold dies in ambulance after motor crash by mr wllr panmtn il ri d al lha cornr al mapla av i oauvllla whan it cojlldad anua and th 7lh lin saturday i w w mr lauranca lalanda f 33 mr jenphlnt klryllclc a cw s1 o h j 002 lllier dollar with a u 1 74 dlad in caargatawn volun wat cavad in by tha im daliltu that upon oprnlni ltl- ambulnc whl balng pact ailvor dollar bocomo tho prpnhad to caorgalown and dlt- mr klarylltk whata homa frly of the warden otllml time trkt mmorll hatpllal follow wat in albarta wat haying with i honour to townthlp ing car co thalhar daughter at it r 1 oak- in addition a copy of a rt intartktion which harden thavill luuon paued krlday hy k nlrt halton coif court she mr penman and mr lalonde a quriins council was adikd lilt- w pattengor in a car driven i received minor lnurltt retolullon stated that thtt founcll detiret to recouniie the 1 fa f a i i i i federal funds avatlvble- couttty hon oeu f qf ceeflj p sandy best halttfn s federal rn ember of parliament hai announcerj that he has written to mayor sargent outlining some detailed plans and information for canadas centennial in 1967 various municipalities may wish ttrplan local pro jects and events during that year and the federal government snow or and toordinating sucrtactlvlhes federal iwrtedwbir boou for titt fundsare auailable for certain propels particularly those meeting at developers home stirs council storm committee cancelled then met at heslops is councillors charge what he lermed a fact finding repom drawn up after meeting with north halton builders anoctetiorretld two i meetings with officials of delrex developments will b pre sented lo council next monday by plannlttg chairman rex cock cr cock explained that members of the planning and school boards a well as the town solicitor and auditor had met with the builders who asked early in the yeor for action to tolxae building problems in town twe daya be fort heard the word property t j tis- their now county buildinji the township and that this council ejcprcflies their apprcc 4ation the resolution was sifincd b all lsqucsins coun cillori tha warden attired in ions flowing purple wardens gown and silver chain of office alio lumowinii the layintt of the eoriierslono a rjedication serv ke wai conducted by the itcv john hill minlterlnhtt uni ted pburchoa of bethel horn by and aihgrove sendy boat 9ap and judge p goorgo blllott tpolte briefly fe th erou when tedha- of a lasting and permanent nature and each province has a coordinator through which these projects are correlated mayor getting copy a fedoral commissioner will soon be appointed mr ttost added to head up the governments plans for 1967 in september 1961 the canadian centennial act wai pased ky lh6 house of commons and a copy of this toge- theuiuiiis other information has been sent to the mayors of huon county r peter jones georgetown of shamrocks and little people saturdays the day for b wearing o the green foe those blessed to be born on the emerald isle or descended from a ton o erin and holy croii holy name society ireve devoted this years variety festival to those so fortunate by producing an irish rvianu delight to be staged saturday in the high school auditorium though tradition has it they do n fake kiitclv to be photographed these leprechauns betty such an 13 prince charles trlve and joe roberts 63 mill st were only too willing to stay visible while peter jones clicked the shutter theyre holding a globe ringed with shamrocks which symbolizes the irish all over the world the tele purpete ef myl committee wat te make a fact j finding itudy and compile e cr kmniemon ii the chair- cem plate report which will be ready next monday he aaid on march ftth a meeting had hern held with delrex rxrcu tie alio with the object of seeking possible propertj for public hnutinfi anil senior citi ten housing he continued and il was here that a major storm hlew up when cr jim emmertton asked you men tion a larch ftth meeting i came to the municipal office tn attend a planning meeting and was informed it had been called off i uondcr wh i uu o informed man thu meeting wat on tuesda night luo do before up met with a government man uho uas to till u about hous ing wh a meetlngefore we knew what we wanted to find out aniuercd the deputy rcec a query h fieee elliott about uhcre the meeting wu hi id broukht ct cock to hia feel there have been a let ef grots insinuations tonight he challenged i had hoped thl wouldnt come up end ita i wai told df the meeting very tore point with twe there but wasnt sure ef the time to it no necessity for me te make i phoned the office and no one a statement en my act lent i wat there said cr herrltoh took an oath of office that i then i get a call back te say would de my best for the m un it wat called eft licipelfty end i am living up te later i get another phone it call aaylng they were having a cr cock said he had hoped clluuasiem about hooting for anv such discussion could be enler cltlieni a subject dear private so animosltiei could te my heart te 1 made mytelf he aired freely available he continued what critics epect to ffaln this waa nothine to do withb thia i beyond my concept planning in one sense of the he added word it wu to ace what we could do about senior citizens housing rather than just to talk about it he concluded cr cock instead of letting the evening em to waste decided to do this and he should be com mnnded for it if this waa a discussion ahull property the property chairman fmnierson should have been invltod mapped deputy heqe hunter this wan planning an investigation only an idea so far answered cr har- rlsoti cr cock then explained that originally t a planning iwiard meeting had heen called on the tuesday nlght ive put a lot of time into ttiujnn d ad waebdapolttt where eertaln information la requlred which fa still confined to inv eommlttw we eouldn net the information before v 30 there waa one committee mem ber waiting and also a council lor who waa prepared to alt in we eouldnt convene a meeting so rtiwtlred lo cr btowna residence continued on page 1